Episode 321

Wandering Roots: From Corporate Life to Transformative Retreats with Anna | DFS 321

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Anna shares her transformative journey!  

In this episode you will learn:

  • Embracing Change for a Fulfilling Life – Anna shares her journey of leaving a successful 13-year corporate career in molecular diagnostics to create Wandering Roots, blending her love for travel and yoga to lead over 20 international retreats.
  • The Importance of Pivoting – Anna discusses how her business evolved, including helping other entrepreneurs plan and host profitable retreats, and emphasizes that personal growth often leads to professional pivots.
  • Finding Balance in Entrepreneurship – The conversation highlights the challenge of balancing work and life, with Anna focusing on reducing work hours and enjoying the journey rather than just the destination.

Who is Anna VanAgtmaeal?

Anna VanAgtmaeal is the founder of Wandering Roots. She hosts adventure retreats all over the world and helps entrepreneurs plan and host their own profitable retreats.


Build a profitable retreat in just 1 minute per day. For entrepreneurs who want to earn more money with their existing brand! This 2-week email series will help you create an incredible experience for your clients while making you more $...and it's totally free! https://retreat.yourwanderingroots.com/

Want a taste of what a Wandering Roots retreat is like? Grab a free DIY retreat guide (usually $39!) and enjoy all the adventure with NONE of the stress of planning. https://freebie.yourwanderingroots.com/




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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

I look forward to connecting with you soon,  Jennifer

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Alright, let me up. Welcome to Destin for

Jennifer Takagi:

success. I'm your host, Jennifer Takagi, and today I have a new

Jennifer Takagi:

interesting friend, Anna. I'm going to get this right. I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

going to just pause a second. I'm going to do this right then.

Jennifer Takagi:

Op mail, yes, close, and she's with wandering roots. That's her

Jennifer Takagi:

business. I cannot wait to hear more. Anna, welcome to the show.

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

Thank you. Thank you for having me

Jennifer Takagi:

on this show. We like to talk about success,

Jennifer Takagi:

your journey to success, what you're doing, what you're up to

Jennifer Takagi:

in the world. So tell us what's going on. Sure.

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

So I have been at wandering roots, or I founded

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

it in 2018 so I've been at it for almost six years, little

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

over six years. And before that, I was a manager in a molecular

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

diagnostics lab. I quit a 13 year career in corporate. I just

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

I ended up having neck surgery, and I had a lot of time to sit

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

with my thoughts and be humbled by my own mortality. And I

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

thought, Gosh, I really wish I was more jazzed about my life. I

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

had everything I thought I wanted, and I really wasn't that

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

happy. So I started doing things that terrified me, and I took

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

yoga teacher trainings to sort of heal from the chronic neck

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

pain after surgery, and I thought I could take my love of

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

travel and yoga and combine them and host retreats. And so that's

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

what I did. I have hosted over 20 we usually go international.

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

We've been all over the place. And in the last two years, I've

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

been helping other entrepreneurs plan and host their own

Anna VanAgtmaeal:


Jennifer Takagi:

retreats. So where are you physically

Jennifer Takagi:

located? Like, where do you call home? Yeah,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

home for me is Michigan. Oh, okay. And

Jennifer Takagi:

when you go international, where is

Jennifer Takagi:


Anna VanAgtmaeal:

So normally Europe and over there, mostly

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

we've hosted in Costa Rica five times, Sicily, Ireland,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

Scotland. Next year we're going to Belize the Dolomites and

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

Iceland fender Banff. We've done a couple domestic like Antelope

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

Canyon, Grand Canyon Olympic National Park in Washington, and

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

then we host one a year in northern Michigan in the fall

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

for a little smaller long weekend offering, because all of

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

those are seven days.

Jennifer Takagi:

That sounds so much fun. I'm writing that down

Jennifer Takagi:

because somebody's gonna ask me, and I'm gonna go, Oh, I know.

