Episode 335
Act as if … | DFS 335
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. To make it to the next level, you need to act as if you are already there!
In this episode you will learn:
- Imagine the life of your dreams
- Spend time in nice hotels
- Sit in the car your next level self will own!
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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/
Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting
I look forward to connecting with you soon, Jennifer
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com
Jennifer, welcome to destined for success.
Jennifer Takagi:I'm your host, Jennifer Takagi, and today I want to take a spin
Jennifer Takagi:around the conversation of last week, and that is on Tabitha
Jennifer Takagi:Jones talk on be promotion ready, proven strategies to be
Jennifer Takagi:ready for that next promotion, that next thing in life. And I
Jennifer Takagi:want to take this along the course of act as if, so that's
Jennifer Takagi:what I'm going to call this episode. Act as if. Act as if
Jennifer Takagi:you already, you already what you already are, the person you
Jennifer Takagi:want to be your future self in my 12 minute gift. Com, and
Jennifer Takagi:that's one two for the number 12 minute gift.com. The I in the
Jennifer Takagi:win formula is imagine the future. And you need to imagine
Jennifer Takagi:your future with great detail with a lot of specificity. And
Jennifer Takagi:what is it going to look like when you wake up? How are you
Jennifer Takagi:going to feel when your feet hit the floor? What do they touch?
Jennifer Takagi:Is it dirt? Do you want to be out camping under the stars? Is
Jennifer Takagi:it tile? Because you're in a really warm climate, and so
Jennifer Takagi:everything's tiled, so something is cool, or do you want to step
Jennifer Takagi:onto a nice plush carpet? I mean, take your day all the way
Jennifer Takagi:back. One time, I was working in Washington, DC for an entire
Jennifer Takagi:summer, and I had the privilege of staying at the Willard Hotel
Jennifer Takagi:on the government dime because they had a government rate. It
Jennifer Takagi:was amazing. And my husband came to spend a long weekend with me.
Jennifer Takagi:It was over Fourth of July, which Fourth of July in
Jennifer Takagi:Washington, DC, is spectacular in and of itself. And we had
Jennifer Takagi:gone out on Fourth of July seeing the fireworks, super fun
Jennifer Takagi:night on Friday night, I mean, on Saturday and then Sunday
Jennifer Takagi:morning, I wanted to go to this really expensive, amazing
Jennifer Takagi:brunch. And my husband kept saying, That's too expensive.
Jennifer Takagi:We're not going we're not going well, he proved me right,
Jennifer Takagi:because he stayed in bed till like, two in the afternoon,
Jennifer Takagi:like, Wouldn't even wake up. Finally, I started shaking him,
Jennifer Takagi:and I was like, Bill, you have to get up. We have to get out.
Jennifer Takagi:It's Fourth of July weekend in Washington, DC. We live in
Jennifer Takagi:Oklahoma City like we need to enjoy this. We may never be here
Jennifer Takagi:again. And he opened his eyes, and he looked at me, and he
Jennifer Takagi:said, This is the most comfortable bed, and these are
Jennifer Takagi:the most comfortable sheets I've ever slept on in my life. I want
Jennifer Takagi:to know
Jennifer Takagi:how you get up and go to work every day. How do you do
Jennifer Takagi:that? And it was like, Yes, and I stayed in some really nice
Jennifer Takagi:hotels on the government dime, because the government has a
Jennifer Takagi:lowered rate, and the hotels would honor that rate when it
Jennifer Takagi:was a business trip. I love nice hotels. I don't mind staying at,
Jennifer Takagi:you know, a Holiday Inn, even in Motel Six. If they're clean and
Jennifer Takagi:nice, I'm fine with that too. But if I have the opportunity to
Jennifer Takagi:stay at a nice hotel, I can just own it. And in the fall of 2024
Jennifer Takagi:the month of October, actually, I spent the whole October in the
