Episode 304
Visualizing Success | DFS 304
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. There is a lot of talk about visualizing, but does it work and how can you do it more intentionally?
In this episode you will learn:
- Visualize as if you are doing it
- Edison, Schwarzeneggar, Oprah all did it!
- Increase performance and reduce stress
If you are ready to start reaching your goals instead of simply dreaming about it, start today with 12minutegift.com!
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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
Official Website: http://www.jennifertakagi.com
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Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting
Wishing you the best,
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com
Welcome to destined for success. I'm your
Jennifer Takagi:host Jennifer Takagi and today I want to talk about
Jennifer Takagi:visualization, specifically visualizing the success you want
Jennifer Takagi:to have. So visualization is a mental technique where you
Jennifer Takagi:literally make a picture in your mind's eye of what you want the
Jennifer Takagi:outcome to look like what you want it to be. And the
Jennifer Takagi:interesting thing that has been proven over and over again, is
Jennifer Takagi:your subconscious mind does not know the difference between a
Jennifer Takagi:past event and a future event. It doesn't know the difference,
Jennifer Takagi:it can't tell. So if you visualize what you want your
Jennifer Takagi:future success to be. And you don't have any blocks, you don't
Jennifer Takagi:have anything holding you back from getting there. Your mind
Jennifer Takagi:will think it's true. And it comes to you. So some historical
Jennifer Takagi:figures that used visualization were Thomas Edison, Arnold
Jennifer Takagi:Schwarzenegger, and Oprah. So we'll start with the boys get
Jennifer Takagi:them out of the way, Thomas Edison, who was the inventor of
Jennifer Takagi:the light bulb, phonograph, and other amazing inventions that we
Jennifer Takagi:use today or enhance our lives today, I would visualize what he
Jennifer Takagi:wanted his invention to be what he wanted it to do, and spent a
Jennifer Takagi:lot of time visualizing it before he ever stepped into the
Jennifer Takagi:laboratory to create it. Arnold Schwarzenegger would visualize
Jennifer Takagi:his muscle growing so that he could achieve his bodybuilding
Jennifer Takagi:goals. And he also used it when he transitioned into acting and
Jennifer Takagi:politics like he envisioned what he wanted his life to be. One of
Jennifer Takagi:my favorites is Oprah Winfrey. Oprah visualized her goals of
Jennifer Takagi:what she wanted to become of who she wanted to become. She did
Jennifer Takagi:not come from the greatest background, she didn't have the
Jennifer Takagi:best opportunities. She didn't really have, from what I've
Jennifer Takagi:read, have that many good role models to know I want to be like
Jennifer Takagi:her. She had to create what her was going to look like. So it's
Jennifer Takagi:very important that we take time to visualize what we want. Now
Jennifer Takagi:I've, I've kind of, I've made stuff told stories, and you
Jennifer Takagi:might have kind of all my podcasts in the past, about
Jennifer Takagi:wanting to be a cheerleader, it was a really big deal. I never
Jennifer Takagi:even thought about being a cheerleader until we moved to
Jennifer Takagi:Richardson, Texas, which is a Dallas suburb. And I found out
Jennifer Takagi:that being a cheerleader was like a really big deal. And
Jennifer Takagi:everybody wanted to be a cheerleader. So I was going to
Jennifer Takagi:be a cheerleader, too. And part of my visualization exercise is
Jennifer Takagi:to pray. And for me, I'm praying to God, other people, it's to
Jennifer Takagi:the universe to their higher self, whatever it is, I don't
Jennifer Takagi:care. It all works. But I would pray to God not to take your gun
Jennifer Takagi:heaven. Please let me make the cheerleading squad in Jesus
Jennifer Takagi:name, Amen. So I had learned from past praying, did you hear
Jennifer Takagi:the story about me praying to be run over by best before
Jennifer Takagi:kindergarten started because I was scared to go to
Jennifer Takagi:kindergarten. I learned from that I wasn't specific enough.
Jennifer Takagi:So when I prayed about being a cheerleader, I prayed that if I
Jennifer Takagi:didn't make the squad, God would give me a reason to be grateful
Jennifer Takagi:that I didn't. The first cold snap came through North Texas,
Jennifer Takagi:the wind blows hard. They're just like it does in Oklahoma.
Jennifer Takagi:And the cheerleaders were down there freezing their little
Jennifer Takagi:butts off. And I was in the stands and a coat and mittens
Jennifer Takagi:and I was cold but not freezing like they were. So when you
Jennifer Takagi:start visualizing, it is imperative that you have a clear
Jennifer Takagi:picture a clear goal, and you truly want it. If you visualize
Jennifer Takagi:it, and you have all the caveats of if it doesn't happen, then
Jennifer Takagi:this if it doesn't happen that I'm going to do that if it
Jennifer Takagi:doesn't happen, please show me how I'm grateful. I'm just
Jennifer Takagi:saying you probably don't want it that much. Because I know I
Jennifer Takagi:didn't really want it. I thought I wanted it. But deep down I
Jennifer Takagi:didn't really want it. So be sure that what you're
Jennifer Takagi:visualizing is really what you want. Sometimes we say Oh, I
Jennifer Takagi:didn't want that. But we focus so much on what we didn't want
Jennifer Takagi:that we got it anyway. The brain can't differentiate between
Jennifer Takagi:those negatives. You tell a kid running around a pool, don't run
Jennifer Takagi:On don't run, and what is it a little stinker do runs faster.
