Episode 334

How One Woman's Intuition Led Her to Empathy, EQ and Evolution of Leadership | DFS 334

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. Tabatha Jones shares how having a strategy will make you promotion ready - no matter your field!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Get out of your own way!
  • Identify & Clarify your unique value

Who is Tabatha Jones?

I’m a Career Advancement & Leadership Coach with over 20 years of leadership experience in corporate America. Like many, I once spent 10 years in the same role, taking on more responsibilities without any title change or salary increase—thinking that hard work alone would eventually lead to a promotion. Spoiler alert: It didn’t.

The turning point came when I realized the true barrier to my career growth was a lack of strategy. Working harder wasn’t the answer; working smarter was.

Once I applied these new strategies, my career took off: 🚀 Secured 2 promotions within 1 year, including a 19% salary increase over an initial offer of 4% 🚀 Advocated for an interview I wasn’t even considered for—and landed the promotion by impressing a panel of 7 VPs 🚀 Achieved 4 promotions in less than 10 years, including negotiating an Executive Director title and salary.

If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and start getting results, DM me with the word "Empowered" on LinkedIn to learn how you can finally take control of your career and get promotion-ready in 3 months.

Website:  https://www.empowered-leader.com/

LinkedIN:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/tabatha-jones-4485854/

If you are ready to start reaching your goals instead of simply dreaming about it, start today with 12minutegift.com

Buy your copy of the the Best Selling Book, 12 Minutes to Success on Amazon:  https://a.co/d/beBleiW  

 Grab your FREE meditation:  Reduce Your Anxiety MEDITATION

Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

I look forward to connecting with you soon,  Jennifer

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

I love it. Welcome to Destin for success.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm your host, Jennifer Takagi, and today we have another

Jennifer Takagi:

amazing guest. We have Tabitha Jones, and today she's going to

Jennifer Takagi:

talk about promotion ready, proven strategies for career

Jennifer Takagi:

success, and her new book that's out, promotion ready in three

Jennifer Takagi:

months, the Women's Guide to career advancement. Tabitha,

Jennifer Takagi:

thanks for being on the show.

Tabatha Jones:

Thank you for having me. Jennifer, I am so

Tabatha Jones:

excited to talk to you and your audience today.

Jennifer Takagi:

Ah, me too. So how did you get into this? Did

Jennifer Takagi:

you come from corporate, I'm assuming, and then step into

Jennifer Takagi:

this new role? Because promotion ready that would have like, this

Jennifer Takagi:

would have been like manna from heaven, words I was dying to

Jennifer Takagi:


Tabatha Jones:

right? Oh my gosh, yes. I came from

Tabatha Jones:

corporate. I spent a really long time there, but more than 20

Tabatha Jones:

years of my career, I was climbing the ladder. And I tell

Tabatha Jones:

you, if there was a promotion readiness fairy, I could have

Tabatha Jones:

used her at any point in my career. So I thought, You know

Tabatha Jones:

what? Think I'm going to become that person. And so a little bit

Tabatha Jones:

just about my background in corporate, and where this came

Tabatha Jones:

in is I had been promoted to a project manager role, and I

Tabatha Jones:

stayed in that role for 10 years, I had a project manager

Tabatha Jones:

title. I was leading three teams of people. I was leading major

Tabatha Jones:

projects, including one of the largest billing system

Tabatha Jones:

conversions, which is a bagel coding project in the history of

Tabatha Jones:

the company and the vendor. I was doing all kinds of things

Tabatha Jones:

and working on my degree, thinking that I just need to be

Tabatha Jones:

a little more perfect, and then somebody's going to notice and

Tabatha Jones:

they're going to magically promote me stories we tell

Tabatha Jones:

ourselves, right? She's coming. It's going to happen. My boss is

Tabatha Jones:

just going to be like, hey, Tabitha, we've got this great

Tabatha Jones:

thing for you. And believe it or not, it didn't happen that way,

Tabatha Jones:

so it's so, it's so. About 10 years in, we went through a

Tabatha Jones:

reorg. And during that reorg, if you've ever been familiarized

Tabatha Jones:

with the telecom tech industry, there are a lot of reorgs. I had

Tabatha Jones:

been through a lot, but this one, I had to reapply for my

Tabatha Jones:

job. And what I did is I looked at all the job postings that

Tabatha Jones:

were out there and realized I was already doing more than the

Tabatha Jones:

next level up required. And I said, Well, what are we doing

Tabatha Jones:

here? So I applied for it, and I went to the interview, and I did

Tabatha Jones:

great, because I got offered the promotion to manager billing

Tabatha Jones:

systems manager, and I was offered a whopping 4% pay

Tabatha Jones:

increase with that change, and that was the day. I said, Hell

Tabatha Jones:

no, I'm done with this. This is not happening. I said, Thank

Tabatha Jones:

you, but no, thank you. And I walked

Tabatha Jones:

out. Okay, then go ahead.

Jennifer Takagi:

I've had this conversation with a girlfriend

Jennifer Takagi:

of mine multiple times. How if there are 10 quality ranking

Jennifer Takagi:

factors for a job position like you need these 10 things to

Jennifer Takagi:

apply? If a man has two, maybe three, they'll go, oh, yeah, I

Jennifer Takagi:

can do that job and apply. And women look at it and say, Oh, I

Jennifer Takagi:

only have eight of those. I can't apply. Is that part of

Jennifer Takagi:

this culture?

