Episode 254
Do it your own way! Define your idea of success | DFS 254
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. Once upon a time, we called it, “Keeping up with the Joneses”. Will that make your happy? Define your own version of success.
In this episode you will learn:
- Success looks different for each of us
- What hasn’t worked for me
- That epiphany moment of clarity
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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/
Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting
Wishing you the best,
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com
Welcome to the destined for success podcast.
Jennifer Takagi:I'm your host Jennifer Takagi and this podcast used to be
Jennifer Takagi:called new manager media manage right from the start. Many of
Jennifer Takagi:the concepts are the same, that there's a little shift. There's
Jennifer Takagi:a shift because I know we are all destined for success. And I
Jennifer Takagi:want to help you find the fastest, smoothest way to reach
Jennifer Takagi:your highest best as quickly as possible. Join me in today's
Jennifer Takagi:episode, where you're going to come up with new ways to build
Jennifer Takagi:your skills, and influence others to make the impact you
Jennifer Takagi:desire to make. I look forward to connecting with you soon.
Jennifer Takagi:Welcome to destined for success. I'm your host Jennifer Takagi
Jennifer Takagi:and today I want to piggyback on and expand on last week's
Jennifer Takagi:episode with the amazing Amber Griffis maker of Legends. And I
Jennifer Takagi:want to talk about doing it your own way, and defining your idea
Jennifer Takagi:of success. So back Oh, they say was 2016. But I know it goes way
Jennifer Takagi:back then 2016 was a movie called Keeping Up with the
Jennifer Takagi:Joneses. But there was a comic strip before that. And I don't
Jennifer Takagi:know how far it goes back. But for a number of years, there was
Jennifer Takagi:the whole idea of keeping up with the Joneses. And in the
Jennifer Takagi:scenario idea of keeping up with the Joneses, it was the idea
Jennifer Takagi:that you had to have the right car, the right house, the right
Jennifer Takagi:clothes, I mean, some of that is still true. But people would go
Jennifer Takagi:into tremendous debt, just for the appearance of. And at one
Jennifer Takagi:point, my husband had a job and it took him to Texas and the
Jennifer Takagi:North Dallas area. And he would go into these houses. And they
Jennifer Takagi:would be mansions. And they would have like a car table and
Jennifer Takagi:chairs in the kitchen for the kitchen table. There would be no
Jennifer Takagi:furniture in the living room. And there might be an old beat
Jennifer Takagi:up couch and TV in the family room. Because all their money
Jennifer Takagi:went to buying this humongous mansion, but they had no money
Jennifer Takagi:to furnish it. And so he and I had lots of talks about that,
Jennifer Takagi:because we could have technically afforded to buy a
Jennifer Takagi:bigger house. But did we want the payment did we want to have
Jennifer Takagi:to try to furnish it like, for us that was not important.
Jennifer Takagi:Because for us that did not define success. You have to
Jennifer Takagi:define success in your own terms. What feels good to you.
Jennifer Takagi:My grandfather told my mom when she was growing up, you'll
Jennifer Takagi:always have a house payment, a car payment, just get used to
Jennifer Takagi:it. Well, my mom decided there was no way she was going to have
Jennifer Takagi:a house payment and a car payment the rest of her life.
