Episode 271

Wendy Weber Shares Ideas to Start Noticing Energy Around You | DFS 271

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Wendy has always loved music and has tapped into the magic of the energy of music.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Music is a powerful form of energy
  • You are the one who blocks your own energy
  • Pain is a form of energy and you don’t have to know the cause

Stay in touch with Wendy Weber:

Email:  wendy@wendywebermusic.com

Phone:  602-403-6200

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your

Jennifer Takagi:

host Jennifer Takagi and today we have a fun interview with

Jennifer Takagi:

windy Weber windy and I met on speakers play house which all

Jennifer Takagi:

this plug them it's every Thursday at 1030 Pacific, just

Jennifer Takagi:

you know, reach out, I'll give you the link you can join or you

Jennifer Takagi:

can google it speakers playhouse.com. But when me and I

Jennifer Takagi:

met there, and we had a great conversation about podcasting

Jennifer Takagi:

and getting our messages out, and I do energy healing, and

Jennifer Takagi:

Wendy does energy healing just differently because there are

Jennifer Takagi:

all kinds of modalities. They all work. They don't necessarily

Jennifer Takagi:

work for every person, we have to find what works for us. So

Jennifer Takagi:

when they welcome to the show, and tell us a little bit about

Jennifer Takagi:

yourself and what you have going on in the world. Well,

Wendy Weber:

thank you, Jennifer. First of all, I'm

Wendy Weber:

owned by two parents. It just what it is. And if you if you

Wendy Weber:

like my hair, we can thank lucky that Kanye is caught by Kanye.

Wendy Weber:

Anyway. He likes to be on my head and under my shirt. He's

Wendy Weber:

not with me today. So you can't you don't won't have that

Wendy Weber:

particular distraction. I'd like to do I'm a singer songwriter,

Wendy Weber:

live been doing music my whole life. And that is a form of

Wendy Weber:

energy. I didn't know that I knew nothing about energy.

Wendy Weber:

Nothing at all. And I didn't believe in it. There's a lot of

Wendy Weber:

people who don't believe in it, and it it still exists, whether

Wendy Weber:

you believe in it or not. There's a lot of things that

Wendy Weber:

exist. You can't see air until there's something in it. That or

Wendy Weber:

it smacks you, you can't see it. But eventually you can feel it

Wendy Weber:

and everybody feels the energy. They're just not aware of it.

Wendy Weber:

But I did the usual I went to high school I went to Camp went

Wendy Weber:

to music camp Interlochen couple summers. And I grew up I have a

Wendy Weber:

brother, my late brother had multiple disabilities. So

Wendy Weber:

special needs. Went to college. University of Wisconsin, so I'm

Wendy Weber:

a badger. And oh, I'm wearing red for that. I could have worn

Wendy Weber:

my my badge or T shirt, but I didn't. Okay. It's a little I

Wendy Weber:

thought I'd dressed up for Jennifer because she's such a

Wendy Weber:

classy lady. So, I got married right out of college. I didn't

Wendy Weber:

know what I wanted to do. What's my degree in? Espanol? Four

Wendy Weber:

years of ES Espanol of Spanish for user French. I snuck in a

Wendy Weber:

little bit of Hebrew in my last year, and then know what to do

Wendy Weber:

with it and got married right out of college got a job that I

Wendy Weber:

was a technical typist at Northwestern University for the

Wendy Weber:

mechanical engineering department. You want to know how

Wendy Weber:

well they probably typed today how professors, right? Just like

Wendy Weber:

doctors. Yeah, can't read it was a challenge. I have my first

Wendy Weber:

child in Chicago moved to Phoenix, Arizona, and I just

Wendy Weber:

passed my 45th anniversary here and I will sing my song about I

Wendy Weber:

wrote it for 35 years in Arizona. So I will update it now

Wendy Weber:

have a curiosity. So let me find it will be a Facebook Live. So

Wendy Weber:

if anybody wants to look me up, there'll be a Facebook Live. And

Wendy Weber:

I'm trying to get to that one today. Because it was last

Wendy Weber:

month, my anniversary. I had two more children here. My middle

Wendy Weber:

child has Down syndrome. And she's the one who really changed

Wendy Weber:

the directory of my life, or Tradex trajectory. Either way.

