Episode 255
Kitti Andrews helps us declutter our mental and physical clutter | DFS 255
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. If you are like me, you have some clutter. Mine is often my kitchen counter. Kitti Andrews helps clients clear the clutter so 6 figure entrepreneurs can focus and serve their premium clients.
In this episode you will learn:
- The importance of letting go of the guilt associated with the “shoulds”
- Kitti’s special ONE System
- How to keep it decluttered once it is cleaned!
Learn more and keep in touch with Kitti:
One Year Unlimited 15 minute Laser Coaching with photo accountability, PIF $997: https://calendly.com/kittiandrews/oneyearlasercoachingpif
OR: 2x $547: https://calendly.com/kittiandrews/oneyearlasercoaching2pay
(there's no fancy landing page lol, just click either link, make your investment, and book your first call on the spot!)
If you're unsure of what you might need or want to learn about my more robust programs which include Monday-Friday support, simply book a chat: https://calendly.com/kittiandrews/30min
If you're not receiving my short and sweet Daily Declutter Digest, designed to jumpstart your day with hints and fun facts, download your “7 Easy Steps to Conquer Your Clutter" (https://declutterthebrain.com/declutter/) OR reply to this email and we'll sign you up!
Lastly, at roughly 500 members,our Declutter The Brain FB group is a supportive group where we "get" each other's clutter struggles, but it's not so big that you'll get lost in the crowd - if you're not already in, we'd love to have you! https://www.facebook.com/groups/253650592736219
Join Unleash Your Potential Clearing Sessions! SIGN UP TODAY!
Grab your FREE meditation: Reduce Your Anxiety MEDITATION
Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/
Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting
Wishing you the best,
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com
Welcome to the destined for success podcast.
Jennifer Takagi:I'm your host Jennifer Takagi and this podcast used to be
Jennifer Takagi:called new manager media manage right from the start. Many of
Jennifer Takagi:the concepts are the same, that there's a little shift. There's
Jennifer Takagi:a shift because I know we are all destined for success. And I
Jennifer Takagi:want to help you find the fastest, smoothest way to reach
Jennifer Takagi:your highest best as quickly as possible. Join me in today's
Jennifer Takagi:episode, where you're going to come up with new ways to build
Jennifer Takagi:your skills, and influence others to make the impact you
Jennifer Takagi:desire to make. I look forward to connecting with you soon.
Jennifer Takagi:Welcome to destined for success. I'm your host Jennifer Takagi
Jennifer Takagi:and I'm very excitable today. Because I have my friend Kitti
Jennifer Takagi:Andrews as my guest today welcome kitty. I'm so excited we
Jennifer Takagi:made this all workout.
Kitti Andrews:You know it is sometimes it delays. And you
Kitti Andrews:think all of these delays and what's going to happen then it
Kitti Andrews:just kind of magically comes together. And it comes together
Kitti Andrews:for the right reason. So I am delighted to be here. Thanks.
Jennifer Takagi:So I met kitty in Dallas at speakers Playhouse
Jennifer Takagi:alive. And we got to know each other there. And then we've been
Jennifer Takagi:online together off and on and multiple things. And I was like
Jennifer Takagi:kitty, you need to come on because kitties claim to fame.
Jennifer Takagi:What I keep hearing about from her is clear the clutter
Jennifer Takagi:clutter, calm the chaos. And she is just a wizard at
Jennifer Takagi:decluttering. And I am going to tell you that I have a counter
Jennifer Takagi:on my kitchen that like grows things like things just show up
Jennifer Takagi:and they multiply. I don't really know what happens. But
Jennifer Takagi:it's a lot. And I was having a guest and it just happened to be
Jennifer Takagi:Kimberly Crowe, our common denominator coming to stay in my
Jennifer Takagi:house. And it was like, I gotta clean this crap out. And I did.
Jennifer Takagi:I was so excited. And she walked in and when your house is
Jennifer Takagi:lovely, and I was like, Yeah, because I threw a bunch of crap
Jennifer Takagi:away. So it can be hard. I'm just saying it can be hard. So
Jennifer Takagi:as we get started, I can't wait to hear more about clearing the
Jennifer Takagi:clutter, the mental and the physical clutter that we have,
Jennifer Takagi:and more about your story. So where are you physically
Jennifer Takagi:located? And what do you do? How do you help? Let's talk about
Jennifer Takagi:this.
Kitti Andrews:Okay, and I want to come back to the kitchen
Kitti Andrews:counter before because I want to ask you a question about that. I
Kitti Andrews:am physically located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada,
Kitti Andrews:basically go to Maine, go to the top of main hangar, right and
Kitti Andrews:keep driving for about six hours do not drive into the ocean. But
Kitti Andrews:you will or you can see the ocean outside me here. And next
Kitti Andrews:up Ireland basically is is the next next step other than the
Kitti Andrews:province of Newfoundland, which is well anyway, just trust me.
Kitti Andrews:That's where I physically AM. And my story and yes, I will be
Kitti Andrews:sticking to it is what do I do? My official tagline is I help
Kitti Andrews:six figure entrepreneurs and those who want me to declutter
Kitti Andrews:their space to organize their space and streamline their
Kitti Andrews:thoughts so that they can focus remember that word on attracting
Kitti Andrews:and serving premium clients and being profitably productive, the
Kitti Andrews:in? What does that actually mean? is I help people to
Kitti Andrews:declutter their space and their brain so that they can make
Kitti Andrews:something of themselves so that they can be profitably
Kitti Andrews:productive and profit doesn't have to be about money. It can
Kitti Andrews:be about your health, it can be about your certain your wealth
Kitti Andrews:or your relationships, or, or any of the five pillars of your
Kitti Andrews:life. And that is what I do. I
Jennifer Takagi:love it. I can't wait to hear more. So you
Jennifer Takagi:wanted to get back to my kitchen counter, my nemesis, my kitchen
Jennifer Takagi:counter.
