Episode 298
Shake off Work BEFORE Engaging with Others | DFS 298
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. Relationships are EVERYTHING! We typically interact all day long. If we don’t shake off work before we engage with those we love the most, we can bring that stressful energy directly into the home - or kitchen - or living room!
In this episode you will learn:
- Work from home or an office, you pick up energy of others
- Shake it off before you walk out of the home office or into the house
- Start a practice - set an alarm on your phone - take 10 deep breaths - THEN ENGAGE!
If you are ready to start reaching your goals instead of simply dreaming about it, start today with 12minutegift.com!
Grab your FREE meditation: Reduce Your Anxiety MEDITATION
Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/
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Wishing you the best,
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, 12 Minute Success Coach
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com
Welcome to destined for success. I'm your
Jennifer Takagi:host Jennifer Takagi. And today I want to continue a little bit
Jennifer Takagi:of the conversation we had last week with Dr. Laura, about self
Jennifer Takagi:care. And I really want to emphasize the fact that you need
Jennifer Takagi:to shake off work before engaging with those that you
Jennifer Takagi:love and enjoy the most. Or at least you're supposed to enjoy
Jennifer Takagi:and love the most. Whether that is a spouse, a partner, or just
Jennifer Takagi:your friends, I say just I shouldn't suggest or your
Jennifer Takagi:friends because my friends are extremely important to me. When
Jennifer Takagi:you work all day, or part of the day, whatever your schedule is,
Jennifer Takagi:whether that is from inside your home, or at an office, through
Jennifer Takagi:out the day you are interacting with other human beings. When
Jennifer Takagi:you interact with people, it can be in person, it can be through
Jennifer Takagi:your computer screen, it can be on the telephone, it can be via
Jennifer Takagi:email, or memos. Written verbal, visual, not visual, but you're
Jennifer Takagi:interacting with people all day long. When we interact with
Jennifer Takagi:people, they are putting off energy. If we're not careful, we
Jennifer Takagi:absorb their energy. So when we absorb their energy, then we're
Jennifer Takagi:processing not only what happened with us today, but what
Jennifer Takagi:happened with all the other people we engaged with. I just
Jennifer Takagi:got off a zoom training call. And there were 27 participants
Jennifer Takagi:plus the two hosts, I picked up energy from all of them, because
Jennifer Takagi:everybody on that Zoom call, took the mic at some point and
Jennifer Takagi:spoke. So I took in their energy in some way. Now, if somebody
Jennifer Takagi:had something to say, or had a look on their face or something,
Jennifer Takagi:and it didn't resonate with me, I could take it the wrong way. I
Jennifer Takagi:could get irritated about it, I could not appreciate what they
Jennifer Takagi:said. And now that is festering in me and I literally have to
Jennifer Takagi:wipe it off. So what I encourage you to do is shake off the day.
Jennifer Takagi:Before interacting with those you love. Shake it off. years
Jennifer Takagi:ago, my husband and I were newlyweds. And we were at a
Jennifer Takagi:church sponsored event on communication and interacting
Jennifer Takagi:better with your spouse, which of course we were brand new and
Jennifer Takagi:love Oh my god, it's gonna be so wonderful. And it has been for
Jennifer Takagi:the most part, everybody has bumps along the way. But one of
Jennifer Takagi:the things that was shared was in an in a family where one's at
Jennifer Takagi:home all day and one's at work, when the one that comes into the
Jennifer Takagi:house from work, which in the olden days was typically the man
Jennifer Takagi:not so much anymore. But back in the olden days, it was typically
Jennifer Takagi:the man when he would walk in and the wife was home with the
Jennifer Takagi:kids. The wife would just be like I'm done with these kids,
Jennifer Takagi:you're taken and the man's like, oh my gosh, I haven't finished,
Jennifer Takagi:you know, my work routine have shaken it off. And it would
Jennifer Takagi:cause problems. So the suggestion made was give them a
Jennifer Takagi:minute to come into the house and acclimate before they have
Jennifer Takagi:to interact with everybody. And that's true for all of us. It
Jennifer Takagi:just the example given was because of a past life
Jennifer Takagi:traditional household. When my dad came home from work every
Jennifer Takagi:day, my mom typically did not work outside the home. She did
Jennifer Takagi:some but not typically she ran a very smooth household. When my
Jennifer Takagi:dad came home, he said hello and went straight to their bedroom.
