Episode 333

You are a role model whether you think so or not | DFS 333

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Leaders are not born, they develop over time.

In this episode you will learn:

  • The Invisible Influence of Everyday Actions
  • Breaking Limiting Beliefs About Leadership
  • The Ripple Effect of Empowerment

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

I look forward to connecting with you soon,  Jennifer

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Jennifer, welcome to Destin for success.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm your host. Jennifer Takagi, and today I want to talk about

Jennifer Takagi:

something. Where are my notes? Nobody knows. Here they are. I

Jennifer Takagi:

want to talk about the fact that you are a role model, whether

Jennifer Takagi:

you want to be or not, or whether you think you are or

Jennifer Takagi:

not, you're being watched. Everybody's watching everything

Jennifer Takagi:

you do. I I had somebody in my office one time who never got

Jennifer Takagi:

selected for promotions, like things would come up, and this

Jennifer Takagi:

person was not selected. And one day, I happened to be speaking

Jennifer Takagi:

to another supervisor that she had shown up on their list to be

Jennifer Takagi:

promoted and never had. And I said, Hey, you know, is there

Jennifer Takagi:

any particular reason that this keeps happening? And the

Jennifer Takagi:

response was, I hear things around the office, how this

Jennifer Takagi:

person interacts with other people, and I just don't need

Jennifer Takagi:

that in my division. And I thought it was very interesting,

Jennifer Takagi:

because although we were somewhat of a small office. We

Jennifer Takagi:

were also very divided, very separate. Our work didn't

Jennifer Takagi:

always, you know, cross paths. So it was interesting to me that

Jennifer Takagi:

somebody like knew that, that they knew that, for me

Jennifer Takagi:

personally, one time there was a position I really wanted, there

Jennifer Takagi:

was a big reorganization going on, and there was this position

Jennifer Takagi:

I really wanted in the reorg, and the way they were doing it,

Jennifer Takagi:

I could just be slotted into it. I didn't have to apply or

Jennifer Takagi:

anything. I was just going to be moved over. It was a lateral

Jennifer Takagi:

transfer. And one day, a gentleman who again, worked at

Jennifer Takagi:

the other side of the building, came up to me and said, Hey, do

Jennifer Takagi:

you have a minute? Can we go talk in the conference room.

Jennifer Takagi:

Sure our offices were always very open. There was virtually

Jennifer Takagi:

no privacy anywhere. So we went in a conference room, and he

Jennifer Takagi:

said, I'm on the committee to help reassign people to where

Jennifer Takagi:

they're going to go, and I've really been advocating for you

Jennifer Takagi:

to have this one position. And I decided, before I went any

Jennifer Takagi:

further, I should ask you if you even want it. And I said, Yes.

Jennifer Takagi:

How did you know? And he said, Well, I didn't know for sure,

Jennifer Takagi:

but I just thought you'd be really good at it. And I was

Jennifer Takagi:

stunned, like, how did he even know what I did? Like we were

Jennifer Takagi:

opposite, into the building, we were in different departments,

Jennifer Takagi:

so that at a pretty young age of my career really showed me, told

Jennifer Takagi:

me, demonstrated that people know what you're doing, whether

Jennifer Takagi:

you're thinking that they're watching you or not. So you

Jennifer Takagi:

really are that role model. One time, I was flying to

Jennifer Takagi:

Washington, DC on Easter Sunday, because that was a good move.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I knew there had been tornados and storms overnight,

Jennifer Takagi:

but I didn't really check the weather, because I typically

Jennifer Takagi:

don't, and I was reading the Game of Thrones book series, and

Jennifer Takagi:

if you know anything about those books, or over 1000 pages a

Jennifer Takagi:

piece. So I I'm at the airport, and I have my Kindle, and I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

reading away. And I don't know at this point what time it is, I

Jennifer Takagi:

just everybody gets up and stands to get on this American

Jennifer Takagi:

Airlines flight to Dallas, and I just stand up with everybody

Jennifer Takagi:

else, and I don't really know what's going on, but I get in

Jennifer Takagi:

line, and one of the gate agents comes up and hands me a little

Jennifer Takagi:

card, and I said, Oh, I'm sorry. What is this for? And she said,

Jennifer Takagi:

there was a tornado in Dallas this morning, and most of the

Jennifer Takagi:

flights have been delayed, and your our flight out of Oklahoma

Jennifer Takagi:

City is late, so you might miss your flight. You need to call

Jennifer Takagi:

this 800 number. Oh, okay, so I call the 800 number, and it's

Jennifer Takagi:

very pleasant. Person says, Oh, you've been rebooked at 7:30pm

Jennifer Takagi:

and I said, Oh, great. Okay, thanks. And I hung up. So I get

Jennifer Takagi:

to Dallas, and I'm supposed to, this is before everything was so

Jennifer Takagi:

automated. I'm supposed to get in the customer service line and

Jennifer Takagi:

get a new boarding pass. So I stand in this long line and

Jennifer Takagi:

people are upset, and it's Easter Sunday, and they're

Jennifer Takagi:

trying to get home, or they're trying to go visit somebody.

Jennifer Takagi:

It's just crazy. I just, I never knew Easter Sunday was such a

Jennifer Takagi:

big travel day. So I'm standing in line, and it's finally my

Jennifer Takagi:

turn, and this whole time I'm reading this book, I'm just like

Jennifer Takagi:

engrossed, and I get to the ticket agent, very nice man, and

Jennifer Takagi:

I. Did my boarding pass, and I said, I'm going to be your

Jennifer Takagi:

easiest customer all day. I just need you to print me a new

Jennifer Takagi:

boarding pass for my 730 flight tonight. And he goes, Oh, okay,

Jennifer Takagi:

clickety, clickety, click. You can hear him click it away on

Jennifer Takagi:

the keyboard. And he said, ma'am. Your your flight is for

Jennifer Takagi:

tomorrow at 730 Not tonight. You know it? Oh well, I'm no longer

Jennifer Takagi:

your nicest, best passenger, because I have to be at a

Jennifer Takagi:

meeting in the morning at 10 o'clock in Washington, DC. So I

Jennifer Takagi:

need, I need a flight today. And he went, I don't know, clickety,

Jennifer Takagi:

click, clickity, click, and he goes, I have you on a flight at

Jennifer Takagi:

1030 tonight. And he hit print. I had a ticket, and I got to

Jennifer Takagi:

Washington, DC at like, you know, one or two in the morning

Jennifer Takagi:

and but I made my meeting on time. I'm pretty sure if I had

Jennifer Takagi:

gone up to that desk and acted a fool and been a brat, I probably

Jennifer Takagi:

wouldn't have gotten that boarding pass, and I'm never

Jennifer Takagi:

going to know, but I hope that my actions and being cool and

Jennifer Takagi:

calm and a little bit humorous and light hearted about the

Jennifer Takagi:

situation might have helped somebody else. As it is, I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

about to go on a flight in the next day, and there's an ice

Jennifer Takagi:

storm in Dallas, and there, it hadn't happened yet, but three

Jennifer Takagi:

days before my flight, they started saying this is going to

Jennifer Takagi:

happen. You might want to change your arrangements. So I call

Jennifer Takagi:

American Airlines, and this guy's like, and it was like,

Jennifer Takagi:

Well, I'm I'm flying on Friday through Dallas, and they're

Jennifer Takagi:

supposed to be an ice storm. And if you're from any part of the

Jennifer Takagi:

world where you don't get ice storms, you may not understand

Jennifer Takagi:

this, but like, when it's ice you can't do anything about it.

Jennifer Takagi:

We don't get it often enough. We don't have appropriate

Jennifer Takagi:

equipment, and it's dangerous. You just your car, your

Jennifer Takagi:

airplane, they just kind of do their own thing because it's

Jennifer Takagi:

ice. It is not snow. There's no traction being had by anybody.

Jennifer Takagi:

So I didn't know about that, and he's just kind of clicking some

Jennifer Takagi:

buttons and, well, I could reroute you through Charlotte.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm trying to get to Florida. I can reroute you through

Jennifer Takagi:

Charlotte. Oh, wait, they're supposed to have storms too. And

Jennifer Takagi:

he's, he's just like, there's no enthusiasm. And finally, I said,

Jennifer Takagi:

Well, what if I flew on a different day? And he goes, Oh,

Jennifer Takagi:

well, let me see what I've got. Can you fly on Thursday? Do you

Jennifer Takagi:

want morning? Afternoon? Do you want an aisle? Do you want a

Jennifer Takagi:

window? And all of a sudden, he's really friendly, and I

Jennifer Takagi:

can't help but think it was because he knows he's going to

Jennifer Takagi:

get hammered with calls, with people throwing fence because

Jennifer Takagi:

their flights are delayed, they're canceled, whatever. But

Jennifer Takagi:

I just hung with him until he was willing to, you know, up his

Jennifer Takagi:

game and be friendly. It wasn't that he was rude before, but he

Jennifer Takagi:

wasn't friendly and happy about it. So we we don't know who

Jennifer Takagi:

we're impacting or how, but we carry ourselves, we put off into

Jennifer Takagi:

the world how we are, like, there are people, you know

Jennifer Takagi:

instantaneously, they're in a mood. I had a boss. I could tell

Jennifer Takagi:

by the steps it was going to be a rough day. It's going to be a

Jennifer Takagi:

rough one. Like, I could hear it in the the steps, the the

Jennifer Takagi:

heaviness of the steps. Uh, other days I'd be like, Oh, it's

Jennifer Takagi:

probably going to be a pretty good day. That sounds pretty

Jennifer Takagi:

good. You can pick up on people's emotions and what's

Jennifer Takagi:

going on, and you can also impact other people's emotions

Jennifer Takagi:

and how they're feeling in the world. And we forget that we're

Jennifer Takagi:

role modeling all the time. You don't have to have a title, you

Jennifer Takagi:

don't have to have a position, you don't have to have a team

Jennifer Takagi:

that's following you. People are watching. They know what's going

Jennifer Takagi:

on. I saw this really firsthand, when a couple of people in

Jennifer Takagi:

higher management positions were not following rules, and their

Jennifer Takagi:

employees, they were watching, and they built a case and and

Jennifer Takagi:

those supervisors in one case fired and was found guilty in a

Jennifer Takagi:

federal court and did prison time, and The other one was

Jennifer Takagi:

given the opportunity to retire early and go or be fired, and he

Jennifer Takagi:

retired early. So people were watching.

Jennifer Takagi:

They think, oh, nobody's really noticing me or what's going on.

Jennifer Takagi:

People are watching. You're influencing them. You don't have

Jennifer Takagi:

to have a title to have a powerful impact on people. Mm.

Jennifer Takagi:

And they recognize it, and they notice it. I was called in one

Jennifer Takagi:

day and told that I was being given a temporary promotion, and

Jennifer Takagi:

I was shocked. I didn't even know they were going to fill it,

Jennifer Takagi:

much less put me in the position. And they had a staff

Jennifer Takagi:

meeting to announce it, and one of the ladies that was now going

Jennifer Takagi:

to be on my team, I was now the supervisor, said you couldn't

Jennifer Takagi:

have picked a better person like I'm so glad you chose her.

Jennifer Takagi:

She'll she'll have the attitude and mentality to to keep this

Jennifer Takagi:

all moving forward and going. And I was shocked, send and

Jennifer Takagi:

thrilled and honored, because I tried to carry myself with a

Jennifer Takagi:

level of professionalism, with a whole lot of humor and sarcasm

Jennifer Takagi:

involved. But I tried to do the right thing and and get my work

Jennifer Takagi:

done, and, you know, basically, be a good steward with the

Jennifer Takagi:

position I was in, and I went on and I was a supervisor, I don't

Jennifer Takagi:

know, eight or nine years before I retired, and like, I got a lot

Jennifer Takagi:

of satisfaction out of that. I really enjoyed leading people

Jennifer Takagi:

and being in a an actual position versus just a quasi

Jennifer Takagi:

position, because I ended up leading a lot of teams and a lot

Jennifer Takagi:

of projects without the title. And you can and you should,

Jennifer Takagi:

like, we're all called to leadership of some sort, and it

Jennifer Takagi:

just depends on where it is. Is it in your kids school? Is it in

Jennifer Takagi:

your office? Is it in your church? Is it in your

Jennifer Takagi:

neighborhood, your neighborhood association? Those need a lot of

Jennifer Takagi:

help. I'm not active in mine at all, but there are people that

Jennifer Takagi:

are and I'm happy for that, but people are watching you. They

Jennifer Takagi:

know what's going on, and they see how you show up and when you

Jennifer Takagi:

choose to leave yourself with integrity and schedule your day

Jennifer Takagi:

your life, whether it's a tight scheduler, a flexible schedule.