Jennifer Takagi:

Hey, appreciate

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

it. Yeah, no, it is fun. It's like, traveling

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

with friends. It really is,

Jennifer Takagi:

yeah, and I travel a lot, and I told you,

Jennifer Takagi:

when we were in the green room that I have a friend who went to

Jennifer Takagi:

Italy on a yoga retreat. Yeah, he was like, wow, it was super

Jennifer Takagi:

fun. And they had excursions every day and did yoga, yeah,

Jennifer Takagi:

had their own chef and whatever, yeah, and so I love to travel. I

Jennifer Takagi:

love to try new things. So this sounds just very interesting to

Jennifer Takagi:

me. I have several people to refer to you when I find out

Jennifer Takagi:

when you're really into it. I i I'm intrigued that while you

Jennifer Takagi:

were down and had down time with your neck, I think I want to do

Jennifer Takagi:

yoga, and I think I want to travel. I think I want to make,

Jennifer Takagi:

yeah, I'll just do retreats, because that is a bold leap.

Jennifer Takagi:

Like I Yeah, you know, nine to five. What are they? I just

Jennifer Takagi:

learned this term recently a w2 I went from being a w2 employee

Jennifer Takagi:

healthy life to be an entrepreneur, which was a leap,

Jennifer Takagi:

but, like, I stayed in my comfort zone. Like, I Yeah, a

Jennifer Takagi:

little bit yeah, but I think, like, adventurous yoga retreats.

Jennifer Takagi:

Like, wow,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

yes, I am. It took me a little more time than,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

like, a year. I I was my last job. I was sort of given the

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

opportunity to be an entrepreneur without the

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

financial risk. I was the first hired employee besides the

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

executive. So, like, I built the lab, I hired the staff, I bought

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

the equipment, did the inventory, all the things, and

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

had to make all of the decisions, but at no financial

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

risk to me, because I wasn't funding the bill. So I tried to

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

quit, and I thought I was going to take a different direction,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

in the same as a w2 employee, but in sort of a more like, um,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

kind of director of sales role, which I hate sales. So that

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

would have never worked out. But anyways, I tried to quit. I got

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

a lot of money to stay, and I went to my husband, and I said,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

I think you should start your own landscape business, because

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

he had been doing it for like, 15 years. And I thought I still

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

didn't know. I wanted to do, and I maybe was still being a

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

coward. Obviously, I was like, you do it so and then after he

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

did it for a year, I thought, okay, I I can figure all of

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

like, make a website, you know, be an accountant, you know,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

things that are all ancillary to running a business, right where

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

you actually almost spend a lot more of your time than doing the

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

thing you love. But anyways, I thought I had enough confidence

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

and had learned some skills that I could just try something

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

completely different, and so I side hustled it for two years

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

before I quit my job. So got but I did quit right before COVID.

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

So that was terrible timing, because I had to cancel all my

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

events. But it was, it was a good test from the universe and

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

still here. So

Jennifer Takagi:

you're still here. And in the year,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

initially, I was doing around six. This year

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

I turned 40, and I had a lot of trips I wanted to do on my own,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

so I only did two, and next year I'm doing three, because I'm

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

starting to plan other people's more and just kind of pivoting a

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

little in my business. So scaling back a little bit

Jennifer Takagi:

well, one thing is an entrepreneur that has been

Jennifer Takagi:

a very eye opening. Interesting thing for me to witness with

Jennifer Takagi:

other people is the ability to make those pivots and shifts.

Jennifer Takagi:

And obviously I have a podcast, because we're doing a podcast

Jennifer Takagi:

interview. And if you go back to the beginning of my podcast, it

Jennifer Takagi:

was called new manager. Media managed right from the start,

Jennifer Takagi:

because all it was all about leadership development, and I

Jennifer Takagi:

made a pivot shift in my business when I learned how to

Jennifer Takagi:

do energy healing. And that's a super fun thing, and corporate

Jennifer Takagi:

would probably really benefit from it, but they may not hire

Jennifer Takagi:

me to come in and talk about, yeah, hard sell. Yeah. I was

Jennifer Takagi:

like, I don't know. I struggled sometimes with the leadership,

Jennifer Takagi:

because, you know, they think everybody already knows how to

Jennifer Takagi:

do it, and guess what, they don't, and they suck at it. But

Jennifer Takagi:

heaven forbid I open that curtain right, Pandora's box.