Kitti Andrews:I have a question for you. How did since since my
Kitti Andrews:company name is declutter, the brain forgot to mention that And
Kitti Andrews:I'll explain a little bit more about that. But I'm curious.
Kitti Andrews:Jennifer, what? How did how did you feel after you cleaned this
Kitti Andrews:counter? by that? I mean, yeah, of course Yeah. What was this
Kitti Andrews:was pretty. But did you notice any other effects?
Jennifer Takagi:Well, I felt really accomplished. Um, I, I
Jennifer Takagi:notoriously will receive something. And I don't
Jennifer Takagi:necessarily find it a home right away, and it's on the counter,
Jennifer Takagi:and then the mail comes in, and then it's on the counter. And
Jennifer Takagi:then and then and then before, you know, it's really full. So,
Jennifer Takagi:yes, I'm super thrilled when it's clear, I bake and I
Jennifer Takagi:decorate cakes and cookies, so I need that space. And so I will
Jennifer Takagi:literally, like clean enough space to do what I needed to do.
Jennifer Takagi:And it just, it grows over time. So I that that feeling of
Jennifer Takagi:satisfaction that it's completely clean and ready to
Jennifer Takagi:go. I love and I love having company, because that forces me
Jennifer Takagi:like if I'm having the family over for holidays, you gotta
Jennifer Takagi:clean that counter. Right? That's where all the food goes.
Jennifer Takagi:So I haven't gotten into a habit of consistently keeping it
Jennifer Takagi:clear.
Kitti Andrews:Okay, we may be able to help that, please. Now
Kitti Andrews:the reason I asked you that is because every time it anyone,
Kitti Andrews:when certainly all of my clients and people that I've asked on
Kitti Andrews:interviews, anybody I'll say which do you find more difficult
Kitti Andrews:to deal with physical clutter or mental clutter? Because I really
Kitti Andrews:do believe that it that physical clutter and mental clutter are
Kitti Andrews:inextricably entwined every 10 out of 10 people will tell me
Kitti Andrews:Kenny the mental clutter is the worst physical clutter we we
Kitti Andrews:know what to do we know how to pick something up we either just
Kitti Andrews:don't want to don't want or don't know where to start we're
Kitti Andrews:overwhelmed but the mental clutter you know when you're
Kitti Andrews:getting ready for your day in the morning in the brain start
Kitti Andrews:some buzz and did I email that person did I write down to email
Kitti Andrews:that person did I even did ever oh my god, I've got a phone now
Kitti Andrews:don't don't forget to do your furiously entering it on your
Kitti Andrews:phone or grabbing and grabbing the back of an envelope to write
Kitti Andrews:it up. All of these things start to build up in that world Oh
Kitti Andrews:noggin and the mentally you know the battery icon at the top of
Kitti Andrews:your cell phone right? And you're tired by the time you hit
Kitti Andrews:your desk. Whereas I have found that through using my one system
Kitti Andrews:and just saying to myself okay, I actually had to do this. This
Kitti Andrews:was a year it was about a year and a half ago it was and it was
Kitti Andrews:in January that my brain was just going so much the Full Tilt
Kitti Andrews:there were things happening was my was my father was the
Kitti Andrews:business just everything. And I said I've got I've got to find a
Kitti Andrews:way to get the brains house under control because I'm a foot
Kitti Andrews:stomp and flagwaving ADHD or with with the you know the big
Kitti Andrews:ideas and all of the details and squirrel and red Consuelo.
Kitti Andrews:Right? And all of these things take up mental energy and
Kitti Andrews:there's God I thought there's got to be a way to harness this.
Kitti Andrews:So I am not constantly exhausted by my thoughts because they you
Kitti Andrews:know, I eat my kale every day. Yeah. Yeah. But there's got to
Kitti Andrews:be a way so I thought, Okay, what do I do it and whenever I'm
Kitti Andrews:working with clients, we start with physical clutter that
Kitti Andrews:always beers into the other four, four pillars of life we
Kitti Andrews:and I've saved three marriages. So so far just by kind of as you
Kitti Andrews:as you clear the physical clutter and I'm going somewhere
Kitti Andrews:with this with the kitchen counter. You're you're peeling
Kitti Andrews:back the layers of the onion, so that you're feeling clarity and
Kitti Andrews:clarity and you see a you can you can visually mentally see
Kitti Andrews:other things that you've been missing. Give you an example as
Kitti Andrews:recent as this morning. Yeah, it was by Wednesday. I Hi,
Kitti Andrews:everyone, so I'm starting to feel, you know, a little dragged
Kitti Andrews:out. And this morning was only Tuesday. Because we're doing a
Kitti Andrews:launch tomorrow. So my brain is my brain is busy. And it's okay.
