Episode 272

Energy Work and How it Works for YOU | DFS 272

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Everything is energy and the more we recognize it, the more we can harness it for our highest good!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Einstein said the future of modern medicine is in frequencies
  • Do you feel energy
  • Raise your vibrations

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, The 12 Minute Success Coach, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your

Jennifer Takagi:

host Jennifer Takagi. And today I want to continue the

Jennifer Takagi:

conversation about energy and energy work. Last week, windy

Jennifer Takagi:

Weber was talking about energy and energy work and music

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specifically. And so today I want to like continue that

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conversation. Energy is everything. And the more we

Jennifer Takagi:

recognize it, the more we can hire, harnessed it, blah, blah,

Jennifer Takagi:

blah, can talk, we can harness it for our higher good. Einstein

Jennifer Takagi:

said the future of medicine is in frequencies. The future of

Jennifer Takagi:

modern medicine is in frequencies. And the reason this

Jennifer Takagi:

is important, in my personal humble opinion, is that Ironside

Jennifer Takagi:

died April 18 1955. He died in 1955. So he was saying that

Jennifer Takagi:

energy was going to be a part frequencies, energy frequencies

Jennifer Takagi:

are a cut type of energy, it all goes together, that that was

Jennifer Takagi:

going to be the face of modern medicine. So what type of

Jennifer Takagi:

energies are used in modern medicine type of frequencies

Jennifer Takagi:

now? Well, we have diet therapy and hyper therapy, electro

Jennifer Takagi:

surgeries, scalpels, we use radiofrequency ablations, an

Jennifer Takagi:

MRI, I've had several MRIs over the years and magnetic resonance

Jennifer Takagi:

imaging. I had a hysterectomy. Not that you really care about

Jennifer Takagi:

my, you know, medical lifestyle. But I had a hysterectomy. And I

Jennifer Takagi:

was really scared about it because I'm a very active, very

Jennifer Takagi:

busy person. And I've heard of people being down for weeks,

Jennifer Takagi:

weeks after hysterectomy. So when the doctor said I had to

Jennifer Takagi:

have one, it was required bla bla bla bla bla, I said how long

Jennifer Takagi:

I am I going to be down? And he goes a couple of weeks. No, it

Jennifer Takagi:

really? And he goes, Yeah, at the most. And I said, Well, I

Jennifer Takagi:

teach for the great state of Oklahoma. And if I do this, will

Jennifer Takagi:

I be able to teach all day on my feet in three weeks? And he said

Jennifer Takagi:

yes. And guess what? I did. I will say they had a high chair

Jennifer Takagi:

stool that, you know spun around a little bit that I did sit on

Jennifer Takagi:

some of the day. And it wasn't as much from the surgery as it

Jennifer Takagi:

was I wasn't used to standing on my feet all day because I had

Jennifer Takagi:

been down a little bit. They use a machine called the DaVinci.

Jennifer Takagi:

Row robotic machine. The doctor honestly was sitting on the

Jennifer Takagi:

other side of the operating room. And when I walked in, he

Jennifer Takagi:

said I walked in, right they couldn't even get the table in

Jennifer Takagi:

there. I had to walk in from the hallway. And he said good

Jennifer Takagi:

morning. Mrs. Takagi, are you ready to go? And I said, I don't

Jennifer Takagi:

know. I'm a little scared. He said we'll hop up on that table.

Jennifer Takagi:

Let's get this over with. And the anesthesiologist said Take a

Jennifer Takagi:

deep breath and I woke up a few hours later in a in a hospital

Jennifer Takagi:

room. that surgery was over by 9am and I literally was dressed

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and ready to go home around three in the afternoon. And I

Jennifer Takagi:

did ask to have some late lunch because sometimes anesthetic

Jennifer Takagi:

makes me Irby and I decided I better eat something before I

Jennifer Takagi:

went home. So they brought me some lunch. I ate some lunch I

Jennifer Takagi:

set my husband to go get my prescriptions. I took one pain

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pill that night when I got home when I went to bed just in case.

Jennifer Takagi:

They sent me home with like Motrin 600, which is just like a

Jennifer Takagi:

pain reliever. It's not I mean, it's like an anti inflammatory

Jennifer Takagi:

more than anything. That was it. That was it. I was good to go.

