Episode 260
Grace Oben - Living Your Purpose | DFS 260
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. Grace Oben, is a highly sought-after speaker, coach and author who is dedicated to empowering women, unwed pregnant teens, and teen moms to find clarity in their purpose, make a lasting impact in the world, and make money living it. With a passion for helping others, Grace has been featured on GO TV, Global News, Podcast, Womanition, and Diversity Magazine, where she shares her valuable insights and inspirations.
In this episode you will learn:
- We were born for a purpose
- Living without a purpose is an experiment, a game of trial and error
- How to identify your purpose
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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com
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Wishing you the best,
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com
Welcome to destined for success. I'm your
Jennifer Takagi:host Jennifer Takagi and it's PATA Palooza, de I'm so excited
Jennifer Takagi:to meet so many people, I may not have had opportunities to
Jennifer Takagi:meet otherwise. And this guest is going to delight as well.
Jennifer Takagi:Grace Obon isn't from Canada. And Grace has several talk
Jennifer Takagi:titles. I believe she's going to talk to us about living on
Jennifer Takagi:purpose. Grace, welcome to the show. And tell us a little bit
Jennifer Takagi:about you.
Grace Oben:Well, thank you so much, Jennifer, for having me
Grace Oben:here. I am so trill it's such an honor to be here today to share
Grace Oben:a few thoughts with your audience. And yeah, poppers. I
Grace Oben:am just so in love with poppers because I believe that every one
Grace Oben:of us was born into this world for a purpose and with a
Grace Oben:purpose. You know, and I also assist I'm a strong believer
Grace Oben:that true fulfillment in life is when you find your purpose and
Grace Oben:start living your purpose. And your purpose you can find
Grace Oben:purpose in your job you can find purpose in your business, you
Grace Oben:can find purpose in your career, is that it's that one thing that
Grace Oben:when you find in whatever you do, or if it's completely
Grace Oben:separate from what you do, you find true fulfillment. And that
Grace Oben:is why I decided to be a purpose clarity coach. And the reason
Grace Oben:why is because I was just in pursuit of my own purpose,
Grace Oben:because haven't worked in the corporate world war in work in
Grace Oben:mental health and all these things. It got to a point in my
Grace Oben:life where I just want to define a who am I? And why am I here?
Grace Oben:On this earth? What am I doing here? And this triggered the
Grace Oben:desire for me to start searching and looking and asking
Grace Oben:questions. And in the process of all of these, I discovered my
Grace Oben:own purpose. I speak, I am a coach, I'm a speaker. I'm an
Grace Oben:author. And in my speaking in my talks, I help people find
Grace Oben:transformation. They find comfort, they find inspiration.
Grace Oben:They find success in whatever they choose to do. Because I
Grace Oben:help them with their mindset and all those things. That's my
Grace Oben:purpose, helping other people find their true self find,
Grace Oben:getting to know who they are, and why have a year in this
Grace Oben:world to begin with. You know, so that is how I began, I began
Grace Oben:doing what I'm doing, helping women, I decided to work more
Grace Oben:with women. Because as a woman myself, I understand this,
Grace Oben:everyday struggles that women go through. I understand those
Grace Oben:turns those stop lights, those speed bonds as a woman. So
Grace Oben:working with women gives me put me in that place where I'm just
Grace Oben:me, I'm just my true self. And I always say to people, life
Grace Oben:without purpose is just an experiment. It's just a game of
Grace Oben:trial and error.
Jennifer Takagi:I love that and experiment, a game of trial and
Jennifer Takagi:error. If you see me put my head down, it's because I'm taking
Jennifer Takagi:notes
Grace Oben:of that. So
Jennifer Takagi:how, like, I love this topic. And I you know,
Jennifer Takagi:we find our purpose we tweak it, we turn it how we live, our
Jennifer Takagi:purpose can change over time. And as we grow and evolve. How
Jennifer Takagi:do you work with people to get to this point? Is a group
Jennifer Takagi:experience a one on one experience? Like how do you how
Jennifer Takagi:do you do your magic?
Grace Oben:At this at this point, I do one on one, okay?
Grace Oben:Because that really gives me the opportunity to really be present
Grace Oben:for that person at that moment. Because, indeed, as individual
Grace Oben:we all have a completely different journey. My journey,
Grace Oben:Jennifer is not your journey. Right? My journey is not someone
Grace Oben:else's journey. So the one on one really gives me the
Grace Oben:opportunity to really get to know the person I'm working
Grace Oben:with, they get to really know me. And we really get to talk
Grace Oben:and work in a way that is all centered around them their need
Grace Oben:their journey, where they are at this current moment. At this
Grace Oben:present moment, and where the wants to go. So at this point, I
Grace Oben:do one on one, I love doing one on one.