Kitti Andrews:Right, clean out the kitchen sink, finish it and finish it
Kitti Andrews:finish unloading the dishwasher, I'm kind of airing out my dirty
Kitti Andrews:laundry here, Jennifer, excuse me. But But yeah. And I did
Kitti Andrews:that, oh, I had a couple of ideas for to put on a landing
Kitti Andrews:page that I knew that I should have had done before. But I just
Kitti Andrews:forgot, I was feeling more clarity. So my point here is
Kitti Andrews:that once you clear the physical clutter, you can start to feel
Kitti Andrews:more clarity about other areas of your life. And that's why I
Kitti Andrews:asked you about the about your kitchen counter, how you felt,
Kitti Andrews:if you were if you started, if your imagination was starting to
Kitti Andrews:run wild, you may not have even noticed it, because I think
Kitti Andrews:you've got a pretty busy brain yourself.
Jennifer Takagi:Yes, and so I'm totally with you clean out the
Jennifer Takagi:sea, empty the dishwasher like just for me, it's a little bit
Jennifer Takagi:twofold. Number one, something is finished. I worked at the
Jennifer Takagi:library when I was in college. And it was like nothing was ever
Jennifer Takagi:finished. Because you get the book, you catalog the book, you
Jennifer Takagi:shove the book, then somebody checks it out, and then you put
Jennifer Takagi:it back. It's like, everything seemed never ending. And I like
Jennifer Takagi:tasks that are complete. And so I had I did all through college,
Jennifer Takagi:I had a little struggle, because it was like nothing, or it was
Jennifer Takagi:rare to have something actually be considered complete at work,
Jennifer Takagi:school. Yes, I'd turn in the paper, I'd take the test,
Jennifer Takagi:whatever. But that idea of finishing something, and I
Jennifer Takagi:worked with a business coach a number of years ago, and we
Jennifer Takagi:weren't a good fit. So I want to say that first. Like if you hire
Jennifer Takagi:someone, there has to be a good fit. I thought it was a fit, it
Jennifer Takagi:was not a good fit. And I would get very stressed out because I
Jennifer Takagi:couldn't do the things she was telling me to do. And I would
Jennifer Takagi:get so frustrated, I would go in the kitchen and start baking
Jennifer Takagi:because I could do it. I could finish it. And then I could eat
Jennifer Takagi:it and ever Yeah, happy. So I actually started a baking
Jennifer Takagi:business and I don't really publicize it. And I don't really
Jennifer Takagi:do that much anymore, because it's so time consuming. But like
Jennifer Takagi:if things get stressful, I will go in and bake a batch of sugar
Jennifer Takagi:cookies and sit there and frost for hours on end. And then the
Jennifer Takagi:ideas come right because I'm doing a different activity that
Jennifer Takagi:separate and apart from something else so I get it empty
Jennifer Takagi:the dishwasher like yesterday, I got a ton done. I threw chicken
Jennifer Takagi:in the crock pot Victor wedding cake decorated, I mean, and then
Jennifer Takagi:I sat down and got a lot of work done. So I get that. And yes,
Jennifer Takagi:had I not clean the counter and then ran out of town. I might
Jennifer Takagi:have had a little more time and space for that. But I will
Jennifer Takagi:definitely pay attention. So all the listeners out there when you
Jennifer Takagi:clean something and you have a long list of to do's pause to
Jennifer Takagi:see if while you were doing that all the pieces didn't fall into
Jennifer Takagi:place. I love that. Yeah.
Kitti Andrews:Oh it every time now. When I walk into the
Kitti Andrews:kitchen instead of going here, I've got to get to that for two
Kitti Andrews:days. Now I've got to get to that that weighs on your brain
Kitti Andrews:that takes up that iota of mental energy. And if you have a
Kitti Andrews:couple of us around the house, if you feel guilty you feel and
Kitti Andrews:this is all on a subliminal level. It doesn't need to be a
Kitti Andrews:huge Oh, I'm a failure because I didn't empty the kitchen, the
Kitti Andrews:dishwasher whatever. But it does kind of not your self esteem
Kitti Andrews:just a little bit. And when you go back into your office, you
Kitti Andrews:feel like yeah, I still have to still get to I know get to do
Kitti Andrews:and get to do that. Your attention is torn and clutter I
Kitti Andrews:find that certainly clutter and self esteem are also intertwined
Kitti Andrews:either because somebody is is ragging at you about it. Or you
Kitti Andrews:know that it could be better so you get that. Why can't i.dot.or
Kitti Andrews:I should be able to dot dot dot But yeah, and we're a, we're so
Kitti Andrews:many of us are probably all your listeners are overachievers, at
Kitti Andrews:heart. And so we're really, really rough on ourselves. And
Kitti Andrews:I'm going to give you give a little bit of a hint towards the
Kitti Andrews:end as to how to alleviate that, because that uses up mental
Kitti Andrews:energy to do you see the soap box that I wrote, I'm Jennifer.
Jennifer Takagi:So I, okay. I'm taking lots of notes, lots of
Jennifer Takagi:notes. So I heard one time that Steve Jobs or a black top either
Jennifer Takagi:a t shirt or a turtleneck and blue jeans every single day,
Jennifer Takagi:because he did not want to waste mental energy making stupid
Jennifer Takagi:choices. And I always said I wish we had to wear uniforms at
Jennifer Takagi:work. And then I'd have to decide what to so yeah, I just
Jennifer Takagi:equated myself with Steve Jobs I did that.
