Episode 256

Jim Cathcart looks for success seekers, experts and entrepreneurs | DFS 256

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Jim Cathcart has taught the best!  He has mentored thousands and gives you the best guidance to live your destiny!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Destiny is future pulling you towards it - possible but not inevitable 
  • Be a success seeker
  • It’s time to act like a professional 

Learn more and keep in touch with Jim Cathcart:

Let Jim guide you on your path:  www.free.cathcart.com

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Grab your FREE meditation:  Reduce Your Anxiety MEDITATION

Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to the destined for success podcast.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm your host Jennifer Takagi and this podcast used to be

Jennifer Takagi:

called new manager media manage right from the start. Many of

Jennifer Takagi:

the concepts are the same, that there's a little shift. There's

Jennifer Takagi:

a shift because I know we are all destined for success. And I

Jennifer Takagi:

want to help you find the fastest, smoothest way to reach

Jennifer Takagi:

your highest best as quickly as possible. Join me in today's

Jennifer Takagi:

episode, where you're going to come up with new ways to build

Jennifer Takagi:

your skills and influence others to make the impact you desire to

Jennifer Takagi:

make. I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your host Jennifer Takagi

Jennifer Takagi:

and it's PATA palooza. De. I'm so excited. I have gotten to

Jennifer Takagi:

meet some amazing people. And the next guest is no different.

Jennifer Takagi:

Amazing man Jim Karthik cart. Did I get it right?

Jim Cathcart:

Carlos Cathcart

Jennifer Takagi:

hafler Cathcart. I'm Kathy. I love it.

Jennifer Takagi:

So when it part of the information on the on each

Jennifer Takagi:

other's podcasts on this amazing day of PATA Palooza is people

Jennifer Takagi:

give you just a tiny bit of information, and you figure it

Jennifer Takagi:

out from there. And his top title is success seekers,

Jennifer Takagi:

experts and entrepreneurs. And I was very intrigued by that. So

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm going to turn it over to you, Jim, tell us what you do

Jennifer Takagi:

where you are in the world. And what you mean by 6x success

Jennifer Takagi:

seekers, experts and entrepreneurs. And I really

Jennifer Takagi:

can't talk. It's just hard sometimes.

Jim Cathcart:

Okay, thank you. Thank you, great to be with you,

Jim Cathcart:

Jennifer. And I like destined for success. Because if you

Jim Cathcart:

think of destiny, destiny is kind of like a future that's

Jim Cathcart:

pulling you toward it. And I think we all have it, not from

Jim Cathcart:

the outside. But from the inside a destiny that is possible, but

Jim Cathcart:

not inevitable. In other words, we got to let it happen. We've

Jim Cathcart:

got to help it happen. We don't wait for it to happen soon,

Jim Cathcart:

because it's not coming from out there. So if you look at life in

Jim Cathcart:

general life, well, the life impulse exists in throughout the

Jim Cathcart:

universe, and it shows up as a plant, or a puppy, or a person

Jim Cathcart:

or a tree, you know, whatever forest, that's life emerging

Jim Cathcart:

through reality as we see it. And every person has within them

Jim Cathcart:

the life impulse. Well, how does it manifest, it manifests in

Jim Cathcart:

what we want, when I'm mentoring people, and that's my primary

Jim Cathcart:

profession. I work as a professional speaker and author

Jim Cathcart:

and I've done 3500 paid speeches all over the world, over 40 plus

Jim Cathcart:

years and written 25 books and, you know, done done the things

Jim Cathcart:

speakers dream of doing when they grow up. So I've had a

Jim Cathcart:

wonderful and blessed career. But the primary thing I asked

Jim Cathcart:

people is, what do you want? And they said, Well, no, I don't

Jim Cathcart:

make nothing, excuse me, what you want is an impulse inside of

Jim Cathcart:

you, it's life inside of you, trying to get out. So if you

Jim Cathcart:

want to see all 50 states, then the possibility of doing that is

Jim Cathcart:

in you. And you ought to start making a plan to start clicking

Jim Cathcart:

off some of those 50. And get out there and see them. Because

Jim Cathcart:

as you do, you'll see more opportunities, and maybe your

Jim Cathcart:

goals have changed, maybe they stay the same. If you have a

Jim Cathcart:

goal to create a business that saves puppies from drowning,

Jim Cathcart:

whatever, you know, I'm making these up as I go, then for

Jim Cathcart:

heaven's sakes, do it, or at least get it started and then

Jim Cathcart:

hand it off to someone else who can make it more of a reality.

