Episode 306

Think Like the Person You Want to Be | DFS 306

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  My sister, Vicki, gave me advice very early in my corporate career that served me well.  “Dress like the person above you, for the promotion you want to earn.”

In this episode you will learn:

  • Dress for success - whatever that looks like for your industry
  • Act the part of the CEO, leader, expert, whatever that position is for you
  • Focus on the outcomes

If you are ready to start reaching your goals instead of simply dreaming about it, start today with 12minutegift.com

 Grab your FREE meditation:  Reduce Your Anxiety MEDITATION

Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.jennifertakagi.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your

Jennifer Takagi:

host, Jennifer Takagi, and I want to hit on the topic of

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think like the person you want to become. Think like the person

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you want to become. When I got my first full time permanent

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job, I was talking to one of my older sisters, and she's almost

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eight years older than me. And she was already crushing it in

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the business world. And she said, Jennifer, you've got to

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dress as well as the person above you in a position you

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would want. I did not have clothes to dress, like the

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people above me, I did not. I decided every paycheck, I would

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go to Target. And I would buy a new outfit, whether it was just

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the blouse, or the skirt, or the blouse and skirt depending on if

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it was on sale, and I could afford it. And let me just tell

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you that target was pretty much all I could afford in those

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days. And each paycheck, I went to Target and I got a new

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outfit. The joke around the office soon became that I never

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showed up at work in anything. But a skirt or a dress, I didn't

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wear pants to work. And I don't really know where that came from

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other than most of the women above me wore suits every day.

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And initially, I couldn't really afford the suits. But I could

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afford a skirt or a dress. And I wanted to be taken seriously.

Jennifer Takagi:

Now when I moved to the federal government, lots of people

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dressed extremely casually and still do in many offices, some

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offices, they they dress, or when I left they dressed much

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more professionally. Others It was either business casual, or

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go to Walmart kind of casual outfit. But if you want to be

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taken seriously, you need to know what the people around you

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who can promote you who can hire you, who can hire you to go in

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to do consulting for their organization. What matters to

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them. Now, it could be that they are a very casual office space.

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And if you walked in in a suit and tie or a suit in high heels,

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they would think ooh, they're not approachable. I can't play

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with them. So you have to know your audience. Who are you going

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to walk in and interact with? Who are you going to talk to? If

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you take this stage who is in the audience, these are things

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that you really need to consider as you're stepping into becoming

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an even better person. The other thing is you need to act the

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part. act the part of the person you want to become a number of

Jennifer Takagi:

years ago, I saw a an interview with Mary Barr, who was the is I

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believe still the CEO of General Motors. Yep, that's right,

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General Motors. And she's the first woman who's ever held that

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position. And in this video interview that I I happen to

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catch. She was talking about how she started I believe in high

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school and I don't know where her college career came in. But

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she has a college career. So maybe she just worked. Holidays

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and summers while in college. I don't know, I didn't get that

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part of the story. But she had been with GM since she was 18.

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And she got promoted multiple times until she became the CEO.

Jennifer Takagi:

And the interviewer host asked her if that had been her dream

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at 18 to become the CEO of General Motors. And she said no,

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it never entered my mind. My goal was to do the job I was

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hired to do to the best of my ability. My goal was to do the

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job I was hired to do to the best of my ability. And one day

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they came in and said we're going to make you the director

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of HR and she said I don't know anything about HR and they said

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but we know you can learn it. You're here you go. You're

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moving to HR and the promotions kept coming because she was

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acting the part or as a very committed employee who was very

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smart, and would do her job and do it well. And I know many of

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the listeners, many of you are entrepreneurs, and this same

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kind of Barr steps in, are you going to act with integrity? Are

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you going to provide the clients the services you promised? I've

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worked with many coaches. And I'm not gonna say they flat out

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lied, but they didn't quite deliver what was either

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explicitly promised or implied. I don't ever want that to be me.

Jennifer Takagi:

If I say you're going to have a session, and we're going to do

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this, I want to deliver, I want to act the part, I want to act

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the part as the person who has a full calendar of clients, and

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I'm helping and healing many people every day. That's who I

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want to be. And that's how I want to show up. So think like

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the person you want to be. Dress like the person you want to be.