Jennifer Takagi:

But I was like, Yeah, I want to make this shift, and I want to

Jennifer Takagi:

focus on healing, and now I'm a high performance coach through

Jennifer Takagi:

Brendon Burchard, and put it like the energy healings part of

Jennifer Takagi:

it, you can't perform at a high level if you've got all the

Jennifer Takagi:

totally baggage going on, right? So it all that I can make go

Jennifer Takagi:

together real beautifully. But when I was I contacted the gal

Jennifer Takagi:

who helped me get my podcast going, Michelle Abraham, and I

Jennifer Takagi:

said, Michelle, like, what am I going to do? Like, how do I make

Jennifer Takagi:

this shift? And she said, she's very intuitive and brilliant.

Jennifer Takagi:

And she goes, Oh, well, I think destin for success, because

Jennifer Takagi:

that's an easy transition. Cool, because you're going from new

Jennifer Takagi:

Manor to your destin for success, she goes, then you can

Jennifer Takagi:

go either way. So I find it very easy to interview people,

Jennifer Takagi:

because I've got people who are very structured, strategic type

Jennifer Takagi:

entrepreneurs. Typically entrepreneurs is who I

Jennifer Takagi:

interview, and then I've got the people who are totally Woo and

Jennifer Takagi:

out there. But it all works, because it all leads to your

Jennifer Takagi:

success. But I really thought I would have a big drop in my

Jennifer Takagi:

listeners and my growth would slow down. There are all

Jennifer Takagi:

different ways to measure podcasts. The only way I know

Jennifer Takagi:

how to measure mine is unique downloads, yep, and they keep

Jennifer Takagi:

getting downloaded and they it keeps growing, yeah, so, um, and

Jennifer Takagi:

then I a gal that I knew in a group, I got a request to have

Jennifer Takagi:

her on my podcast, and I thought that's very interesting, like

Jennifer Takagi:

she was kind of high up in this networking group. And I was

Jennifer Takagi:

like, Wow. I didn't even know she knew who I was, much less,

Jennifer Takagi:

yep, I guess. And she they sent me all her background

Jennifer Takagi:

information. I was like, I don't even know who this woman is.

Jennifer Takagi:

Like, this is not the woman I met. What the What the hell I

Jennifer Takagi:

like? I don't understand. And she came on, she goes, Oh yeah,

Jennifer Takagi:

I just burned it all to the ground. I decided I didn't want

Jennifer Takagi:

to do that anymore. So now, yeah, yes. And I was like, wait,

Jennifer Takagi:

what? So I love that there can be pivots. Your pivot is, like,

Jennifer Takagi:

even within the same area. And grasp that a whole lot easier.

Jennifer Takagi:

But it's interesting to me that, oh, well, you know this is, this

Jennifer Takagi:

is working well, but I think I would enjoy this more, yeah,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

yeah. I think sometimes I think you're always

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

led to where you're supposed to go. I'm sure you believe that as

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

being, yeah, you're writing and don't energy healer. But um, I

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

um. Um, had gotten asked a lot if I would plan other people's

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

retreats. And initially I said no, because I I didn't know how

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

that would look. And I was like, I don't know what I would do,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

you know, like, whatever. And then when I had to cancel all of

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

my events, I was like, Well, I just received all of this time.

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

What a gift. And so I made a course so people could DIY it,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

because I would get, you know, just people at different price

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

points and different backgrounds that wanted to do different

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

things. And then I started a one on one service as well, and I

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

ended up loving it way more than I thought. I get to talk, even

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

if you booked a course like I do a 16 minute zoom limit, because

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

I want everybody to feel confident moving forward and not

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

have any lingering questions. So we zoom all the time. And I love

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

hearing how they got into hosting retreats, and I love

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

hearing what content they want to share and and there are, I

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

mean, I'm a psychic medium. I have food photography. There's

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

just so many women doing so many incredible things, and a lot of

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

them are pivoting, too, if they or putting out a new branch of

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

their current brand. So I think, I think it is stupid to think

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

that you're going to grow and develop as a person, as a human

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

being, and then that your work wouldn't follow that that's just

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

so weird to me, right? I mean, it just seems odd like if you're

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

gonna like shift and change, why don't, why wouldn't your

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

interest shift and change? Why wouldn't your goals shift and

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

change? So I don't know. I um, I think you can get a little hung

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

up on, like, maybe quitting or like stopping something, even if

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

you are having success, because your brand can feel pretty

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

personal. But I also think there's a lot of power in

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

quitting and just pursuing something that excites you and

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

lights you up. So

Jennifer Takagi:

I was in my 20s, and all my friends had a

Jennifer Takagi:

master's degree, and I did not, and so I went and signed up for

Jennifer Takagi:

a master's program, and I got in, and it was a Masters of

Jennifer Takagi:

French literature, and I'm in my first class, and it ends up

Jennifer Takagi:

being 16th Century French theater is the topic. Well,

Jennifer Takagi:

it's, it's like reading Shakespeare, but in French, I I

Jennifer Takagi:

struggled, and I called my high school French teacher, I tracked

Jennifer Takagi:

her down, and I was like, Hey, could you tutor me? She goes,

Jennifer Takagi:

Why don't we meet first and see what you need? And yeah, so we

Jennifer Takagi:

met. I guess you could back then. Now they charge for it,

Jennifer Takagi:

but you could check out a carousel at the local library

Jennifer Takagi:

that we're little office type space. And she goes, Why do you

Jennifer Takagi:

want a master's? And I say, because all my friends have one.

Jennifer Takagi:

I just like, that's a good reason. And she goes, Okay,

Jennifer Takagi:

well, what's happening to the class? And I tell her, and she

Jennifer Takagi:

goes, I think you should quit. Yeah, quit. She goes, Well, who

Jennifer Takagi:

said you can't quit? I said, Well, in my family, you don't

Jennifer Takagi:

quit anything, yes, oh, my God, yes. But, but you don't like it,

Jennifer Takagi:

and she is. You're on a path. You picked a path. You've got on

Jennifer Takagi:

the path, and as you're going down the path, you decide you

Jennifer Takagi:

don't like the path, so you turn right, turn left, you just get

Jennifer Takagi:

off that path. Just get off you smart alec, tell me what to do.

Jennifer Takagi:

So simple,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

when you break it down like

Jennifer Takagi:

that, I went home and I was single, and I

Jennifer Takagi:

thought that's a bunch of crap. I'm sticking with it. I'm not

Jennifer Takagi:

just going to be a quitter. I may not hire her to help me, but

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm not going to be a quitter. Maybe I'm going to be a quitter.

Jennifer Takagi:

I don't know. To the class, and there were, I don't know eight

Jennifer Takagi:

or nine people in the class. I'd already gone to the library to

Jennifer Takagi:

check out all the books on the list that you had to only get

Jennifer Takagi:

from the library, and they were all already taken because they

Jennifer Takagi:

all lived on campus, and I did not, because I had a full time

Jennifer Takagi:

permanent job. And so I'm sitting in the class and one of

Jennifer Takagi:

the gals, and this is all in French, and I've now been out of

Jennifer Takagi:

college for six or seven years, right? So I'm very rusty, yeah,

Jennifer Takagi:

but she said, and everything's in French, and she says, I

Jennifer Takagi:

thought it was hilarious when Julian said, blah blah blah, and

Jennifer Takagi:

she blah blah blah. And I was like, Wait, Julian is a girl. I

Jennifer Takagi:

thought that was a like, I didn't need to do the gender,

Jennifer Takagi:

the characters, yeah, I'm out. And, yeah,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

this is it. How many more signs do I need?

