Episode 297

Leadership Keys for the Hybrid/Remote Workplace OR Catapulting Your Career from the Inside Out OR Burnout Be Gone! Keys to Avoid, Identify and Address | DFS 297

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Bring your true authentic self to your organization or business!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Practice gratitude - the ride of life is bumpy
  • Surround yourself with the right people
  • Self care!  Put your gas mask on first!

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett is an Organizational Psychologist, Keynote Speaker, Business Leader, Author, and Podcast Host of Where Work Meets LifeTM. She is a sought-after thought leader on workplace psychology, the future of work and career development with nearly 25 years of experience. Dr. Laura is passionate about creating cultures that attract top talent and where people stay and thrive.

Reach out to Dr. Laura at:

Website:  https://drlaura.live/

Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/where-work-meets-life-with-dr-laura/id1558159907


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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, 12 Minute Success Coach

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your

Jennifer Takagi:

host Jennifer Takagi and today's one of my favorite days is PATA

Jennifer Takagi:

Palooza Day. And we have another amazing guest, Dr. Laura. Dr.

Jennifer Takagi:

Laura, thank you for joining us and tell me how you show up in

Jennifer Takagi:

the world.

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: Well, it's lovely to be here,

Jennifer Takagi:

Jennifer, I just love your energy. I think it's really

Jennifer Takagi:

contagious. How I show up in the world. Well, I like to bring my

Jennifer Takagi:

true self. I like to be authentic in what I do. But I

Jennifer Takagi:

also love to bring my expertise as an organizational

Jennifer Takagi:

psychologist, researcher, business leader, speaker, and

Jennifer Takagi:

podcaster. As well, as an author, I'd say the thing I

Jennifer Takagi:

bring is I'm a serial entrepreneur, I can never just

Jennifer Takagi:

sit still doing any one thing.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love that. So

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: what is your main focus these days,

Jennifer Takagi:

and that was an organizational West, organizational

Jennifer Takagi:

psychologist, psychologist. Wow. So it's a field of psychology

Jennifer Takagi:

specialized in making organizations and workplaces

Jennifer Takagi:

better for human beings. That

Jennifer Takagi:

is so needed. I love that a lot. So what's your

Jennifer Takagi:

like? Where are you focused right now? Because I love that

Jennifer Takagi:

you've got multiple things going on and, and your fingers in, but

Jennifer Takagi:

like what's your favorite thing?

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: My top three favorite things right now.

Jennifer Takagi:

Number one, my research study and upcoming book on toxic

Jennifer Takagi:

bosses. I think you

Jennifer Takagi:

me on that one. Yeah, that's what

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: everyone says, I've worked for one of

Jennifer Takagi:

those or my loved one works for one of those. And it says it's a

Jennifer Takagi:

huge catastrophic problem in the world. So I'm super excited to

Jennifer Takagi:

use my voice, use my skills, etc, to understand at a granular

Jennifer Takagi:

level, how these horrific bosses work and do their damage on

Jennifer Takagi:

people, and then how to eradicate it. From an individual

Jennifer Takagi:

level and an organizational level.

Jennifer Takagi:

I want to say I had a very horrible situation

Jennifer Takagi:

going on. So I did what you should do, and anybody listening

Jennifer Takagi:

who has a toxic boss, if you're an organization that has an

Jennifer Takagi:

employee assistance program, you need to reach out to them and go

Jennifer Takagi:

talk to somebody. And so I did. And as I'm talking to this

Jennifer Takagi:

psychologist, she said, your biggest problem is you share too

Jennifer Takagi:

much information that she uses against you. And I was like,

Jennifer Takagi:

what? And she goes, if she asks you for three things on a

Jennifer Takagi:

report, give her three things. And I said, but I know she needs

Jennifer Takagi:

10. She goes give her three. If she wants to come back for the

Jennifer Takagi:

other seven, that's fine, but you did what she asked. You're

Jennifer Takagi:

being too accommodating. And then she's turning it on you.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I'm like, wow, my life changed instantly. Wow. Okay, my

