Episode 299

The Beyoncé Reinvention: Mastering the Art of the Midlife Pivot | DFS 299

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Bring your true authentic self to your organization or business!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Drive your destiny
  • Everything is true - relative to everyone else
  • It’s time to Unlearn the Crap!

Kathy Baldwin, Founder of RiseUP Coaching, Author of Unlearn the Crap and international speaker, transitioned from her corporate career to entrepreneurship after her own midlife crisis and personal alignment. She utilizes her 40+ years of personal development, coaching, and extensive learning of over 100 leading experts to guide her clients with her proprietary methods using bio-resonance, universal laws and true authentic alignment.


Kathy’s free gift: https://unlearnthecrap.com/universal-laws-alignment 

Email: kathy@riseupcoaching.io



Facebook Kathy Baldwin Profile:






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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, 12 Minute Success Coach

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your

Jennifer Takagi:

host Jennifer Takagi and it's PATA Palooza Day. I'd love

Jennifer Takagi:

Potter Palooza Day because I get to meet, interact and visit with

Jennifer Takagi:

people, I probably wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet

Jennifer Takagi:

before. Our next guest is Kathy Baldwin. I'm so excited to hear

Jennifer Takagi:

what she has to say. Kathy, welcome to the show. Jennifer,

Kathy Baldwin:

I'm so excited to be here with you.

Jennifer Takagi:

I that just thrills me to death. So how do

Jennifer Takagi:

you show up in the world and tell us a little bit about

Jennifer Takagi:

yourself, what you do and how you can help me be more

Jennifer Takagi:


Kathy Baldwin:

Absolutely. I am the founder and coach at Riseup

Kathy Baldwin:

coaching, I have a program called drive your destiny, which

Kathy Baldwin:

is based on the fact that we have been taught how to drive a

Kathy Baldwin:

car, but we have not been taught how to access our own bodies

Kathy Baldwin:

communication, let alone all of the universal laws, not just the

Kathy Baldwin:

law of attraction. And I did write a book called unlearning

Kathy Baldwin:

the crap about personal success and empowerment. And I love that

Kathy Baldwin:


Jennifer Takagi:

think I saw that on your bio. And I was

Jennifer Takagi:

like, unlearn the crap. I love that a lot. And you know, they

Jennifer Takagi:

say we had to learn to drive a car, but I just want to say some

Jennifer Takagi:

people didn't do so well.

Kathy Baldwin:

They're doing better than they are with their

Kathy Baldwin:

bodies. I can tell you that.

Jennifer Takagi:

Yeah, I like to say when people don't turn their

Jennifer Takagi:

turn signal on, I know, it's called a turn signal. But I'll

Jennifer Takagi:

go Oh, my God, they're out of blinker fluid. And somebody

Jennifer Takagi:

knows, you know, it's a light bulb. And I went, well,

Jennifer Takagi:

obviously they don't, or they would have had it changed,

Jennifer Takagi:

because I might as well tell them they're out a blinker fluid

Jennifer Takagi:

because they're too stupid to blinker. Yes. So that's my thing

Jennifer Takagi:

on on driving. So I do want to learn more about the universal

Jennifer Takagi:

laws I have. I'm addicted to learning and getting more

Jennifer Takagi:

certifications. I just got a new one today's very excitable. And

Jennifer Takagi:

a friend sent me a deal and said, Jennifer, I hate that you

Jennifer Takagi:

sign up for everything. But oh my gosh, this is like seven

Jennifer Takagi:

levels of law of attraction. Are you in? And I was like, where's

Jennifer Takagi:

the link? Yes, I'm in. So I'm really excited to hear about

Jennifer Takagi:

this. I'll be serious. Tell me more.

