Episode 320

Celebrate ALL the Wins BIG AND SMALL | DFS 320

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  The more we celebrate all the WINS, the more we have to celebrate!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Confidence - not knowing you’ll be able to do it …
  • List 5 things you can do right now!  Today!
  • Grow or Die - Healthy people have choices

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to Destin for success. I'm your

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host, Jennifer Takagi, and this week I want to talk about

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celebrating the wins, both big and small. Last week, our

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episode with Lainey love, she talked about celebration and how

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important that is. I was recently at an event with Brenda

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Burchard, and he talked about celebrating and actually taking

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time to let it ingrain, into your heart, into your body, into

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your soul. And we don't do that enough. So the first point I

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want to make is about confidence. I've heard people

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talk about self confidence, and I don't have self confidence.

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Well, the bottom line is, we all have self confidence. That's

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just kind of a cop out, in my opinion. What we're really

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saying is I don't know how to do that well, either I don't know

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how to do it at all, or I don't know how to do it well. And then

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we say, I don't have any confidence, or I don't have self

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confidence. It's only in that one thing. So having confidence

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is confidence is actually not knowing you'll be able to do it,

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like I don't know that I'm going to be able to do this, but

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knowing you will figure it out along the way. I can't remember

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who first said it, but it was the word. I think it's a made up

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word, actually, but you can go look it up. But it was figure

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out able. It's figure out able. I'm going to figure out how to

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do this when you know you can figure something out, whether

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it's by yourself, using one of the amazing search engines that

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are available at our little fingertips, using an amazing AI

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tool that can tell us amazing things, or collaborating with

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other people, you know, you can figure it out. There's a way.

Jennifer Takagi:

There's a path. You can do it. I recently was asked about a past

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trip my husband and I took to Italy, and it was amazing. We

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had a great time, and I have an amazing travel agent. Shout out

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to the concierge travel agent Amy. Woody and Amy created an

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entire PDF with clickable links. We had all of our information in

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one document, where we were going, our tickets, what time we

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needed to be there, how we needed to get there. It was all

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very clearly laid out, and that was great. So I shared with one

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friend so she could share with her friend my itinerary. I just

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sent it over, and I said, this may not be what she wants to do,

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but it'll at least give her an idea. And my friend came back

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with, yeah, that's great. What they really want to do is stay

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at nice hotels and go shopping. Perfect. I went to chat GPT,

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which is AI, if you're unfamiliar. I wasn't familiar

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till I was I went to AI and I typed in. I went to take a high

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end trip to Italy. And I want to shop at all the most amazing

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places. Where should I stay? Where should I go? Where should

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I shop, and what is it going to cost, literally, in seconds,

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chat, GPT came out with like, five cities in Italy. I think it

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was a couple of hotel or Airbnb options at each location and

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roughly how much they would cost. They did throw in they as

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in chat GPT. I'm making them plural, chat GPT. Dropped in

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also a couple of things to check out, like museums or other areas

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of interest, experiences you could do. And then listed

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several of the high end shopping areas or stores in that city,

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and it gave a grand total for each city and a grand total for

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the trip across Italy. I may not have the information, I may not

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know the information, but I'm completely confident that I can

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figure it out, and so can you. So my first challenge to you

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today is quit saying that you don't have confidence. You may

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not have confidence in doing it right this second, but you can

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gain it very easily as a little kid. If you've been listening to

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my podcast is the beginning. You've heard me share this story

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before, but I think it's so critical, and it just

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illustrates the point. I'm the youngest of four, and I did not

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know how to tell time, and everybody in the family did. My

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next sister is three years older. Everybody knew how to.

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Time, and they'd say, Jennifer, come on, we're leaving in 10

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minutes. Get ready. I didn't know what 10 minutes was. How

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many is 10 minutes? I didn't know that whole time thing of 10

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minutes. The other thing was, we're gonna leave at 10 o'clock.

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I didn't know what 10 o'clock was like. How am I gonna find 10

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o'clock. I couldn't tell time. I didn't know what time it was,

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and that just really bothered me, that I couldn't follow the

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conversation. I didn't know what time it was. I learned how to

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tell time in second grade. I got my first watch in second grade,

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and you will rarely find me without a watch on. I like to

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know what time it is, I can often guess the time pretty

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quickly. I'm a baker. I literally can be in the other

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room watching TV and think, hmm, I bet that cakes about ready,

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and I can get up and walk in the kitchen. I'm within two minutes

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of the timer going off, if not the timer going off as soon as I

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cross the threshold. So time matters to me, like I like to

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know what time it is when I'm feeling like I don't know how to

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do something. I can't do it. It's not figure out able, which

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it is figure out able. It's like I can tell time. And that brings

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me to the next point, list, five things you can do right now

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today, you do not have to compare it to anybody else and

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what their skill level is. What can you do today? I had somebody

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tell me recently, I can't cook. Come to find out, they could

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cook, they just had never looked at a recipe. You look at a

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recipe, you follow it exactly the first time. You look up any

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words you don't understand, and before you know it, you're

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cooking. I love some of the videos on Facebook. On the

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cooking videos, this one guy said you're supposed to fold

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this in. I don't know what it means. I'm just going to stir it