Jennifer Takagi:

boss was not normal. Like, there was there was a button missing

Jennifer Takagi:

somewhere. And so evilness was like her default. So once I just

Jennifer Takagi:

started sharing the bare minimum, she didn't have

Jennifer Takagi:

anything to attack on so

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: and you stayed? How long did you

Jennifer Takagi:


Jennifer Takagi:

Well, it was a total of eight years, but I was

Jennifer Takagi:

with the federal government. And if I left I would lose all my

Jennifer Takagi:

retirement and I'd been there too many years for one evil

Jennifer Takagi:

person to run me out. And and so I did, I left as soon as I could

Jennifer Takagi:

and have benefits because that was important to me. Yes, I

Jennifer Takagi:

could have left earlier. But I wanted the benefits that I had

Jennifer Takagi:

earned. And it all worked out perfectly well in the end. But

Jennifer Takagi:

that that guidance on how to handle it was just critical to

Jennifer Takagi:

my emotional well being it was so important. So I love that

Jennifer Takagi:

you're a psychologist that I love that you're looking into

Jennifer Takagi:

this. And you're probably going to give a whole lot more

Jennifer Takagi:

suggestions on how to how to deal with that. So I love that.

Jennifer Takagi:

So you got your research going on for your book, toxic bosses

Jennifer Takagi:

coming out soon. Love that one. I

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: want to speak a lot. I'm a speaker as

Jennifer Takagi:

well. I want to speak a lot on that topic. I speak on other

Jennifer Takagi:

topics right now that I'm passionate about as well. So I'd

Jennifer Takagi:

say speaking is number two. I just love being on stages. I

Jennifer Takagi:

like virtual events too. But my favorite are when I can be on a

Jennifer Takagi:

stage with an audience and sharing you know different

Jennifer Takagi:

topics like preventing burnout or how to rock remote

Jennifer Takagi:

leadership. So how you be an exceptional leader when your

Jennifer Takagi:

team is is dispersed from you. That's another my topics. I just

Jennifer Takagi:

yeah catapulting your career to the next level. So I've done a

Jennifer Takagi:

lot of career development work, and I can speak you know, to the

Jennifer Takagi:

moon and back on that

Jennifer Takagi:

Well in. There are a few people who woke up

Jennifer Takagi:

when they were a little kid and said, I want to be an

Jennifer Takagi:

entrepreneur, I'm never going to work for anybody. But the

Jennifer Takagi:

majority of us, even if like I was, I mean, some would say

Jennifer Takagi:

later in life, became an entrepreneur. But that's not

Jennifer Takagi:

what I did for a lot of years. So the work that you do is like,

Jennifer Takagi:

critical for people to be able to, to navigate life and

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: in a happy way. Exactly. And just

Jennifer Takagi:

seeing someone go from feeling a lack of hope, and a lot of fear

Jennifer Takagi:

about what's next to having a well crafted, insightful plan

Jennifer Takagi:

about themselves is just amazing. And then when I hear

Jennifer Takagi:

from them years later, that that for 15 years, so you hear from

Jennifer Takagi:

people you helped a decade ago,

Jennifer Takagi:

and it sticks like it totally sticks, I

Jennifer Takagi:

figured out very quickly that people that you need to quit

Jennifer Takagi:

using words with stupid example. I had just flown home and I had

Jennifer Takagi:

a luggage and the handle does not go down easily. You can't

Jennifer Takagi:

force it. You just have to pull it out, hold your mouth, right

Jennifer Takagi:

and try again. And about the fourth time, it just drops down.

Jennifer Takagi:

It's fine. But if you've watched so I'm getting on the shuttle

Jennifer Takagi:

bus to my car, and like and I said, Oh, give me just a second.

Jennifer Takagi:

I have to get this handle down. He goes, I can do it. Let just

Jennifer Takagi:

let me do it. I do this all day long. And I said, I know you do.

Jennifer Takagi:

But I know I can. It will go down just handed to me. I will

Jennifer Takagi:

do it. No, no, because I'm thinking you're gonna break it.