Jennifer Takagi:

The next day, I literally baked chocolate chip cookies for my

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husband and my girlfriend that came to stay with me to help out

Jennifer Takagi:

because we were afraid my husband would have to go out of

Jennifer Takagi:

town. I was fine. I would not have been fine if they had cut

Jennifer Takagi:

me open for that surgery. I recently you know something came

Jennifer Takagi:

up it came up the other day and this friend of mine goes are you

Jennifer Takagi:

kidding me? Three days later, I was still eatin codeine like

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candy like I was dying. So the the way modern medicine has

Jennifer Takagi:

progressed with energy is just astonishing. It's just

Jennifer Takagi:

astonishing and I for 1am super grateful for it. So when you

Jennifer Takagi:

figure that there are harnessing and using frequencies and

Jennifer Takagi:

energies to make major headway in modern medicine Do you know

Jennifer Takagi:

how to feel energy I paused there intentionally. That was an

Jennifer Takagi:

intentional pause. Have you ever walked in a room and knew you

Jennifer Takagi:

could cut the tension with a knife? Something was going on,

Jennifer Takagi:

you didn't know between whom you didn't know what was happening.

Jennifer Takagi:

But you knew there was something happening. That's energy. People

Jennifer Takagi:

are sending off those bad vibes. You remember hearing about

Jennifer Takagi:

vibes, oh, sending good vibes, I love to say that sending good

Jennifer Takagi:

vibes. But they create a vibration of frequency in the

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room, that energy is palpable. On the flip side, have you ever

Jennifer Takagi:

walked in a room, and it is so chill, and everybody's happy and

Jennifer Takagi:

excited and everything is good. And you're like, Yeah, I want to

Jennifer Takagi:

be here, I want to be in this space, this area. It's all about

Jennifer Takagi:

the energy. And if you just pause for half a second, you can

Jennifer Takagi:

pay attention to what is going on around you. And therefore you

Jennifer Takagi:

can decide if you want to be there or not. You see somebody

Jennifer Takagi:

standing there with a sad face? I mean, they almost look, I

Jennifer Takagi:

think it'd be their own emoji. Do you want to go hang with that

Jennifer Takagi:

person? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe it's somebody you know, and then

Jennifer Takagi:

you know, they're going through a rough time. And you go up and

Jennifer Takagi:

talk to him. And you kind of snap them out of it, right?

Jennifer Takagi:

Because they're now talking to somebody they enjoy. I know

Jennifer Takagi:

somebody who came and applied for a job at an office I worked

Jennifer Takagi:

in. And it was really a pretty horrible situation at that point

Jennifer Takagi:

in time. Not always, but at that time. And we met a number of

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years later, and he goes, Hey, I came in and interviewed. And I

Jennifer Takagi:

watched you that office go into the conference room to

Jennifer Takagi:

interview. And I literally blew the interview. It was the worst

Jennifer Takagi:

interview I've ever given in my life. And it's because I hated

Jennifer Takagi:

that place so badly. I didn't want to work there. And I blew

Jennifer Takagi:

that the entire interview. You walk into an office and you know

Jennifer Takagi:

if you want to hang out and play there, or if you want to turn

Jennifer Takagi:

tail and run, you walk into a doctor's office, and the

Jennifer Takagi:

receptionist or the person who checks you in at the front desk

Jennifer Takagi:

is kind and nice and attentive, you want to say there, you wait

Jennifer Takagi:

a little bit too long, and they're nice, and they're kind

Jennifer Takagi:

and there's a nice atmosphere you stay. Pay attention to the

Jennifer Takagi:

energy and the vibration when you show up someplace. Often I

Jennifer Takagi:

show up and I'm a little oblivious to it all. And then

Jennifer Takagi:

when I find out something's amiss, I'm like, Oh, crap, oh, I

Jennifer Takagi:

shouldn't pay attention. Notice that he was up, pay attention.

Jennifer Takagi:

It doesn't take very long. It doesn't take very long to pick

Jennifer Takagi:

up on what's going on around you. And if you want to be a

Jennifer Takagi:

part of it. So energy frequencies vibrations, like

Jennifer Takagi:

they all you know, for me, I'm a non scientific type my they all

Jennifer Takagi:

just like drop into one amazing cauldron for me. So if your

Jennifer Takagi:

vibration is low, and you're feeling down, you're feeling a

Jennifer Takagi:

little blah. Maybe not as optimistic and hopeful and happy

Jennifer Takagi:

as you could possibly be. How can you shift that? And here's

Jennifer Takagi:

the deal. Spoiler alert, you can shift it you can shift it

Jennifer Takagi:

quickly. You can shift it easily. One thing is play your

Jennifer Takagi:

favorite song. What is your favorite happy upbeat song? I

Jennifer Takagi:

love the song. Who's it by? I don't know because I don't know

Jennifer Takagi:

musicians too much. I just know the words of songs. No, I don't

Jennifer Takagi:

I just make them up as I go along. But I like that happy

Jennifer Takagi:

song from Despicable Me. play that. I don't know you know who

Jennifer Takagi:

it is. So anyway, that song makes me very happy. It makes me

Jennifer Takagi:

want to sing and dance. I'm a terrible singer tilbyr dancer,

Jennifer Takagi:

but I will get up and see Alicia Keys. This girl is on fire. Oh

Jennifer Takagi:

yeah. My girlfriend Don and I had that plan on my golf car

Jennifer Takagi:

stereo. And we were pulling into everybody's yards at our little

Jennifer Takagi:

Lake neighborhood singing. And we had been going like almost

Jennifer Takagi:

two miles down the road and my golf cart. And we pulled into

Jennifer Takagi:

our friend's driveway and I looked at her and I said this

Jennifer Takagi:

song is on repeat. Like I thought the song was that long.