Tabatha Jones:

It's very much a part of the corporate culture.

Tabatha Jones:

It is most of the women I work with are Gen X, so that 45 to

Tabatha Jones:

early 60s, kind of age range it, I think, was beaten into us at a

Tabatha Jones:

young age, that you've got to be perfect. You can't put yourself

Tabatha Jones:

out there, you can't make a mistake, you can't you don't

Tabatha Jones:

want to look stupid. So make sure you meet all those

Tabatha Jones:

requirements, and you're absolutely right. I think the

Tabatha Jones:

statistic is that men will apply if they have 40 to 60% of the

Tabatha Jones:

qualifications. Women will wait until they're 100% qualified.

Tabatha Jones:

Yes, and that's kind of where I was heading, right? It just

Tabatha Jones:

didn't. Eventually I'll have everything I need to get

Tabatha Jones:


Jennifer Takagi:

well, and so job 10 years because you didn't

Jennifer Takagi:

have 10 things right to apply for the next promotion

Tabatha Jones:

Exactly. Oh, I just need a degree. Oh, I need

Tabatha Jones:

experience and leadership. Oh, I need to do this. And just kept

Tabatha Jones:

working so hard. And what happened when I turned the job

Tabatha Jones:

down is within less than a half an hour, it was probably 1520

Tabatha Jones:

minutes, I was called into the CFOs office, and she sat me down

Tabatha Jones:

and said, Well, we were really expecting you to accept that

Tabatha Jones:

offer. We don't have anyone else as qualified as you for this

Tabatha Jones:

position. Here are the reasons why. So she starts telling me

Tabatha Jones:

all of the reasons I'm valuable, which I. Was a great light bulb

Tabatha Jones:

moment. And she said her exact words were, what will it take to

Tabatha Jones:

make this offer palatable? We want you in the role. And I,

Tabatha Jones:

having never negotiated for anything in my life, said I

Tabatha Jones:

would like a senior manager title, because I'm already doing

Tabatha Jones:

more than the job requires, and I would like a 15% pay increase.

Tabatha Jones:

And she smiled and said, I assume you mean on top of the 4%

Tabatha Jones:

we've already offered. And I said, Absolutely no. And

Tabatha Jones:

hindsight, right? It was like, no, yes, hindsight, I wish I'd

Tabatha Jones:

asked for more, because her answer came back really fast. So

Tabatha Jones:

there definitely was some knowledge and wiggle room in

Tabatha Jones:

there, I could have negotiated better, but what I learned from

Tabatha Jones:

that is that there is strategy to promotions. It's not hiding

Tabatha Jones:

behind your desk and working your butt off every single day

Tabatha Jones:

and hoping to God somebody notices and magically promotes

Tabatha Jones:

you. That happens, but it's pretty rare. It's more about

Tabatha Jones:

taking really proactive and strategic actions. Part of that

Tabatha Jones:

comes with knowing who you are, understanding your unique value

Tabatha Jones:

to the organization, and part of it has to do with getting

Tabatha Jones:

uncomfortable. You're comfortable doing the work

Tabatha Jones:

you're familiar with, maybe not so comfortable putting yourself

Tabatha Jones:

into a room full of people and speaking on a topic that is

Tabatha Jones:

maybe not your strongest, strongest strength. So it

Tabatha Jones:

there's definitely some strategy to getting yourself positioned

Tabatha Jones:

and and pushing for what you want.

Jennifer Takagi:

So did you at what point did you leave

Jennifer Takagi:

corporate like so you got your senior position with your 19%

Jennifer Takagi:

pay increase? I did

Tabatha Jones:

well, I stayed a little longer. So what happened

Tabatha Jones:

from there is I realized all the light bulbs, all the strategy,

Tabatha Jones:

all the things I should have, would have, could have been

Tabatha Jones:

doing, I started doing them, and that led to it was a total of

Tabatha Jones:

four promotions over the next 10 years. So I had promoted into

Tabatha Jones:

that senior billing manager role. We then went through

Tabatha Jones:

another re org, and I negotiated for a promotion to a director

Tabatha Jones:

role over part of our West Division team. And that one was

Tabatha Jones:

interesting, because I wasn't initially given an opportunity

Tabatha Jones:

to interview. But as I was hearing from others who were

Tabatha Jones:

already directors, who were already interviewing, I thought,

Tabatha Jones:

You know what? Today's the day. So I reached out to the hiring

Tabatha Jones:

manager and asked for a conversation. And during that

Tabatha Jones:

conversation, which she obviously accepted, I shared my

Tabatha Jones:

unique value. I shared with her my accomplishments and my

Tabatha Jones:

success. As women, we forget that our HR record doesn't house

Tabatha Jones:

all of that information. My HR record showed I had been a

Tabatha Jones:

project manager for 10 years, a senior billing systems manager

Tabatha Jones:

for 10 months, and she can't possibly be ready for a

Tabatha Jones:

director. She hasn't even been a senior manager for 10 years. You

Tabatha Jones:

know, not sorry, not 10 years, not even a full year. But when I

Tabatha Jones:

spoke to the hiring manager, I said, what you don't know about

Tabatha Jones:

me is I already was doing the work of a senior manager. So

Tabatha Jones:

though, on paper, it's been 10 months, in reality, it's been

Tabatha Jones:

more than five or six years, and as we had that great

Tabatha Jones:

conversation, she was really wonderful. She said, there's

Tabatha Jones:

absolutely a spot for you on the team. We see you in a senior

Tabatha Jones:

manager role. And I just said, Listen, I've done that. I am

Tabatha Jones:

either moving up, I am moving over to a different department

Tabatha Jones:

to get more experience, or I'm moving out of this company, but

Tabatha Jones:

I'm not planning to apply for a senior manager role. So a few

Tabatha Jones:

short days later, I found myself on an airplane headed to Denver

Tabatha Jones:

where I interviewed with seven vice presidents for the job that

Tabatha Jones:

I landed, which was that director role. Then through

Tabatha Jones:

working hard and doing a lot of really cool things with my team,

Tabatha Jones:

having great employee culture survey scores and other fabulous

Tabatha Jones:

results that I could talk about all day, but I'm sure you all

Tabatha Jones:

don't care. I was promoted to senior director, and then my

Tabatha Jones:

last role was yet another reorg, and my team was going from a

Tabatha Jones:

Division team into a corporate team, so going from leading

Tabatha Jones:

seven states of employees to 40 some odd states, staying based

Tabatha Jones:

in California. Thankfully, the expectation was that I would

Tabatha Jones:

just come over with my title as is and my pay as is, and they

Tabatha Jones:

would just work it out later. And so bless their hearts, maybe

Tabatha Jones:

let's not do that. So taking my strategies once again, I reached

Tabatha Jones:

out to the head of the department, who happened to be

Tabatha Jones:

the controller of the company, and asked for some time, and

Tabatha Jones:

then had a very candid conversation, bringing in my

Tabatha Jones:

successes and accomplishments, bringing in why I deserved a

Tabatha Jones:

promotion and a pay increase. Comparing the titles of other

Tabatha Jones:

people who were coming into similar roles with the title

Tabatha Jones:

that I had, and that turned into a promotion to executive

Tabatha Jones:

director with an additional pay increase. And the best part of

Tabatha Jones:

that is not only did it get me what I wanted, but it also

Tabatha Jones:

brought up other women who are in senior director and director

Tabatha Jones:

roles, because you can't change one. You gotta change them all.

Tabatha Jones:

And so it worked out for others. It really opened the door and

Tabatha Jones:

getting in there and advocating.

Jennifer Takagi:

I think that the one thing that I would have

Jennifer Takagi:

been very hesitant, slash fearful of just because I had

Jennifer Takagi:

never done it would be that courageous piece of but this is

Jennifer Takagi:

what I bring to the party, and this is why you should care. So

Jennifer Takagi:

I don't want to derail the conversation if this is too

Jennifer Takagi:

early to bring it up, but I'm very curious if in your current

Jennifer Takagi:

business, if that's something you work with your clients, on,

Jennifer Takagi:

is having the courage to have the conversation? Yes,

Tabatha Jones:

absolutely, that is a great question. And what is

Tabatha Jones:

so important is we're so afraid women will play small and stay

Tabatha Jones:

quiet and try to make everybody like them. We're so worried

Tabatha Jones:

about it a man, isn't I write. I love this book. It's called

Tabatha Jones:

Brave, not perfect, and it talks about how men are not afraid of

Tabatha Jones:

making mistakes, but women were like, oh gosh, we gotta make

Tabatha Jones:

sure we don't make that mistake. And so it holds us back. It

Tabatha Jones:

makes us not feel like we can talk about our accomplishments.

Tabatha Jones:

And the question I'm asked most often is, but doesn't that sound

Tabatha Jones:

cocky? So I'll work with women and get them to talk about their

Tabatha Jones:

accomplishments, have them practice saying it and then, but

Tabatha Jones:

doesn't that sound cocky? Like my friend? I can assure you that

Tabatha Jones:

Joseph down the hall. Doesn't even think about asking that

Tabatha Jones:

question. He's out talking about it. In fact, he might even be

Tabatha Jones:

taking credit for the work you just did with him, because

Tabatha Jones:

you're not in the room presenting your piece of the

Tabatha Jones:

work and sharing your value. And it's really amazing to work with

Tabatha Jones:

women, some of them in their job search. I'm going to use that as

Tabatha Jones:

a great example, because I hear a lot of well, I'm not really

Tabatha Jones:

sure what I do. I can tell you what my team does, but I'm not

Tabatha Jones:

really sure what I do. And once we flush it out, and I get it

Tabatha Jones:

written into this really beautiful professional summary,

Tabatha Jones:

sometimes I'll ask that woman to close her eyes while I read her

Tabatha Jones:

professional summary to her. And we start with the shoulders up

Tabatha Jones:

high and the oh my gosh, what's going to come out? And then

Tabatha Jones:

pretty soon you see the relaxed face and the smile and the

Tabatha Jones:

shoulders coming down, and the Oh my gosh. That's me. Yeah,

Tabatha Jones:

that's you. You just forgot. You forget to take credit for

Tabatha Jones:

things. You forget how amazing you are. And as women, most of

Tabatha Jones:

us are list checker offers. Just get the list done right, do all

Tabatha Jones:

the things we don't stop and think about the impact of the

Tabatha Jones:

work that we've done. What was the benefit to the business? How

Tabatha Jones:

did you improve? Maybe an employee help an employee

Tabatha Jones:

improve their performance? How did you you know, whatever it

Tabatha Jones:

is, what does that one little thing that you did, that you

Tabatha Jones:

just checked the box and moved on, how did that play out?

