Episode 270

Mistakes I have made as an entrepreneur | DFS 270

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  You don’t know what you don’t know until you know it!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Who I wanted to serve & how that worked out
  • Having courage to make a major shift
  • Sticking to the plan long enough to KNOW if it works

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, The 12 Minute Success Coach, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your

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host Jennifer Takagi. And in last week's episode, we talked

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to Tiffany Kellogg, and she was sharing with us how to create

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referrals for life. Well, I want to go a little different

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direction with the fabulous tips that she gave us. And I want to

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talk about the mistakes I've made as an entrepreneur. Now

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many of my listeners are entrepreneurs, if you are, this

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is for you, if you're not an entrepreneur, this still might

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be helpful to you. So let's get started. Yeah, don't know what

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you don't know until you find out that you didn't know it. I

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mean, like, we've heard that kind of thing before. And it's,

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it's like a real deal. But as an entrepreneur, one thing that was

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really hard for me that we always are told to figure out is

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who is our ideal avatar, who's our ideal client, and not only

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who wants our services and gifts and talents to make their life

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better. But who do we want to hang out with, and we there are

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a lot of people I could help but that doesn't mean I necessarily

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want to hang out with them. So one really big key point for me

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was, Who do I want to serve? And how that worked out. So I

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started out wanting to serve in the leadership space, and come

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to find out the people I needed to play with, or HR directors,

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and the people who were in the HR, different associations and

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groups. And I found I had a little bit of a struggle, it

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could have been self imposed. But I felt like I was having

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this happen a lot. And that is I hadn't worked in their area

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before. So when you come out as an expert, I'm doing air quotes,

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you can't see it. But let me just tell you, I'm doing air

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quotes, doing air quotes. If you haven't worked in a field,

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sometimes there are some people in positions of power, who don't

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think you have the credibility to share and talk and speak in

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that arena. So I started out working with or trying to work

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with leaders. And I wanted to help them in a really big way. I

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had some success, other times not so much. So I made a little

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pivot, because I really, really wanted to work with people who

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had recently been promoted into a new management role. So either

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a new manager or somebody who was coming up through the ranks,

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and was like slated for the next promotion, right, they were

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being groomed to step into a leadership role. So this podcast

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started out being called new manager, media manager right

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from the start. Why? Because those are the people I wanted to

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attract. And I attracted him, and they were great. I still

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love working with new managers. I love getting them, giving them

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the insights that I learned over time, it was great. But then

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when I got into a more spiritual type work, where we're working

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with our intuition, or stepping into our greatness in a little

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different way. And I also learned ways of energy feeling

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so we can hear or heal our physical, emotional and

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spiritual selves, then I had to make a shift. And that's when I

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started shifting the name of the podcast. And when I talked about

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into destined for success, because I do believe we are all

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destined for success. And we're actually destined for way more

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success than we've been experiencing, including me. So

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as we shift into this new role of being destined for success,

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and all that encompasses, which means I really have a broader

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scope of people I can bring in to share with you. Because I can

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cover a big gamut because success means something

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different to everybody. So what does success means to you, and

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how's it going to impact your life? So I had to shift who I've

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served. The new managers. In my experience, other people have

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had different experiences and that's fine. But in my

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experience, they felt like their organizations should train them.

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As I went to the organizations and volunteered, offered share

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my services with them to train their new managers. Their

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response typically was we do that and how What's. So if

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they're going to train everybody in house, they don't need to

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bring in somebody from the outside. So that makes it a

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little difficult to step into that role, who I wanted to

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serve. And how I could serve them didn't always align, it

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wasn't always a good fit. So if you're struggling with getting

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people to take you up on your offers, then maybe you're

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targeting the wrong market. Just a possibility, it's just a

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possibility. So when I decided I was gonna make a shift into

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healing, and energy work, and some spiritual things that some

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people really didn't understand, not to say I understand every

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aspect of it. But it took a lot of courage. When I first started

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sharing with some of my friends, that I was learning these

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different modalities, which actually I started out by hiring

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people to do the work on me and for me, and after a while, it

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just became so apparent that I had gifts and talents that could

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lead this way. But my friends weren't necessarily supportive.