Anna VanAgtmaeal:


Jennifer Takagi:

that was the final sign. And I called. My

Jennifer Takagi:

high school Spanish teacher and said, Okay, you win. You're

Jennifer Takagi:

right, like I quit, versus having one class on my

Jennifer Takagi:

transcript for a master's, and I got a F, oh, man, gender, the

Jennifer Takagi:

people, I had to withdraw. But I think it can be hard, and I I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

in a program right now, and she spent a lot of time helping me

Jennifer Takagi:

map out what I was going to do and what I did so FYI listeners,

Jennifer Takagi:

12 minute gift.com that's my thing, and you need to go get

Jennifer Takagi:

it. And it's a three part audio series training for my audience

Jennifer Takagi:

that is something they should be interested in, like, typically

Jennifer Takagi:

would be interested in, and I've had a lot of really great

Jennifer Takagi:

response to it, but as we're putting it together, she said,

Jennifer Takagi:

once you get this recorded, and once you get this out there,

Jennifer Takagi:

Jennifer, you have to stick to this for one year. And I was

Jennifer Takagi:

like, what? And she said, as it goes along, if we need to make

Jennifer Takagi:

changes or tweaks, we can, but most entrepreneurs stop too

Jennifer Takagi:

soon, and yeah, they're really going to get traction. So what's

Jennifer Takagi:

your advice on that? Like, because you alluded to before I

Jennifer Takagi:

started my Yeah,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

I actually kind of love that, because I

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

think also entrepreneurs can be really creative and just sort of

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

get bored with something and kind of like, you know, want to

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

move to the next thing. So I am a spreadsheet data nerd at

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

heart, so I do like to just track things for a specific

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

amount of time to at least see if it's working or not, and not

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

just give up because it's hard or, you know, you've given it

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

one week and it didn't blow up like you thought. It probably

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

one input you hoped it would so. But I, um, I think that, well,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

first of all, your body always knows. So if it's not aligned

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

with you, there's something probably going on with your body

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

if it's really not for you, like, if you're really supposed

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

to quit. But I also think that sort of giving it some time to

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

grow and nurture something, and just not getting upset that it,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

you know, like I said, didn't take off right away, is you got

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

to live in the middle of those two things. But, um, I think

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

that. I think there's always signs. There's always signs if

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

you're supposed to sort of wait it out, or if you're supposed to

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

pivot and move, and the more I mean, you're the energy healer,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

the more in tune with that stuff, the better, right? Well,

Jennifer Takagi:

it Yes, and not everybody, really, you know,

Jennifer Takagi:

goes with that.

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

Lots of people don't,

Jennifer Takagi:

not everybody's bag, obviously, I don't know

Jennifer Takagi:

it's not, but Brenda Burchard, you may or may not have heard of

Jennifer Takagi:

him. He's, like, really big in the personal development space,

Jennifer Takagi:

and I'm in his mastermind group, and he was on a stage and

Jennifer Takagi:

physically started on the far left and said, I did my first

Jennifer Takagi:

online training, like a webinar, and and I didn't sell anything,

Jennifer Takagi:

and I I got a better camera, so I at least looked a Little

Jennifer Takagi:

better, and I did it again, and the camera was better, but then

Jennifer Takagi:

I had a problem with this, and I fixed that. And he said, Yeah, I

Jennifer Takagi:

did it every month, and every month I made a change, I made a

Jennifer Takagi:

tweak, I got better, yeah, and I didn't make a sale till like

Jennifer Takagi:

month 11, but I was, you know, pivoting along the way. And it

Jennifer Takagi:

was like, yeah, oh, I did one one time for three months, and

Jennifer Takagi:

then I quit.

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

I actually did a live workshop when I first did

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

my course, I tried to do those live workshops, and I think I

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

did three, and I quit, and then probably about three months, but

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

left the course up. And I was like, Maybe I should try

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

something else. But he's he's right here. I if you actually

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

one of my favorite yoga teachers always says, Consider some

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

everybody in a class, if you go to like, a 60 minute class in a

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

studio, everybody's been a beginner at one time, so you're

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

never gonna be the woman doing the handstand in the front

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

corner on your first class, right? You gotta, you have to be

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

able to differentiate between if you're being a beginner slash

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

student, and not take yourself too seriously and be willing to

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

look stupid and grow and learn make mistakes and carry lessons

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

forward. But, um, yeah, yeah. I I wonder what the best?