Kathy Baldwin:

Well, you know, I'm one of those people that

Kathy Baldwin:

loves to learn as well. I've been like 40 years, I've studied

Kathy Baldwin:

under over 100 Different teachers, everything from

Kathy Baldwin:

psychology, neurology. You name it, quantum physics. I mean,

Kathy Baldwin:

I've studied it all. And what I realized is, especially after

Kathy Baldwin:

the secret is people talked about the law of attraction, but

Kathy Baldwin:

they didn't talk about the other 11 laws, and you cannot not just

Kathy Baldwin:

pay attention to the one and think it's all going to work. It

Kathy Baldwin:

is a complete package. And so actually, I think the law of

Kathy Baldwin:

attraction is more of a result. It's not a cause. And so my

Kathy Baldwin:

favorite laws of attraction are my favorite universal laws are

Kathy Baldwin:

the ones that I can actually have real effect on. So law of

Kathy Baldwin:

relativity, law of polarity law of gestation, you know, law of

Kathy Baldwin:

compensation, these are, these are laws that really change how

Kathy Baldwin:

you show up and be successful in the world.

Jennifer Takagi:

All right, so what's the first one I need to

Jennifer Takagi:

do and implement? And how do I do it? And can I do it before my

Jennifer Takagi:

next interview? Absolutely. You don't know this about me, but I

Jennifer Takagi:

deemed myself that 12 minute success coach, because I can

Jennifer Takagi:

help you break your goals into small increments so that you can

Jennifer Takagi:

do them in 12 minutes or less and get momentum. Also, I do

Jennifer Takagi:

energy healing. And it's very fast. So it's like 12 minutes or

Jennifer Takagi:

less. So yeah, go for it. What's the first thing I really need to

Jennifer Takagi:

incorporate? Because I'm ready. I have a my pen and paper at

Jennifer Takagi:

hand. Okay,

Kathy Baldwin:

well, the first one is love relativity. Einstein

Kathy Baldwin:

talked about it as far as the time space continuum, the way I

Kathy Baldwin:

talk about it is, everything is true when it's relative to

Kathy Baldwin:

something else. So if you've ever heard of married couples at

Kathy Baldwin:

an event, and they will describe it totally different. Nobody's

Kathy Baldwin:

wrong. Everybody is right. It is all perspective. So when we have

Kathy Baldwin:

beliefs and stories that are disempowering to us, we have the

Kathy Baldwin:

ability to look at it from 360 degrees and find a story that

Kathy Baldwin:

works for us because they're all true. So why are we carrying

Kathy Baldwin:

around disempowering beliefs and thoughts when We can pick which

Kathy Baldwin:

one we want. And now it's just a question of, is it empowering or

Kathy Baldwin:

disempowering? And, and so that's one of them. Same with

Kathy Baldwin:

expectations. We, so many times people quit, you know that

Kathy Baldwin:

saying Three Feet From Gold that Napoleon Hill came up with?

Kathy Baldwin:

Yeah, well, so many people think it's supposed to be like this,

Kathy Baldwin:

or it should have happened by now. And they don't understand

Kathy Baldwin:

that the law of compensation says that it doesn't matter how

Kathy Baldwin:

much we put in, we will get back equally or more what we've put

Kathy Baldwin:

in to the value of in our world. So you can think that it was

Kathy Baldwin:

supposed to have happened by now. But that's like saying a

Kathy Baldwin:

baby should only take six months.

Jennifer Takagi:

Okay, so let's be real, how much time did you

Jennifer Takagi:

spend watching the Netflix when you could have been working on

Jennifer Takagi:

your business? I mean, impacts it somewhere.

Kathy Baldwin:

It happens. Absolutely, absolutely. We make

Kathy Baldwin:

choices. And we go in and out of alignment. And when we

Kathy Baldwin:

understand that, we can take our own perspective and figure out

Kathy Baldwin:

what's working for us, like you've got the goal set and

Kathy Baldwin:

minor, all about how you understand the mechanics of your

Kathy Baldwin:

body when it says you're out of alignment, or you know, you're

Kathy Baldwin:

going in the wrong way. He just got to listen. But we've never

Kathy Baldwin:

been taught.

Jennifer Takagi:

You did when you when you mentioned gold,

Jennifer Takagi:

like all I can think about is a Olympics and like gold medals.