Jennifer Takagi:

This is kind of like when you're on Zoom, and you jump up to run

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answer the door, and you realize your handy pants on. You just

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have a shirt on. Maybe you have shorts, I hope you have on

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shorts, I dress for the day, every day. It's kind of a joke

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when the pandemic first hit, and things shut down. And people

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were on Zoom calls all the time. I heard somebody in my circle,

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say, somebody called today and wanted to have a call. They

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reached out and I said, Oh, I can't do it. I can do it

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tomorrow. I'm booked today. And they said I wasn't really booked

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today. But I wasn't dressed. And my joke is I get up every day

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and do hair and makeup and on camera ready every day, you're

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almost never going to catch me where I can't jump on a call and

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be comfortable jumping on a call, I might want to change my

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T shirt, I'm ready to jump on a call, I act apart, I'm ready,

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I'm available. There's something about being ready and available

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that changes you energetically. And when you're thinking like

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the person you want to become focus on your outcomes, what do

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you want the outcome to be? Who do you want to work with? What

Jennifer Takagi:

do you want their results to be? How do you want to help them

Jennifer Takagi:

reach those goals? To achieve those results. It all starts in

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your head. It all starts with visualization. And I I love the

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title of the book Thinking Grow Rich, I read it a number of

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years ago. But the people who haven't read the book can

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mistake what it means when you say Think and Grow Rich. Because

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you have to act, you actually have to do something. You have

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to take action. So think like the person you want to become

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dress for success, like the person you want to become an

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act, the part Act, the part is that highly sought after coach

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highly sought after consultant highly sought after leader act

Jennifer Takagi:

that part and focus on those outcomes. What are you going to

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do? How are you going to act? How are you going to be? What

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are you going to do with your newfound success. I just heard

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recently that an actor that I've always really liked love all of

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his movies that he is like one of the worst actors to work

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with. He shows up two or three hours late. He stops production

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for whatever reason at the drop of the hat. And everybody hates

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working with him. And the only reason they put up with it is

Jennifer Takagi:

because he brings in Bullseye bazillion dollars on a

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consistent basis. But I want you to know right now, if I were to

Jennifer Takagi:

be an actress, and a movie star, that would not be me. That's not

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going to change who I am. Have you heard this story before that

Jennifer Takagi:

my mom always said her little mantra. Winners are on time

Jennifer Takagi:

losers are late. winners have a full tank of gas losers are

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stuck on the side of the road. winners have new safe tires and

Jennifer Takagi:

losers have blowouts

Jennifer Takagi:

that was harmed and beat into me. So I want to show up as the

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person I want to be. I don't want people to Look at me and

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say, she just absolutely does not act in integrity. She said

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we'd have a call at four. And she didn't show up till five, or

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she didn't show up at all. Does that happen for all of us at

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some point? Unfortunately, yes, it does happen. Calendars get

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messed up, schedules get cross things happen. The question is,

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how do you handle it? And is it something you do consistently?

Jennifer Takagi:

We had an ice storm a couple years ago, and one of my friends

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said, Yeah, I got up early, because I knew we had snow and

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ice, we're in Oklahoma, it's not typically snow, it's mostly ice.

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If there is snow, it's on top of the frozen rain, ie ice. And

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then you don't know that it's there. So it's slow going. And

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now we don't have all the equipment to handle it. Because

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it doesn't happen all winter, every winter, like places that

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get lots of snow. And she said, Yep, I got up early. And then I

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got my smartphone, and I put in on the maps, how to get to work.

Jennifer Takagi:

And it took me off my normal route and took me a different

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way. And I went really slowly. And I got to work later than

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expected. But still, I wasn't very late 45 minutes, an hour or

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whatever. And a colleague came in like two and a half hours

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late. And I was like, Hey, where are you been? And he goes, Well,

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the highway was shut down because of a wreck. And I got

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stuck in that traffic and it took forever. How did you get

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here so early? And she said, Well, I put in my phone and I

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went on a map and it told me to go a different way. And his

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response was, I'm not from here. I didn't I don't know that road,

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I wouldn't have realized it went all the way downtown. And she

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said, You don't have to you just have to put it in your phone, go

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to the map application and see where to go. It tells you in

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real time or pretty much real time delays and how to get

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around them. So when you're focusing on the outcomes focus

Jennifer Takagi:

on how do you want to be do you want to be the person that's on

Jennifer Takagi:

time? Do you want to be the person who thinks ahead? To be

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able to get to work on time, even though there's a snowstorm

Jennifer Takagi:

or an ice storm? How do you want to be here do you want to show

Jennifer Takagi:

up as What do you want people to say about you? If you want more

Jennifer Takagi:

information about visualization, and setting your goals and

Jennifer Takagi:

making your goals, go to 12 minute gift.com I'm Jennifer

Jennifer Takagi:

Takagi and I look forward to connecting with you soon

About the Podcast

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Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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About your host

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.