Jennifer Takagi:And my parents often had car loans. But my mom sent extra
Jennifer Takagi:money every single month to get that car loan paid off because
Jennifer Takagi:she didn't like having debt. That was her story. And that
Jennifer Takagi:stuck with me. So getting my cars paid off, getting houses
Jennifer Takagi:paid off. And that was important to me. It may not be important
Jennifer Takagi:to you at all. At all. I had a friend who said, I'll have all
Jennifer Takagi:the debt in the world, I don't really care because when I die,
Jennifer Takagi:it's all going to be written off anyway. There's nobody to pay it
Jennifer Takagi:at this point. So everybody has their own definition. You have
Jennifer Takagi:to decide what success looks like for you. Is it a certain
Jennifer Takagi:amount of money in the bank, a certain kinds of vacations,
Jennifer Takagi:luxury lifestyle, being able to go live off the grid and live
Jennifer Takagi:off the land? Okay, that's
Jennifer Takagi:never going to be mine. Don't look for me out there. I don't
Jennifer Takagi:even want to go vacationing that way. What does it look like for
Jennifer Takagi:you? And people often are like, oh, yeah, I
Jennifer Takagi:know what it is. Take a minute and write it down. Just bullet
Jennifer Takagi:point it out. What would it look like? In business? What does
Jennifer Takagi:success look like? I was on a call recently with the fabulous
Jennifer Takagi:candy Mote sock and candy said, Okay, take a minute and write
Jennifer Takagi:down. For instance, if your goal is to have 10 new clients, what
Jennifer Takagi:would that look like? Well, I start writing it down and I'm
Jennifer Takagi:all excited. Yeah, 10 new clients would be great. But how
Jennifer Takagi:did I want those 10 new clients. Clients often buy like a package
Jennifer Takagi:of six sessions with me. I love it and I love this work. But oh
Jennifer Takagi:my gosh, if I had 10 new clients, and each one had three
Jennifer Takagi:sessions a week, that is 30 hours a week of client work. And
Jennifer Takagi:as much as I love it, I don't I don't know that I want to have
Jennifer Takagi:that many clients in a week. Some people say, Oh, having a
Jennifer Takagi:quiet call, it drains me. Oh, it doesn't drain me at all. It just
Jennifer Takagi:completely hypes me up. But that's a lot of time to figure
Jennifer Takagi:out how to schedule. And if you haven't already noticed, I
Jennifer Takagi:travel quite a bit. I do not travel full time, like some of
Jennifer Takagi:my friends, but I travel quite a bit. And I love it. And I want
Jennifer Takagi:to keep doing it. So now I had to redefine what, what number of
Jennifer Takagi:clients would I want? What would it look like for me? Some people
Jennifer Takagi:will sign 10 new clients, but it's all in a group program.
Jennifer Takagi:great joy, my group program 10 new clients in my weekly
Jennifer Takagi:clearings? Yes, I'm all about that. But one on one clients,
Jennifer Takagi:maybe not? What does it look like? What does it look like for
Jennifer Takagi:me? What does it look like for you? I now know, I do not want
Jennifer Takagi:10 new clients in a month that all want three sessions a week?
Jennifer Takagi:That's just too much. Yeah, I don't want that. I know, I don't
Jennifer Takagi:want that. Do I want those same 10 clients to join my weekly
Jennifer Takagi:membership? Yeah, yeah, I would love them to join my weekly
Jennifer Takagi:membership. What hasn't worked for me is following a lot of the
Jennifer Takagi:traditional sales and program setup. And I couldn't understand
Jennifer Takagi:it, I've paid a lot of money for coaches, and they're like, just
Jennifer Takagi:do this, then this will happen. You might have heard me say that
Jennifer Takagi:before. Just do this, then that will happen. And for me, it was
Jennifer Takagi:not happening. And over the summer, I created a program, it
Jennifer Takagi:sounded really great. I was really excitable about it. And
Jennifer Takagi:then and then I realized, I don't really want to do that. So
Jennifer Takagi:I'm really grateful God, the universe, whatever you want to
Jennifer Takagi:call it, the stars did not align for me. And that did not work
Jennifer Takagi:out the way I thought I wanted it to. But I had to try it. And
Jennifer Takagi:then when it was not going how I thought it would go. It wasn't
Jennifer Takagi:for me anyway. So what doesn't work for you? Are you beating
Jennifer Takagi:your head against the wall in a grind trying to make things
Jennifer Takagi:happen? And it's not going to happen? And I submit to you the
Jennifer Takagi:possibility could be that you really don't want to do it. So
Jennifer Takagi:that epiphany moment for me, I you know, I have them all time.