Jennifer Takagi:

And it's very interesting that somebody will think that they

Jennifer Takagi:

lost because they didn't get gold. But like how many of us

Jennifer Takagi:

even make it to the Olympic trials, much less a team does

Jennifer Takagi:

even the trials. They're so hyper focused, they're hyper

Jennifer Takagi:

focused on what they're doing every bite they take, they did

Jennifer Takagi:

not have potato chips at the break. Like they've not had a

Jennifer Takagi:

potato chip in 20 years, probably. But right like, so

Jennifer Takagi:

what do we do? What are our choices, and Kimberly Crowe, who

Jennifer Takagi:

was one of the the CO creators of PATA Palooza that brought us

Jennifer Takagi:

together so fun. She has a book out called shift your narrative.

Jennifer Takagi:

And it's like, yes, that is true. But what else is true

Jennifer Takagi:

also. And one of her examples is I'm the oldest child, I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

personally not because this is an example. I'm the eldest

Jennifer Takagi:

child, I was responsible for all my siblings, I had to do

Jennifer Takagi:

everything. My mom just dumped it all on me. Okay, that can be

Jennifer Takagi:

true. But what also is true. What also is true is you learned

Jennifer Takagi:

organizational skills, you learn management, you learn how to

Jennifer Takagi:

delegate, you learn how to round people up, and it served you

Jennifer Takagi:

really well in your career

Kathy Baldwin:

that you want to focus on. Yeah, that's a

Kathy Baldwin:

universal law of relativity. I was a child of a teenager

Kathy Baldwin:

teenage pregnancy in the 60s, I carry this crap in my head that

Kathy Baldwin:

said, because I wasn't planned. I wasn't wanted. And it wasn't

Kathy Baldwin:

until I use this on myself and went well, I was just surprised.

Kathy Baldwin:

Nobody knew what was coming. But I did. And you know, what, it

Kathy Baldwin:

sure makes you happier to be a surprise party than it does to

Kathy Baldwin:

feel like you're a

Jennifer Takagi:

burden. Well, I'm, I'm the youngest of four.

Jennifer Takagi:

And my my brother was the oldest. And then there are three

Jennifer Takagi:

of us girls, and my oldest sister, the second child, oldest

Jennifer Takagi:

girl has said my whole life, she's eight years older than me.

Jennifer Takagi:

And she's always said, you were born 100. Well, now that I've

Jennifer Takagi:

done like, a lot of spiritual work, and a lot of, you know,

Jennifer Takagi:

what does all this mean? And how am I going to show up in the

Jennifer Takagi:

world. And for myself, it was I was born 100 Because I have been

Jennifer Takagi:

in charge of the family pretty much my whole life. Like even

Jennifer Takagi:

though I was the youngest, and my parents were there and I

Jennifer Takagi:

adored them. And when they died, it was catastrophic. It was just

Jennifer Takagi:

heart wrenching. But if they were in the hospital, I was the

Jennifer Takagi:

one signing the papers, if they if they had to be if something

Jennifer Takagi:

had to be done, I had to tell him like I really was in charge.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I'm pretty comfortable with that role. Like don't take it

Jennifer Takagi:

away from me. I'm not I'm not gonna pitch about it. Like it's

Jennifer Takagi:

mine. I own it. And that's fine. But it's, I kind of looked at it

Jennifer Takagi:

as the biggest burden ever. It is my it is some of my nieces

Jennifer Takagi:

because they're like, I'm the favorite. I'm the favorite. I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

like girls, there's a lot of responsibility because of being

Jennifer Takagi:

the favorite.

Kathy Baldwin:

But it is all perspective and how we interpret

Kathy Baldwin:

the story. So why are we carrying around crap that's

Kathy Baldwin:

taken us down a path that we don't want to go

Jennifer Takagi:

Well, the question is, like, I love Dr.

Jennifer Takagi:

Phil, I think he's so funny on how he says things sometimes

Jennifer Takagi:

that it's like, how's that working for you?