Tabatha Jones:

What's the big picture? And so I love reflection time, taking

Tabatha Jones:

time to think about that stuff

Jennifer Takagi:

as an entrepreneur. And a lot of the

Jennifer Takagi:

listeners of this podcast are entrepreneurs, but one of the

Jennifer Takagi:

hardest lessons for me, because I have gone into corporations

Jennifer Takagi:

and government agencies and conferences and done breakout

Jennifer Takagi:

sessions and training sessions, is how much value to put On my

Jennifer Takagi:

time for doing the work, and it's like, oh, wait, but, but,

Jennifer Takagi:

but. And very early on, I I was advised, I guess I will say,

Jennifer Takagi:

that if you go in and you do a training for 10 of the top

Jennifer Takagi:

managers of that corporation, and you transform them into

Jennifer Takagi:

being better leaders, that is going to have a ripple effect

Jennifer Takagi:

and impact throughout the whole organization. So you're not just

Jennifer Takagi:

getting paid so many dollars an hour. You're paying for the

Jennifer Takagi:

impact, and that impact comes with all of the experience that

Jennifer Takagi:

you have to have these conversations. And I think the

Jennifer Takagi:

last corporate thing that actually was a government entity

Jennifer Takagi:

that I applied for and I sent down my, you know, he said, Send

Jennifer Takagi:

me your proposal. And I sent the proposal, and I was to include

Jennifer Takagi:

my travel. All. And he said, but you can fly on Southwest

Jennifer Takagi:

Airlines for $49 and I said, but I'm not going to. And he said, I

Jennifer Takagi:

can't believe you're going to charge $100 a person on top of

Jennifer Takagi:

your fee. And I said, I've got to pay for the assessments. And

Jennifer Takagi:

in the end, I didn't get the job. I didn't do it, but I

Jennifer Takagi:

decided the money really wasn't worth it, if he wasn't going to

Jennifer Takagi:

value what I was bringing to the party. I had years of government

Jennifer Takagi:

experience. I didn't know their agency, but they're not that

Jennifer Takagi:

different, right? There's all kinds of bureaucracy and red

Jennifer Takagi:

tape involved, and you've gotta step up and be the best leader

Jennifer Takagi:

you can be. So I don't know what they ever ended up doing for

Jennifer Takagi:

that, but like, he wanted me to get up at four in the morning

Jennifer Takagi:

and fly on Southwest Airlines to try to get there and go straight

Jennifer Takagi:

in and train his team all day. And I was like, Nah,

Tabatha Jones:

yeah, no, thank you. I'm with you, and you don't

Tabatha Jones:

want me in a room if I've been up traveling since 4am because

Tabatha Jones:

it's not going to go well for anybody.

Jennifer Takagi:

No, I'm a sleeper. Four comes once a day,

Jennifer Takagi:

and that's a pm for me, right?

Tabatha Jones:

Agree? Oh my gosh, so good. And it's true.

Tabatha Jones:

You know,

Jennifer Takagi:

you've got you gotta take credit for the impact

Jennifer Takagi:

you make, because you, you feel like you're just impacting this

Jennifer Takagi:

little team, but this quote, little team, that's like an air

Jennifer Takagi:

quote thing that little team is, is creating a huge impact on the

Jennifer Takagi:

company at large, right? Whichever piece it is, they're

Jennifer Takagi:

there for a really phenomenal reason. So, yeah,

Tabatha Jones:

absolutely. And you know it's so as a as an

Tabatha Jones:

owner of my own business now too, it is easy to kind of go,

Tabatha Jones:

Well, wait what? When somebody now says, well, we seem kind of

Tabatha Jones:

expensive. And like, Well, okay, let's back it up a little bit. I

Tabatha Jones:

mean, I've had clients. I would say one of the lower ROI is

Tabatha Jones:

about $15,000 higher end is well over $100,000 you know,

Tabatha Jones:

depending on their journey. Is it a job search? Is it

Tabatha Jones:

leadership growth? Is it, you know, recently, I've talked to a

Tabatha Jones:

couple of entrepreneurs and getting their businesses

Tabatha Jones:

straightened out. And, you know, stop following the shiny things,

Tabatha Jones:

getting them on track with the things that actually will build

Tabatha Jones:

their business. So you're absolutely right, that value can

Tabatha Jones:

be questioned. And if you're not strong in your value and knowing

Tabatha Jones:

your own worth, it's a lot easier for people to challenge

Tabatha Jones:

it. Yeah,

Jennifer Takagi:

yeah, oh my gosh, that's great. Okay, so at

Jennifer Takagi:

what point did you decide to walk away from corporate and

Jennifer Takagi:

help other women, like as your own business, versus in your

Jennifer Takagi:

corporate setting.