Jennifer Takagi:But one major epiphany moment for me was the idea that I don't
Jennifer Takagi:want an entirely JAM PACKED calendar all day, every day with
Jennifer Takagi:our long client calls. It's a lot. And it's not that I don't
Jennifer Takagi:have the energy for it, because I absolutely do. It's the
Jennifer Takagi:freedom it takes away because success for me is having more
Jennifer Takagi:freedom. What does look good for me and I've started doing is 15
Jennifer Takagi:minute clearing sessions. Why people are busy, they don't want
Jennifer Takagi:to go deep. They don't want to go deep as far as talking about
Jennifer Takagi:it. They want to go deep as far as the healing. So now I've got
Jennifer Takagi:these 15 minute Body Code sessions. I even created a video
Jennifer Takagi:that people can watch so they know exactly what they're
Jennifer Takagi:getting into if they're new to my world. But you hop on with
Jennifer Takagi:your one thing. What if this one thing were different for you?
Jennifer Takagi:How would it change your life? One client his one thing was
Jennifer Takagi:allergies to cat because we were at a building event center where
Jennifer Takagi:we all stayed. It was like a retreat center. And there had
Jennifer Takagi:been cats in the room where he stay was staying. And he was
Jennifer Takagi:highly allergic and his eyes are all red and a lot you know
Jennifer Takagi:they're just dripping and tearing up. And we did a really
Jennifer Takagi:quick Body Code session and cleared out that allergy. And
Jennifer Takagi:that was eight nine months ago and I'm happy to report he's
Jennifer Takagi:been around cats multiple times and he has not had any more
Jennifer Takagi:allergic reaction. That's the kind of work I'd love to do.
Jennifer Takagi:Let's do it quick. Let's do it fast. So let's get it out of
Jennifer Takagi:here. I had a client recently and she said, I just I feel like
Jennifer Takagi:I've let go of the past, like following all the steps, but
Jennifer Takagi:there's still something hanging on. Can you help me? Yes. And
Jennifer Takagi:using Body Code and Emotion Code work, we were able to identify
Jennifer Takagi:several key things that were imbalanced in her body,
Jennifer Takagi:physical, emotional spirit body that when I say body, like,
Jennifer Takagi:that's it. It's like the trifecta there. Like Father,
Jennifer Takagi:Son, Holy, ghost, physical, spiritual, emotional body. And
Jennifer Takagi:we identified a couple of major things. And the next day, I
Jennifer Takagi:texted her, and I was like, Hey, I'm just following up on you
Jennifer Takagi:after yesterday. And she was like, Oh, my gosh, I feel so
Jennifer Takagi:much better. I feel like a weight has been lifted. These
Jennifer Takagi:are the kinds of things that happen. And I love it. I love
Jennifer Takagi:it. I can do 315 minute sessions in an hour. And that includes
Jennifer Takagi:time to run, get something to drink and go to the bathroom
Jennifer Takagi:funny to write because I just need a short break in between
Jennifer Takagi:that I can do that I really enjoy. So that epiphany came to
Jennifer Takagi:me when I was really looking at what I want in my calendar to be
Jennifer Takagi:what do I need want and desire success to look like for me. If
Jennifer Takagi:you are ready to identify that one major thing, make that one
Jennifer Takagi:major shift. Click the links in the show notes if you're
Jennifer Takagi:listening to this on your phone, but because you're on your
Jennifer Takagi:phone, you can click links on the show notes. Book a call
Jennifer Takagi:let's talk about let's see how it can help you get rid of that
Jennifer Takagi:one thing. Join the monthly membership and join our weekly
Jennifer Takagi:clearing sessions where we identify and clear this stuff
Jennifer Takagi:right out. Define what you want success to look like and then do
Jennifer Takagi:it your own way. I'm Jennifer Akagi. And I look forward to
Jennifer Takagi:connecting with you soon. Thank you for taking your time to
Jennifer Takagi:spend with me on this latest podcast and destined for
Jennifer Takagi:success. Please take a moment to leave a review. Share it with a
Jennifer Takagi:friend and subscribe and get the newest episodes every Monday
Jennifer Takagi:morning. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look forward to connecting
Jennifer Takagi:with you soon