Jennifer Takagi:Tell them what you want them to do walk. So in your brain,
Jennifer Takagi:you've got to be very specific. What do you want? What do you
Jennifer Takagi:want that outcome to be? What do you want it to look like in your
Jennifer Takagi:visualization? And how do you want to feel? How do you want to
Jennifer Takagi:feel? Very key very important. There is an anecdote anecdotal
Jennifer Takagi:story easy for me to say I'm not a professional speaker. No, I
Jennifer Takagi:am, I just can't talk today. There's an anecdotal story in
Jennifer Takagi:the bicycling world, that all the cyclists would come to this
Jennifer Takagi:one bridge in a race, and their wheels would get stuck in the
Jennifer Takagi:gaps between the wooden slats of this bridge. And every cyclist
Jennifer Takagi:dreaded it, they dreaded jumping up to that bridge. And they
Jennifer Takagi:dreaded their tires getting stuck, their wheels getting
Jennifer Takagi:stuck, and then they would wreck and everybody would wreck behind
Jennifer Takagi:them. And it was just like a catastrophe. The next year, one
Jennifer Takagi:entire team all made it across that bridge, every single one of
Jennifer Takagi:them who wish they all got past other teams were crashing and
Jennifer Takagi:burning this one team who wish they just made it past. And that
Jennifer Takagi:will swooshes my idea of a bicycle going across a wooden
Jennifer Takagi:bridge. And the point of the story is, the coach taught his
Jennifer Takagi:team to look beyond what was right in front of them to what
Jennifer Takagi:they wanted. And what they wanted was to get to the other
Jennifer Takagi:side of the bridge. So they were not focused on any of the
Jennifer Takagi:obstacles, or anything that would be in their way that could
Jennifer Takagi:impair them from reaching their goal, because their goal was to
Jennifer Takagi:get across the bridge. What is happening in your life? And what
Jennifer Takagi:are you doing where you're focusing on the gap between the
Jennifer Takagi:wooden slabs versus the other side? What is holding you back
Jennifer Takagi:what's happening? When you visualize, and you have a clear
Jennifer Takagi:and concise picture, you know how you're going to look you
Jennifer Takagi:know how you're going to act, you know how you're going to
Jennifer Takagi:feel, it increases your motivation. Because you want to
Jennifer Takagi:get there, you have a clearer picture you want to get there,
Jennifer Takagi:your focus is so clear. You know what your goal is, you know what
Jennifer Takagi:you want it to, to make it right, like what the bottom is,
Jennifer Takagi:I want to go at least as far if not further. And then you can
Jennifer Takagi:wipe out any distractions. You can focus on what you want, then
Jennifer Takagi:your performance gets better. There are numerous studies, or
Jennifer Takagi:they took one group, and they had an visualize the physical
Jennifer Takagi:activity, whatever sport it was. And they just focused on it so
Jennifer Takagi:many hours a day on what they were going to do, how they're
Jennifer Takagi:going to look how they're going to perform, what the team was
Jennifer Takagi:going to do. This other group just practiced, and practice and
Jennifer Takagi:practice and practice. There was a third group who spent part of
Jennifer Takagi:their day visualizing, and part of their day working out. And in
Jennifer Takagi:the end, the group that visualized did better than the
Jennifer Takagi:group that just worked out. And the group that visualize and
Jennifer Takagi:worked out, did substantially better than the ones who only
Jennifer Takagi:visualize. So you can go out there and find all the studies,
Jennifer Takagi:there's just a ton of research proving this again and again. So
Jennifer Takagi:your performance is going to be better. One of the greatest
Jennifer Takagi:things you can do is tell yourself before you go to sleep
Jennifer Takagi:at night when you lay down and everything's cool, calm and
Jennifer Takagi:quiet. And tell yourself what you're going to do the next day
Jennifer Takagi:and how that day is going to play out. It's going to change
Jennifer Takagi:your life. You also will reduce your stress and anxiety. you've
Jennifer Takagi:imagined and rehearsed that outcome over and over again.
