Episode 261
Julie Ferman: The Cupid’s Coach | DFS 261
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. Julie Ferman has been in the matchmaking arena for over 33 years! She has fantastic stories and guidance, including building relationships after the match!.
In this episode you will learn:
- Guidance to navigate the dating market
- You must show 3 things - respect, appreciation and receptivity
- Men and women are different and engage and show up differently
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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com
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Wishing you the best,
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com
Welcome to destined for success. I'm your
Jennifer Takagi:host Jennifer Takagi and I'm so excitable because today is PATA
Jennifer Takagi:Palooza, de. And I get to meet all kinds of amazing people that
Jennifer Takagi:I may or may not have connected with for any reason in the past.
Jennifer Takagi:And that is still true because we have the opportunity to visit
Jennifer Takagi:with Julie Furman and Julie's podcast is that Cupid's coach. I
Jennifer Takagi:love that I love that title. And I love the whole idea of
Jennifer Takagi:matchmaking because I haven't always made the best choices in
Jennifer Takagi:my life, and I might have benefited from some help.
Jennifer Takagi:Welcome to the show, Julie.
Julie Ferman:Thank you, Jennifer. It's really good to be
Julie Ferman:here.
Jennifer Takagi:So tell me a little bit. How did you get on
Jennifer Takagi:this path? Are you an actual matchmaker?
Julie Ferman:I am, I'm an actual matchmaker and dating
Julie Ferman:coach. I've been doing this for 33 years since 1990, since I met
Julie Ferman:my own husband through a proactive dating process. So
Julie Ferman:first, I had to get real frustrated with dating and
Julie Ferman:puzzled as to why it wasn't going my way. And then I hired a
Julie Ferman:coach who was actually a good friend of mine, who said I had
Julie Ferman:to have skin in the game. He he said I had to pay for him to
Julie Ferman:take me under his wing. And he did. And he gave me weekly
Julie Ferman:assignments over the phone from Boston. I was living in Kansas
Julie Ferman:City at the time. And I do so much homework. And he really
Julie Ferman:helped me with the inside part that my blind spots, you know,
Julie Ferman:my big long list of criteria. That was ridiculous. He made me
Julie Ferman:focus on the top three, you know, instead of 23, right? And
Julie Ferman:then we put together an action strategy, and I did everything
Julie Ferman:you could possibly imagine to meet the right guy. I wasn't
Julie Ferman:sure I was going to be able to have kids. I've had surgery at
Julie Ferman:27, leaving me with half of one ovary. So I was like tick tock,
Julie Ferman:right. I was the girl who really wanted marriage and family to
Julie Ferman:happen. So I placed personal ads in the newspaper, we couldn't do
Julie Ferman:online dating back then we didn't even have the internet.
Julie Ferman:And I put together lots of events. I put a profile together
Julie Ferman:about myself with photos and I had it copied at Kinkos a
Julie Ferman:million times. And I sent it out to everybody I knew five copies
Julie Ferman:with a cover letter. This was Who do you know who wants to
Julie Ferman:meet this girl? I was really working it. And I got
Julie Ferman:transferred with the company I was working with to St. Louis,
Julie Ferman:where I was from. And I was sitting there the first few
Julie Ferman:weeks of being back where I was from, at this Ethiopian
Julie Ferman:restaurant, sitting by myself eating food with my hands,
Julie Ferman:feeling like the World's Greatest Loser. And I'm watching
Julie Ferman:looking at the personal ads and I thought too late. You can't
Julie Ferman:put a personal ad in the St. Louis. Newspaper. You corrupt
Julie Ferman:here. What if your history teacher sees it? What if your
Julie Ferman:boyfriend sees it and puts the word out that Julie's doing
Julie Ferman:personal ad? She must be a total loser, right? So I saw in that
Julie Ferman:publication ads for dating services, and I thought, okay, I
Julie Ferman:rip the page out I ran home. I called all three of them. Two of
Julie Ferman:them were blind date matchmaking companies, and I'd had enough
Julie Ferman:surprises with online dating. I didn't really want to have a
Julie Ferman:whole bunch of new surprises and pay a lot of money for it. So
Julie Ferman:the other agency, maybe you remember the name of it. Where
Julie Ferman:do you live? Jennifer?