Jim Cathcart:

But let the life impulse come through you so that you live

Jim Cathcart:

more fully. The purpose of life is living, really living, not

Jim Cathcart:

limited, living some limited version of what you could be, or

Jim Cathcart:

accepting other people's comments about your limits or

Jim Cathcart:

your potential. Be alive in everything you can do. And when

Jim Cathcart:

when someone says Jim, what do you do I say I'm a mentor, to

Jim Cathcart:

experts, entrepreneurs, and as you said, Success seekers. Well,

Jim Cathcart:

what's a success seeker? It's someone who is not hoping to

Jim Cathcart:

succeed, trying to succeed, wishing they could succeed, or

Jim Cathcart:

testing to see if it's possible. It's someone that says As I'm

Jim Cathcart:

going to succeed, now let's get to work. And they're going to

Jim Cathcart:

keep going and doing and trying and failing and succeeding and

Jim Cathcart:

failing and such until they reach the level that they've

Jim Cathcart:

chosen to reach. So a success See, seeker is the kind of

Jim Cathcart:

person that would tune into your podcast, go to a Tony Robbins

Jim Cathcart:

arena event, you know, buy a book on, on personal

Jim Cathcart:

development, come to one of my programs. That's what a success

Jim Cathcart:

seeker is. And so my job after all these years and wonderful

Jim Cathcart:

experiences I've had, is to guide other people in the best

Jim Cathcart:

ways that I can. Mother way I would like everyone who's

Jim Cathcart:

listening today to go to free. Nice word, Free dot, Cathcart,

Jim Cathcart:

my last name CA, T. H. Ca rt free.cathcart.com. and download

Jim Cathcart:

a free copy of this book. It's my 25th book, what to do when

Jim Cathcart:

you're the speaker. And it's not about giving a speech. It's

Jim Cathcart:

about being a speaker. And it's been endorsed by, you know, the

Jim Cathcart:

all the names you'd recognize. Brian Tracy, neato Cobain, Denis

Jim Cathcart:

Waitley, Les Brown, you know all that. Tom Hopkins, Tom Ziglar,

Jim Cathcart:

zig sun, you know, you name it, they they probably endorsed this

Jim Cathcart:

book. So get a free copy of that. And then if you want to

Jim Cathcart:

talk with me about being your mentor, then we can talk about

Jim Cathcart:

how do you reach the top 1% of your field. Or you can get a

Jim Cathcart:

copy of my book, mentor minutes, which is out there. You know,

Jim Cathcart:

with 25 books in the marketplace, there's a lot of

Jim Cathcart:

ways, inexpensive ways I can help people. But those that want

Jim Cathcart:

me to kind of hold their hand or be at their elbow as they're

Jim Cathcart:

doing it. I do mentor ships in one one month, three month and

Jim Cathcart:

10 month agreements with people. But what's it all about? Well,

Jim Cathcart:

what it's all about is becoming the person you're capable of

Jim Cathcart:

becoming living abundantly, living in such a way that when

Jim Cathcart:

you get up in the morning, when you wake up in the morning, you

Jim Cathcart:

think I get to get up today, hot dog, I can't wait to see what

Jim Cathcart:

this day brings. And at the end of the day, you put your head on

Jim Cathcart:

the pillow. And even it was if it was a difficult day, you say

Jim Cathcart:

thank you, Lord, for this good day. And you kind of reflect on

Jim Cathcart:

the good things that took place. And so that's the that's the way

Jim Cathcart:

I've been living my life for the last 70 plus years. And I still

Jim Cathcart:

ride my motorcycles on the twisty roads, I can find I play

Jim Cathcart:

the guitar and sing and nightclubs. I'm still a very,

Jim Cathcart:

very active professional speaker and author. And I've got, as I

Jim Cathcart:

said, 25 books in the stores. But I've got three more already

Jim Cathcart:

written in the pipeline. And I'm eager to find co authors and do

Jim Cathcart:

some more.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh, I love it. And I love this story.

Jennifer Takagi:

So some questions popped up for me. I'm an avid note taker. So

Jennifer Takagi:

you know, if we share this video and you see my head down, it's

Jennifer Takagi:

not because I'm bored. It's because I'm writing feverishly.