Jennifer Takagi:When I started seventh grade, there was an orientation and one
Jennifer Takagi:of the teachers that was talking to the parents that kids were
Jennifer Takagi:there too but the parents were there and they suggested you get
Jennifer Takagi:a tape recorder is before the iPhone and smartphones and all
Jennifer Takagi:that we actually had tape recorders. Get a tape recorder
Jennifer Takagi:and record all your notes and worksheets and listen to him
Jennifer Takagi:because then you heard heard it from the teacher, you wrote it
Jennifer Takagi:down,
Jennifer Takagi:you saw it, you're hitting like all your senses, hitting them
Jennifer Takagi:all. Then as you prepare for a test, replay your worksheets and
Jennifer Takagi:your notes, I will say I did that all the way through from
Jennifer Takagi:seventh grade all the way through college, I did that it
Jennifer Takagi:made the world of difference to me, I make that suggestion to
Jennifer Takagi:kids I know that are in high school or college, they blow me
Jennifer Takagi:off, though it's no big deal. And Jennifer, I don't really
Jennifer Takagi:care, I don't need to do that. And let me just tell you, they
Jennifer Takagi:would have done way better. If I'm giving a speech that's
Jennifer Takagi:really long, and I may or may not have notes, I write out the
Jennifer Takagi:whole thing, I record the whole thing. And then I listened to it
Jennifer Takagi:in the background, just going time and time again. Then I
Jennifer Takagi:don't really need any notes. I've rehearsed it so many times.
Jennifer Takagi:In actuality, I rehearsed at once when I read it out loud.
Jennifer Takagi:But then the other rehearsal was going on in my brain while I was
Jennifer Takagi:listening to myself give that talk, same kind of thing. I
Jennifer Takagi:visualized walking out on that stage. I visualized taking the
Jennifer Takagi:mic, if you know what your state is going to look like ahead of
Jennifer Takagi:time, that's really awesome. And how I was gonna do every time
Jennifer Takagi:I'm gonna give a talk, I say it's gonna be amazing. I had
Jennifer Takagi:some friends say How can you say that? And I said, Well, I don't
Jennifer Takagi:want to say I'm gonna go up there and suck. That's not
Jennifer Takagi:really a good idea. I just say it, I own it. When you have a
Jennifer Takagi:talk coming up when you have a presentation coming up, when you
Jennifer Takagi:have anything big going on. Or you want to create something new
Jennifer Takagi:or different or enhance it. Vision, visualize when it's
Jennifer Takagi:going to be visualize the positive outcome. Rehearse how
Jennifer Takagi:you're going to act and react when you reach that level of
Jennifer Takagi:success. You're going to alleviate anxiety and stress.
Jennifer Takagi:It's also going to help you build a positive mindset. I hear
Jennifer Takagi:people often talk about how terrible everything is. The
Jennifer Takagi:other day, a young woman who is just Darlene. But as a very
Jennifer Takagi:negative mindset came up and said hello. And I said hello and
Jennifer Takagi:somebody else joined in the conversation. There were three
Jennifer Takagi:or four or five of us in this one little circle of
Jennifer Takagi:conversation. And I realized every single thing that came out
Jennifer Takagi:of her mouth was negative. Not one thing was is a beautiful
Jennifer Takagi:day, not one thing was how fun to be here with friends and
Jennifer Takagi:family. Not one thing that came out of her mouth was positive.
Jennifer Takagi:She said all her negative stuff with a smile on her face. But
Jennifer Takagi:the universe in your brain do not know what the smile means
Jennifer Takagi:that's not registered. The words matter, and the words that come
Jennifer Takagi:out of your mouth matter. So if you keep visualizing and
Jennifer Takagi:repeating all the negativity, whether it's happened in your
Jennifer Takagi:past, or you think it's going to happen in your future, it's
Jennifer Takagi:gonna happen. Was that Henry Ford, I think that said, if you
Jennifer Takagi:think you can, you can. But if you think you can't, you can't.
Jennifer Takagi:I didn't get that quote exactly right. But you know what I'm
Jennifer Takagi:saying? You've heard it, I'm sure. You can tell your brain to
Jennifer Takagi:do anything to be anything and get the outcomes that you want.
Jennifer Takagi:So you can visualize yourself into success. Or you can
Jennifer Takagi:visualize yourself into staying where you are or getting worse,
Jennifer Takagi:the choice is yours. The choice is yours. So be sure that you
Jennifer Takagi:decide what you want. Visualize exactly what it will look like
Jennifer Takagi:how you will feel how you will act. And I promise you have a
Jennifer Takagi:much better chance of it all coming together for you. It will
Jennifer Takagi:all come together for you. But I just want to like put a little
Jennifer Takagi:bit of a caveat in there. For those of you who are the
Jennifer Takagi:naysayers visualize the life of your dream and make it happen.
Jennifer Takagi:If you want some more information on this, go to 12
Jennifer Takagi:minute gift.com Grab my three part audio training. Part of it
Jennifer Takagi:is visualization and imagination. Grab that it's
Jennifer Takagi:free, too. 12 minute gift.com I am Jennifer Takagi and I look
Jennifer Takagi:forward to connecting with you soon