Jennifer Takagi:I'm in Oklahoma City and I lived in Kansas City
Jennifer Takagi:in the late 80s. So
Julie Ferman:how come we weren't playing together? That's
Julie Ferman:when I was there.
Jennifer Takagi:I was sitting home alone myself.
Julie Ferman:I worked for my father's Ramada Inn there. And
Julie Ferman:then when he died, I ended up with Ritz Carlton returned the
Julie Ferman:Alameda Plaza Hotel into this big, beautiful Ritz Carlton. So
Julie Ferman:that's why I needed help. Because I was working 8090 hours
Julie Ferman:a week it was just sick. So I saw that there were ads for
Julie Ferman:great expectations, which was a video dating service. And later
Julie Ferman:Well, I'll tell you the how it happened. I go in there. And the
Julie Ferman:guy who did the interview with me and talked me into joining
Julie Ferman:the guy who took my 14 150 bucks, sign me up at his agency,
Julie Ferman:that's my husband. So
Jennifer Takagi:got the pick of the litter so to speak, he
Jennifer Takagi:wasn't
Julie Ferman:allowed to ask his members out. He wasn't supposed
Julie Ferman:to it was a protocol thing. And so what happened was I finally
Julie Ferman:got my photos done and my videos done. And then you could finally
Julie Ferman:just access the books. So I'd sit down and look through all
Julie Ferman:the books. They had just opened their doors, Jennifer, there
Julie Ferman:weren't very many people. So I'm thinking oh my gosh, was this
Julie Ferman:just a huge mistake? Did I just waste $1,450? And I thought,
Julie Ferman:Well, I'm gonna have a good relationship with these people.
Julie Ferman:No matter what. So I knocked on this guy's door and I joked with
Julie Ferman:him, I said, Hey, I looked in the G book under Gil and I
Julie Ferman:didn't see you. What's the story with you pal? And he said, Well,
Julie Ferman:I'm not supposed to ask out my members. And they said, Well,
Julie Ferman:what would you do if one of your members asked you out? And he
Julie Ferman:said, If she was cute, I probably go. I said, Come on,
Julie Ferman:let's go have a beer. And five weeks later, we got engaged. And
Julie Ferman:five months later, we got married. And two months later,
Julie Ferman:we got pregnant with the kid who's turning 32 Tomorrow, and
Julie Ferman:the other one followed two years later. So I married into the
Julie Ferman:dating industry and worked for my husband for seven or eight
Julie Ferman:years. There were a lot of things I liked about it. A lot
Julie Ferman:of things I didn't. Have you ever been part of a dating
Julie Ferman:agency before? Jennifer?
Jennifer Takagi:I have not. But before you tell me more. I went
Jennifer Takagi:to Washington DC on business all the time. And I ended up on the
Jennifer Takagi:same flight from St. Louis to Oklahoma City, week after week
Jennifer Takagi:after week. And I got to know this gal of Southwest Airlines,
Jennifer Takagi:and we would always move so we could sit together. She lived in
Jennifer Takagi:St. Louis. Her friends talked her into go into a video dating
Jennifer Takagi:site. She met a guy, she was in her late 30s. And Catholic,
Jennifer Takagi:never been married and wanted a guy who was Catholic, never been
Jennifer Takagi:married. His friends forced him into signing up. And the story
Jennifer Takagi:is kind of like yours. He was in the Air Force in southwestern
Jennifer Takagi:Oklahoma. So she would fly in once a month to see him and we
Jennifer Takagi:would fly together. I have her name written down somewhere. I'm
Jennifer Takagi:gonna come back to you because you can probably find her for me
Jennifer Takagi:because I I mean, I got all of those things. Just I didn't do
Jennifer Takagi:it through a dating app. But I have the list of criteria. Yeah,
Jennifer Takagi:of what I wanted in a man. And I found him and I married him. We
Jennifer Takagi:did not win the baby thing. But we got everything else. Oh, I'm
Jennifer Takagi:so
Julie Ferman:glad I don't have the database anymore. For my
Julie Ferman:husband's great expectations. I might know, I might know her.