Jennifer Takagi:I do too. I do some things in group, which I
Jennifer Takagi:enjoy a lot. But having that one on one conversation and diving a
Jennifer Takagi:little deeper and getting to that, to that next level, that
Jennifer Takagi:next piece of the puzzle that we need. So how did you like you
Jennifer Takagi:were in corporate, you said you were in corporate? I have you
Jennifer Takagi:left corporate altogether now.
Grace Oben:Not completely. Okay. Not. So I am still in
Grace Oben:corporate, because again, in that work, there is my purpose,
Grace Oben:I'm still carrying out my purpose there. Which is why I
Grace Oben:said, when most of the time people think, oh, to discover my
Grace Oben:purpose, I have to complete my purpose might be completely
Grace Oben:different from what I'm doing, it's possible. But there's also
Grace Oben:a chance that where you currently are, that is where
Grace Oben:your purpose is that onto you get to know that that career,
Grace Oben:that profession, that job is for a purpose, you will not really
Grace Oben:start doing that job with intention, you'll be there like
Grace Oben:I show up, I do my job, job by the end of the month, or the
Grace Oben:whatever the the payment period is, I get my paycheck, that's
Grace Oben:it, I'm good. The way you start working on purpose to living
Grace Oben:your purpose, even within your career, even within your
Grace Oben:business, then you will find a different joy and happiness and
Grace Oben:fulfillment, that you're not just, you know, I said, in
Grace Oben:pursuing purpose while creating abundance, you are still living
Grace Oben:a life in abundance, while fulfilling your purpose is not
Grace Oben:just a business, as usual, is a business with a purpose. And
Grace Oben:this is it's amazing how much difference that does to a
Grace Oben:person.
Jennifer Takagi:It really does. I had a conversation years ago
Jennifer Takagi:with somebody and I was using the term like values, which
Jennifer Takagi:values and purpose, you know, you can align those typically.
Jennifer Takagi:And I worked for the federal government and I said, I am a
Jennifer Takagi:giver. And I have like a servant heart. And so helping low income
Jennifer Takagi:people call to me, and it fulfilled a lot. And I wanted a
Jennifer Takagi:steady paycheck steady, you know, steady jobs, steady
Jennifer Takagi:paycheck. And so for me that just went very well together.
Jennifer Takagi:And I just remember this conversation so distinctly, my
Jennifer Takagi:friend said, Yeah, I don't. Yeah, I don't do any of that.
Jennifer Takagi:And at that time, he worked for a company and designed speakers.
Jennifer Takagi:He was an engineer, and design speakers for like big
Jennifer Takagi:auditoriums and like conference centers. And it was like, Oh, my
Jennifer Takagi:gosh, you impact so many lives with what you do. Because people
Jennifer Takagi:can hear the message. People can hear the music, like whatever,
Jennifer Takagi:whatever kind of event that there's any sound with. So it
Jennifer Takagi:was kind of interesting that it hit me at that point at that
Jennifer Takagi:time in that conversation, that people just put blinders on and
Jennifer Takagi:just go through the motions without finding why it's
Jennifer Takagi:important, or why they get any joy, or I don't know, sense of
Jennifer Takagi:purpose out of what they do. Like I know, in my 30 year
Jennifer Takagi:career in housing, I impacted hundreds if not 1000s of lives,
Jennifer Takagi:it could have been hundreds of 1000s given some special
Jennifer Takagi:projects I was on. And I liked that I liked that feeling. I
Jennifer Takagi:liked that. That sense of accomplishment and that I made a
Jennifer Takagi:difference in that area in my life. So I love that. Yeah,
Jennifer Takagi:you're still in your corporate world. But yeah, you're also
Jennifer Takagi:helping people outside of that and probably within it also.