Kitti Andrews:It makes life so much easier as we were talking
Kitti Andrews:about off off air. I know that today is Tuesday because I am
Kitti Andrews:wearing a green camera saw and for when I'm when I'm doing my
Kitti Andrews:daily videos each each one I don't have to think Monday is
Kitti Andrews:black. Tuesday is light gray. Wednesday is paint. I do not
Kitti Andrews:have to think nothing. And in the morning especially that when
Kitti Andrews:you're you need every brain cell that you have for whatever is
Kitti Andrews:most important to your work because how easy is it to go
Kitti Andrews:down a rabbit hole? Don't get me started about Doom scrolling. I
Kitti Andrews:don't do it. I can't because I will just get lost in it. So I
Kitti Andrews:don't I post call that Doom scrolling. That's what a client
Kitti Andrews:calls that. I don't even that's what she called it is Doom
Kitti Andrews:scrolling. So much must be a thing. I
Jennifer Takagi:haven't heard it but it's a thing now like is
Jennifer Takagi:the thing. I do scroll last night for a long time. I was
Jennifer Takagi:looking for one thing on the Facebook. Yes. I call it the
Jennifer Takagi:Facebook because it's funny. I was looking for one thing on the
Jennifer Takagi:Facebook and the next thing I knew it was really really late
Jennifer Takagi:night should have been asleep hours ago.
Kitti Andrews:Yeah, and especially before Brett before
Kitti Andrews:bed, what are you doing, you're filling your you're filling your
Kitti Andrews:head with all of these things that your subconscious has to
Kitti Andrews:work twice as hard to get rid of, to get to get to the stuff
Kitti Andrews:that it shouldn't be clearing like the day's business, so that
Kitti Andrews:you wake up refreshed. And a lot of people that is really really
Kitti Andrews:common when what you just said, this doom scrolling client or
Kitti Andrews:fave is what seems to be a it's a toss up between whether it's
Kitti Andrews:between Facebook or Instagram. And a former neighbor McGlinn
Kitti Andrews:basically my best friend, he I know that he's been on Instagram
Kitti Andrews:at three in the morning because I'm posting on at at six at 6am.
Kitti Andrews:And I could see active three hours ago. Well, of course
Kitti Andrews:you're tired the next day. Kind of thing, but it's gonna Yeah,
Kitti Andrews:that that is a rabbit that is a rabbit hole
Jennifer Takagi:access in success in
Kitti Andrews:Back to the would you like? Okay, you have other
Kitti Andrews:questions I know you do. Or I can just launch into the next
Kitti Andrews:thing that I want to tell you.
Jennifer Takagi:I want you to launch into the next thing that
Jennifer Takagi:you want to tell me.
Kitti Andrews:Okay, now. Mentors still speaking about
Kitti Andrews:mental energy. Now I said that before the people come to me
Kitti Andrews:with their physical clutter. And we we ended up peeling back the
Kitti Andrews:layers of the onion on the other five pillars perfect example,
Kitti Andrews:which I think you've heard me talk about is a client who she's
Kitti Andrews:been with me over three years now most of them have because we
Kitti Andrews:keep finding new things to unquote, Declutter. Like the
Kitti Andrews:relationships or whatever. She came to me it was a very
Kitti Andrews:cluttered house. And we started to work through it and but six
Kitti Andrews:weeks in, she said, You know, I am finally going to start that
Kitti Andrews:fitness program that I've been planning to for years. Suddenly
Kitti Andrews:she just said, Oh, this is this is what I'm going to do. And I
Kitti Andrews:didn't think much of it. I thought, Okay, that's great. And
Kitti Andrews:then shortly thereafter, she said, you know, my husband said
Kitti Andrews:something to me that I'm not really sure I liked and so she
Kitti Andrews:told me what it was It wasn't so bad. And that's interesting. Has
Kitti Andrews:he ever said this to you before? And she stopped? And she thought
Kitti Andrews:of it. And she thought about it and said, you know, he's been
Kitti Andrews:saying that kind of thing for the 25 years that we've been
Kitti Andrews:married. I just never noticed that before. She says, Do you
Kitti Andrews:see what I mean about about physical decluttering, promoting
Kitti Andrews:clarity in your brain and you see things that you didn't even
Kitti Andrews:notice before. And whether that's in a small like wearing
Kitti Andrews:the kitchen counter, what I did this morning was the kitchen
Kitti Andrews:sink. I remembered a couple of things I wanted to put on that
Kitti Andrews:landing page right after our call. Oh, yeah, that's what I
Kitti Andrews:forgot. That's the missing ingredient. Kind of thing. No,
Kitti Andrews:going to mental go into that mental clutter. And that she had
Kitti Andrews:here in the morning. Did I email did I phone did I write down
Kitti Andrews:yada yada, yada? I have in my physical decluttering. I use
Kitti Andrews:something called the one system and
Jennifer Takagi:burn the page. Yeah.
Kitti Andrews:The number one system. And it kind of came
Kitti Andrews:about people asked me well, how did you get started? How did you
Kitti Andrews:develop things? With me things just kind of evolved. There is
Kitti Andrews:no turning point. It just kind of evolved. And I worked from
Kitti Andrews:common sense. I work the only way my ADHD brain knows how is
Kitti Andrews:to keep it as simple as possible. So don't get
Kitti Andrews:overwhelmed. And it's always been here it is one room at a
Kitti Andrews:time. One area of the room at that time. And one thing at a
Kitti Andrews:time. Can I tell you quickly? What What I mean by that? Yes.
Kitti Andrews:All right. One. One room? Yeah, okay, yeah, one room at a time.