Julie Ferman:I'm not sure I might have signed her up. I don't know. So I
Julie Ferman:worked for him for a bunch of years. And then we moved back to
Julie Ferman:LA where he's from. And he sold us companies. And that's when I
Julie Ferman:started my own. So 20 years ago, I started my matchmaking company
Julie Ferman:and dating company. And it's 36,000 people I've registered so
Julie Ferman:far, we've counted over 1300 couples that have waltzed off
Julie Ferman:into the sunset over 33 years. It's been quite a journey. But
Julie Ferman:my real passion. I mean, I can't really make a match, I can't
Julie Ferman:make a match. You know, I don't have power to do that. I can I
Julie Ferman:think of myself as a relationship enabler. And what
Julie Ferman:are you Right? Right? That's so funny. And, and, and here's,
Julie Ferman:here's my sweet little like, in my next life, I'm going to be a
Julie Ferman:genie, right, and I'm going to be able to just whip them up for
Julie Ferman:you. But I know too much now. And so what I like to do is help
Julie Ferman:people really do dating well. And I like to make sure that
Julie Ferman:they have all the options open to them, depending on who they
Julie Ferman:are, who they're looking for, where they live, what's their
Julie Ferman:demographic, demographics are not our friend. The young guys
Julie Ferman:are really, really struggling. There are not enough young women
Julie Ferman:and all the men are on all of them. But they're, the young
Julie Ferman:women are often just inundated with requests, especially if
Julie Ferman:they're attractive. So that's just, there's no way to get an
Julie Ferman:attractive woman to respond to you online, they're just getting
Julie Ferman:100 messages an hour. And then us girls later in life are
Julie Ferman:struggling because 65% Let's just say it this way. Let's see,
Julie Ferman:there are three times as many single women as there are single
Julie Ferman:men over the age of 65. So that's why it gets really hard.
Julie Ferman:So I like to teach people all the ways to compensate for this.
Julie Ferman:And so one of my programs that I talk about a lot and I love to
Julie Ferman:do it for audiences large and small, is navigating the
Julie Ferman:romantic marketplace, but then also developing our social
Julie Ferman:magnetism, the art of social magnetism, so we can meet those
Julie Ferman:people on those airplanes. And we know what to say in front of
Julie Ferman:the cantaloupes at the grocery store. And why wait in line at
Julie Ferman:the Department of Motor Vehicles without making a friend with the
Julie Ferman:person in front of you and behind you. So I teach people
Julie Ferman:how to do all of this. When you see somebody out there in the
Julie Ferman:world, you have a nice conversation. I want everybody
Julie Ferman:to have a calling card so you can say hey, nice to find you.
Julie Ferman:Here's here's how to find me and those calling cards with women.
Julie Ferman:I suggest that nothing on that card be Google double. Right.
Julie Ferman:But guys are asking us they are begging me to beg women to turn
Julie Ferman:the cab light on because since the me to thing happened which
Julie Ferman:needed to happen. look really good men who have respect for us
Julie Ferman:and don't want us to feel preyed on On, they're not initiating
Julie Ferman:like they used to. So that's why my phone is ringing more. And
Julie Ferman:I'm getting more registrations from men now because they feel
Julie Ferman:like they can't just walk up and talk to a woman anymore. It's
Julie Ferman:really, really, that piece of it is has backfired. So I'm trying
Julie Ferman:to do my part to pick up the slack. So, yeah, that's been
Julie Ferman:really fun. So I'm based in Los Angeles, and then we bought a
Julie Ferman:home in Santa Fe, New Mexico. That's where I am today, I spend
Julie Ferman:the summers in Santa Fe. So I have a whole other community of
Julie Ferman:people here in Santa Fe. So there's there's no shortage of
Julie Ferman:great people. There's something that women don't know, though,
Julie Ferman:that causes that causes us to be frustrated in dating. Do you
Julie Ferman:want to know what it is that we don't know?
Jennifer Takagi:I would love to. All right. Here's
Julie Ferman:it's not really great news. But we have to work
Julie Ferman:with it. Because I'm not a dreamer. I'm a realist. So I
Julie Ferman:asked every woman this question, I've interviewed over 50,000
Julie Ferman:people and 30 something years, I'll say, Have you ever met a
Julie Ferman:guy? Well, let me ask you, Jennifer, have you ever met a
Julie Ferman:guy that you weren't particularly attracted to?