Jennifer Takagi:And he changed clothes. And then he came out and we had dinner
Jennifer Takagi:and had our evening. But my dad never went from the front door
Jennifer Takagi:to the kitchen table or the front door to the living room to
Jennifer Takagi:interact with everybody. I don't even know if he knew what he was
Jennifer Takagi:doing. But he went straight to the bedroom and took off his
Jennifer Takagi:suit. That's what he did. Now I know as an adult who's been very
Jennifer Takagi:for a long time he was probably shake it off the day. My husband
Jennifer Takagi:and I that first house we lived in after we married backed up to
Jennifer Takagi:a little pond. Sometimes he wouldn't even stop to take off
Jennifer Takagi:his suit. He would just walk through the House say hello and
Jennifer Takagi:head straight for the pond and fish for 30 minutes. And then he
Jennifer Takagi:was ready to come in and interact with me And the dog and
Jennifer Takagi:the cats and have an evening. So you have to find a way to shake
Jennifer Takagi:it off, what are you going to do to shake off all the things that
Jennifer Takagi:have happened in your day, so that you can take on everybody
Jennifer Takagi:else. This is for your own well being as well as everybody
Jennifer Takagi:around you. Have you ever gone to happy hour and you walked in
Jennifer Takagi:and sat down and just had diarrhea of the mouth all over
Jennifer Takagi:all of your friends at the table, about how bad your day
Jennifer Takagi:was, or all the things that happened in your day? I have, I
Jennifer Takagi:mean, I'm gonna raise my hand first and call my own self out
Jennifer Takagi:on this. I have, I had a very stressful work environment for a
Jennifer Takagi:number of years with a very horrible boss. And I took it all
Jennifer Takagi:on, I take it all in, and then it came out everywhere. So now
Jennifer Takagi:the question becomes, what are you going to do to protect
Jennifer Takagi:yourself and everybody else, I have a couple of ideas, a couple
Jennifer Takagi:of ideas. One idea that I heard a couple of years ago, I was
Jennifer Takagi:fairly new to the energy work situation. And people who are
Jennifer Takagi:empathic, often say that they take on everybody's feelings,
Jennifer Takagi:and they can only have a few clients a day because they just
Jennifer Takagi:take on everything the person said all of their feelings, and
Jennifer Takagi:then they feel it and then they're exhausted, and they're
Jennifer Takagi:worn out. And does that sound like you a little bit? Like, do
Jennifer Takagi:you walk in a room and just take on everybody's feelings? Well,
Jennifer Takagi:here is a trick a tip, a suggestion you might consider if
Jennifer Takagi:and only if you decide that you don't want to do that anymore.
Jennifer Takagi:If you decide that you want to let that go. Just let it go. So
Jennifer Takagi:one thing is just don't absorb it in the first place. Don't
Jennifer Takagi:absorb it in the first place. How can you do that? Have you
Jennifer Takagi:ever seen those cute little domes that go over a little
Jennifer Takagi:wooden stand, and they've got a metal handle coming up from the
Jennifer Takagi:ground and has a hook on it. And antique pocket watches are
Jennifer Takagi:typically set on those for display? Well, when you think
Jennifer Takagi:about that globe, or even that the topper of a cake, like
Jennifer Takagi:you've got a glass dome to go over the cake to keep the
Jennifer Takagi:critters out of it, whether they're your dog or cat or like
Jennifer Takagi:a bug. Just visualize when you're about to step into a
Jennifer Takagi:situation figuratively or via the computer where there can be
Jennifer Takagi:a lot of emotions. Or even if it's good, sometimes you can
Jennifer Takagi:just take on too much. Just in visualize a glass dome dropping
Jennifer Takagi:over you. Florida ceiling is all over, you're inside a glass
Jennifer Takagi:dome. You can see everything that's happening. You can
Jennifer Takagi:interact with people, they can interact with you. But you have
Jennifer Takagi:this glass dome on you and it is protecting you from having any
Jennifer Takagi:type of negative energy penetrating you. I have a friend