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

Honestly, this is such a good question, like, such a good

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

indicator of, are you quitting because it's hard and you don't

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

like being humbled by feeling like a student, or are you not

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

an expert, because everybody kind of wants to skip to the

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

good part. But. The journey is the part where the magic

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

happens. So I don't know. Jennifer, I don't know the

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

answer. I think you should give it a shot. I think you should be

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

willing to try. And if it really doesn't work out and it really

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

just not happening, then maybe, maybe that's when the power and

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

quitting happens. I think that every seven years I'm going to

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

do something different. No, I don't know. We'll see I just

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

like to, like, pay attention. I think if you one of the things

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

that my brand, I try to encourage all of the women that

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

go on retreat to like, build the life that they love, that they

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

like, think about daily, what they want. Like, what do you

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

want out of life? I think sometimes we get so caught up in

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

the hamster wheel, or all of the hats we wear, or the decision

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

making and things like that, that we forget that we're here

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

to enjoy it, you know. And it's fleeting, and we're not here

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

forever. It's not guaranteed. So, um, I mean, it doesn't mean

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

you're going towards the excitement all the time. There's

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

hard parts too, but I think the more you can kind of be aware

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

and make decisions based on that, then you're probably doing

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

it right. I

Jennifer Takagi:

love that, and it cracks me up. You're going to

Jennifer Takagi:

do something new every seven years i i worked for the federal

Jennifer Takagi:

government, and oh god, one time said, Because I followed in his

Jennifer Takagi:

footsteps in the federal government, and he's my French

Jennifer Takagi:

degree wasn't getting me very far. So there he goes. How'd

Jennifer Takagi:

that work out for you? And I said, you asked my mom, I ran

Jennifer Takagi:

the government, so it looked out pretty well for me. What about

Jennifer Takagi:

you? I have health insurance, I mean. About you?

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

Oh, that's amazing. But

Jennifer Takagi:

my dad, hey, every seven years, people need a

Jennifer Takagi:

new job, because they get in one job for so long, and they get so

Jennifer Takagi:

comfortable at it that they're no longer effective. And I ended

Jennifer Takagi:

up staying in the same branch my entire career. I was in one

Jennifer Takagi:

section for two years, and then I moved to another section, but

Jennifer Takagi:

I did one job for two or three years, and then I stepped into a

Jennifer Takagi:

different one for a number of years, and then I was a

Jennifer Takagi:

supervisor for so like I did, I was in the same division with

Jennifer Takagi:

the same premise, if you will, but I was very different tasks

Jennifer Takagi:

and responding different things. So I think I did that, and then,

Jennifer Takagi:

oh my gosh, I had been an entrepreneur about seven years

Jennifer Takagi:

when I switched to the training. So maybe I've done it

Jennifer Takagi:

unintentionally, maybe, and it just worked. So tell me the time

Jennifer Takagi:

when you felt the most successful? Because we have

Jennifer Takagi:

those times where we're like, wow, this is it. And it could be

Jennifer Takagi:

right, yeah. Like, when is your

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

I felt the most? Um, yeah. So I think that

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

last year I took the summer off. I had been like grinding hard.

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

I'd been in a hustle for a long time, and I just decided to

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

trust that I could take something off, and I was going

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

to come back, and I was going to work four hour days, there were

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

going to be days that probably, if I was in the flow or I had to

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

catch up, it would be longer, but that would be my intention,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

and I wanted to be better about work life balance. And I have

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

done really well at that. I think that I've had a lot of

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

success as far as numbers and profits and selling out retreats

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

and things. But if you're not feeling a life that you love and

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

want and enjoy, I if you're dying at your desk and you're

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

making seven figures, it's not worth it. So I think that, yeah,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

success. I don't actually believe in balance. I think

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

there's like peaks and valleys to life and work, and seasons of

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

where that's a little bit harder, a little bit heavier,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

and then there's lighter seasons. And I just think trying

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

to take care of yourself, stay true to your values, and living

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

there and making time just to enjoy it. I think that's a good

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

place to be. I think that's success to me. I I don't know. I

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

don't think it's a number.

Jennifer Takagi:

Well, it's so much, because if you have

Jennifer Takagi:

financial success, the question is, what do you do with that?