Julie Ferman:Initially, visually, but then you got to know him? And before
Julie Ferman:you know it, he became adorable and even dateable? Is that ever
Julie Ferman:happened for you? Probably 85% of women have given me a yes
Julie Ferman:response to that question. We have a superpower. It's the
Julie Ferman:ability to look inside a human being and measure up character
Julie Ferman:values, shared passions, we have the ability to see more, it's
Julie Ferman:our powers of perception. Man, on the other hand, I've asked
Julie Ferman:you know, 1000s, and 1000s and 1000s of men, what percentage of
Julie Ferman:men would you say have the ability to develop attraction
Julie Ferman:over time?
Jennifer Takagi:Oh, I'm gonna say much less.
Julie Ferman:Yes, right is really bad. It's like less than
Julie Ferman:5%. So what that helps me understand is that it's not that
Julie Ferman:they're superficial and shallow. They literally have equipment
Julie Ferman:that needs to function in order for babies to be born on the
Julie Ferman:planet in the species to survive. Its basic instinct. And
Julie Ferman:this is the longest we've ever lived, right? If it was back in
Julie Ferman:the 1850s, you and I would have been six feet under by now we
Julie Ferman:wouldn't be out there dating in our 60s or even thinking about
Julie Ferman:it. So it's a different world is changing. And women are flexible
Julie Ferman:and adaptable. It's one of our superpowers. So what we need to
Julie Ferman:do is shift just like the other piece of the puzzle that's so
Julie Ferman:important. You've probably heard women say, Oh, I'm really
Julie Ferman:successful, and I have a lot of money. And so I intimidate men.
Jennifer Takagi:If you heard that. I have heard that a lot.
Jennifer Takagi:Yeah,
Julie Ferman:you stop them in their tracks, right then in
Julie Ferman:there, Jennifer, and say, first off, stop bitching, called
Julie Ferman:Julie. But secondly, what you say to them is, men are never
Julie Ferman:intimidated by a woman. They might be put off, by the way,
Julie Ferman:she's being about all of her strengths. But I'm, every time I
Julie Ferman:asked that question to a man that like, I never get
Julie Ferman:intimidated, I just, they're just annoying, because they're
Julie Ferman:bragging all the time, where they will let me finish a
Julie Ferman:sentence and she has to one up me, if he doesn't want to come
Julie Ferman:home to competition, the guy wants to come home to what he
Julie Ferman:calls a soft place to land. So it's not that we can't be strong
Julie Ferman:and powerful, we got to get really good at the toggle
Julie Ferman:switch, which is, you know, what happens when I finally shut down
Julie Ferman:this computer. And I know I'm gonna need to morph myself into
Julie Ferman:a woman to be a partner to my husband. And I'm going to need
Julie Ferman:to make myself available to everybody else in the world that
Julie Ferman:I've been ignoring for the last eight hours. So there's
Julie Ferman:transition time. And we need to get good at it. And I've got
Julie Ferman:women that I've trained who are trial attorneys like real tough,
Julie Ferman:powerful women in the marketplace. And then they got a
Julie Ferman:date that night. So I trained them in like, what to bring in
Julie Ferman:your little bag, change your underwear, put on your little,
Julie Ferman:your little boost da or whatever you got to do. Turn yourself
Julie Ferman:into a woman before you go on that date and be present for the
Julie Ferman:guy because what does a man need more than anything? This is why
Julie Ferman:it's not working. For so many professional people. What men
Julie Ferman:need more than anything is respect, appreciation and
Julie Ferman:receptivity. They don't want to come home to an argument. So we
Julie Ferman:need to practice bringing respect, appreciation, honor to
Julie Ferman:the men in our world, and then they just show up a lot better
Julie Ferman:than if we treat them as adversaries or competitors. Does
Julie Ferman:that make sense?
Jennifer Takagi:It does and we have different skills and
Jennifer Takagi:different skill sets and so we need to hone ours which are
Jennifer Takagi:typically different than theirs.
Julie Ferman:Yep. And women you know, we we speak more words
Julie Ferman:than they do. We do you know what my husband says? He says,
Julie Ferman:generally speaking women are generally speaking. I wonder if
Julie Ferman:more podcast hosts are women than men are wonder,
Jennifer Takagi:though. What is the isn't Gary Smalley maybe I
Jennifer Takagi:want to draw a blank. But my husband and I, when we first got
Jennifer Takagi:married, we were at this thing through church, and it was a
Jennifer Takagi:marriage enrichment communication thing. And he
Jennifer Takagi:said, Men have about 25,000 words a day. So when they get
Jennifer Takagi:home from work, they've pretty much used up all their words.