Jennifer Takagi:

It wasn't that long. It was just on repeat. But by the time we

Jennifer Takagi:

got off that golf cart, we were two of the happiest women in

Jennifer Takagi:

that neighborhood because we've been singing it the whole way

Jennifer Takagi:

down like we were good to go. What's another way breathing.

Jennifer Takagi:

When you are upset about something or you are feeling

Jennifer Takagi:

stressed, we breathe out the top part of our lungs And we breathe

Jennifer Takagi:

very shallowly.

Jennifer Takagi:

So when we're not getting a deep, full breath and filling up

Jennifer Takagi:

our lungs, we're not getting the full benefit of the oxygen and

Jennifer Takagi:

the blood flow to form a good thought. I had three weeks

Jennifer Takagi:

notice given to me to have a meeting with my boss and her

Jennifer Takagi:

boss. And I was very stressed about it, because these are the

Jennifer Takagi:

kinds of things that don't just happen every day. And I was very

Jennifer Takagi:

worried about it. And I went to see a counselor to get some

Jennifer Takagi:

ideas and input about this. And she said, You need to breathe,

Jennifer Takagi:

because you will get in the room, and you will forget to

Jennifer Takagi:

breathe, and then you will be even more stressed out. And you

Jennifer Takagi:

won't form a coherent thought. Because when you hold your

Jennifer Takagi:

breath, there's not enough oxygen go into your brain to

Jennifer Takagi:

form a cohesive thought. So whenever you're asked a question

Jennifer Takagi:

in this very, you know, horrible environment, just sit there and

Jennifer Takagi:

take a deep breath, before you form your response. And let me

Jennifer Takagi:

just tell you, it made all the difference in the world. So

Jennifer Takagi:

breathing can change your vibration, it can change your

Jennifer Takagi:

energy. And it can also help you change your response to

Jennifer Takagi:

something more appropriate, possibly upbeat, possibly

Jennifer Takagi:

positive, but it's the bare minimum appropriate, and not

Jennifer Takagi:

actually creating more trauma, drama and interaction. So

Jennifer Takagi:

breathing is really big. Meditating is number three. Now

Jennifer Takagi:

I've struggled from time to time with meditating for a few

Jennifer Takagi:

reasons. I'll share them here because I'm a little bit

Jennifer Takagi:

transparent on that. Number one, I don't like to sit still that

Jennifer Takagi:

long. Okay, I set it, it's out there. I put it out there. I

Jennifer Takagi:

don't want to sit in there that long. Number two, I get stiff

Jennifer Takagi:

and sore sitting there that long. And I can't pay attention.

Jennifer Takagi:

I just can't I want to move on to the next day. I'm sitting

Jennifer Takagi:

there meditating, I had an idea, can I not just go act on that

Jennifer Takagi:

idea. It's a struggle bus for me. But I read the book, the

Jennifer Takagi:

circle maker, I cannot remember the author. But the book is the

Jennifer Takagi:

circle maker. And he's a Christian preacher. I am a

Jennifer Takagi:

Christian. And he suggested that you pull out the Bible and

Jennifer Takagi:

meditate on a verse, meditate on a verse. Then I met somebody in

Jennifer Takagi:

a networking group I was in and she goes, Yeah, I don't want to

Jennifer Takagi:

meditate. I'm a Christian. And I don't want to go down a path I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

not happy with. I was like, oh, gosh, maybe I should create some

Jennifer Takagi:

meditations. So guess what? I did, I created a meditation to

Jennifer Takagi:

help reduce anxiety. Guess what, click in the show notes. You can

Jennifer Takagi:

get it downloaded on your phone. Why? Because we like to play on

Jennifer Takagi:

our phones. And if you get that one, then you have the

Jennifer Takagi:

opportunity to opt in to a series of other meditations. So

Jennifer Takagi:

meditations can be very powerful. But I like the short

Jennifer Takagi:

ones. I have a niece and I sent her the one for anxiety. And I

Jennifer Takagi:

was like, hey, girlfriend, would you listen to this? And let me

Jennifer Takagi:

know what you think. And she texted me right back and said,

Jennifer Takagi:

Wow, I love the fact that it's only six minutes. I love the

Jennifer Takagi:

fact that I'm not trying to force myself to do it for a long

Jennifer Takagi:

period of time. But once you get centered, and you're repeating

Jennifer Takagi:

in your head, the scriptures, your breathing becomes more

Jennifer Takagi:

normal. You calm down, you settle your whole system, and

Jennifer Takagi:

you're good to go. My fourth and final tip today in this episode

Jennifer Takagi:

is gratitude. Gratitude. The more you are grateful, the more

Jennifer Takagi:

you have to be grateful for. I recently was on a plane coming

Jennifer Takagi:

home. And I was at DFW airport. And there was a problem with our

Jennifer Takagi:

plane. I was on the last flight of the night there was a problem

Jennifer Takagi:

with the plane. Then there was a problem. A problem when they got

Jennifer Takagi:

us another plane on getting us a crew. And then we got canceled

Jennifer Takagi:

altogether. So I ended up meeting a very nice young man

Jennifer Takagi:

who lived not far from me, and we rented a car and drove home.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I was telling him about my experience of previously renting

Jennifer Takagi:

a car and driving home from Ed lane to Georgia to Oklahoma

Jennifer Takagi:

City. It was a long drive, get my facebook you might find that

Jennifer Takagi:

video is pretty funny. And as we're talking I said, I am so

Jennifer Takagi:

great. Over GPS. Because when we left the airport, we went away,

Jennifer Takagi:

I would have never gone. And I said, I don't I don't understand

Jennifer Takagi:

why we're going this way. And we were actually using my phone and

Jennifer Takagi:

he said, Oh, well, GPS said that to go this way to avoid an

Jennifer Takagi:

accident. Well, I was getting the GPS going, and I was trying

Jennifer Takagi:

to get organized. And so I just had missed that little

Jennifer Takagi:

notification that popped up. And I said, Well, I got stranded in

Jennifer Takagi:

Atlanta, I rented a car. I pass through so many states, like

Jennifer Takagi:

Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, and then finally

Jennifer Takagi:

landed in Oklahoma, there might have been another Mississippi

Jennifer Takagi:

might have been in there. It was a lot. And I said I had no idea

Jennifer Takagi:

where I was zero idea where I was. But that GPS was telling me

Jennifer Takagi:

where to go. Now. There's somebody out there. I know

Jennifer Takagi:

you're there. I know you're there. And you're saying, oh,

Jennifer Takagi:

one time it took me to a dead end street. Yeah, it does that

Jennifer Takagi:

occasionally it happens. Just give it a frowny face, tell them

Jennifer Takagi:

what went wrong. They'll fix it. I'm happy with GPS and are

Jennifer Takagi:

trusted a lot. So I am very grateful when I get in the car

Jennifer Takagi:

that I can put in the GPS where I want to go. And 99.9% of the

Jennifer Takagi:

time it gets me there and I am not going to waste my energy. Ha

Jennifer Takagi:

let's tie it back to the top the theme here. I'm not going to

Jennifer Takagi:

waste my energy being mad that it didn't work one time. There

Jennifer Takagi:

are some of you out there who spend way too much time being

Jennifer Takagi:

upset about the one time something went poorly, or not

Jennifer Takagi:

100%. exactly according to plan. I literally got home at 4:45am

Jennifer Takagi:

on a Monday and I was on a 6am flight out on Wednesday for

Jennifer Takagi:

another trip. Did it bother me to get on another plane? Nope.

Jennifer Takagi:

Was it the same airline? Absolutely. This is what

Jennifer Takagi:

happens. Things just happen. That you have your choice how

Jennifer Takagi:

you act and respond to the things that happen in life.

Jennifer Takagi:

Energy is the future of medicine. The work I do

Jennifer Takagi:

encompasses energy. It's all about the energy and we can

Jennifer Takagi:

change the state of who we are and what we're doing. I had one

Jennifer Takagi:

of the kindest compliments ever when a young man said I just

Jennifer Takagi:

love it when Jennifer walks in a room because it doesn't really

Jennifer Takagi:

matter what's going on. If it's a negative situation happening,

Jennifer Takagi:

she's gonna walk in and change the whole energy into something

Jennifer Takagi:

positive. And I have to say I'm not even a teary eyed cry girl,

Jennifer Takagi:

but it made me very teary eyed and cry. So you have the power

Jennifer Takagi:

to impact the energy around you. You have the power to raise your

Jennifer Takagi:

own vibration, your own energy, your own frequency and take

Jennifer Takagi:

everything to the next level. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look

Jennifer Takagi:

forward to connecting with you soon

About the Podcast

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Destined For Success
Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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About your host

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.