Tabatha Jones:

Wow. So I'm going to take you back to 2018 I was

Tabatha Jones:

sitting in this conference. It was a leadership but when

Tabatha Jones:

leading with power and authenticity conference, and I

Tabatha Jones:

kept hearing this little voice in the back of my head with, why

Tabatha Jones:

aren't you up there leading this? What are you doing? And I

Tabatha Jones:

went through all the imposter syndrome stuff, right? Well, you

Tabatha Jones:

don't have a master's degree. They've been doing this

Tabatha Jones:

internationally. They've done blah blah and so all the

Tabatha Jones:

comparison that comes with imposter syndrome. And I came

Tabatha Jones:

back and I couldn't shake that feeling, so I decided, You know

Tabatha Jones:

what, I'll hire a business coach. I'll start on the side.

Tabatha Jones:

I'll go through the legalities with my company make sure

Tabatha Jones:

everything's good whatever. I loved coaching in my business or

Tabatha Jones:

in my career, the paperwork, the data, not so much, which was

Tabatha Jones:

weird. I led technical teams, but no. Thanks anyway. So back

Tabatha Jones:

to that. So then I did it for a couple of years. And as you may

Tabatha Jones:

know, and many of your listeners probably know, it's hard to do

Tabatha Jones:

both. It's hard to focus on both. And so we got to 2019 and

Tabatha Jones:

I told my husband, I think I'm putting my job next year. And he

Tabatha Jones:

thought I was insane. And I said, Now I'm pretty sure I'm

Tabatha Jones:

leaving my job next year. So I went, got through it, kept

Tabatha Jones:

working. The reorganization happened at the end of 2019

Tabatha Jones:

early 2020 we all know where we went in March of 2020 and I

Tabatha Jones:

went, Wow, we're going to back up a little bit. We're going to

Tabatha Jones:

stick around just a little longer. But this pandemic, you

Tabatha Jones:

know, these couple days of lockdown blow over and get my

Tabatha Jones:

team settled, do the best thing for them. And it was really

Tabatha Jones:

great just building that structure and getting my team

Tabatha Jones:

set for success. I decided later in 2020, it was time. 50, it's

Tabatha Jones:

time if I don't do it now, I'm never going to do it, and then

Tabatha Jones:

I'm going to regret it. And I thought, Okay, I'm going to let

Tabatha Jones:

my husband know in December, hey, when my bonus pays out,

Tabatha Jones:

when my stock options best I'm out. I'll be leaving after q1

Tabatha Jones:

and he did his you know, all husbands do well. Are you sure

Tabatha Jones:

that's what you really want to do? You love your job. You did

Tabatha Jones:

it. And I do love most of my job. I don't love some of my

Tabatha Jones:

job. So yes, I'm absolutely doing this. And then I kind of

Tabatha Jones:

kept giving. Him the little hints of it's coming. And I

Tabatha Jones:

talked to you know, my bestie, and she said, Are you crazy? You

Tabatha Jones:

have a great job. You have this you've got all these benefits.

Tabatha Jones:

I'm doing it. Fast forward to march 21 ish, my stock options

Tabatha Jones:

vested. My bonus was in the bank. I got my boss on the

Tabatha Jones:

phone, on teams, and gave her three weeks notice that April 2

Tabatha Jones:

was officially my last day of work. I watched her visibly

Tabatha Jones:

choke on her water and told her, You know what? The sit I love.

Tabatha Jones:

I've loved my career here, but it's time for my next act, and

Tabatha Jones:

that's how I landed here.

Jennifer Takagi:

I had to say that husband piece cracks me up,

Jennifer Takagi:

because I was given the opportunity I had decided what I

Jennifer Takagi:

wanted to do when I grew up and retired, and I want to be a

Jennifer Takagi:

trainer and a speaker like that's that was going to be my

Jennifer Takagi:

next act. And they called us in and said, we're having a massive

Jennifer Takagi:

reorg. You can either leave or you can relocate. And I was

Jennifer Takagi:

like, I'm not leaving and or I'm not relocating. That was my big

Jennifer Takagi:

deal. So it took me about three weeks, and I did spreadsheets

Jennifer Takagi:

and reduce, you know, pension and this, and would we have

Jennifer Takagi:

health insurance? And I can remember so clearly it had been

Jennifer Takagi:

about three weeks since the big announcement, and I was brushing

Jennifer Takagi:

my teeth, and I walked it through our bedroom, where my

Jennifer Takagi:

husband was watching TV in the other room. And I said, hey. And

Jennifer Takagi:

he goes, what? And I said, I think you should get used to the

Jennifer Takagi:

idea that I am going to actually leave. And he was like, what?

Jennifer Takagi:

And I went, Yeah, I know, I yeah, I'm doing it, like I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

doing it. But when you make that decision like it's solid,

Tabatha Jones:

it is there was no going back. And, you know,

Tabatha Jones:

it's, it's funny too, because there were a couple of times in

Tabatha Jones:

the early days of the business, it's, well, maybe I should start

Tabatha Jones:

looking for jobs. Maybe I should. Maybe it would be

Tabatha Jones:

easier, because as an entrepreneur, there's so many

Tabatha Jones:

things, there's so many things in your face, and software and

Tabatha Jones:

ideas and programs, and it just got to that point where I was

Tabatha Jones:

like, Oh my gosh, I need it support. I don't I can't open a

Tabatha Jones:

ticket anymore. Oh my gosh. I know nothing about marketing.