Jennifer Takagi:


Jim Cathcart:

I'm gonna interrupt for a second. No one

Jim Cathcart:

told me one time if your speaker, you want to see the

Jim Cathcart:

tops of people's heads, if you're making a point, meaning

Jim Cathcart:

they're writing it down, and you want to see the whites of their

Jim Cathcart:

eyes if you're telling a story. And then a great analogy.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh, I love it. Well, lots of people

Jennifer Takagi:

have seen the top of my head over the years. So, okay, so

Jennifer Takagi:

many great points here. I pretty much have accomplished what I

Jennifer Takagi:

set out to accomplish. Like I have that burning desire, I want

Jennifer Takagi:

to do something, I do it. And then you do end up with those

Jennifer Takagi:

moments when you're like, I don't really want to keep doing

Jennifer Takagi:

this, I want to do something different, which is fine. Like

Jennifer Takagi:

we have the we have the blessing if you didn't know you had it

Jennifer Takagi:

all. bless everybody right now. I bless you to have the DIS the

Jennifer Takagi:

ability to change your mind and do something different. Like

Jennifer Takagi:

that's okay, I'm good with that change your mind. But how do you

Jennifer Takagi:


Jim Cathcart:

metanoia information of your mind to a

Jim Cathcart:

higher level? Yep.

Jennifer Takagi:

When I talk to people, sometimes I do energy

Jennifer Takagi:

healing. And you know, it's all a divinely inspired practice

Jennifer Takagi:

that I that I have and that I do. And when I ask people like

Jennifer Takagi:

what is the one thing that you would like to either elevate and

Jennifer Takagi:

have more of or remove and have less of that would make the

Jennifer Takagi:

biggest shift in your life? Like Like, what would that be? And

Jennifer Takagi:

you have to allow time for it right time and space for people

Jennifer Takagi:

to talk all over the board before you can finally hone in

Jennifer Takagi:

on that. So what suggestion would you give to someone

Jennifer Takagi:

listening when you ask the question, what do you want? want

Jennifer Takagi:

for them to start honing in on what it is because we need

Jennifer Takagi:

coaches, we need gurus, we need teachers and mentors, we need

Jennifer Takagi:

all those things, that sometimes we kind of need to sit still and

Jennifer Takagi:

be with ourselves. So we know even what path we might want to

Jennifer Takagi:

present or touch into. So do you have any guidance on that, like

Jennifer Takagi:

how we can been on what we want,

Jim Cathcart:

that I lead people through a process called going

Jim Cathcart:

pro, decide it, as of this point, I'm becoming a

Jim Cathcart:

professional at my particular path, right. And that means you

Jim Cathcart:

set higher standards for yourself. And you're much more

Jim Cathcart:

focused and much more dedicated to the doing what you've chosen

Jim Cathcart:

to do, and do it at a higher level. And so I started all,

Jim Cathcart:

like I said, by posing the question, what do you want? And

Jim Cathcart:

they say, Well, you know, I want to know, and it's all general

Jim Cathcart:

stuff, you know, I want to be healthy and happy and healthy

Jim Cathcart:

and have plenty of money will sodas every living entity,

Jim Cathcart:

right? Yeah. I mean, even plants, that they want to be

Jim Cathcart:

happy, healthy and have plenty of resources. So that's just a

Jim Cathcart:

general desire of all living things. And the more specific we

Jim Cathcart:

get, the more likely we are to bring it about. So if I say I

Jim Cathcart:

just want to have a successful career, okay. Tell me about

Jim Cathcart:

careers. What do you mean? Well, let's fast forward 1020 years in

Jim Cathcart:

the future, tell me about you. Well, you know, and they express

Jim Cathcart:

all their self doubts. And I said, let's, let's just assume

Jim Cathcart:

for a minute, you know, the blessing you got from Jennifer

Jim Cathcart:

has allowed you to remove all the limitations. And whatever

Jim Cathcart:

you decide you want to go after, is gonna happen sooner or later.

Jim Cathcart:

Oh, well, if that's the case, you know, it's kind of like the,

Jim Cathcart:

what are your goals? And they say, oh, no, no, pay my bills on

Jim Cathcart:

my home. They say, okay, what are your wishes your dreams? Oh,

Jim Cathcart:

you mean, like if I won the lottery, and all of a sudden

Jim Cathcart:

they come to life. And here comes all those things that they

Jim Cathcart:

would have told you if you'd asked the question differently

Jim Cathcart:

in the first place. So it's in there, they just have trouble

Jim Cathcart:

articulating it because they they're afraid of judgment.