Jennifer Takagi:

It doesn't really matter, but when you live up to the things

Jennifer Takagi:

that you say you're you're going to do, other people notice and

Jennifer Takagi:

other people see it, and if they weren't thinking they were going

Jennifer Takagi:

to do it, it empowers them to make that choice. When I was in

Jennifer Takagi:

high school, I just took the next class. I never thought of

Jennifer Takagi:

it any other way. I just took the next class. I was in seventh

Jennifer Takagi:

grade, I took seventh grade math. I was in eighth grade, I

Jennifer Takagi:

took eighth grade math. I was in ninth grade, I took Algebra One.

Jennifer Takagi:

I was in 10th grade, I took geometry. I was a junior, I took

Jennifer Takagi:

Algebra Two. My senior year, I took trig, Algebra three. What

Jennifer Takagi:

nobody bothered to tell me is, I think after geometry, I didn't

Jennifer Takagi:

need any more math, like I could graduate high school at that

Jennifer Takagi:

point. But I didn't know. I just the other people in the school

Jennifer Takagi:

that I was friends with, and they were super smart, way

Jennifer Takagi:

smarter than me. They were taking these classes, and I just

Jennifer Takagi:

took the next class and the next class and the next class, I was

Jennifer Takagi:

following them, and they were being leaders, and it led me to

Jennifer Takagi:

take all the classes I needed to be able to get into college. I

Jennifer Takagi:

don't I didn't know any different. I just took the next

Jennifer Takagi:

class because I was doing what my friends and other people

Jennifer Takagi:

around me were do, are doing and were doing. So you create a

Jennifer Takagi:

ripple effect, and and people see it, and they take notice.

Jennifer Takagi:

And the question is, how do you want to show up in the world?

Jennifer Takagi:

You're being watched. You're setting an example. But you have

Jennifer Takagi:

the ability to choose right now, how you want to show up, how you

Jennifer Takagi:

want to show up in the world, how you want to show up for your

Jennifer Takagi:

family, for your partner, your kids, your relatives, like who

Jennifer Takagi:

do you want to be? How do you want to show up? I was teaching

Jennifer Takagi:

a class for the great state of Oklahoma, and it was a

Jennifer Takagi:

leadership class, and at the first break, this woman came up

Jennifer Takagi:

to me, she was in tears, and she was like, I'm a terrible

Jennifer Takagi:

supervisor. I'm just the worst I'm not doing any of this stuff.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I said, it's okay, you have the ability to do better

Jennifer Takagi:

tomorrow. And thankfully, most of us do have an opportunity

Jennifer Takagi:

tomorrow to do better and to be better. And in one of those

Jennifer Takagi:

classes, somebody put on the evaluation. I think she thought

Jennifer Takagi:

she was being very negative, but she put she's just too perky for

Jennifer Takagi:

me. About me, and I thought, I'll take it. I'll take it. I'll

Jennifer Takagi:

take perky, rather than being Eeyore and gloom and doom trying

Jennifer Takagi:

to teach a class and keep people's attention, that was

Jennifer Takagi:

even a two day class, so two solid days of me. It's a lot

Jennifer Takagi:

people. I'm just telling you. And I'm glad I kept them there.

Jennifer Takagi:

I had 36 people in that class, I think, and for two solid days,

Jennifer Takagi:

and most of everybody else appreciated the perkiness, and

Jennifer Takagi:

then I was upbeat versus let's go through the material. So it's

Jennifer Takagi:

your choice. How do you want to show up, you are a role model.

Jennifer Takagi:

If you didn't know it, I just told you, boom, you're a role

Jennifer Takagi:

model. I just I deem you that because you are and you get to

Jennifer Takagi:

choose how you want to show up, if you would like a little help

Jennifer Takagi:

with this and finding out, like, where you might be able to do a

Jennifer Takagi:

little bit better, have a little more focus, book a discovery

Jennifer Takagi:

call. The link's in the chat, not in the chat. I'm so used to

Jennifer Takagi:

chatting in zoom rooms. Uh, the link is in the show notes.

Jennifer Takagi:

You're already on your phone, so you can click the link and book

Jennifer Takagi:

a call. Um, also get my 12 minute gift. And it's 12 minute

Jennifer Takagi:

gift. Com, Anna, I have an audio series on 12 minutes to win, I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

Jennifer Takagi, and I look forward to connecting with you

Jennifer Takagi:

soon. I'll stop the video at some point, like if only hope.

About the Podcast

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Destined For Success
Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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About your host

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.