Wendy Weber:

When I left the house, and I was I wanted to be away from the

Wendy Weber:

disability world. I saw what it did to my parents what they had

Wendy Weber:

to do what they had to go through what I had to go through

Wendy Weber:

as a sibling as well. A lot I was destined to be right back in

Wendy Weber:

it when I had my daughter with Down syndrome. We did everything

Wendy Weber:

we could to help her that we could afford. And so money is an

Wendy Weber:

issue. It can be finding services waiting list today. I

Wendy Weber:

wouldn't want to have a child with the ability disabilities

Wendy Weber:

today for anything at all. We were in the sweet spot here in

Wendy Weber:

Arizona. She got really mostly the best of the best. And she

Wendy Weber:

had all these activities including horseback riding.

Wendy Weber:

She's a special Olympian equestrian gold medalist. She

Wendy Weber:

did gymnastics she went down river pant rampage, which was

Wendy Weber:

San Juan River. I facilitated all kinds of things for her to

Wendy Weber:

do. And now she has Alzheimer's so we're losing it. But she's

Wendy Weber:

still the catalyst for getting into energy doing professional

Wendy Weber:

music. She the first original song I wrote I've been writing

Wendy Weber:

parodies my whole life, but original song I wrote was for

Wendy Weber:

her bat mitzvah So this is part of intuition. This is part of

Wendy Weber:

listening, learning to listen, I was writing a poem about her

Wendy Weber:

because if you ever have been to a bar or bat mitzvah parents say

Wendy Weber:

nice things about their kids, right? It's required or somebody

Wendy Weber:

does anyway. And this tune would leave me alone. So I said, I

Wendy Weber:

write your song. And I haven't recorded it, but I will. So that

Wendy Weber:

was over 20 years ago. And I've been writing songs, original

Wendy Weber:

songs ever since I haven't given up on parodies. They're great

Wendy Weber:

fun. So she got me into that. And then they were going through

Wendy Weber:

something with her behavior. And she hasn't lived with me for 20

Wendy Weber:

years. But I still saw her all the time. We couldn't figure out

Wendy Weber:

what was going on. She was getting into trouble. She's

Wendy Weber:

causing other people to be late. And we didn't know why. Because

Wendy Weber:

people with Down syndrome usually cannot answer abstract

Wendy Weber:

questions such as why I didn't know what to do. Then the buck

Wendy Weber:

stopped with me at the end of the day, and I went to a woman's

Wendy Weber:

program and I met this lady Shavon Moran and I told her, I

Wendy Weber:

needed help with this. And she said, Well, I'm going to have a

Wendy Weber:

class in Scottsdale in about a month. And she invited me to go,

Wendy Weber:

and I hemmed and hawed and finally, last minute, I decided

Wendy Weber:

to go. And this really had to do with Leila. I did not believe in

Wendy Weber:

energy, I did not know what it was it didn't understand it. And

Wendy Weber:

and half a morning at this class, I felt the edge of the

Wendy Weber:

field. That's how I got into it. So I kept going. And it turns

Wendy Weber:

out that Leila is problem which really, she was egged on by

Wendy Weber:

somebody else to do this. So it had nothing to do with energy it

Wendy Weber:

had to do with influence. So the energy, I didn't know anything

Wendy Weber:

about anybody else's energy, I didn't know what Reiki was. We

Wendy Weber:

have Reiki Masters in our group who don't do Reiki anymore,

Wendy Weber:

because this is so powerful. But Reiki works for a lot of people.