Kitti Andrews:And what do I mean by that? If you have a house that's that's
Kitti Andrews:reasonably cluttered, and you don't know where to start? And
Kitti Andrews:choose one. And it's easy to say, well, I'm going to get
Kitti Andrews:bored. So I'll do a little bit in my office, and then I'll do a
Kitti Andrews:little bit in the spare room, or what have you. If you stay and I
Kitti Andrews:understand the getting bored, believe me. But if you stay in
Kitti Andrews:the one room, you will not only will you get more done, because
Kitti Andrews:from a purely practical point of view, you start in the office,
Kitti Andrews:you go in the spare room, you come back to the office, it
Kitti Andrews:takes you about 15 minutes to get back into character as a
Kitti Andrews:word to remember what you were doing. And we're Ah yes, where
Kitti Andrews:was I write the famous where was I? Whereas if you stick with the
Kitti Andrews:one, number one you get more done faster. And number two,
Kitti Andrews:here's the this is people rarely see this coming. You get
Kitti Andrews:momentum, what does momentum do? It feels it fuels your self
Kitti Andrews:esteem. It feels your yes I can. I can do this because many
Kitti Andrews:people they tried to declutter and and, and either not done not
Kitti Andrews:done well or they declutter and it goes back to hell in a
Kitti Andrews:handcart it's three months later kind of thing. Whereas if you
Kitti Andrews:just stick with the one you're feeling yourself esteem now
Kitti Andrews:we'll launch right into one area of that room at a time same
Kitti Andrews:basic principle. Stick with one area of that room and just keep
Kitti Andrews:going at it until it's 10 Rather than okay I'll start over there
Kitti Andrews:then I'll do a little bit over there and she's you know my desk
Kitti Andrews:is tired I'll go for lunch. She to make a decision and make it
Kitti Andrews:right as far as Larry Larry. Larry King. When it says make a
Kitti Andrews:decision and make it right just stick with the one thing same
Kitti Andrews:concept. You've you see your momentum you feel you feel good
Kitti Andrews:about it. And you can sustain it because you've got that
Kitti Andrews:confidence. Now we get to the one thing at a time. Quick
Kitti Andrews:story. My very first client out of business school. Very first
Kitti Andrews:client we went with In fact, I met her through that business
Kitti Andrews:school. She had a big L shaped desk and it was covered with
Kitti Andrews:about six six to eight inches of paper nowhere to be like she
Kitti Andrews:could you could not see the top of it you had to look down to
Kitti Andrews:see what color it was. And that was going to be my job was to
Kitti Andrews:help her do that. And so is it okay are first appointment, I
Kitti Andrews:said, Okay, well, let's start with the pile right in front of
Kitti Andrews:you, what's this top page? And she looked at me like I was from
Kitti Andrews:Venus. And she says, You're out of your mind. We're not going
Kitti Andrews:through this one by one. I panicked. My first client, I've
Kitti Andrews:taken her money already. What am I going to do now? I can't think
Kitti Andrews:of another way to help this woman. Well, she relented, I
Kitti Andrews:think she sensed fear for Michigan to Nova Scotia. And so
Kitti Andrews:she started going through one at a time, and then she starts
Kitti Andrews:flying through it, I don't need utility bills, why do I have
Kitti Andrews:bank statements, et cetera, et cetera. So basically what she
Kitti Andrews:was doing by seeing how many of single items that she had, that
Kitti Andrews:she did not need, she was able to get her to figure out her own
Kitti Andrews:solutions. I'll get these things all online, my accountant
Kitti Andrews:doesn't need them. If I needed I have a printer, thank you very
Kitti Andrews:much. The turning point and a big turning point, but
Kitti Andrews:realization was her was injured she had, she was in an industry
Kitti Andrews:that required that it was good to read trade magazines. And we
Kitti Andrews:threw away golly, six or eight of them, but 50 bucks worth. And
Kitti Andrews:because they were way out of date, and she had never read
Kitti Andrews:them. She reported a couple of weeks later, Katie was in the
Kitti Andrews:store and my arm automatically reached for that magazine, you
Kitti Andrews:know, just didn't even think wrote. And she'll wait a minute.
Kitti Andrews:Now I just threw away 50 bucks worth. I think I'll buy it every
Kitti Andrews:two months, instead of every month or every couple of weeks,
Kitti Andrews:whatever it was, she says I don't need them that badly. So
Kitti Andrews:she was retraining her brain? By doing it by by doing it slowly.
Kitti Andrews:And the do you get us? Is it slow? Yes. Is it t is a tedious,
Kitti Andrews:I'm afraid so. But doing things slowly and consistently is the
Kitti Andrews:number one way Darren Hardy will tell you the number one way to
Kitti Andrews:maintain good habits. And we may get to talk about maintaining
Kitti Andrews:your newly decluttered space after you've done it. And by the
Kitti Andrews:way, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, please do not try to do
Kitti Andrews:two things here. When you're decluttering. Do not repeat, DO
Kitti Andrews:NOT first start with the biggest room in the house. The basement
Kitti Andrews:was 30 years worth of Christmas decorations. Please don't do
Kitti Andrews:that to yourself. If at all possible. Start with the
Kitti Andrews:smallest room. Or if it's a you've got a big office, start
Kitti Andrews:with the desk, for example, just start small. The the other chip,
Kitti Andrews:which was supposed to be the first tip is don't start with
Kitti Andrews:the biggest room. And the other one, I'm afraid it'll come back
Kitti Andrews:to me.