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They didn't understand what it was, they didn't necessarily see

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the benefits. And it created a little bit of a riff, not really

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for them, because, you know, it wasn't their life, but it did

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for me, I, I struggled with not having hurt feelings, and

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accepting the fact that not everybody got what path I was

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on. And that that was okay. We could be on different paths, it

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was fine, we could do that. So I really had to have the courage

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to step out. And I had to have the courage when somebody said,

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what do you do to say, I'm an energy healer. I was at a party

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one time, and I will admit, alcohol was involved. And a

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friend of mine came running up to me and she said, Hey, I hear

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you swing a pendulum, and you know things, and I get no, yes,

Jennifer Takagi:

that's true. It's kind of awkward, simple that gays it but

Jennifer Takagi:

yes, it's true. And she said, I think that's BS. And I went,

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okay. She has no, really, it's BS. So I said, Okay. And then

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she went about her way. And I share that story, not because

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she hurt my feelings. And I'm not saying it and really getting

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all upset inside, I honestly was not upset. Because it's not for

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her. It's not for her. She's not my ideal client. She's not

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somebody I want to play with. I don't want to have to convince

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somebody that my work could help them. I don't want to do that.

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Either you're in or you're out. And I'm good with that. So you

Jennifer Takagi:

have to really have the courage to make a shift. And one of my

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friends who was the probably the most leery of it all. In the

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end, she reached out and was like, Hey, can you help with

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this? Can you help with that? Yes, yes, I can. Let me help you

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with that. One of the funniest things that happened with her is

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she wanted to quit smoking. And I said, Well, let me see if I

Jennifer Takagi:

can help you quit smoking. And she goes, Yeah, would you

Jennifer Takagi:

please. And lo and behold, she did, she has quit smoking. So

Jennifer Takagi:

sometimes your biggest critic can turn into your biggest

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raving fan. I just want to caution that that's not always

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the case. And you need to go after the people who want what

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you have, and understand that they're going to win, it's going

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to be good. So the third piece of this after you know who you

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want to serve, and having the courage to make the shift, if

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you need to make the shift is stick to the plan long enough to

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know that it works. Stick to the plan long enough to know that it

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works. So sometimes we have to make little tweaks in our

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messaging. You have to make a little tweak in who you want to

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go after it might be in the same arena. But it might be a little

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more specific than you originally thought it would be.

Jennifer Takagi:

Stick to it long enough. I've been working with a coach and

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her deal is you pick your message, you stick with it for

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one year, making little tweaks along the way. And then you'll

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know if it's really going to work or not gonna work. So you

Jennifer Takagi:

have to stick with the plan. Do you know who your target

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audience is? Do you have the courage to make a shift whether

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it's major or minor, to get it to all work out? Do you have to

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stick to itiveness? To hang in there

Jennifer Takagi:

when the going gets tough. Being an entrepreneur is not for the

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faint of heart, I'm just telling you, it takes a lot of work and

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a lot of commitment. And you have to believe in yourself.

Jennifer Takagi:

Now, if you find that you've had some stumbling blocks along the

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way, and you're not really sure how to overcome them, I invite

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you to click the link for unleash your potential clearing

Jennifer Takagi:

sessions. I do them once a month on a Tuesday at 11am Central

Jennifer Takagi:

Time, and it's completely free. And I talk a little more in

Jennifer Takagi:

detail to the people live on there about what's going on with

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me what's going on with them. And we have the opportunity to

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identify and release trapped emotions that could be holding

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them back. And it's very powerful. I recently had a

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client come to that session. And she said, I want to step into

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this new shift I'm making in my business, but I'm scared and I

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don't know if I can do it. And lo and behold, we cleared some

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trapped emotions around it. And a couple of weeks later, she

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reached out to tell me that she had made a major shift in her

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business. She had finally published a website, and she was

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moving forward with her shift. And she finished the message by

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saying and I attribute most of that to you, and helping clear

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the trapped emotions that were blocking me from stepping into

Jennifer Takagi:

it. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look forward to connecting with

Jennifer Takagi:

you soon

About the Podcast

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Destined For Success
Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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About your host

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.