Kathy Baldwin:

It's not work. Yeah. And so many people look at

Kathy Baldwin:

it as but I have no choice. I don't have any. This is the way

Kathy Baldwin:

I have borne this is you don't understand where I came from,

Kathy Baldwin:

and that the whole thing is out, especially right now. This is my

Kathy Baldwin:

soapbox, okay. We are in the middle of a huge transition, AI

Kathy Baldwin:

automation, our systems are failing, the world is changing.

Kathy Baldwin:

I believe right now is so important that we all step into

Kathy Baldwin:

our Personal Genius, because we're not going to be needing

Kathy Baldwin:

the repetitive tasks. We're not going to be needing manual

Kathy Baldwin:

labor, we're going to need what makes us human innovation,

Kathy Baldwin:

creation, and being able to step into what your personal gifts

Kathy Baldwin:

are and bring that to the world. I now think that's a

Kathy Baldwin:

responsibility, not just a, wouldn't that be nice.

Jennifer Takagi:

I just, I just saw a cute video on Facebook.

Jennifer Takagi:

And it was all about, we have to be stoic today, like in the

Jennifer Takagi:

olden days, because the snarky brags on the internet are just

Jennifer Takagi:

ruining it for the rest of us. So we had to just like pull

Jennifer Takagi:

ourselves up. Oh, is it written for Sharjah vet the first of

Jennifer Takagi:

March. I've got to change your calendar, the first of March.

Jennifer Takagi:

And he was like, Man, there are a lot of snarky brats on the

Jennifer Takagi:

internet. And I was like, there are a lot of snarky brats on the

Jennifer Takagi:

internet. I just scrolled past that. I freaked somebody out

Jennifer Takagi:

today when I said I didn't watch the news. And like literally

Jennifer Takagi:

show Muscat whiplash. What? And I was like, Oh, I don't need to

Jennifer Takagi:

watch the news and somebody else. Well, that's true. She

Jennifer Takagi:

does not. And I said, Why do I need to watch the news? You're

Jennifer Takagi:

gonna tell me what's happening? Like, I don't like it. I was

Jennifer Takagi:


Kathy Baldwin:

I have not missed any important things that have

Kathy Baldwin:

gone on in the world. Somehow. It's all come

Jennifer Takagi:

out, nobody tells me.

Kathy Baldwin:


Jennifer Takagi:

Okay, so relatively you so I'm gonna, I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

gonna say this very poorly. And then I want you to fix it and

Jennifer Takagi:

say it right? So let's pretend I'm not happy in my life. It's

Jennifer Takagi:

not true at all. But let's pretend I'm not happy. And I'm,

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm in a victim mindset. But I heard this podcast destined for

Jennifer Takagi:

success. And I thought, well, maybe I am destined for more.

Jennifer Takagi:

But I really am a victim. And it really happened and my life

Jennifer Takagi:

really does suck. Now what?

Kathy Baldwin:

Yeah, you're right. That's exactly the way it

Kathy Baldwin:

is. Do you want us to keep it that way? Because there are so

Kathy Baldwin:

many other choices, and for you to die, with the regret of

Kathy Baldwin:

carrying that story around when I can help you figure out how to

Kathy Baldwin:

do it the other way? Where it becomes empowering. Yes, we've

Kathy Baldwin:

been let we've been told a lot of disempowering stuff. That's

Kathy Baldwin:

why my book is unlearned the crap it's all about the stuff

Kathy Baldwin:

that we've been told, we've been purposely disempowered it is so

Kathy Baldwin:

that we stay in conformity so that we stay as consumers and

Kathy Baldwin:

workers, you have been programmed. Do you want to

Kathy Baldwin:


Jennifer Takagi:

I love the way you said that and put that

Jennifer Takagi:

together. And we have a choice. Is that story serving me? If I

Jennifer Takagi:

am the victim, what do I win? What do I get out of that. And

Jennifer Takagi:

then if I want to get a whole bunch more, I can, as one of my

Jennifer Takagi:

mentors says, I can step out of that story. That's another one

Jennifer Takagi:

that I've heard that is helpful to me. Sometimes stepping out of

Jennifer Takagi:

the story is too big. For me, having a different perspective

Jennifer Takagi:

is like a little too big, a little too much a little too

Jennifer Takagi:

scary. And you throw the word willing in there. And now it's a

Jennifer Takagi:

whole new reasonable game. I'm willing to look at other

Jennifer Takagi:

possibilities. I'm willing to consider that I learned lessons

Jennifer Takagi:

from that horror, whatever it was. And now it's making me a

Jennifer Takagi:

better person. Like now I can step into something else.

Jennifer Takagi:


Kathy Baldwin:

And when people understand how the brain is

Kathy Baldwin:

wired, how it creates these programs and these stories and

Kathy Baldwin:

attaches it to strong emotion, so that it is the most

Kathy Baldwin:

efficiency expert out there, because it wants everything The

Kathy Baldwin:

autopilot, and autopilot is only for survival. Are you still

Kathy Baldwin:

breathing? That's all your brain wants to know, are you still

Kathy Baldwin:

alive. And if we you can now understand that that's the way

Kathy Baldwin:

your brain is wired. And fear only means you're in the

Kathy Baldwin:

driver's seat, not the passenger seat. Well, if you want to

Kathy Baldwin:

drive, then you kind of want to be in the driver's seat. You

Kathy Baldwin:

don't want to be on automatic pilot, right? And so fear we've

Kathy Baldwin:

been taught means danger. Well, fear just means look out, pay

Kathy Baldwin:

attention. You're not on autopilot anymore. Just pay

Kathy Baldwin:

attention. I'm not driving.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love that so much. And I have some friends

Jennifer Takagi:

who claim to have terrible memories. And I say you don't

Jennifer Takagi:

have a terrible memory, you just aren't paying attention to what

Jennifer Takagi:

you're doing. So there's no way to remember because you're not

Jennifer Takagi:

paying attention. And so tell me, as we're, you know, Wigan fr

Jennifer Takagi:

time I recently heard in the last few years, multiple times.

Jennifer Takagi:

If you keep sharing your story, with all the emotion that comes

Jennifer Takagi:

with it, and as speakers and trainers and coaches, we have to

Jennifer Takagi:

share our stories in the bad things that happen. And I tried

Jennifer Takagi:

to do that as little as possible, just enough for you to

Jennifer Takagi:

want to come play with me. But I don't need to give you all the

Jennifer Takagi:

gory details. But there is a belief system out there, it

Jennifer Takagi:

seems to me that if you repeat the horror stories in, in all

Jennifer Takagi:

the emotional impact with it, that you just create more of

Jennifer Takagi:

that in your life, can you do that? Absolutely.

Kathy Baldwin:

There's parts of our brain that are determined to

Kathy Baldwin:

make sure that we're right, we've got an amygdala and are

Kathy Baldwin:

attacking reticular activating system, we've got all these

Kathy Baldwin:

things that are made for us to be right, you got to be really

Kathy Baldwin:

careful what you want to be right about. So I have a lot of

Kathy Baldwin:

trauma stories. I've been through more things and most

Kathy Baldwin:

people would ever think of, but I make sure I tell my story from

Kathy Baldwin:

the positive and say, Yes, I dealt with it. Now this is where

Kathy Baldwin:

I am. Because you will just keep marinating and ruminating and

Kathy Baldwin:

digging it deeper and harder.

Jennifer Takagi:

And keeping it there. And, you know, like you I

Jennifer Takagi:

do have those horror stories. And I now can share them without

Jennifer Takagi:

me falling apart emotionally. And without overly triggering

Jennifer Takagi:

the audience. Because some speakers do that too. I mean,

Jennifer Takagi:

you're going to be triggered because I have some big stories,

Jennifer Takagi:

but I don't have to put you there and leave you there, you

Jennifer Takagi:

can just tip toe across the meadow and get a picture of it.