Jennifer Takagi:Any minute I'll come back. Well, I want to say a
Jennifer Takagi:couple things if I may. Hmm. So my mother was excellent. And all
Jennifer Takagi:of this like really, really good. And we moved a lot on my
Jennifer Takagi:parents 30th anniversary, they added up they've moved 29 times.
Jennifer Takagi:So she was really good at it. And I don't know how many of
Jennifer Takagi:them there were four of us kids. So some of them one kid to kid
Jennifer Takagi:three and then four and then three and then two, and then
Jennifer Takagi:back to just me. And when they would move like that they would
Jennifer Takagi:buy houses that were fixer uppers, and they would go in a
Jennifer Takagi:room and start the room and they would get so far. And then my
Jennifer Takagi:dad would try to go do something else. Because like you say he
Jennifer Takagi:would be bored and my mom would be like, Nope, you gotta hang
Jennifer Takagi:the blinds and my dad would be like, I hate to hang the blinds,
Jennifer Takagi:you hang the blinds, you got to cut them off. You got to do
Jennifer Takagi:those little. And she was like, nope, get back in there. That's
Jennifer Takagi:why it's so my parents accomplished wonderful things in
Jennifer Takagi:their almost 57 year marriage before they passed away. But
Jennifer Takagi:like my dad could do all the stuff but my mom was keeping him
Jennifer Takagi:on task. Like it was a beautiful partnership there. And the other
Jennifer Takagi:thing is there was a book somebody recommended years ago
Jennifer Takagi:and it was how to speed clean your house in 45 minutes. I
Jennifer Takagi:think I lost the book but one of the things they said was when
Jennifer Takagi:you walk in a room, pick one point and then go clockwise,
Jennifer Takagi:like Florida clockwise like you're saying, Get that one spot
Jennifer Takagi:and get all of that spot and this was like floor to ceiling.
Jennifer Takagi:Now of course you're gonna mop the floors all at one time or
Jennifer Takagi:vacuum the whole room at And but like just do this, and then go
Jennifer Takagi:to the next little section. So I love that when it's like pick a
Jennifer Takagi:section of the room and do that section is kind of like if you
Jennifer Takagi:get up in the morning and make your bed the rest of the room
Jennifer Takagi:can have stuff. But if the beds made, it's like, wow,
Kitti Andrews:yeah, yeah, true a such as such a small liberal
Kitti Andrews:thing like that. But it really makes a difference and puts kind
Kitti Andrews:of a closure to the evening from from sort of metaphysical
Kitti Andrews:metaphor. But anyway, from a different point of view. from an
Kitti Andrews:energy point of view, it just puts puts the closure to the to
Kitti Andrews:the night. All right, and if you go lay down and have a nap on
Kitti Andrews:Earth, okay, well, maybe you've got a blanket that you can put,
Kitti Andrews:but it's just alright that I work a lot in categories because
Kitti Andrews:it's much easier for for me, okay. Emails are done. Facebook
Kitti Andrews:messages are done the same, same deal with Okay, times of day.
Kitti Andrews:All right, that category of night. And all the routines that
Kitti Andrews:go along with it is done. Move on to next category. Feed cat.
Kitti Andrews:Morning Routine.
Jennifer Takagi:I keep hearing my cat and he's asleep on his
Jennifer Takagi:bed behind me and every now and then he kind of snores he's
Jennifer Takagi:having a really good snooze back.
Kitti Andrews:That's got to be good. That's kind of
Kitti Andrews:disconcerting. And so cute at the same times.
Jennifer Takagi:Yeah, he's out cold.
Kitti Andrews:Dreaming. Okay,
Jennifer Takagi:I love that. So slow and steady to maintain the
Jennifer Takagi:shift the change the the new way of being? And then do not start
Jennifer Takagi:with the biggest room in the house. Start with something
Jennifer Takagi:smaller. And number two is
Kitti Andrews:it well. It could be the absolute quote, no, I Oh,
Kitti Andrews:okay. I'd say Well, there are five big things that people can
Kitti Andrews:come come to me with, but all of them come come under the
Kitti Andrews:category of overwhelm. And we're just sturge and Oh, everything
Kitti Andrews:in in the self esteem thing, etc. Just remember that? It
Kitti Andrews:didn't, if you declutter, did not whether it's physical or
Kitti Andrews:mental, the clutter did not accumulate overnight. And unless
Kitti Andrews:you got a better magic wand than I have, it's not going to go
Kitti Andrews:away overnight. Just not only do it slowly and consistently,
Kitti Andrews:unless you want to back up the gym, or you say back up the
Kitti Andrews:truck, boys, it's all going. I have patience with yourself, be
Kitti Andrews:easy on yourself and say I'm going to do what I can. And I've
Kitti Andrews:got I've got a couple of little strategies to to help with that.
Kitti Andrews:But just number one, go easy on yourself. Because if you don't,
Kitti Andrews:if you're doing the I should be able to dot dot dot, why an anti
Kitti Andrews:dot, dot dot that we were talking about before, you're
Kitti Andrews:using up your mental energy already, that can be used on the
Kitti Andrews:actual task at hand. The negativity is so rampant in our
Kitti Andrews:brains. And it starts from when we were a little kid. So we have
Kitti Andrews:all all of us have a lot of mental decluttering to do of all
Kitti Andrews:the negative language, but that we could do a whole show on
Kitti Andrews:that, Jennifer. But for for today, if you just think it
Kitti Andrews:didn't accumulate overnight, it's not going to go away
Kitti Andrews:overnight. However, I will tackle it with a couple of short
Kitti Andrews:strategies and suggest a way that you can keep it that way.