Jennifer Takagi:When women come into the world, they have like 50,000 words a
Jennifer Takagi:day. So when they get home, they I mean, when when they get home
Jennifer Takagi:and everybody gets together, they have way more words. And if
Jennifer Takagi:a woman works from home, or is a stay at home, mom working the
Jennifer Takagi:house at home, and hasn't talked to anybody all day, now she has
Jennifer Takagi:a minimum of you know, 45,000. And it's just like a whole
Jennifer Takagi:cluster. So my husband drove me and one of my girlfriends from
Jennifer Takagi:college to a lake where we both had little places. And she and I
Jennifer Takagi:hadn't been alone together in a long time. We're both married,
Jennifer Takagi:we're busy. We don't have time. Two hours in the car, I'm in the
Jennifer Takagi:backseat, she's in the front. He's driving. She and I talked
Jennifer Takagi:the whole way. We've dropped her off. And as we're backing out of
Jennifer Takagi:the driveway to go to our house, I just stayed in the backseat,
Jennifer Takagi:my husband looked over his shoulder to back out and he
Jennifer Takagi:says, Okay, I can only hear 25,000 words a day. And you all
Jennifer Takagi:just superseded that I need to not hear one word for a solid
Jennifer Takagi:app.
Julie Ferman:God love him. That is so funny. It's absolutely
Julie Ferman:true. You know, I wanted to tell you that last weekend, two
Julie Ferman:weekends ago, I was in Oklahoma City, another time where we
Julie Ferman:could have played together. But we didn't know each other yet.
Julie Ferman:So we didn't. My sister and I met there because she's in St.
Julie Ferman:Louis. I'm in Santa Fe smack dab in the middle of Oklahoma City,
Julie Ferman:we both drove seven and a half hours to get there. Because why?
Julie Ferman:Because our dogs needed to meet. We had so much fun. So I've got
Julie Ferman:a great, I've got a great little mashup that we did from go into
Julie Ferman:cookies, the karaoke place. If you've been to karaoke it
Julie Ferman:cookies, it's a great little place. We had a great time. So
Julie Ferman:Oh, there's one more thing I wanted to share about that
Julie Ferman:business of you know, when the guy comes home from work, okay,
Julie Ferman:from wherever he's been, he needs a little transition time
Julie Ferman:Mr. FURMAN goes into the smallest room in the house with
Julie Ferman:a crossword puzzle. And he hangs out there and I hear a few
Julie Ferman:flushes. And then I know he's done and ready to engage. That's
Julie Ferman:where he does his thing. But it's just hilarious. When we
Julie Ferman:need to talk to our guy, because we've been cooped up or pent up
Julie Ferman:or something we need to share. We have to let the guy know if
Julie Ferman:you supposed to fix it if he's supposed to fix the problem, or
Julie Ferman:just hold the trash can. Because sometimes we don't really want
Julie Ferman:anybody to fix it. We just need somebody to hear how awful this
Julie Ferman:thing was. And so then we have to remember to say, Hey, honey,
Julie Ferman:I guess something I want to share with you. The good news is
Julie Ferman:you're not in trouble. Other good news is you don't have to
Julie Ferman:fix it. But was you just hold the trashcan for like five
Julie Ferman:minutes. So I can just tell you about the thing that happened.
Julie Ferman:And then he knows he's free. He's safe. You don't have to try
Julie Ferman:to figure out all this. Can you imagine how annoying it is for
Julie Ferman:men to hear the voices of us girls, given that we talk so
Julie Ferman:much more than they do? And I feel bad for them?
Jennifer Takagi:Well, you know, as as, as a friend of mine would
Jennifer Takagi:say to have all this, that's your price. Like ya have to
Jennifer Takagi:listen right?
Julie Ferman:In order to get all this right. Yeah, I'm
Julie Ferman:bringing this to the party. Dude, you are all this?