Jim Cathcart:

Right. And so I lead people through a exercise called the

Jim Cathcart:

future you. And we define what the future EU is going to look

Jim Cathcart:

sound and feel like under all kinds of different

Jim Cathcart:

circumstances. And then the second thing we do is we look at

Jim Cathcart:

what I call reputation creation. And we define every group of

Jim Cathcart:

people you're part of, or want to be part of. And we write out

Jim Cathcart:

a reputation statement that you want them to think or feel or

Jim Cathcart:

say about you, when you're not present to hear it. So what do

Jim Cathcart:

you want your family say about you, your neighbors say about

Jim Cathcart:

you, your colleagues, your competitors, your customers, you

Jim Cathcart:

know, all these people want your teachers, people that knew you,

Jim Cathcart:

when you were a kid, what do you want those people to think and

Jim Cathcart:

say about you, in the future, and anything goes so you can

Jim Cathcart:

make it whatever you want it to be. So we do that exercise. And

Jim Cathcart:

then I say, Okay, what one thing out of all the things you've got

Jim Cathcart:

going on in your life, if you picked only one lane, one little

Jim Cathcart:

narrow bike path of a lane, and did only that one thing for the

Jim Cathcart:

next five years. It would transform your life, what is

Jim Cathcart:

that one thing? And so we identify that one thing, and

Jim Cathcart:

then we go to the other side of the equation, and I have them

Jim Cathcart:

interview their customers? Or do a survey among would be

Jim Cathcart:

customers? What one thing do they value the most that you're

Jim Cathcart:

able to deliver? So you've looked at what you want to do

Jim Cathcart:

and where your greatest opportunity is, in the one thing

Jim Cathcart:

focus on short term focus. And then you look outside yourself

Jim Cathcart:

at what one thing is the market most willing to pay for? That's

Jim Cathcart:

among your possibilities currently. And then we look at

Jim Cathcart:

your passion and purpose. My passion and purpose is a I guess

Jim Cathcart:

a secular expression of the biblical passage, John 1010 have

Jim Cathcart:

come that they would have life and have it more abundantly.

Jim Cathcart:

That's what I've chosen as my personal mission to help people

Jim Cathcart:

live more abundantly and to do so in the process personally,

Jim Cathcart:

and I certainly have and I've been blessed to be able to help

Jim Cathcart:

10s of 1000s maybe even hundreds of 1000s of others to do the

Jim Cathcart:

same thing. So that's just a portion of the going bro

Jim Cathcart:

process. And people come out of that so focused. You know this

Jim Cathcart:

Okay, okay, no, forget everything else we talked about

Jim Cathcart:

up to now, I want to do this. Great now we got a ballgame,

Jim Cathcart:

okay? And we get to work on that. And then they either

Jim Cathcart:

graduate or, or they say Gemma, I want you to stick around and

Jim Cathcart:

we go into what I call the Experts Academy phase of it. And

Jim Cathcart:

I certify them as a professional expert. At the end of the year

Jim Cathcart:

with a medallion as a CPE AS certified professional expert.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love that and I can't reach it from here. It

Jennifer Takagi:

looked funny, but I like to collect you know, ribbons and

Jennifer Takagi:

crowns and statues and certificate.

Jim Cathcart:

There you go.

Jennifer Takagi:

That's my love language. Learn something new

Jennifer Takagi:

and get a piece of paper.

Jim Cathcart:

Love that. I love that's my gosh, this

Jennifer Takagi:

conversation is so much fun. And in the funniest

Jennifer Takagi:

thing about being a podcaster on pod Palooza is I get to meet so

Jennifer Takagi:

many amazing people to figure out what I want to be when I

Jennifer Takagi:

grow up.