Jennifer Takagi:

So I love that. So first, that is is the law of relativity, the

Jennifer Takagi:

first universal law are they in any special order? I didn't ask

Jennifer Takagi:


Kathy Baldwin:

Well, I put the first three as being the

Kathy Baldwin:

universal law of oneness, the love energy and the law of

Kathy Baldwin:

vibration, because everything is vibration, and everything is

Kathy Baldwin:

energy. So it's what are we aligning with. And so if you

Kathy Baldwin:

want to align with the law of attraction, you got to figure

Kathy Baldwin:

out what you are emanating out because that's what you're going

Kathy Baldwin:

to attract back in. So when we know because this is the one

Kathy Baldwin:

that really really got to me, right, we've been told that

Kathy Baldwin:

we're small, and we're insignificant, and we don't

Kathy Baldwin:

matter. But we're a part of everything that ever was and

Kathy Baldwin:

ever is you cannot create energy, you cannot destroy it.

Kathy Baldwin:

You can only transfer it or transmute it. So if you are made

Kathy Baldwin:

of that, how can you be so special that you're you're

Kathy Baldwin:

different than everything else?

Jennifer Takagi:

It's crazy. All right, I don't think I got this.

Jennifer Takagi:

Number one is oneness. Number two is

Kathy Baldwin:

oneness energy about blah by Bration.

Jennifer Takagi:

Okay, oneness energy, vibration. And then we

Jennifer Takagi:

spent most of our time on relativity, because that's

Jennifer Takagi:

something we can consciously decide. Yes, I mean, all of

Jennifer Takagi:

them. We can to varying degrees, whatever, but relativity, you'd

Jennifer Takagi:

like that, really? That can really change how you show up in

Jennifer Takagi:

the world. Oh, my gosh, has been so good. So I do believe you

Jennifer Takagi:

have a free gift for our audience. What is that

Kathy Baldwin:

I can do for anyone who's trying to figure

Kathy Baldwin:

out how many universal laws are they aligned with or misaligned

Kathy Baldwin:

with? I do have an assessment that they can go on and get a

Kathy Baldwin:

really clear idea. And then afterward, I offer a clarity

Kathy Baldwin:

call where I can help you identify the universal laws that

Kathy Baldwin:

you're out of alignment with And like you, I'm an energy healer.

Kathy Baldwin:

We don't need to dig up bones, we do not need to be re

Kathy Baldwin:

traumatized. We can cut the cord.

Jennifer Takagi:

Let's do that. Okay, so do you have an easy way

Jennifer Takagi:

for us to get the assessment or do we need to just drop them in

Jennifer Takagi:

the show notes? Well,

Kathy Baldwin:

it's under unlearn the crap.com, which is

Kathy Baldwin:

the name of my book, backslash, breaking hyphen burnout, but

Kathy Baldwin:

I'll give it in the show notes as well.

Jennifer Takagi:

Breaking life in burnout. I love that. I love

Jennifer Takagi:

that. Gosh, I'm loved our time together today. Kathy.

Kathy Baldwin:

Me too. It was worth the wait.

Jennifer Takagi:

Great said you have any last words for our

Jennifer Takagi:

audience as we close out this episode.

Kathy Baldwin:

One I always say is the Wizard of Oz when Glenda

Kathy Baldwin:

said, Dorothy, you've always had it within you. There is nothing

Kathy Baldwin:

that we are lacking. We have everything we need. The only

Kathy Baldwin:

thing is information and knowledge. So if you're if your

Kathy Baldwin:

life isn't turning out the way you want, then get the

Kathy Baldwin:

information get the knowledge because that's the only thing

Kathy Baldwin:

you're missing.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love that. Thank you for your time.

Kathy Baldwin:

Thank you.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm Jennifer Takagi with destined for success

Jennifer Takagi:

and I look forward to connecting with you soon.

About the Podcast

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Destined For Success
Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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About your host

Profile picture for Jennifer Takagi

Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.