Jennifer Takagi:

I know you are. So finally I dropped it down. I handed in my

Jennifer Takagi:

bag, I get on the shuttle bus. And he goes, You know, I do this

Jennifer Takagi:

every day. And I said, you know, I know you're right. And I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

totally wrong. I'm sorry. He was like it was like I'm talking to

Jennifer Takagi:

fight with the bus driver, but I also wasn't gonna let him break

Jennifer Takagi:

my suitcase.

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: I know exactly. Oh, that's funny.

Jennifer Takagi:

We all went, we all went okay. Research a

Jennifer Takagi:

speaker on amazing topics. What's your third best favorite

Jennifer Takagi:


Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: Um, so I wrote two psychological

Jennifer Takagi:

thrillers. So the first one is called losing Katims. And it

Jennifer Takagi:

took me eight years to write because I was between having

Jennifer Takagi:

getting my PhD done having three kids like starting my own

Jennifer Takagi:

business, there's a lot of distractions. So I would write,

Jennifer Takagi:

and then I'd stop, and then I'd write and stop, which is a

Jennifer Takagi:

really inefficient way to write a novel, by the way. But the

Jennifer Takagi:

idea just came to me the idea just it was like, I was

Jennifer Takagi:

entertaining myself. And it's about a billionaire abducting

Jennifer Takagi:

his high school sweetheart. 10 years later, it's been described

Jennifer Takagi:

as gone, Girl Meets sleeping with the enemy. So lots of

Jennifer Takagi:

twists and turns and edge of your seat. And then people loved

Jennifer Takagi:

it. So I wrote the SQL. And the sequel took me 18 months. And

Jennifer Takagi:

both of them have been out since I think 2016. So it's been a

Jennifer Takagi:

while 2017. But the exciting part is when I wrote them, I saw

Jennifer Takagi:

them on film, I said, this has got to be on film. So then a

Jennifer Takagi:

film producer came into my life. Conroy counter who's amazing. So

Jennifer Takagi:

we are getting it ready to pitch for a series. So it's not going

Jennifer Takagi:

to be a feature film, it would be a series of Yeah, so that's

Jennifer Takagi:

our second book called findings, or sorry. So losing cadence and

Jennifer Takagi:

finding Sophie. And the interesting thing is, it's all

Jennifer Takagi:

about, you know, it's possession of women. And, you know, the

Jennifer Takagi:

violent side of it, like controlling and possessing. And

Jennifer Takagi:

so Connery actually produced a film called trafficked with

Jennifer Takagi:

Ashley Judd in it. And traffic is all about the 100 and $50

Jennifer Takagi:

billion industry of sex trafficking. And so I got really

Jennifer Takagi:

involved in that, like that movement of how do we create

Jennifer Takagi:

awareness? And how do we put a stop to that heinous industry?

Jennifer Takagi:

Now I'm like, on this movement of ending violence against women

Jennifer Takagi:

and girls, and yeah, so that's my third passion.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh, my gosh, well, I'll be sharing this book

Jennifer Takagi:

with are your books with all my friends, because we're all avid

Jennifer Takagi:

readers and thrillers are super fun. So yeah, that's a whole new

Jennifer Takagi:

side of me. But yes, that awesome. I love that. So if

Jennifer Takagi:

we're your my audience, I believe I have lots of

Jennifer Takagi:

entrepreneurs. I have some people who work in corporate and

Jennifer Takagi:

other industries. But what are some keys to success that you

Jennifer Takagi:

might want to share that we could? Maybe we're aware of that

Jennifer Takagi:

we can embrace a little bit more and have a little bit more of

Jennifer Takagi:

that peace of mind and joy and the goodness in the world?