Jennifer Takagi:who is a court reporter. And of course she she witnesses a lot
Jennifer Takagi:of horrible things. And she made the comment on how hard that
Jennifer Takagi:could be. And I said oh, do you want to trick and I I suggested
Jennifer Takagi:this? And I saw her a couple of weeks later. And I was like Have
Jennifer Takagi:you tried it? Is it working? And she was like, yes, yes, I've
Jennifer Takagi:tried it. Yes, it's working. Wow, what a difference it makes
Jennifer Takagi:because she gets to the room first she sets it all up, gets
Jennifer Takagi:her equipment set up, everything's ready to go. And
Jennifer Takagi:she takes a second and just surrounds herself basically in a
Jennifer Takagi:glass bubble of glass dome. So that's one thing you can do to
Jennifer Takagi:prevent it beforehand. Now what can you do after the fact one
Jennifer Takagi:thing I love to do is literally brush it off. I start with my
Jennifer Takagi:right hand on my left shoulder, stick my left arm out and I just
Jennifer Takagi:run my hand all the way down. I'm literally brushing off that
Jennifer Takagi:energy. Then I put my left arm on my right shoulder do it on
Jennifer Takagi:the right side. Then just for fun I take both my hands take
Jennifer Takagi:them up over my face over my head down the back and I do a
Jennifer Takagi:little should be wiggle. Like let's just get all that energy
Jennifer Takagi:out of here. Let's just move it on. It works. Even if you think
Jennifer Takagi:this is airy fairy touchy feely nuts and Berry. That's fine. I
Jennifer Takagi:don't care. It still works. You can think whatever you want, but
Jennifer Takagi:it works. So when you come home
Jennifer Takagi:whether it's home From outside the house and you're walking
Jennifer Takagi:into the house, or home in that you step away from your office
Jennifer Takagi:working area to go engage with those people that you claim to
Jennifer Takagi:love. Either way it works. shut everything down. If you need a
Jennifer Takagi:reminder to do this before you walk in and you shut everything
Jennifer Takagi:down about the same time, put an alarm on your phone and put a
Jennifer Takagi:notice on it. It's time for self care. Whatever you want to call
Jennifer Takagi:it, let that alarm go off to remind you that you need to
Jennifer Takagi:shake it all off before you interact. So number one on this
Jennifer Takagi:plan is set a timer on your phone. So you remember to shake
Jennifer Takagi:it off. Number two, take 10 Deep breaths 10 Beat deep breaths in
Jennifer Takagi:through your nose down into your belly like your chest is not
Jennifer Takagi:raising your belly is going in and out right. So do that 10
Jennifer Takagi:times you might hyperventilate initially because you're not
Jennifer Takagi:used to getting deep breaths. But that's what you can do take
Jennifer Takagi:those deep breaths. In a stressful situation, I learned
Jennifer Takagi:from a clinical psychologist in a stressful situation, we tend
Jennifer Takagi:to hold our breath. When you hold your breath, you can't have
Jennifer Takagi:a thought it like shuts everything down. And then you
Jennifer Takagi:either don't respond or you respond inappropriately. It just
Jennifer Takagi:turns ugly really quickly. So take 10 deep breaths and then
Jennifer Takagi:put on your Wonder Woman bracelets, your Superman cape,
Jennifer Takagi:whatever it is, and step in to the other room or through the
Jennifer Takagi:doorway and be ready to engage because you have to take care of
Jennifer Takagi:yourself before you can take care of others. You had an
Jennifer Takagi:awesome day at work you produced a lot you engage a lot, shake it
Jennifer Takagi:off, physically wipe it off, take some deep breaths and
Jennifer Takagi:engage with your family. If you would like some more information
Jennifer Takagi:on how to how to win. I've got an audio series called 12
Jennifer Takagi:minutes to success. And you can get it by going to 12 minute
Jennifer Takagi:gift.com and grab my three part audio series. I'm Jennifer
Jennifer Takagi:Takagi, your 12 Minute success coach and I look forward to
Jennifer Takagi:connecting with you soon