Jim Cathcart:

It's like inspiration overload for a day,

Jim Cathcart:

isn't it? Yeah. No, that's the thing. You know, people ask me

Jim Cathcart:

what? What do you want to be when you grow up and I tell them

Jim Cathcart:

I want to be like my son. One of the people in the world that I

Jim Cathcart:

most admire, my son's an executive, a senior executive in

Jim Cathcart:

a luxury hotel chain. And he's in Southern California and

Jim Cathcart:

managing a resort. And he's just, he's a marathoner. He's a

Jim Cathcart:

musician. He's a person I could trust with any thing, including

Jim Cathcart:

the deepest secret of God. He's just an amazing guy. And he's

Jim Cathcart:

raised amazing kids. So I want to grow up to be like him

Jim Cathcart:


Jennifer Takagi:

Well, and chances are, he was trying to

Jennifer Takagi:

grow up and be a bit like you. And that's why he is an amazing,

Jennifer Takagi:

man. This point? I love this too, do you? Um, is it like in

Jennifer Takagi:

my head? Because you know, I make up a lot of stories. I just

Jennifer Takagi:

bought a pair of socks. I may not know the truth, but I can

Jennifer Takagi:

make up a story about it. I'm going to be wearing them this

Jennifer Takagi:

fall. I think that's what they say. But I'm going to make an

Jennifer Takagi:

assumption that you're not really around negative people

Jennifer Takagi:

are people who don't believe in abundance or their ability to

Jennifer Takagi:

attain more abundance. But if you encounter those people, how

Jennifer Takagi:

do you act interact, respond to that level of negativity of

Jennifer Takagi:

Yeah, well, they've got a nice house but or Oh, yeah, look at

Jennifer Takagi:

their car and you're like, that you could have it to like have

Jennifer Takagi:

what's your what's your response?

Jim Cathcart:

Like all people I've been around millions of

Jim Cathcart:

those. I'm sure. I have you on a pedestal? Yeah, you know, I've

Jim Cathcart:

lived among them. I've certainly experienced that. I chose back

Jim Cathcart:

in the 1970s. to remake my life, I went to a seminar called

Jim Cathcart:

Adventures and attitudes. That was real popular back then. And

Jim Cathcart:

it was the first time I'd ever set goals and considered really

Jim Cathcart:

taking the reins and making my life different. And so I chose

Jim Cathcart:

to diminish the number of negative or diminish the amount

Jim Cathcart:

of contact with negative people in my life, because you can't

Jim Cathcart:

really control how many of them you're going to encounter. But

Jim Cathcart:

you can certainly control how much time and focus you're going

Jim Cathcart:

to give them. And so when I've been around people who are

Jim Cathcart:

naysayers, like one one time I was in a business, and the

Jim Cathcart:

primary stockholder in the business was a highly skilled

Jim Cathcart:

technical guy who had the worst failure mentality I've ever

Jim Cathcart:

seen. He was success phobic. He was literally afraid to succeed.

Jim Cathcart:

And my partners and I would bring to him we were junior

Jim Cathcart:

partners, he was a senior stockholder. And we were the

Jim Cathcart:

rainmakers, and he was the tech guru. So we would bring him big

Jim Cathcart:

deals. Done. You know, Jennifer already agreed to this. She

Jim Cathcart:

signed the contract. Here it is, do the follow through and

Jim Cathcart:

implemented and get back to her to start the program. He would

Jim Cathcart:

always find a way to plant doubt in Jennifer's mind. And so the

Jim Cathcart:

big deal that might have been worth $100,000 Would unwind two

Jim Cathcart:

days later. And I remember going into a meeting with him in the

Jim Cathcart:

Silicon Valley. We were going to talk to some angel investors up

Jim Cathcart:

there. This was back during the tech boom and in ours was a tech

Jim Cathcart:

companies. So that was cool. So we're sitting three or four of

Jim Cathcart:

us in this room with a potential investor and her team. And she's

Jim Cathcart:

got millions to throw into this. And she says, it is such an I've

Jim Cathcart:

heard about you, and I've heard about you. And I've admired you

Jim Cathcart:

and followed your work for years. And this is great. And

Jim Cathcart:

who's your colleague? Well, here's my tech expert colleague.

Jim Cathcart:

And so we start talking, and she says, Well, I can't wait to get

Jim Cathcart:

into this deal with you. And then she asked him a question.