Jennifer Takagi:south of Spain, and we had the most beautiful Airbnb right on
Jennifer Takagi:the Mediterranean Sea. It was spectacular. And when you get an
Jennifer Takagi:Airbnb for a whole month, the price plummets. So let me just
Jennifer Takagi:tell you it cost me and my friend. I think it was about $85
Jennifer Takagi:a day a piece to stay in this beautiful apartment. And we
Jennifer Takagi:decided that since we got a great deal on the apartment,
Jennifer Takagi:that we would travel a little bit, and if we needed to stay in
Jennifer Takagi:a hotel, no big deal. We would stay in a hotel. So we went to
Jennifer Takagi:where did we go? We went to Granada, Spain because we wanted
Jennifer Takagi:to see Alhambra have dinner at this spectacular restaurant that
Jennifer Takagi:overlooked the city. When the lights started coming on and we
Jennifer Takagi:had no hotel reservations, we had no idea where to go, and my
Jennifer Takagi:friend Kimberly has this app, and it has hotels. And she was
Jennifer Takagi:like, Well, if we go this way and we're walking along the
Jennifer Takagi:streets of Granada, dragging our bags with us, trying to find a
Jennifer Takagi:place to stay. And she goes, Oh, here it is, like we turned a
Jennifer Takagi:corner and there was a hotel. We walked in, we walked up to the
Jennifer Takagi:counter. We asked if they had a room. They said, yes, she has
Jennifer Takagi:her phone. And she was like, is it going to be this much? And
Jennifer Takagi:they said, No, this much. Well, we were speaking euros and
Jennifer Takagi:dollars, so we had to, like, get that squared away on what, what
Jennifer Takagi:denomination of money we were talking about. Yeah, and they
Jennifer Takagi:ended up being the same. So we were great. I'm hot. It has been
Jennifer Takagi:really hot. We've been walking for, you know, it seemed like
Jennifer Takagi:forever. It probably wasn't. It was probably just a couple
Jennifer Takagi:miles, but it was hot and I was miserable. And they have these
Jennifer Takagi:beautiful water dispensers that were glass water dispensers, and
Jennifer Takagi:one had like lemon, and one had cucumber, and they had beautiful
Jennifer Takagi:glass, not paper cups, glass. And so while she's finishing up
Jennifer Takagi:getting us checked in, I guzzled several of these glasses of
Jennifer Takagi:water, and when she finished up, we turned to go to the elevator
Jennifer Takagi:to go find our room. And this, this hotel was spectacular. It
Jennifer Takagi:was beautiful. It was marble. It was gorgeous and and it was
Jennifer Takagi:reasonably priced, especially since we were there on a
Jennifer Takagi:weekend, and we start walking to the elevator. And I turned to
Jennifer Takagi:her, and I said, Yeah, this is the kind of hotel we stay in,
Jennifer Takagi:and we did, and we often do. I travel with her for business a
Jennifer Takagi:lot, and we often end up with great deals on really nice
Jennifer Takagi:hotels. And I enjoy that. I took a class on how to have a VIP day
Jennifer Takagi:with a client. Really get a great breakthrough with a
Jennifer Takagi:client. If, if you want to know more you know, just click the
Jennifer Takagi:button and book a discovery call. But one of the things she
Jennifer Takagi:said was, if you're holding it at a hotel, if you're having
Jennifer Takagi:your breakthrough session at a hotel, and you've not been into
Jennifer Takagi:really nice hotels, go to the hotel first. A lot of times, the
Jennifer Takagi:people at the door are the same, like they they're permanent
Jennifer Takagi:employees. Get to know them. Get to know the people at the front
Jennifer Takagi:desk. Spend a little bit of time just sitting in the lobby. The
Jennifer Takagi:lobby of the Willard Hotel is spectacular. There is a huge,
Jennifer Takagi:huge round table. I think it might have a marble top, and
Jennifer Takagi:they have a flower arrangement that's like, three or four feet
Jennifer Takagi:tall. So you walk in and here's this just gorgeous lobby. It's
