Episode 262
Respect Appreciation & Receptivity | DFS 262
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. In last week’s episode, Julie Ferman, shared amazing insights to relationships and dating. Let’s take them out for a spin!
In this episode you will learn:
- Respect yourself, others & your environment
- Appreciation & gratitude - spend time each day being in a state of appreciation and gratitude
- Be open to receive - money, good health, and support
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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
Official Website: http://www.jennifertakagi.com
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Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting
Wishing you the best,
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com
Welcome to destined for success. I'm your
Jennifer Takagi:host Jennifer Takagi and today I want to follow up on last week's
Jennifer Takagi:episode. If you didn't catch it, Julie Furman, the Cupid's coach
Jennifer Takagi:was talking to us about relationships, both the dating
Jennifer Takagi:type relationships, and then marriage type relationships and
Jennifer Takagi:relationships with other people. So today, I want to just like
Jennifer Takagi:take it a step further, take a little twist, and just focus on
Jennifer Takagi:three main things that she talked about
Jennifer Takagi:respect, appreciation, and receptivity. So respect.
Jennifer Takagi:You might have heard me talk about the pesky thoughts running
Jennifer Takagi:through your head, that are typically really negative,
Jennifer Takagi:they're negative, they hold you down, they hold you back, they
Jennifer Takagi:impact other people.
Jennifer Takagi:And we have to take those pesky thoughts and flip them around
Jennifer Takagi:into something positive, something positive. So what are
Jennifer Takagi:you saying to yourself on a regular basis? That's hateful
Jennifer Takagi:and negative? And how can you flip those around to a positive
Jennifer Takagi:statement?
Jennifer Takagi:We are so harmful to ourselves, we are our own worst enemies.
Jennifer Takagi:And when we can start treating ourselves with respect,
Jennifer Takagi:and start using better terms when we talk to ourselves, then
Jennifer Takagi:it's gonna be easier. To be nicer to other people I have a
Jennifer Takagi:friend the other day was like, Why is there so much drama in
Jennifer Takagi:the world? Can we not just be nice? And the answer is,
Jennifer Takagi:apparently not. I mean, I wish we were nicer. But we are always
Jennifer Takagi:in iPhone, like how to work too. I had those days when my
Jennifer Takagi:ugliness comes out. I try not to but it happens, it happens to
Jennifer Takagi:all of us. But if we can change the messages running through our
Jennifer Takagi:head every day, and we are more respectful to ourselves,
Jennifer Takagi:then we can branch out and be more respectful to others.
Jennifer Takagi:I did this exercise one time at a conference I was at it was a
Jennifer Takagi:retreat, actually. And they had us write down like those hateful
Jennifer Takagi:things we say to ourselves, like when things don't go right how
Jennifer Takagi:ugly and horrible we are to ourselves.
Jennifer Takagi:And then
Jennifer Takagi:we had to partner up. And we had to read that to somebody else.
Jennifer Takagi:As if that other person were our best friend.
Jennifer Takagi:And the question becomes, are you going to talk like that to
Jennifer Takagi:your best friend?
Jennifer Takagi:No. And your best friend is best friends with you not because
Jennifer Takagi:they believe your all the hateful things you tell yourself
Jennifer Takagi:is because they see the good in you.
Jennifer Takagi:So we're going to replace our pesky thoughts with positive
Jennifer Takagi:thoughts. And we're going to catch ourselves when we're being
Jennifer Takagi:ugly to ourselves. But what are we saying to other people? What
Jennifer Takagi:are we saying to our kids?
Jennifer Takagi:I heard someone say once that she's always telling her
Jennifer Takagi:daughter who's like four years old, something like you're a hot
Jennifer Takagi:mess or something. You're a handful. And it's true. The
Jennifer Takagi:little girl is just vivacious. And she's got it all going on.
Jennifer Takagi:But what story
Jennifer Takagi:is that beautiful little girl creating in her mind that is
Jennifer Takagi:going to propel her in the future.
Jennifer Takagi:I'm too much.
Jennifer Takagi:I need to sit down. I need to shut up. Nobody wants to hear
Jennifer Takagi:what I have to say.
Jennifer Takagi:I'm not worthy.
Jennifer Takagi:Do you get the picture? So we say these things to children
Jennifer Takagi:half the time we're just kidding. And it's impacting
Jennifer Takagi:them. It's impacting them greatly. More than we ever can
Jennifer Takagi:even imagine. And I can imagine it because I work with people
Jennifer Takagi:pretty regularly, if not every day, that are living out the
Jennifer Takagi:stories that were told to them. So be careful what you say to
Jennifer Takagi:other people. And what about your environment? Are you
Jennifer Takagi:respectful of your environment? And I am Yes, I'm talking like
Jennifer Takagi:the outdoors, the trees, the grass, the flowers, the you know
Jennifer Takagi:pollutants, all those kinds of things. But I'm also talking
Jennifer Takagi:about the environment you live in.