Jim Cathcart:

And his answer causes her to go. Oh, well, then, you know, we're

Jim Cathcart:

gonna have to think about this. So let me get back to you. And

Jim Cathcart:

it never happened. It was ready to happen. And it never

Jim Cathcart:

happened. So after a couple of weeks had followed, and I talked

Jim Cathcart:

with one of my colleagues, I came in to the board meeting now

Jim Cathcart:

I'm on the board of directors. I came into the board reading, and

Jim Cathcart:

I said, I own 20% of the company. I sit on the board. And

Jim Cathcart:

I'm a rainmaker. I've been bringing business and tech

Jim Cathcart:

expert, you've been killing every deal I've brought in. And

Jim Cathcart:

I don't mind you being the main stockholder and getting rich off

Jim Cathcart:

of this, but I do mind you destroying our ability to make

Jim Cathcart:

it succeed. So here's my ultimatum. Either you step off

Jim Cathcart:

the board and keep your stock, or I'm leaving, and not

Jim Cathcart:

generating any future business. And he said, I'm staying. I

Jim Cathcart:

said, Okay, see, and I walked away. And I lost many 1000s of

Jim Cathcart:

dollars that day. But I gained so much peace of mind that it

Jim Cathcart:

was like I lit the fire again, under my afterburner the next

Jim Cathcart:

day. And I all of a sudden, I was cheerful. Again, I wasn't

Jim Cathcart:

irritated and anxious all the time. And another example, same

Jim Cathcart:

thing, my sister had a friend who was a Negative Nelly, who

Jim Cathcart:

could find a cloud and every sunshiny day, you know, anything

Jim Cathcart:

you brought to her, like you bring her cake, she'd say, oh,

Jim Cathcart:

it's probably rotten on the inside, and I'll catch something

Jim Cathcart:

and die. You know, so whatever it was, she enjoyed finding the

Jim Cathcart:

bad side of it, let's let's look, you know, maybe it's dirty

Jim Cathcart:

underneath. And my sister kept bringing her over to our house

Jim Cathcart:

and my sister lived with us. And, and I said, to Kathy,

Jim Cathcart:

you're welcome here. 100% of the time, you've got the keys to the

Jim Cathcart:

house. You know, you got the run of the place, but don't bring

Jim Cathcart:

her anymore. She said, Well, if you like me, you accept my

Jim Cathcart:

friends. I said, that's absolutely not true. I love you.

Jim Cathcart:

But I don't accept your friends because you choose your friends

Jim Cathcart:

differently. And I choose not to have this woman come in and rain

Jim Cathcart:

on every comment I make. And if she wants to go watch soap

Jim Cathcart:

operas and dwell on the weaknesses, and the underside of

Jim Cathcart:

humanity, God bless her go forth and but don't multiply. And it

Jim Cathcart:

but she's not welcome here anymore. And my sister gotten a

Jim Cathcart:

huff over it. But then she finally understood and made

Jim Cathcart:

peace with it. And my life got a little bit more sunshiny that

Jim Cathcart:

day. So I think we have to take a stand.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love that take a stand. i It's one of

Jennifer Takagi:

those things. You have people in your life and some people you

Jennifer Takagi:

can cut out like you don't have to be around her. Other people.

Jennifer Takagi:

They could be part of your family or your inner circle.

Jim Cathcart:

Maybe your family. Yeah. And you just have to

Jim Cathcart:

diminish the amount of of focus you give to that. Right less

Jim Cathcart:

time. eradicate it, just change the percentage. Yeah,

Jennifer Takagi:

I love that. Well, it's time for us to wrap

Jennifer Takagi:


Jim Cathcart:

I'm so glad we had this time together.

Jennifer Takagi:

Force. Listen to us who knew I could sing?

Jennifer Takagi:

Wait, I can't sing every town. What? Like what final thought?

Jennifer Takagi:

Would you like to leave the audience?

Jim Cathcart:

I would like to leave the thought that your life

Jim Cathcart:

is a reflection of you. And if you don't like the reflection

Jim Cathcart:

you've been seeing lately, then get an internal makeover and

Jim Cathcart:

give yourself permission to be the magnificent being that you

Jim Cathcart:

were created to be instead of the limited one that you've

Jim Cathcart:

accepted up to this point.

Jennifer Takagi:

It's been Been a pleasure.

Jim Cathcart:

Thank you. I've enjoyed it too. I appreciate it.

Jim Cathcart:

Jennifer. Bye bye.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look forward to

Jennifer Takagi:

connecting with you soon. Thank you for taking your time to

Jennifer Takagi:

spend with me on this latest podcast and destined for

Jennifer Takagi:

success. Please take a moment to leave a review, share it with a

Jennifer Takagi:

friend and subscribe and get the newest episodes every Monday

Jennifer Takagi:

morning. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look forward to connecting

Jennifer Takagi:

with you soon

About the Podcast

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Destined For Success
Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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About your host

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.