Grace Oben:Absolutely. Because the difference between the
Grace Oben:person who finds purpose in what they do, and the person who
Grace Oben:doesn't, is how they show up every day. Right, it's how they
Grace Oben:show up. That's that's what makes the difference. So which
Grace Oben:is why it's so important that we really find that purpose in what
Grace Oben:we do. Because then it's gonna show up in the way we show up
Grace Oben:and we serve the people we serve the people. Another person's
Grace Oben:purpose might be speaking like I speak, when I speak, I call as
Grace Oben:speaking or the stage is my playground. Yes, it's like it's
Grace Oben:like you play your your most favourite game in the most
Grace Oben:favorite, a playground, but another person getting on that
Grace Oben:stage is a nightmare or I just need to get in and do my talk
Grace Oben:and get off and cash my check and leave. You see the
Grace Oben:difference between the best
Jennifer Takagi:both today actually on odd PATA palooza? I
Jennifer Takagi:was fortunate enough to grab a speaker spot. And I talked to
Jennifer Takagi:him for this morning and I said, Yeah, or yesterday, actually, I
Jennifer Takagi:said, Yeah, I'm tied up all day tomorrow because I'm going to be
Jennifer Takagi:on PATA palooza. I've got to give a talk. And I'm
Jennifer Takagi:interviewing people. So don't call me I'm busy. And she was
Jennifer Takagi:like, Oh, you have to give a talk. Because it ready? Are you
Jennifer Takagi:okay? Like she was freaking out for me. And I'm like, I'm with
Jennifer Takagi:you know, it's a playground. It was like, oh, no, I'm sure it
Jennifer Takagi:will be fun. What feels good to plan does not feel good to
Jennifer Takagi:another. Yeah,
Grace Oben:I can be on stage from morning till night. And I
Grace Oben:will like, every time I get on that stage, my energy just keep
Grace Oben:going up. Because that's my purpose.
Jennifer Takagi:So right now, other than I had a client call,
Jennifer Takagi:so I hopped off for 30 minutes to have actually a one on one
Jennifer Takagi:call with somebody. But what right now I've been on for eight
Jennifer Takagi:hours and 10 minutes, and we've got like an hour and 20 minutes
Jennifer Takagi:to go. At least, that's when the wrap up starts is an hour and 20
Jennifer Takagi:minutes. So not everybody can This is not for everyone. But
Jennifer Takagi:there are a lot of things we don't enjoy doing that other
Jennifer Takagi:people are like, please sign me up.
Grace Oben:Absolutely. But me somewhere to collect data as a
Grace Oben:just because I would like you to do, what are you doing to me,
Grace Oben:but put me on this page to make a difference in people's life.
Grace Oben:Put me with their client one on one, to coach them on their
Grace Oben:journey in pursuit of their purpose. Put me in a room packed
Grace Oben:of packed with women having a workshop on how they can find a
Grace Oben:gift, their potential, how they can tell them who they are, and
Grace Oben:how much the wall needs them. Because they are a complete
Grace Oben:package. I can do that. From morning to night, seven days a
Grace Oben:week without drinking water. And I'll be just fine.
Jennifer Takagi:And you're totally fed inside now. So can
Jennifer Takagi:you I mean, this is a lot of great information. I'm super
Jennifer Takagi:excitable about all of this. Can you share with the audience, one
Jennifer Takagi:thing they can do to see if they're living their purpose or
Jennifer Takagi:to tap into it? Because I have found with people in my life.
Jennifer Takagi:They were doing a job they liked but at some point, it became
Jennifer Takagi:mundane. And I think that's because they didn't see the
Jennifer Takagi:purpose in it. Do you have any tips or tricks or strategies for
Jennifer Takagi:someone to identify that purpose?
Grace Oben:I always I always say to people like what are your
Grace Oben:talents? What lights you up? What is that thing that if you
Grace Oben:were to do your entire life, you wake up every day refreshed,
Grace Oben:rejuvenated, looking forward to the next day. What is the thing
Grace Oben:that gives you so much joy? Is it just standing in front of
Grace Oben:Walmart and greet every customer that comes in and goes out and
Grace Oben:say Have a great day? What is that thing? Is it creating a
Grace Oben:women's group and spending time with women? What is that thing
Grace Oben:that when you think of it that if I were to be doing this
Grace Oben:thing, gosh, I just want to do it nonstop. What is that thing
Grace Oben:if you can find that thing because it has to come from the
Grace Oben:inside, not from the outside outside, if you can find that
Grace Oben:thing and it could be multiple things. But if you can find that
Grace Oben:pain, there you are on your way to really finding out what your
Grace Oben:purpose truly is. And if it is in your job one aspect of your
Grace Oben:job that you so enjoy do it or you can just stop doing it that
Grace Oben:will make you sometimes neglect the other responsibilities or
Grace Oben:duties because that just that might just be what you just need
Grace Oben:to do. that may just be where your purposes. And if what
Grace Oben:you're doing others just absolutely nothing that really
Grace Oben:excites you that you just show up because you need that
Grace Oben:paycheck, you just want that paycheck, then my question to
Grace Oben:you is, how long are you going to live like that? How long, you
Grace Oben:know, people say, life is too short to be doing what you don't
Grace Oben:love doing, or what you don't enjoy doing. I say, life is too
Grace Oben:long to be doing something that you don't love doing. Because
Grace Oben:then one day is like a month to you. So that's where I always
Grace Oben:encourage people to start. And if what you're doing, you don't
Grace Oben:find any of these, maybe you have to start creating a time
Grace Oben:where you just spend time alone, to just search within you really
Grace Oben:start searching from the inside and start asking yourself some
Grace Oben:questions. Because it's there, Jennifer, it's right there.