Jennifer Takagi:Is your car clean? I drive a lot and I end up sometimes when
Jennifer Takagi:somebody's getting in my front seat and I haven't thrown away
Jennifer Takagi:whatever I just had. I just toss it in the backseat and then it
Jennifer Takagi:never fails. It never mails I end up with several free
Jennifer Takagi:I was trying to get in the car at one time and I gotta move all
Jennifer Takagi:the crap at the backseat. And I'm so embarrassed. Why? Because
Jennifer Takagi:I didn't take those few seconds to throw away. What was trashing
Jennifer Takagi:the environment in my car? I used to smoke Don't be judgy I
Jennifer Takagi:used to smoke.
Jennifer Takagi:And I was adamant that I had to empty my ashtray every day. Like
Jennifer Takagi:I did not want a stinky dirty ashtray in my car and not
Jennifer Takagi:overnight. And imagine my horror, one of my aunts passed
Jennifer Takagi:away and my uncle and cousins came in town for the funeral. It
Jennifer Takagi:was his older sister. And I ended up having to drive around
Jennifer Takagi:my three cousins and my uncle in my car. And let me just tell
Jennifer Takagi:you, people, it stunk, because I had not emptied the ashtray the
Jennifer Takagi:night before. What's your environment?
Jennifer Takagi:When you open the front door, and it and the doorbell rings,
Jennifer Takagi:and you weren't expecting anyone, or you humiliated, it's
Jennifer Takagi:like, holy crap, holy. I don't want anybody in my house. What's
Jennifer Takagi:your environment? Are you treating it with respect? If you
Jennifer Takagi:have a roof over your head, clothes on your back and food on
Jennifer Takagi:the table? We have to take a minute to be appreciative of
Jennifer Takagi:that. Is it the exact house you want? Maybe maybe not.
Jennifer Takagi:Are the clothes exactly what you want? Maybe, maybe not?
Jennifer Takagi:Is the food you put on the table beans and cornbread? Or is it
Jennifer Takagi:filet mignon with a twice baked potato? I don't know. If you
Jennifer Takagi:can't be grateful for the little things, you're not going to be
Jennifer Takagi:grateful for the big things. I'm going to say that again. If you
Jennifer Takagi:can't be grateful for the little things, you're not going to be
Jennifer Takagi:grateful for the big things. And I see this play out. I see this
Jennifer Takagi:play out in people's lives where they say if only I had more
Jennifer Takagi:money, and they get more money. And what do they do?
Jennifer Takagi:They piss it away. Poof, it's gone. Poof.
Jennifer Takagi:They buy something and then they don't take care of it. They get
Jennifer Takagi:a new lawn mower and they don't hose it down after every use. I
Jennifer Takagi:bought my first lawn more. It was used and it was not a very
Jennifer Takagi:good Lemoore and broke down all the time. And it was
Jennifer Takagi:problematic. And I got a new job I got a big raise. And the first
Jennifer Takagi:thing I did with that first humongous paycheck at $20,000 a
Jennifer Takagi:year and that was massive amounts of money for me. I went
Jennifer Takagi:to the lawnmower store. And I bought a red snapper lawnmower
Jennifer Takagi:that was self propelled because I had my lawn lawn and I wanted
Jennifer Takagi:an easy one. And the guy told me at the store. If you will hose
Jennifer Takagi:this off after every use and keep that filter clean. This
Jennifer Takagi:farm more will last you forever. And guess what? Every time my
Jennifer Takagi:husband because I bought it when I was single and then I met my
Jennifer Takagi:husband then we got married. And then he would use my lot my
Jennifer Takagi:lawnmower people I'm very possessive, my lawn more. And
Jennifer Takagi:I'd go out there and say did you hose that? Did you hose it down.
Jennifer Takagi:I spent my hard earned money on that lawn mower and I wanted it
Jennifer Takagi:well taken care of. So if I didn't take care of that lawn
Jennifer Takagi:more than the next one more wouldn't come, thank God, I
Jennifer Takagi:don't have to mow the lawn anymore. That's why I got
Jennifer Takagi:married people. Let's put that down. I got married, so I didn't
Jennifer Takagi:have to mow the lawn. But you have to be grateful for those
Jennifer Takagi:little things. If you're grateful for that beans and
Jennifer Takagi:cornbread dinner, then maybe tomorrow, you can have something
Jennifer Takagi:that you like even more. But we have times have to take time to
Jennifer Takagi:be grateful. And being in that state of gratitude and
Jennifer Takagi:appreciation. I get in my car I have a 2011 Toyota Avalon, I
Jennifer Takagi:bought it I did not I guilt trip to my husband into buying it for
Jennifer Takagi:me in the fall of 2020. Oh 2020 2021 Maybe it was 2020 I
Jennifer Takagi:don't remember. And it was used. I had over 100,000 miles on it.