Kitti Andrews:You want to hear yes, please. Okay. Thank you. First thing is,
Kitti Andrews:if you've decided that you want to declutter, don't try to do it
Kitti Andrews:and don't say oh, I'll be able to get it all done in an
Kitti Andrews:afternoon. I've tried to do that. Four hours later, I have
Kitti Andrews:one cranky puppy. Like if I've emptied out a closet and I've
Kitti Andrews:done this, I have emptied out a closet because I say I should be
Kitti Andrews:able to do all this for hours later, there's still crap on the
Kitti Andrews:floor. And I'm saying what am I going to do with this and I'm
Kitti Andrews:just hating life. Don't do that to yourself. Again with the
Kitti Andrews:start small, but I find working in time categories. worse
Kitti Andrews:because the average, the average length of focus time, mental
Kitti Andrews:focus time and attention span is about 45 to 50 minutes,
Kitti Andrews:especially for an ADHD or that seems to be roughly the magic
Kitti Andrews:number. And even if I'm doing content, both 50 minutes, and I
Kitti Andrews:can just, I'm, I can't, I can't think anymore. So do it in
Kitti Andrews:short, reasonably short spurts. If 45 minutes seems to be too
Kitti Andrews:long, then do 15 minutes, set a timer, and do 15 or five or
Kitti Andrews:whatever. But if you can do it at scheduled times, now that
Kitti Andrews:could be that could be at the end of your day. Or if you're
Kitti Andrews:incorporate, you could do it in go in a little bit earlier. But
Kitti Andrews:maybe it's scheduling a time or an hour on on Saturday or
Kitti Andrews:Sunday. But scheduling a time, makes it more of a job and less
Kitti Andrews:of a chore. See where I'm going with that. Just scheduling some
Kitti Andrews:sort of time you're making that commitment to yourself and what
Kitti Andrews:happens after that after you've made that knee you've done that
Kitti Andrews:you've fulfilled that commitment. What happens that
Kitti Andrews:that all important dopamine rush Yes ladies and gentlemen that
Kitti Andrews:all important dopamine dopamine rush that fuels your forward
Kitti Andrews:fuels your momentum fuels your self esteem and says Yes, and
Kitti Andrews:thank God I'm over praise the Lord and pass the wine and the
Kitti Andrews:dark chocolate I'm not kidding I am and at the end of the day, if
Kitti Andrews:you so so doing it in in small and small spurts and scheduling
Kitti Andrews:it will really really help you can write down if you want you
Kitti Andrews:can write down what it is you want to accomplish. Don't try to
Kitti Andrews:do it by yourself. Or you may be you may be able to but if it's a
Kitti Andrews:big job, you may want to have a may want to have a friend or or
Kitti Andrews:a trusted family member who's not judgmental. Now that those
Kitti Andrews:are those those ones are tough to find. And of course being a
Kitti Andrews:professional I'm going to suggest a professional because
Kitti Andrews:because they're distance and if you can hire virtual that's even
Kitti Andrews:better. I don't go into people's homes because people are ashamed
Kitti Andrews:of their clutter. Even though it's a worldwide phenomenon.
Kitti Andrews:People are still ashamed because it's theirs and why can't I you
Kitti Andrews:know that recurring theme right? Whereas when it's virtual then
Kitti Andrews:you're only focusing Holman on how many Jennifer
Jennifer Takagi:one jackpot
Kitti Andrews:you're only focusing on one room one area
Kitti Andrews:one thing and that that helps you to paradoxically mind you
Kitti Andrews:get more done.
Jennifer Takagi:I love this kid a this has been awesome.
Kitti Andrews:Thank you, I'm I'm on a roll and I'm just
Kitti Andrews:loving your format. Would you like to close with one? How many
Kitti Andrews:know when give me just to know we'll go with two tips to okay
Kitti Andrews:you've decluttered you've gotten things decluttered say for
Kitti Andrews:example, your kitchen counter we can relate to this, your kitchen
Kitti Andrews:counter to two tips. And I usually use this for for the
Kitti Andrews:office them so so let's get you can mentally figure out how it
Kitti Andrews:would work for your kitchen counter. But since many of your
Kitti Andrews:audience is going to be entrepreneurs, they work at a
Kitti Andrews:desk, take five minutes, not even I'm going to take you that
Kitti Andrews:long. By the way it's about two and a half minutes in my case to
Kitti Andrews:just tidy up the papers or preferably have them dealt with
Kitti Andrews:but you know what? That's not reality. There are always going
Kitti Andrews:to be papers on your desk, but tidy them up. dusted off if if
Kitti Andrews:need be just put everything back like a hotel so that it's
Kitti Andrews:wonderful to come to in the morning. Boosts you like you
Kitti Andrews:don't believe just a A couple of days ago, I did not do this
Kitti Andrews:because that's right. It was Sunday, and I was in a hurry
Kitti Andrews:trying to do too many things at once. Surprise, surprise. And
Kitti Andrews:Monday morning, it wasn't as pristine as it could have been.
Kitti Andrews:All right, what I always take five minutes at the end of each
Kitti Andrews:day to make it look like now I wanted to see it at 530 in the
Kitti Andrews:morning. When you're not feeling all that lovely, fresh anyway.