Jennifer Takagi:spectacular. And it takes your breath away a little bit. And
Jennifer Takagi:it's not that I became callous to it, because every time I
Jennifer Takagi:walked in and had that feeling of, ooh, this is this is
Jennifer Takagi:beautiful, like I'm appreciating these gorgeous flowers, Fourth
Jennifer Takagi:of July, by the way, they were all red, white and blue. It was
Jennifer Takagi:spectacular. But I knew I belonged there. I had been there
Jennifer Takagi:so many times. I belonged there. I showed up on Mondays. I left
Jennifer Takagi:Friday mornings. They knew me. I was there consistently. I fit
Jennifer Takagi:in. If you want to act as if you're ready for the next level,
Jennifer Takagi:you have to be accustomed to being in surroundings of the
Jennifer Takagi:next level. Is it hanging out in a hotel lobby and having a soft
Jennifer Takagi:drink or an alcoholic beverage, either one, where you can really
Jennifer Takagi:become comfortable in that surrounding? Do you want a new
Jennifer Takagi:car? Do you want a new car and you almost can't see yourself in
Jennifer Takagi:that car. Go to the car dealership, tell them you want
Jennifer Takagi:to see that car with all the bells and whistles. Don't scrimp
Jennifer Takagi:and sit in the car. Get the feel for the car. What is that
Jennifer Takagi:steering wheel feel like? Is it wooden? Does it have leather
Jennifer Takagi:wrapping. Is it a whatever kind of other material steering
Jennifer Takagi:wheels are, I want to say some kind of rubber, plastic. That's
Jennifer Takagi:hard. I've I've had all of the above. And like cars over the
Jennifer Takagi:years, like, what does it feel like? And does that matter to
Jennifer Takagi:you? I have a friend who always says the only purpose of a car
Jennifer Takagi:is get point A to point B, and I believe that, but I also believe
Jennifer Takagi:I want to get from point A to point B in some comfort. I want
Jennifer Takagi:heat. I want air conditioning, right? I want I want air
Jennifer Takagi:conditioned and heated seats. There are some things that, over
Jennifer Takagi:the years, I've come to enjoy. So what kind of car is it? Have
Jennifer Takagi:them take your picture standing with the car like it's your new
Jennifer Takagi:car. You have to start believing in your future self, who you
Jennifer Takagi:want to be. When I first started my career, I have two older
Jennifer Takagi:sisters, and my oldest sister said you need to dress according
Jennifer Takagi:to the person above you for the next position you want. Dress
Jennifer Takagi:like the person in the next position that you want, which
Jennifer Takagi:that's a little hard on Zoom these days, with a lot of people
Jennifer Takagi:working virtually a lot of the What's it. Acceptable at work
Jennifer Takagi:has changed, and, you know, dropped down to a minimal, if
Jennifer Takagi:non existent level. But when I was coming up, women wore suits,
Jennifer Takagi:skirts, pantyhose, oh, the dreaded pantyhose and pumps,
Jennifer Takagi:like, that's just what you wore. And I was in mortgage banking, I
Jennifer Takagi:dressed like that every day. It just was routine, like I had my
Jennifer Takagi:eight or nine outfits that I rotated through. And when I went
Jennifer Takagi:to the federal government, they used to tease me because I
Jennifer Takagi:always had on a dress, and they're like, Jennifer, do you
Jennifer Takagi:own pants? Well, I did, but I wore what I had as I started
Jennifer Takagi:replacing clothes I had pants more in my repertoire, and then
Jennifer Takagi:I went to pants like almost exclusively, but I looked like
Jennifer Takagi:my boss, as in the dress. I could walk in any meeting at any
Jennifer Takagi:time and sit in for my boss because I looked appropriate.
Jennifer Takagi:And I just want to say I had some colleagues who did not make
Jennifer Takagi:that same choice. They didn't. I had one colleague and I begged
Jennifer Takagi:and pleaded, quit. Quit looking like you're going to Walmart on
Jennifer Takagi:a Saturday in jeans and a T shirt with holes in it. Please.