Wendy Weber:

No, I'm never going to do it. I also can do org clearing and DNA

Wendy Weber:

activation. And that does work better in groups. But I've never

Wendy Weber:

seen anything as powerful as energy mastery. So that's why

Wendy Weber:

you do that. That's how I got into it. And it's all my

Wendy Weber:

daughter's fault. You can go blame her. Go see her she she

Wendy Weber:

wouldn't know who you are anyway.

Jennifer Takagi:

Well, since we haven't met that would make

Jennifer Takagi:

sense as well as her situation. So with this energy, so how do

Jennifer Takagi:

you use it? Do you use it for yourself? Do you have clients

Jennifer Takagi:

that you practice with?

Wendy Weber:

Both, we have to keep clear. And the clearer I

Wendy Weber:

am, the better, the more efficient I am I'm going to

Wendy Weber:

sneeze. So I have to stop and do that. The clearer I am of the

Wendy Weber:

negative energy, the better and more efficient I am at helping

Wendy Weber:

other people. And I do it from here, which is my office, excuse

Wendy Weber:

me, usually my office to anywhere in the world as long as

Wendy Weber:

we're at the same time. And preferably in English. Nothing

Wendy Weber:

stops energy, there is no lead container as for kryptonite,

Wendy Weber:

which is all made up anyway. But there is nothing that blocks

Wendy Weber:

energy except yourself. If somebody doesn't want to feel

Wendy Weber:

better, then it won't work. And I won't even try to help them.

Wendy Weber:

You have to want to feel better, you don't have to know what it

Wendy Weber:

is, is bothering you. If it's pain, it's pretty, it's pretty

Wendy Weber:

obvious where the pain is not necessarily the cause. And if

Wendy Weber:

you don't know the cause, it doesn't mean you shouldn't go to

Wendy Weber:

your doctor, I never tell anybody not to go and get

Wendy Weber:

checked out. Because it could be something that needs to be

Wendy Weber:

manipulated, like for chiropractor would do I go to

Wendy Weber:

the chiropractor. I get acupuncture, so I love massages.

Wendy Weber:

There's this there. That's another form of freeing up your

Wendy Weber:

energy and it helps a lot. I agree. Yeah, but if you have

Wendy Weber:

negative energy stuck in your body it's very difficult to get

Wendy Weber:

it out unless you have a practitioner or you are a

Wendy Weber:

practitioner, physically removing it. That's what I do.

Wendy Weber:

We have specific movements. And we talk our way through it

Wendy Weber:

because that's that's how we keep the intention and the

Wendy Weber:

attention on the person when I work on myself. I imagine a

Wendy Weber:

little mini me. I call Wendy in front of me and I do all the

Wendy Weber:

things I will do with everybody else. Do I like having somebody

Wendy Weber:

else work on me with energy mastery? You bet, it feels so

Wendy Weber:

good. I just check out so people don't even see what I do, I

Wendy Weber:

usually do it on the phone, like if I do it on Zoom, you're not

Wendy Weber:

going to see me because your eyes are going to be closed

Wendy Weber:

anyway, you're not going to understand what I do. It looks

Wendy Weber:

like the way the can thing we that's what people call it. But

Wendy Weber:

it's extremely deliberate, it's very deliberate. And we try to

Wendy Weber:

be as precise as we can. There's, you don't have to be so

Wendy Weber:

exact. But I can feel where there's congestion in your

Wendy Weber:

field. So I are brought out one of my, my fliers. I don't look

Wendy Weber:

at it so often. But what it does is the first phase is that clean

Wendy Weber:

energetically for clarity and freedom from negative

Wendy Weber:

circumstances. And the next phase is deep energetic release.