Tabatha Jones:

What am I going to do? It's, it's wild. In fact, I was

Tabatha Jones:

hosting my first zoom webinar, and I had so many technic,

Tabatha Jones:

technical difficulties, and I'm just gonna open a ticket, and

Tabatha Jones:

then I'm like, Oh, I got the ticket. The ticket, you know,

Tabatha Jones:

it's not like corporate at all from that aspect.

Jennifer Takagi:

Yes, my IT person one day, and I was like,

Jennifer Takagi:

I think I did not appreciate you enough. Please just accept my

Tabatha Jones:

right. So good. Oh my gosh. There were so many

Tabatha Jones:

things that were handled, but now getting my hands in

Tabatha Jones:

everything, and knowing how things work, taking the time, I

Tabatha Jones:

would say, it's taken me a couple of years to get where I

Tabatha Jones:

wanted to be and really understanding and figuring

Tabatha Jones:

things out from a business perspective, but the coaching

Tabatha Jones:

piece has always just been it's my favorite. It's so rewarding

Tabatha Jones:

seeing women just pick up that, oh, I remember who the F I am

Tabatha Jones:

right now, and just going forward and getting what they

Tabatha Jones:

want. And that's it's, I don't know. It just warms my heart,

Tabatha Jones:

literally every single day.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh, that's awesome. So I don't want

Jennifer Takagi:

to jump ahead unless you're ready to jump ahead, but I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

very interested in your new book. Oh

Tabatha Jones:

well, my new book, I will show you. It's

Tabatha Jones:

promotion ready in three months, the Women's Guide to career

Tabatha Jones:

advancement available on Amazon, and I just had all of this

Tabatha Jones:

strategy in my head. I've shared it with coaching clients and

Tabatha Jones:

thought, You know what, maybe if I can just get women to really

Tabatha Jones:

start thinking about promotions differently. You know, we will

Tabatha Jones:

die at our desk trying to prove ourselves. I did it early in my

Tabatha Jones:

career, I've had people come and talk to me just so frustrated

Tabatha Jones:

with the feedback I keep getting is I need more education. I have

Tabatha Jones:

a friend that she's almost finished her PhD and still

Tabatha Jones:

hasn't achieved the role she wants. It's not that in most

Tabatha Jones:

cases, unless you're a doctor or a lawyer, that's not necessary.

Tabatha Jones:

I have a client who earned her MBA and was disappointed to not

Tabatha Jones:

get a an interview for her next promotion opportunity. She's

Tabatha Jones:

like, I have my MBA. I've worked so hard well, So sir, what were

Tabatha Jones:

you doing at work while you were working on your MBA, to build

Tabatha Jones:

your brand and to get visible and make sure leaders knew you

Tabatha Jones:

and knew your goals. And I've had some really inspiring

Tabatha Jones:

clients, so I've added some of their stories. I've added some

Tabatha Jones:

of my story, and then strategy reflection and some tips and

Tabatha Jones:

tools. It's a pretty action packed book, if I may say so

Tabatha Jones:

myself, considering it's about 200 pages.

Jennifer Takagi:

Yeah, and I love that I have done training

Jennifer Takagi:

for the great state of Oklahoma in the past, which those are

Jennifer Takagi:

some of my favorite best days, is doing training. And one of

Jennifer Takagi:

the things that we were doing in a leadership class is, what is

Jennifer Takagi:

your brand? And I will just say, in my career, I never thought

Jennifer Takagi:

about that like that wasn't a thing that was brought up. But

Jennifer Takagi:

when I started looking into it as I was prepping to teach this

Jennifer Takagi:

class, it was like I was well known, and I was known for what

Jennifer Takagi:

I did, and I was consistent, right, and showing up and doing

Jennifer Takagi:

the job. So I think that's so important to share that people

Jennifer Takagi:

understand that every day they walk in the door, whether it's

Jennifer Takagi:

100% online or physically walking the door, doesn't really

Jennifer Takagi:

matter how you show up. Is creating that brand every single

Jennifer Takagi:

day, whether you're doing it intentionally or not, is a whole

Jennifer Takagi:

nother ball game,

Tabatha Jones:

absolutely, and you have to protect your brand

Tabatha Jones:

at all costs, you know, making sure that you're associated with

Tabatha Jones:

the right people and things you can be you. You just need to

Tabatha Jones:

make sure that it keeps your brand intact. Something

Tabatha Jones:

interesting that happened last week. I had so I worked for

Tabatha Jones:

Comcast for most of my career, and I had done a couple of

Tabatha Jones:

speaking events for them in July and August. And one of the HR

Tabatha Jones:

directors actually reached out to me on LinkedIn, and I had

Tabatha Jones:

never worked with him. His career at Comcast started after

Tabatha Jones:

mine ended, and he just said, Hey, I'd love to get to know

Tabatha Jones:

you. You want to stop by blah, blah, blah. So I did. And one of

Tabatha Jones:

the things he said to me, he said, there are so many times in

Tabatha Jones:

this building that your name has come up. He said, so I know

Tabatha Jones:

people know you. I have heard it from people who have

Tabatha Jones:

successfully interviewed, and when they've been asked why they

Tabatha Jones:

talk about you, your name comes up. We've had people here that

Tabatha Jones:

have worked with you as a coach, and your name comes up past

Tabatha Jones:

projects I see said, I keep hearing your name, so I'm happy

Tabatha Jones:

that we finally got to meet. And that was really important to me

Tabatha Jones:

when I left, is making sure that my brand was intact, so

Tabatha Jones:

maintaining that professionalism. Because I knew

Tabatha Jones:

I wanted to come back in and coach clients in the industry,

Tabatha Jones:

and I knew that if I left with the attitude I might have been

Tabatha Jones:

feeling some days, that wasn't going to serve me right. And

Tabatha Jones:

it's just really important to keep that in mind. And when

Tabatha Jones:

you're in public, and sometimes I may have my book on the table,

Tabatha Jones:

just doing some promoting or or talking to people or taking

Tabatha Jones:

photos, making sure that when they see that book and they see

Tabatha Jones:

my face, I'm representing the right things.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love that so much. I had a situation where I

Jennifer Takagi:

was acting in a position, and then they hired somebody from

Jennifer Takagi:

the outside to come in, and they got the promotion and I didn't.