Jennifer Takagi:

Yeah, I was in a group call the other day, and we were doing a

Jennifer Takagi:

visioning exercise, and one of the questions was, if you're

Jennifer Takagi:

more successful, what would the marker be? Which typically it's

Jennifer Takagi:

money, right? Because when you're doing things, you make

Jennifer Takagi:

money. And it was like, Well, why does that matter? And so as

Jennifer Takagi:

we went through it, it was. Like, what would you do if you

Jennifer Takagi:

had all the money in the world and you could do anything that

Jennifer Takagi:

you're not doing now? And I thought I would be more

Jennifer Takagi:

philanthropic, me to bring more clients in, to have more money,

Jennifer Takagi:

so that I can be more philanthropic. I am, but not to,

Jennifer Takagi:

like, a scalable degree, yeah, yeah, being philanthropic. But

Jennifer Takagi:

that was like, oh, but that was a very different way to look at

Jennifer Takagi:

it 100% like, I want more so I can do this. Like, what are you

Jennifer Takagi:

going to do with them more? Well, yeah, I don't know. Like,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

oh yeah, I want to be more, yeah, yeah. And

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

some people are just like, they need more, but they have no idea

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

what that even looks like. Like, what like a number, even

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

sometimes people can't even tell you. And you're like, well, and

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

you're always playing a losing game,

Jennifer Takagi:

yeah, yeah. You may or may not hit that, but

Jennifer Takagi:

we'll see, yeah, oh my gosh. Well, this has been such a fun,

Jennifer Takagi:

interesting conversation. What is next on your agenda? Because

Jennifer Takagi:

you've, you've gotten it down to four hours a day. I was gonna

Jennifer Takagi:

say a week, but a day, which is much more reasonable. See, I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

trying to not work Mondays and Fridays. Oh,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

perfect. Love that I'm working on. It's kind

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

of the same. Then I'm getting closer. I love it. You'll get

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

there. Um, yeah, I think I just pivoting more into the planning

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

other people's retreats, because I really love that. And, um,

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

seeing how next year goes, with hosting half and seeing if I

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

want to do it less or more. I'm just like, kind of seeing how it

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

feels. But I don't know. I don't have any. Right now I'm running.

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

We're renovating our primary resonance, and that has taken

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

out most of my headspace that I don't have to live in a shoe box

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

any longer. But other than that, I think that I post COVID, I

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

wasn't networking sort of like this feels so it's so fun to

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

like, hear your story a little bit and get to know you and see

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

what you're up to. And spending time with other entrepreneurs

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

just fills my cup so much. It's really inspiring to me to hear

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

other people that are really chasing their dreams. So thank

Anna VanAgtmaeal:


Jennifer Takagi:

If someone wants to get hold of you, Anna,

Jennifer Takagi:

how are they going to do that?

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

My website's your wandering roots.com.

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

There's a lot of resources there. There's a lot of free

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

things. We still have some openings for retreats, and then

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

also, we're taking clients all the time for our course or one

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

on one services. I'm also on Instagram at your wandering

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

roots. I travel with my best friend that's our chef, and my

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

friend that's a photographer, and my friend that's a

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

photographer makes some really funny reels. So if you're

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

interested to see what it's like, you can check me out

Anna VanAgtmaeal:


Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh, I'm going to Instagram. I'm going to

Jennifer Takagi:

see what's happening there. And if I understood correctly, you

Jennifer Takagi:

do any kind of retreat, it doesn't have to be a yoga

Jennifer Takagi:


Anna VanAgtmaeal:

100% yes, we do. Like I said, I had a psychic

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

medium food photographer. She's teaching people how to do

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

photography. I have a lot of coaches that are just teaching

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

their content. I have a nutritionist that it's all about

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

food. So there's, I mean, you literally can do anything. So oh

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

my gosh,

Jennifer Takagi:

I love it. Well, Anna, I look forward to

Jennifer Takagi:

connecting with you again, because I got more questions.

Jennifer Takagi:

This is awesome being here.

Anna VanAgtmaeal:

Thank you for having me.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm Jennifer Takagi with destin for success,

Jennifer Takagi:

and I look forward to connecting with you soon. Bye, bye.

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Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.