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in. And I thought to myself, That's pretty hilarious, because

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folding makes a difference. It keeps things light and airy. And

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there are multiple techniques for folding. And I thought, if I

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were to open a recipe right now, open it, as in, opening it up

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online, if I were going to open up a recipe, and I didn't know

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what that technique was, I would do a search. I would find a

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video. YouTube is my friend, but list five things you can do

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right now. What can I do right now? I can plug in this

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microphone, and I can hit record. I can do that. I can sit

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down and I can write a blog, I can make 10 statements of

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something that I believe is true, and I can put it out to

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the universe I believe these things are true. That started me

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on my journey to write and publish my first book. I never

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thought I could write a book, and I did, and it went on Amazon

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and it was a best seller in several categories, address the

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stress, tips and tricks to lead to success. That was my first

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book. I didn't know I could write a book. The book started

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out as a blog, and when the woman said, Write a blog, I said

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to myself, because I was sitting by myself in my office, I don't

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know what a blog is. And she was like, a blog is where you write

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something out and you post it on your website. Oh, okay. Her

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instructions were list 10 things that you know are true about

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whatever topic you like. And I was like, okay, stress, 10

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things that will reduce your stress. Okay, I made my list of

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10. The next step was fill out each of those 10 by typing up an

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entire page about that to support it. Your experiences,

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any research that you found, whatever it is. Okay, great. Got

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to the end of that, and she said, now go on Fiverr, f, i, v,

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e, r, r.com, or Canva, C, A, N, V, a.com, and create a cover.

Jennifer Takagi:

Okay, I did, and then she came back with now, save this as a

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PDF, upload it to your website. This is your lead magnet to get

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people's email addresses. You're giving them an ebook. Wow,

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that's cool. So I'm talking to another woman in the program,

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and she goes, upload it to Amazon. And I said, I can't. And

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she said, Why can't you? I said, because I haven't written a

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book. And she goes, You did just write a book. And I went, what

Jennifer Takagi:

she was, yeah, you just wrote a book, upload it to Amazon. I

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said, Well, I

Jennifer Takagi:

can't, because I don't know how. And she goes, Great, I will help

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you. I now have had six best selling books on Amazon. I

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couldn't do it when I started, but it was figure out, able. I

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found the person. Person who can help me. I followed the

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instructions by the business coach on what to do, and then I

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reached out to some friends, and I got even more guidance, and

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voila, here we are, all these years later. So your confidence

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comes from knowing that you can figure it out. What five things

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can you already do now, when you have those moments of I can't do

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it. I don't know how. I challenge you to look back at

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that list, and then you can tell yourself, I can figure this out

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and say it with sincerity and power behind it. I can figure

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this out, and you will. The third point I want to make today

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is you can grow or you can die. And healthy people have a

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choice, and they know they have a choice, and that's healthy,

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mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It's like the whole

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and physically. Did I say that one? I don't know. It's the

Jennifer Takagi:

whole gamut. It's your whole being. There is a book titled

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younger next year, younger next year. And this gentleman in his

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70s goes to a an internist in his 40s, and they start talking

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about the aging process and what to do. So the book is super fun.

Jennifer Takagi:

I bought the Kindle version and then upgraded and got the audio

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book, so I have it in two different versions. No, I don't

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get paid for promoting this, but it's a great book. But that

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older gentleman talks about how he went to a spin class and he

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could barely sit on the bike the whole time. In a matter of

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months, he was like killing it on the spin bike in the spin

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class. People 30 years younger than he was, 40 years younger

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than he was, were completely enamored by the fact that he

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could crush it on the spin cycle. Then the physician popped

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in and said, every cell in your body is either growing or

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decaying. The more things you do to reinvigorate yourself,

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reinvigorate your body, the more your body will grow, the more it

Jennifer Takagi:

can do. So you literally can be younger next year by being

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healthier, making healthier choices, but you do that by

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celebrating every little win. Do you have to celebrate that you

Jennifer Takagi:

went and did spin class five times a week, every day for five

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weeks, you can but what if you just celebrated the fact that

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you went to one class this week? Celebrate it. Celebrate it big.

Jennifer Takagi:

Celebrate it hard. Be so proud of yourself that you did it, and

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it will be easier to go tomorrow, and it will be easier

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to go the next day and the next day, if we dismiss all the great

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things that we do, it's really hard to grow. I did something

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recently and somebody goes, Oh, my God, Jennifer, that was

Jennifer Takagi:

great. And I said, thanks. And I just moved on. And they were

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like, no, wait, that was really important. Take a minute and

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celebrate it. So when you do something, it doesn't have to be

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big, it doesn't have to be grand, but if you do something

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and you think very quickly, I'm happy I got that done. Celebrate

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it. I love the phrase that I learned from Jenny Trask and

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Kimberly Crowe. I think Cheryl stilt started it just to name

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all the peeps, and it was, let me breathe that in. So breathe

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in your wins. Breathe in your celebrations, whether they are

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big or whether they are small, breathe them in. Celebrate life.

Jennifer Takagi:

Celebrate all great things big and small. I'm Jennifer Takagi

Jennifer Takagi:

with destin for success, and I look forward to connecting with

Jennifer Takagi:

you soon. You.

About the Podcast

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Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.