Jennifer Takagi:Well, and I think that it is, it's just an
Jennifer Takagi:awesome, like whole way to do it. And I have a girlfriend and
Jennifer Takagi:years ago, she's been I've been married 31 years, she's been
Jennifer Takagi:married. I don't know more than that. 3738. But she said, you
Jennifer Takagi:know, the thing is, I have to start the conversation. I just
Jennifer Takagi:want you to hear what I said, or what I have to say, and I don't
Jennifer Takagi:want you to fix anything. And I had a problem buying tires a
Jennifer Takagi:couple of weeks ago. And I said, I'm going to tell you what
Jennifer Takagi:happened. I don't want you to react. I'm going to offer a
Jennifer Takagi:possible couple of possible solutions. And then we can talk
Jennifer Takagi:about the solutions but I don't want you to interrupt me and the
Jennifer Takagi:whole story of all the things I did wrong. I just like let's get
Jennifer Takagi:here and I have to give him belt Akagi you get a couple of bonus
Jennifer Takagi:points for that because he was like okay, and then we came to a
Jennifer Takagi:solution and it all worked out but you know you Do you have to
Jennifer Takagi:draw the lines? Because they're hunters? Yeah. And they want to
Jennifer Takagi:fix the problem. They want to hunt for that solution. And then
Jennifer Takagi:if they provide it and you don't accept it, then you've got
Jennifer Takagi:another conversation that they have you
Julie Ferman:studied with my buddy, Allison Armstrong? No.
Julie Ferman:Oh, because the way you speak, it's as if you've studied with
Julie Ferman:her, you've learned a lot of this stuff. You've been very
Julie Ferman:growth oriented. It's no surprise. You're a great host.
Julie Ferman:Yeah, you've done a lot of studying and no wonder that
Julie Ferman:you're married for 31 years. Congratulations.
Jennifer Takagi:Thank you. Yeah. Ideally, this has just
Jennifer Takagi:been awesome. So we'll drop all the pertinent stuff in the show
Jennifer Takagi:notes. But is there something particular special you want to
Jennifer Takagi:give away, you want to have them be able to get ahold of you or
Jennifer Takagi:find out more about your coaching programs,
Julie Ferman:what's most important is that they register
Julie Ferman:with me so I can find them when I'm searching. I do a lot of
Julie Ferman:free introductions, because I am 63 years old right now. And I
Julie Ferman:don't know how long I'm going to be doing this. So I want to make
Julie Ferman:all the introductions I can. So I do a lot of myths of mitzvah
Julie Ferman:matches, which is a Jewish term, my husband's Jewish. It's a term
Julie Ferman:for a good deed of blessing. So if somebody's registered with me
Julie Ferman:in Oklahoma City, I'm not going to try to get them to hire me
Julie Ferman:for matchmaking. I'm gonna run to my database, and I'm gonna
Julie Ferman:look and see who I have. And if there's somebody great, I'm just
Julie Ferman:gonna go ahead and make the match.
Jennifer Takagi:Yeah, oh my gosh, that is amazing.
Julie Ferman:Yeah, the matchmakers are really mad at me
Julie Ferman:for doing it. And I don't care. I've been doing this for 33
Julie Ferman:years, I get to pick how I operate.
Jennifer Takagi:A woman after my virtual cocktails, Sue,
Julie Ferman:telling me he had cookies in Oklahoma City. Hey,
Julie Ferman:let's
Jennifer Takagi:do that. I'm going to LA every month, the
Jennifer Takagi:first of the month for the rest of the year. So maybe we can
Jennifer Takagi:hook up there. So. So how do we find you?
Julie Ferman:It's real easy. It's my name, Julie furman.com.
Julie Ferman:So ju li e f e r m a n.com. And I have the Cupids. Coach
Julie Ferman:podcast. And it is all the stories, all the tips. I don't
Julie Ferman:have to make up anything. These people out there in the world.
Julie Ferman:Give me all the content I would ever need to share with people
Julie Ferman:good stuff and bad stuff. It's hilarious. Laugh Out Loud, funny
Julie Ferman:stories.
Jennifer Takagi:I can only it's been such a pleasure to visit
Jennifer Takagi:with you, Jennifer,
Julie Ferman:your adult. Good job. You're awesome at this.
Jennifer Takagi:Thank you so much. I'm Jonathan Kagi and I
Jennifer Takagi:look forward to connecting with you soon.