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: I think doing a gratitude practice

Jennifer Takagi:

every day. So that's how I start my day is with meditation and

Jennifer Takagi:

journal. So gratitude, even three things you're grateful

Jennifer Takagi:

for, because the ride as an entrepreneur is really bumpy at

Jennifer Takagi:

times. And there's some times when you're living in fear,

Jennifer Takagi:

right? There's all this, oh, my goodness, am I gonna get enough

Jennifer Takagi:

business in to keep this going? Or will I have to get an actual

Jennifer Takagi:

full time job again, and they don't really want to because I

Jennifer Takagi:

love being an entrepreneur. And I've been so 15 years of owning

Jennifer Takagi:

my own business, but I also have had like three more businesses

Jennifer Takagi:

during that time, I'd say, yeah, there's some days that are

Jennifer Takagi:

really tough. So gratitude, number one. Number two is

Jennifer Takagi:

surrounding yourself with the right people, surrounding

Jennifer Takagi:

yourself with people who can help you who complement your

Jennifer Takagi:

weak spots. Like me, not good with numbers don't I don't

Jennifer Takagi:

remember numbers. I don't like numbers. But I have a heck of an

Jennifer Takagi:

accountant, a great bookkeeper. And I've learned like how to

Jennifer Takagi:

relate to my numbers and my financials so much better, but I

Jennifer Takagi:

still need them. I need people around me I need an assistant to

Jennifer Takagi:

help keep me organized. And I'm a thinker. I'm an ideas person.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love being on stages, but the day to day details. And

Jennifer Takagi:

and there are people who love that they

Jennifer Takagi:

absolutely love it. Yeah.

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: And my EAA, she loves it. And she's

Jennifer Takagi:

just great at keeping all the balls in the air, the moving

Jennifer Takagi:

parts of they call me hurricane Hambly. Sometimes, because I

Jennifer Takagi:

have so many different things going on at once. Charity

Jennifer Takagi:

events, businesses, new ideas, three kids, like the film thing

Jennifer Takagi:

that's going I mean, whatever it is, it's like a hurricane

Jennifer Takagi:

sometimes, so that you need to calm the hurricane.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love that. I love that.

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: I know. And it's like kind of

Jennifer Takagi:

embarrassing, but it's true hurricane Hambly. And then the

Jennifer Takagi:

third, oh, gosh, there are so many. But I would say keep your

Jennifer Takagi:

own gas mask on first. So really, the self care is super

Jennifer Takagi:

important. So if you're not getting enough sleep, if you're

Jennifer Takagi:

trying to burn the midnight oil on your business, and you're not

Jennifer Takagi:

getting enough sleep, you're not going to be as good at your

Jennifer Takagi:

business when your brain is not nourished with sleep, and good

Jennifer Takagi:

food, exercise and fresh air. All those things that it's like,

Jennifer Takagi:

yeah, yeah, we know that. But a lot of people know that and they

Jennifer Takagi:

don't do it. So I think we need to nourish ourselves first. So

Jennifer Takagi:

we can be put our best foot forward as a leader and an

Jennifer Takagi:


Jennifer Takagi:

I when I went to college, I had three goals.

Jennifer Takagi:

And one of them was never made below a 3.0. Because it can be

Jennifer Takagi:

so hard to bring that grade point average up. And I had a

Jennifer Takagi:

job and I dated and I had things going on. So 4.0 Never was on my

Jennifer Takagi:

radar because I didn't really care but above 3.0 mattered a

Jennifer Takagi:

lot. And pretty much my entire college career. I was in bed at

Jennifer Takagi:

10 o'clock at night. And I didn't really care what's going

Jennifer Takagi:

on around me I was in bed at 10 o'clock, because the sleep was

Jennifer Takagi:

more important than studying to me. I went to all my classes, I

Jennifer Takagi:

never skipped classes. So you can retain and remember this

Jennifer Takagi:

stuff if you go to class and participate. But then you've got

Jennifer Takagi:

to have that sleep. And people minimize that, oh, I only need

Jennifer Takagi:

three hours. That's a bunch of crap. And that's why you're

Jennifer Takagi:

cranky. And you say that you don't need sleep you do and

Jennifer Takagi:

you're cranky. And I wish she'd quit. So I love those three,

Jennifer Takagi:

they're great. So how are we going to get a hold of you if we

Jennifer Takagi:

want to learn more? If we want to find out when the film's come

Jennifer Takagi:

out, like all the cool things for you

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: in a long journey, so knock on wood

Jennifer Takagi:

Fingers crossed.