Jennifer Takagi:And I put like I don't know 70,000 miles on it or something
Jennifer Takagi:because I drive a lot. Every time I get in that car, even if
Jennifer Takagi:I have trashed in the backseat, let's be clear. I am so grateful
Jennifer Takagi:to have it. I love it. And I'm so sad Toyota in making them
Jennifer Takagi:anymore. I'm gonna write them a letter. But I'm so grateful to
Jennifer Takagi:have that car. I'm grateful I can afford to put gas in it. And
Jennifer Takagi:I'm grateful that the other day I was able to put new tires on
Jennifer Takagi:it. I'm grateful for that car. I know people who would say oh my
Jennifer Takagi:god is 2023 And you're driving a 2011 Yes, because it's a Toyota
Jennifer Takagi:and I'm a Toyota me and you can be whatever kind of man or woman
Jennifer Takagi:you want. But I'm I'm all about the Toyota. I've had a lot of
Jennifer Takagi:great luck with Toyota. But I'm super grateful. I'm grateful
Jennifer Takagi:even though It's an old car, and I take care of it, and I wash
Jennifer Takagi:it. And I vacuum it at least once a week. Actually, I do. So
Jennifer Takagi:are you grateful for the little things? Are you showing
Jennifer Takagi:appreciation for the little things? If somebody pays you
Jennifer Takagi:what they owe you? Do you jump up and down with excitement? I
Jennifer Takagi:had two clients in one day, a little bit out of the blue book
Jennifer Takagi:on my calendar, and the payments are coming through. I did a
Jennifer Takagi:happy dance. I'm gonna say I scared my cat to death during my
Jennifer Takagi:happy dance. But I'm grateful for that. I don't care if it's a
Jennifer Takagi:$67 client or a $1,200 client or a $10,000. Client. I'm going to
Jennifer Takagi:celebrate it. I'm going to celebrate it all. Are you open
Jennifer Takagi:to receive? Are you open to receive money? Good health. So
Jennifer Takagi:poor. I was working with a woman who can see chakras? No, I don't
Jennifer Takagi:understand that at all. Please don't ask me questions, because
Jennifer Takagi:I don't get it. I mean, I know what they are. But like, her
Jennifer Takagi:level of expertise is so far beyond my comprehension. But she
Jennifer Takagi:said, Jennifer, you're just completely closed off to
Jennifer Takagi:receiving. And initially I was like, yeah, no, that is so not
Jennifer Takagi:true. But the more I thought about it, it kind of is true. It
Jennifer Takagi:was it's in the past, I got over that. But receiving from others,
Jennifer Takagi:whether it's money or support, I struggle. I was at an event and
Jennifer Takagi:they said, We went around the room. And everybody had to say
Jennifer Takagi:why they were there. And I said, Well, I'm here to connect with
Jennifer Takagi:other women. It was a women's retreat. I'm here to connect
Jennifer Takagi:with other women. And I'm looking for support. I don't
Jennifer Takagi:know what support looks like, but I'm looking for support. And
Jennifer Takagi:a woman that I had met online and worked with online for quite
Jennifer Takagi:a while, was there in person, it's so fun to be in person
Jennifer Takagi:again. And she said, I am here to support you, Jennifer,
Jennifer Takagi:whatever it is that you need on this trip. What it was amazing.
Jennifer Takagi:I was open to support the support came, I made a comment
Jennifer Takagi:to my husband about needing something in the next day, he
Jennifer Takagi:texted me and said, Hey, I did this. You have to be open to
Jennifer Takagi:ask. If you're one of those people out there and you know
Jennifer Takagi:who you are. I don't have to call you out because you know
Jennifer Takagi:who you are. If you're the kind of person that thinks everyone
Jennifer Takagi:around you should know what you need. You're delusional. There.
Jennifer Takagi:I said it is recorded for life. You are delusional. People can
Jennifer Takagi:give you what they think you want or need. But that doesn't
Jennifer Takagi:mean it is what you want or need. You have to be clear and
Jennifer Takagi:concise. Somebody told me recently that she was irritated
Jennifer Takagi:her husband wouldn't do XYZ for her. And I said did you ask and
Jennifer Takagi:she said what? I said did you clearly and concisely say I want
Jennifer Takagi:this and she has wool and I said no any Windows work on men when
Jennifer Takagi:it's like a physical kind of sexual thing. If you want him to
Jennifer Takagi:do something for you know, you gotta be clear and concise. This
Jennifer Takagi:is what I want. This is what I need. Can you make this happen
Jennifer Takagi:for me? You have to be open to receive the money, the good
Jennifer Takagi:health, all the abundance that the universe has to offer, and
Jennifer Takagi:ask for the support and help. I'm going to ask for support and
Jennifer Takagi:help right now I would like you to like to share and subscribe
Jennifer Takagi:to my podcast destined for success. At this moment. I have
Jennifer Takagi:almost 21,000 individual downloads. So share it. If
Jennifer Takagi:you're getting value out of this, leave a comment, leave a
Jennifer Takagi:review and share it like share and subscribe. I'm Jennifer
Jennifer Takagi:Takagi and I look forward to connecting with you soon