Jennifer Takagi:

And of course I was disappointed. Was like, oh, wait

Jennifer Takagi:

a minute. Like, everybody just assumed it was mine, and you can

Jennifer Takagi:

like, I didn't assume it was mine. And I was right,

Jennifer Takagi:

obviously, but one of the higher ups called me one day and said,

Jennifer Takagi:

I just want you to know that we noticed that you've continued to

Jennifer Takagi:

do a good job, even though you were passed over for the

Jennifer Takagi:

promotion. And I said, well, our culture is that the higher ups

Jennifer Takagi:

don't interact with the lower management people, so you would

Jennifer Takagi:

have no way of knowing, but I'm pretty sure everybody else in

Jennifer Takagi:

the organization could have told you that's how I would be, but

Jennifer Takagi:

there was such a divide that she couldn't see that. But it was

Jennifer Takagi:

important to me to keep showing up and doing the job like you

Jennifer Takagi:

have to have your own level of integrity that you insist on

Jennifer Takagi:

maintaining. It wasn't always easy, but some days I did it

Jennifer Takagi:

better than others, but that was, like, always the goal. So

Jennifer Takagi:

that's a that's a really key point, and kudos to you for

Jennifer Takagi:

having maintained that all those years.

Tabatha Jones:

Yeah, absolutely, there was one time when I did

Tabatha Jones:

not get a promotion that I had expected, and hindsight always

Tabatha Jones:

is much more clear, right? It was because a reorg was coming

Tabatha Jones:

and it didn't make sense to put me in the role, because I would

Tabatha Jones:

have been at risk. And when the change was announced, of course,

Tabatha Jones:

with all the secrecy behind it, I was so upset that I actually

Tabatha Jones:

just popped a smile on my face, popped in a vacation request,

Tabatha Jones:

and took a couple days off, like it just wasn't worth being at

Tabatha Jones:

work and maybe accidentally saying something, because I was

Tabatha Jones:

a little bit emotional. And it's okay to have emotions. It's okay

Tabatha Jones:

to do what you've got to do, but don't do it there. Take it home.

Tabatha Jones:

Cry it out, scrape it out, punch it out, whatever you gotta do.

Tabatha Jones:

Not punch it out on any person or animal or anything. But you

Tabatha Jones:

know. A bag, a workout, whatever, let's be clear, but

Tabatha Jones:

it's just not, it doesn't belong in the office. And we don't

Tabatha Jones:

always know what's coming. We don't always know. I had no idea

Tabatha Jones:

there was a reorg coming, right? You have no idea. So things can

Tabatha Jones:

drive changes that you don't expect. Well,

Jennifer Takagi:

and, and the hard thing is, like in my

Jennifer Takagi:

situation, I had trained people across the country for a year

Jennifer Takagi:

thinking we were just going to do business better, and, but no,

Jennifer Takagi:

it was to set up for a reorg, so if everybody knew what the new

Jennifer Takagi:

rules were, then they could throw us all together, because

Jennifer Takagi:

we all knew what the rules were. And several people. I know there

Jennifer Takagi:

were a lot more, but to my face, said you knew about this the

Jennifer Takagi:

whole time, didn't you? And I was like, no, no. I found out at

Jennifer Takagi:

530 on Tuesday, and it was announced to the country at one

Jennifer Takagi:

o'clock on Wednesday. So that's how long I knew. Like, No, I did

Jennifer Takagi:

not. So it's amazing how quiet they can keep things when they

Jennifer Takagi:

want to. Yeah,

Tabatha Jones:

I've been on that side of it where I've had to

Tabatha Jones:

keep things quiet knowing that my team's that last reorg. Of

Tabatha Jones:

course, I knew it was coming. I couldn't talk to people about

Tabatha Jones:

it. I couldn't tell them where they were going to land or what

Tabatha Jones:

it was going to look like. Thankfully, during that reorg,

Tabatha Jones:

everyone was keeping their jobs, but it was a really, really big

Tabatha Jones:

shift. Just cultural wise, Team wise, leadership wise, even

Tabatha Jones:

responsibility wise. There were some big shifts, so I get it,

Tabatha Jones:

and there's just some things that can't be shared until it's

Tabatha Jones:

time. There has to, we have to give leaders time to get their

Tabatha Jones:

plans straight, otherwise it's going to flop anyway.