Jennifer Takagi:

We'll do all the things and all the vibes.

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: Thank you. So it's Dr. Laura dot live

Jennifer Takagi:

li ve Dr. Laura all as one word dot live. So that's my website

Jennifer Takagi:

and my podcast is on there, as well as on all the podcast

Jennifer Takagi:

platforms, I write a lot of articles and good tips and

Jennifer Takagi:

tricks and tools and resources. And then I'm on the social media

Jennifer Takagi:

channels, as well

Jennifer Takagi:

as Dr. Laura and your podcasts, what's it

Jennifer Takagi:


Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: Where work meets life, who it's into,

Jennifer Takagi:

it's, it's almost done season four, and I'm getting close to

Jennifer Takagi:

100 episodes. So that's exciting. It's been a labor of

Jennifer Takagi:

love. But I've gotten some real heavy hitting amazing guests on

Jennifer Takagi:

there that I've learned from every single episode I learned

Jennifer Takagi:

from and then I end up getting a whack of books you can see

Jennifer Takagi:

behind me like yeah, there's like a lot of them have books

Jennifer Takagi:

and then I ended up reading and learning a lot.

Jennifer Takagi:

And then incorporating that. Well. This

Jennifer Takagi:

has been amazing. I've loved our conversation and at the break

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm gonna have to go get your books because that's like right

Jennifer Takagi:

up my alley. So

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: yeah, it means so much to me. Thank

Jennifer Takagi:

you as the psychological thrillers. I mean, I have

Jennifer Takagi:

business books too. But my new business books going to be

Jennifer Takagi:

around toxic bosses. So I'm excited about that. Yes.

Jennifer Takagi:

Because do you do the research on them? Reach

Jennifer Takagi:

out to me if you want some real life stories, the gratitude

Jennifer Takagi:

practice is critical. We can find something to be grateful

Jennifer Takagi:

for. And I find the most people I'm around that are the

Jennifer Takagi:

crankiest and have the most negative things to say. I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

going to bet you 100 bucks, and I'm not even a betting person.

Jennifer Takagi:

They don't have a gratitude journal. They don't take time to

Jennifer Takagi:

be grateful for all the amazing things in their life. Surround

Jennifer Takagi:

yourself with the right people. I I've had some younger women

Jennifer Takagi:

younger than me recently say oh, you know, it's not a fit with my

Jennifer Takagi:

husband. I'm on this journey and I'm growing and he's not and he

Jennifer Takagi:

doesn't get it and my position is it's okay that my husband

Jennifer Takagi:

doesn't get it I surround myself with other people who do so it's

Jennifer Takagi:

you know, one person can't be your everything because there's

Jennifer Takagi:

a lot you need a VA you need the assistant who's gonna like put

Jennifer Takagi:

all your stuff together, CPA Yes, I have one too. And put

Jennifer Takagi:

your own you said gas mask. I love that put your whole gas

Jennifer Takagi:

mask on first. Usually it's your oxygen mask and

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: oxygen masks so

Jennifer Takagi:

totally. Totally fit. Dr.

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: Laura for you though. Like my grandpa

Jennifer Takagi:

were a gas mask in World War One like that's how they survived.

Jennifer Takagi:


Jennifer Takagi:

Yeah. And there are a lot of toxic things out

Jennifer Takagi:

there. So yeah, no, I loved it.

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: Toxic leaders who are harming people's

Jennifer Takagi:

well being and mental health and we got to eradicate that BS.

Jennifer Takagi:

That is so true. I loved our time together.

Jennifer Takagi:

I can't wait to connect with you again in the future

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett: for you to not miss day. Thank you

Jennifer Takagi:

so much. You're doing great things for the world. A lot of

Jennifer Takagi:

people are destined for success if they get out of their own

Jennifer Takagi:


Jennifer Takagi:

So true. For our audience, I'm Jennifer

Jennifer Takagi:

Takagi with destined for success and I look forward to connecting

Jennifer Takagi:

with you soon. Okay, thanks.

About the Podcast

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Destined For Success
Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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About your host

Profile picture for Jennifer Takagi

Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.