Grace Oben:Every one of us have it. Not one person came into this world
Grace Oben:without a purpose. And for no purpose. It's there that we need
Grace Oben:to search. And once we start searching, we will definitely
Grace Oben:find it.
Jennifer Takagi:I love that. And I have coached with people
Jennifer Takagi:and they might have had that job that they were just doing for a
Jennifer Takagi:paycheck. And sometimes it becomes I need the paycheck, I
Jennifer Takagi:need the benefits because I have flexibility with my children.
Jennifer Takagi:And I need the vacation time, the insurance, all the things
Jennifer Takagi:and I'm paid really well. Well, that can fulfill some of your
Jennifer Takagi:values to provide for your family, right. But then you
Jennifer Takagi:better be doing something on the side, on the nights and the
Jennifer Takagi:weekends that really light you up. Because I'm with you. It's
Jennifer Takagi:not sustainable. If you're doing it Monday through Friday, eight
Jennifer Takagi:to five, and you get no joy out of it. So you better be getting
Jennifer Takagi:some benefits that make it worthwhile. And you better
Jennifer Takagi:solidly something on the slide.
Grace Oben:That fills. Absolutely. And the question is,
Grace Oben:yeah, it takes care of all those other things. But how does that
Grace Oben:come out? When your child does something that annoys you? How
Grace Oben:do you react? Because it show comes out somehow or
Grace Oben:unconsciously it shows it shows up. However, pursuing purpose is
Grace Oben:by no way sacrificing abundance, there is abundance in purpose.
Grace Oben:It's like a mango seed. There is the mango tree in that mango
Grace Oben:seed. And there are mango fruit in that mango tree or that seed.
Grace Oben:It's all in there. Now you look at it. It's like a seed, it's
Grace Oben:nothing What would this do, but put it in the ground. You're
Grace Oben:going to have a tree that is going to be fruits upon fruits
Grace Oben:of mangoes. So when people think of pop was a thing, I'm going to
Grace Oben:sacrifice all of these to pursue this. In that purpose. There is
Grace Oben:joy, there is happiness, there is revitalized health, there is
Grace Oben:peace, there is fame, there's affluence and influence. There
Grace Oben:is abundance, there is wealth, there is riches, there is limit,
Grace Oben:there's beauty, there's good slip, there's laughter, there's
Grace Oben:fun, everything. It's a seed that comes with all its
Grace Oben:provision. Everything is in there.
Jennifer Takagi:And I think one of the best ways to get to what
Jennifer Takagi:your purpose is, is to take time to be still.
Grace Oben:Absolutely, absolutely shut out all the
Grace Oben:noise of everything and just the still. I love a long time taking
Grace Oben:time all by myself and just reflect and have that
Grace Oben:conversation with myself. It's one of the things that I don't
Grace Oben:give it up for any thing else. Everything has its place,
Grace Oben:hanging out with my friends, having that party hanging out
Grace Oben:with my husband doing stuff with my daughter. Everything has it
Grace Oben:plays that from time to time we need to step back and have that
Grace Oben:time alone. And just to that have that self reflection that
Grace Oben:have that conversation session with ourself. It's so important.
Jennifer Takagi:It's what we have to do. So if someone wants
Jennifer Takagi:to get ahold of you to find out more about your one on one
Jennifer Takagi:coaching, how would they reach out to you?
Grace Oben:So they just need to go to WWE dot Providence
Grace Oben:guide.com Providence guide.com
Jennifer Takagi:I love that. So I will have that in the show
Jennifer Takagi:notes so people can reach out to you because I think you have a
Jennifer Takagi:really magical sense about you and commitment to this whole
Jennifer Takagi:idea of purpose and living out our purpose. I appreciate you so
Jennifer Takagi:much.
Grace Oben:Absolutely. Just reach out to me and let's begin
Grace Oben:the treasure second together.
Jennifer Takagi:Oh, the treasure seeking. I love that.
Jennifer Takagi:Let's go to treasure hunt. Thank you, Grace. I appreciate your
Jennifer Takagi:time today.
Grace Oben:Absolutely. Thanks, Jennifer. It was an honor. It's
Grace Oben:a pleasure.
Jennifer Takagi:I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look forward to
Jennifer Takagi:connecting with you soon.