Jennifer Takagi:Quit wearing that. We didn't have a dress code, but she
Jennifer Takagi:wasn't going to switch, right, like that's what she wanted to
Jennifer Takagi:wear, and it was a long time before she got promoted. You've
Jennifer Takagi:gotta work really, really, 10 times harder to overcome the
Jennifer Takagi:impression you make when you walk in a room, when you walk
Jennifer Takagi:into a business meeting. So dress, act as if you already
Jennifer Takagi:have it, if you as if you already belong, if you walk in
Jennifer Takagi:that country club stumbling around like, Oh my God, I don't
Jennifer Takagi:know what to do. I don't know how to be here,
Jennifer Takagi:then you're not ever going to feel comfortable there. So I
Jennifer Takagi:urge you, what kind of vacation Do you want to go on? If it
Jennifer Takagi:isn't a nice hotel, go hang out in a nice hotel in your town
Jennifer Takagi:again, even if it's just in the lobby or possibly in the bar.
Jennifer Takagi:Like, get used to that area. You want to go to a really cool
Jennifer Takagi:restaurant that's really ridiculously expensive and
Jennifer Takagi:you're not sure, like, how that's going to go. Go have an
Jennifer Takagi:appetizer. Just tell the waiter, I just want to have an
Jennifer Takagi:appetizer, and then go check out the menu before you go do a
Jennifer Takagi:little research, find out what you like. You might decide
Jennifer Takagi:that's not for you. That means nothing. You don't want to do
Jennifer Takagi:it. That's not where you want to put your time or your resources,
Jennifer Takagi:and it may not be for you and you might not want to do it. I
Jennifer Takagi:had a friend recently say, Oh, I would have never gone to Spain
Jennifer Takagi:for a month without my husband, because I can't imagine
Jennifer Takagi:traveling without him. And I said, Well, I never imagined
Jennifer Takagi:traveling without mine. But when I asked him if he wanted to
Jennifer Takagi:travel, he said no. And I said, I hope you don't mind that I'm
Jennifer Takagi:going to. And he said, That's great. You go. I don't want to.
Jennifer Takagi:So that's not his dream life. Do we vacation together? Yes,
Jennifer Takagi:several times a year we vacation together. Do I vacation a little
Jennifer Takagi:bit more than he does sometimes, but I turn every business trip
Jennifer Takagi:into a vacation, whether I'm only there for the conference or
Jennifer Takagi:not. I make it all fun because that's the life I want to live.
Jennifer Takagi:So act as if you already have the life that you want. Act as
Jennifer Takagi:if you already live in the neighborhood where you want to
Jennifer Takagi:live. Act as if you already have the car that you want. Start
Jennifer Takagi:focusing on what you want in the future and how you want to feel
Jennifer Takagi:when you get there. How do you want to feel if you're
Jennifer Takagi:uncomfortable and the clothes are itchy and you don't like
Jennifer Takagi:that snooty person that holds a door for you, that may not be
Jennifer Takagi:for you, and that is perfectly fine, pick the life that you
Jennifer Takagi:want to live and live into it. Live into what you want your
Jennifer Takagi:life to be again when your feet hit the floor, do you want it to
Jennifer Takagi:be a dirt floor because you're sleeping under the stars or
Jennifer Takagi:grass? That's your choice. What? What's your dream? Your dream is
Jennifer Takagi:for you. My dream is for me. Have the experiences, test out
Jennifer Takagi:the waters, find out what it's like to sit in that new car, or
Jennifer Takagi:you might like vintage cars. Sit in that vintage car, whatever it
Jennifer Takagi:is you have the opportunity to live the life of your dreams.
Jennifer Takagi:You're destined for more success than you've ever envisioned. And
Jennifer Takagi:start now. Start with something small. Start with a restaurant.
Jennifer Takagi:Start with a hotel lobby. Start with checking out cars at the
Jennifer Takagi:car dealership. Start acting as if you already lived the life.
Jennifer Takagi:Of your dreams. I'm Jennifer Takagi, and I look forward to
Jennifer Takagi:connecting with you soon. You.