Wendy Weber:

So we then go work on chakras shot, what is the chakra chakra

Wendy Weber:

is an energy wheel, and energy center in your body. And we have

Wendy Weber:

different ones and they're associated with different things

Wendy Weber:

like money and pain, headache, different women's problems. I

Wendy Weber:

don't know about men's problems, I'd have never seen it. But I

Wendy Weber:

think we would probably do the same. A similar protocol, I'd

Wendy Weber:

have to check with my group, we do have a Facebook group for

Wendy Weber:

difficult questions like that one. And I just I work it does

Wendy Weber:

work on men, it really does. And that's where I really had a big

Wendy Weber:

proof about pain, working on a gentleman. We're also going to

Wendy Weber:

work on mental and emotional upset trauma, and this is much

Wendy Weber:

more involved. But it does work. We can go PTSD, we can work on

Wendy Weber:

that we can work on such emotional trauma, you don't even

Wendy Weber:

have to know what it is. But we'll get it out. We'll get it

Wendy Weber:

out. But that takes time. And you do have to do some work. If

Wendy Weber:

you're the client. You have to work with me on that part. But

Wendy Weber:

if you want to feel better,

Jennifer Takagi:

do you have a name for the for the practice

Jennifer Takagi:

that you do that? Yeah,

Wendy Weber:

energy mastery. ENERGYM a s t ry energy mastery

Wendy Weber:

was developed by Shavon Moran, who is still my coach. And she

Wendy Weber:

is amazing. And she keeps fine tuning this she put together the

Wendy Weber:

best of modalities from the Chinese and from the air from

Wendy Weber:

India. And then she's invented a few practices herself that we

Wendy Weber:

use. These are amazing. She said she's amazing, intuitive. She's

Wendy Weber:

also business expert, and she she's a scientist, she tests

Wendy Weber:

everything. So that's how that's why we keep perfecting what I do

Wendy Weber:

is great, but I need to go back to know what's what's new.

Wendy Weber:

What's the update? Well,

Jennifer Takagi:

thank you for loving right?

Wendy Weber:

Always everything does well the knowledge and I

Wendy Weber:

think the general energy of the planet may play a part in it and

Wendy Weber:

where there's so much negativity going on, we have to do

Wendy Weber:

something about that. So when I look at it and by the way, I

Wendy Weber:

also work with crystals it's a similar activity just with

Wendy Weber:

crystals which are more powerful. And I'm working on you

Wendy Weber:

with crystals you better have all your crystals off I won't

Wendy Weber:

have any crystals on that means no watch no glasses. If you're

Wendy Weber:

wearing diamond, you if you're wearing a ring, get it off.

Jennifer Takagi:

When you when you think about success, how

Jennifer Takagi:

does this tie in like so? The energy work and success and the

Jennifer Takagi:

success you've had in your life? How do you how do you bring

Jennifer Takagi:

those together?

Wendy Weber:

Who was it that said, the more people you help

Wendy Weber:

the more you make, the more benefit you get when when I work

Wendy Weber:

with somebody and we're finished, I feel better to

Wendy Weber:

there's a lightness because I'm also protecting myself

Wendy Weber:

energetically from other people's negative energy. And I

Wendy Weber:

can teach tools to protect you in between such as cutting your

Wendy Weber:

negative cords. Anybody sees me doing this usually as somebody

Wendy Weber:

is swearing, nothing collapses your energy field. We are

Wendy Weber:

perfect. You're a healthy energy field is 12 to 24 inches outside

Wendy Weber:

your body and nothing collapses that faster than using foul

Wendy Weber:

language. The F word is probably the worst but the all most of

Wendy Weber:

them. And so if you see me doing this, somebody's swearing.