Kitti Andrews:Okay, you want your desk to be lemony freshness. Number two is
Kitti Andrews:my waitress tip. Never walk from one room to another empty
Kitti Andrews:handed. Ah, where do I get this from, from the best part of 30
Kitti Andrews:years in working in restaurants we primarily, especially in
Kitti Andrews:Banff, Alberta, a Greek restaurants are owned by Greeks
Kitti Andrews:at least. And they trained you, you don't do your getting you
Kitti Andrews:don't walk through the restaurant back to your station,
Kitti Andrews:empty handed, there is always a salt shaker that needs to be
Kitti Andrews:filled, or something needs to be wiped, or whatever. And I have
Kitti Andrews:been doing this in my home for years. And when I don't, the
Kitti Andrews:clutter starts to pick up. Like even so there's something like a
Kitti Andrews:coffee cup in the bedroom on your dresser while you're
Kitti Andrews:putting your makeup on, bring the coffee cup back instead of
Kitti Andrews:it. Then you won't have two or three or four and say why can't
Kitti Andrews:i i should be able to see you're shooting yourself in the foot
Kitti Andrews:simple habits like this can. After a week, you say, Wow,
Kitti Andrews:everything is still clean.
Jennifer Takagi:As you handle that one thing,
Kitti Andrews:right now on your kitchen counter. You could say
Kitti Andrews:at the end of the day, you could say, Okay, after I'm done dinner
Kitti Andrews:with my husband and I've loaded the dishwasher, whatever it is,
Kitti Andrews:I am going to tackle one piece of mail at the end of the day,
Kitti Andrews:and just make it one of the one of that's just what I do at a
Kitti Andrews:certain time your brain is triggered already. So if you
Kitti Andrews:walk away from that counter without doing it, you're gonna
Kitti Andrews:feel weird. Try it for a week. I love it. It's a pleasure to
Kitti Andrews:work. I'd love to hear I'd love to hear.
Jennifer Takagi:I'm going to try that. I'm going to try that.
Kitti Andrews:Awesome. Awesome. It'll, it will completely
Kitti Andrews:eliminate the clutter. No, it won't. But will it keep it? Keep
Kitti Andrews:it tamed? Yes, it will. Because I have been the queen of letting
Kitti Andrews:things pile up and pile up physically and mentally. And
Kitti Andrews:then having to deal with the nuclear fallout after I would
Kitti Andrews:much rather put in a little bit of effort consistently. Rather
Kitti Andrews:than have a total mess of an apartment and have to clean up
Kitti Andrews:before the Super comes in for repair. Or you know you you like
Kitti Andrews:having company or a nervous breakdown. Frankly, if we're
Kitti Andrews:talking about physical clutter, and there are just too many
Kitti Andrews:things happening, then yeah, I'd rather deal with the small
Kitti Andrews:things and niche them down as much as I can. That's my story
Kitti Andrews:and I'm sticking with it.
Jennifer Takagi:And you're sick into it, Kitty it has been a
Jennifer Takagi:delight. Thank you for joining us. Hey, um, how can people get
Jennifer Takagi:ahold of you? Or do you have an upcoming event or like, sell
Jennifer Takagi:something? What do you got?
Kitti Andrews:Well, I'm available on on social Facebook,
Kitti Andrews:LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram under kitty Andrews, Kitty
Kitti Andrews:Andrews MCI. My website is declutter the brain.com and if
Kitti Andrews:you go there, you can download my seven easy steps to conquer
Kitti Andrews:your physical and mental clutter. It's an evergreen you
Kitti Andrews:can use it for any application in your life. And book a quick
Kitti Andrews:and free call with me and we can we can see if we can get you
Kitti Andrews:down the clutter road further and further away from the
Kitti Andrews:clutter. road further and faster. And as a matter of fact,
Kitti Andrews:I do have a launch of something that's going to sound it's not
Kitti Andrews:going to sound like it's my wheelhouse, but it is my
Kitti Andrews:colleague and you would know her through through play host
Kitti Andrews:Christina Hey, Everett's and I are launching a declutter for
Kitti Andrews:homes It's called from clutter to college, your 30 day
Kitti Andrews:jumpstart decluttering your home so that your child has a clear
Kitti Andrews:and calm learning environment. So I'm excited about this. And
Kitti Andrews:we're launching now, tomorrow. So that's that's my big news
Kitti Andrews:right now. Did that answer the question that was
Jennifer Takagi:really answered the question. So I will get
Jennifer Takagi:links for all this, drop them in the show notes. And I know
Jennifer Takagi:everybody's listening probably from their phone in their car.
Jennifer Takagi:That's fine. Click on the show notes. It's still on the same
Jennifer Takagi:device and you can get the links that you need to keep in contact
Jennifer Takagi:with kitty, kitty, you've given us some great insight and
Jennifer Takagi:information today. And I want to thank you for your time and your
Jennifer Takagi:valuable knowledge.
Kitti Andrews:Thank you so much for being the brush a breath of
Kitti Andrews:fresh air that you are.
Jennifer Takagi:You're so sweet. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I
Jennifer Takagi:look forward to connecting with you soon. Thank you for taking
Jennifer Takagi:your time to spend with me on this latest podcast and destined
Jennifer Takagi:for success. Please take a moment to leave a review. Share
Jennifer Takagi:it with a friend and subscribe and get the newest episodes
Jennifer Takagi:every Monday morning. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look
Jennifer Takagi:forward to connecting with you soon