Jennifer Takagi:

Yeah, you you have to and when you are in a

Jennifer Takagi:

lower level position and you don't see that and understand

Jennifer Takagi:

it, you can have lots of feelings about it, but as you

Jennifer Takagi:

grow in your career and then you start putting the pieces

Jennifer Takagi:

together, it's easier to see. So if you're listening and you're

Jennifer Takagi:

not the one in a management role yet, I just want you to know

Jennifer Takagi:

that there are reasons for those things, and it's not just to be,

Jennifer Takagi:

you know, mean and icky to you. It there. There are a lot.

Jennifer Takagi:

There's a lot that has to go in place on there. So your book is

Jennifer Takagi:

out. You have one on one, coaching, group coaching. How do

Jennifer Takagi:

you how do you work with clients,

Tabatha Jones:

all the things. So I do have one on one

Tabatha Jones:

coaching, which is generally designed for job seekers,

Tabatha Jones:

because that's a little bit more personalized, as well as people

Tabatha Jones:

who are at that director VP level, some managers will come

Tabatha Jones:

into that one as well, who are looking for general strategy on

Tabatha Jones:

promotion, working through some troubleshooting a recent client

Tabatha Jones:

of mine. She came to me because she had lost confidence after a

Tabatha Jones:

mistake and was technically not demoted, but actually felt very

Tabatha Jones:

demoted based on the fact she went from leading teams of

Tabatha Jones:

people to being an individual contributor with very little

Tabatha Jones:

conversation, and just let me know a couple weeks ago that

Tabatha Jones:

she's been tapped on the shoulder, and this did happen,

Tabatha Jones:

and one of those promotion things that, hey, we have this

Tabatha Jones:

opportunity. We want you in this role. We need you to start

Tabatha Jones:

organizing and drawing out what your organization structure will

Tabatha Jones:

look like absolutely because she's showing more confidence,

Tabatha Jones:

she's coming up with that stronger leadership brand and

Tabatha Jones:

presence, and she's been very visible and doing all the right

Tabatha Jones:

things. So that's one on one group coaching. I have a

Tabatha Jones:

actually promotion ready, and three months boot camp that just

Tabatha Jones:

kicked off, and that is three months of complete strategy,

Tabatha Jones:

accountability and some fun to get you positioned for that next

Tabatha Jones:

promotion. And this is a really great time to get started, as

Tabatha Jones:

you know, three months is going to go by fast and being able to

Tabatha Jones:

start showing up as someone who's thinking forward and ready

Tabatha Jones:

for that next higher level opportunity. It's It's gold.

Tabatha Jones:

It's so important to start showing up as promotion ready

Tabatha Jones:

before the position post. So we work through that. And then I

Tabatha Jones:

have other group programs available. I've got some resume

Tabatha Jones:

training courses available. But the right now, the one on one

Tabatha Jones:

and the promotion ready in three months, are my main, my main

Tabatha Jones:

offerings. Oh

Jennifer Takagi:

my gosh, I love that, and I'm so excited for you

Jennifer Takagi:

and for your book, that's just such a fun thing to be an

Jennifer Takagi:

author. Like someone said, you're an author. And I was

Jennifer Takagi:

like, wait, I'm what? And they're like, you publish a book

Jennifer Takagi:

and it was a best seller on Amazon, you're an author. And I

Jennifer Takagi:

was like, Oh, wow. Like, somehow I hadn't put all that together.

Jennifer Takagi:

I did write it, and it was there it is. My

Tabatha Jones:

gosh, it's not amazing, and congratulations on

Tabatha Jones:

that too. It's just, it's so funny. I was in a room. I joined

Tabatha Jones:

this new networking group. They asked me to to attend and check

Tabatha Jones:

it out, feel it out. And it was a great event. But we went

Tabatha Jones:

around and introduced ourselves, and I said, I'm a career

Tabatha Jones:

advancement and leadership coach. And then the organizer

Tabatha Jones:

said, and author, oh

Jennifer Takagi:

yeah, I am I, I am an author. Yeah, yeah.

Jennifer Takagi:

Congratulations. That's cool. So for our listeners, that will be

Jennifer Takagi:

in the show notes. So you can click on the show notes also,

Jennifer Takagi:

Tabitha runs challenges, and you can click on the challenge. I'll

Jennifer Takagi:

have that link in the show notes too, so you can get all the

Jennifer Takagi:

things Tabitha this has been very enlightening and insightful

Jennifer Takagi:

for me. No, I don't ever want to go back to my previous job, but

Jennifer Takagi:

this is information I wish I had had back in the day. So as we

Jennifer Takagi:

wrap up, final words for the audience,

Tabatha Jones:

oh my gosh. My final word is, don't stay stuck.

Tabatha Jones:

Don't be afraid to ask for help, get those goals, get your goals

Tabatha Jones:

really clear, and start moving forward today, because time's

Tabatha Jones:

passing by whether you're taking action or not. So there's no

Tabatha Jones:

reason to sit there and stay stuck or be afraid. We're here.

Tabatha Jones:

Feel free to connect with me also on LinkedIn, and let's get

Tabatha Jones:

you moving.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh. This has been great. Taba, thank

Jennifer Takagi:

you so much for your time. It's been lovely getting to know you.

Tabatha Jones:

Oh my gosh, thank you, Jennifer. This was so fun.

Tabatha Jones:

Have a great day. You

Jennifer Takagi:

too. I'm Jennifer Takagi with destin for

Jennifer Takagi:

success, and I look forward to connecting with you soon. You.

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Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.