Jennifer Takagi:

Okay, so for my audience, which is typically on

Jennifer Takagi:

a podcast when she says doing this, she's doing arms in front

Jennifer Takagi:

of her like she's having cords

Wendy Weber:

and cutting negative cords. So if you take

Wendy Weber:

your arm and you you swipe it in front of you, like you're

Wendy Weber:

cutting something If you can use your arms you can use I have my

Wendy Weber:

Hermione wand if I want to use that your savior lightsaber if

Wendy Weber:

you have one of those, but your arm is fine and you want to just

Wendy Weber:

cut the negative energy why is that? Most everybody is seeing

Wendy Weber:

some iteration of spider man. And spider man throws his Spidey

Wendy Weber:

web strands out to attach. Think of a negative energy strand just

Wendy Weber:

like the spider man that's comes from somebody, it could be from

Wendy Weber:

their thoughts. It could be from your thoughts attaching to you

Wendy Weber:

and messing with your any positive energy that you have.

Wendy Weber:

So you want to cut that you can't see them that there is

Wendy Weber:

real is anything else. Have you ever walked into a room and you

Wendy Weber:

fell off, or you get hit by something, I don't like it here.

Wendy Weber:

That's negative energy. You can probably cut your cords and go

Wendy Weber:

in there if you want to. If it's really bad, if you're really

Wendy Weber:

sensitive to it, it might be a good idea to leave and not go in

Wendy Weber:

there really mess with you. And if you're going into a

Wendy Weber:

networking event, how can you network effectively with a lot

Wendy Weber:

of negative energy unless you know how to protect yourself. So

Wendy Weber:

I have tools to help you with that. But it doesn't take the

Wendy Weber:

place of the actual cleansing. So when I when I for the

Wendy Weber:

listening audience, I'm actually moving my hands and saying

Wendy Weber:

certain words to cleanse the negative energy out of you feel

Wendy Weber:

for I don't even get to your chakras before I claim you feel

Wendy Weber:

there's no point that help

Jennifer Takagi:

so if somebody I have a lot of audience that

Jennifer Takagi:

came with me from my previous work, I've strictly leadership

Jennifer Takagi:

development and then they came along this ride for the to the

Jennifer Takagi:

wound with me. So if if somebody is brand new to this, and they

Jennifer Takagi:

think, Wow, this is this is a lot I don't even know where to

Jennifer Takagi:

start. Give us one thing that somebody who's new and curious,

Jennifer Takagi:

because I love curious people. If somebody is curious about

Jennifer Takagi:

energy, do you have one thing you can suggest that they can do

Jennifer Takagi:

to start recognizing the energy around them?

Wendy Weber:

Oh, I actually don't have one thing. There are

Wendy Weber:

classes and my friend and Gilbert done his classes to

Wendy Weber:

teach the basics. And I one day I'll be certified. I've been too

Wendy Weber:

busy to get certified. Right. I teach. I'm certified to practice

Wendy Weber:

in Friday.

Jennifer Takagi:

Like I love it. Okay, thanks, Winnie. So if you

Jennifer Takagi:

had one parting suggestion, recommendation or final thoughts

Jennifer Takagi:

for the audience, what could that possibly be? Manage

Wendy Weber:

your energy, or someone else's energy will

Wendy Weber:

manage yours?

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh. I'm sorry, I'm writing this down.

Jennifer Takagi:

All right. Someone else will managers. I'm very fortunate

Jennifer Takagi:

because I guess I just learned at a very early age not to take

Jennifer Takagi:

on other people's energy, but I really understand people who

Jennifer Takagi:

take it on and are they're greatly impacted. And again, I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

very fortunate because it pretty much just flows through me. So

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm I'm, I recognize how, how fortunate I am with this. So in

Jennifer Takagi:

the show notes, we're gonna have Wendy's email address, windy at

Jennifer Takagi:

windy weather music.com. And that's w e b e r, and she's also

Jennifer Takagi:

leaving her phone number if you want to send her a text message

Jennifer Takagi:

and find out more about what she does. Wendy, thank you so much

Jennifer Takagi:

for joining us today.

Wendy Weber:

Well, thank you for having me. I appreciate

Wendy Weber:

everything you do.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh, well, thank you. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I

Jennifer Takagi:

look forward to connecting with you soon.

About the Podcast

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Destined For Success
Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.