Episode 290

Enjoli Commercial from the ‘70’s and 80’s | DFS 290

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Media tells us we can have it all.  But at what expense?

In this episode you will learn:

  • Bring home the bacon
  • Never let you forget you’re a man
  • What about YOU?

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your

Jennifer Takagi:

host Jennifer Takagi. And today I want to talk about having it

Jennifer Takagi:

all doing it all. So in the late 70s, early 80s, there was a

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perfume called Audra Lee. And the whole premise of it was, a

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woman could bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan. And

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never ever, ever let you forget, you're a man. Honestly, it was

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actually a pretty nice perfume, I remember getting it as a

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birthday gift, so I liked it. But let's break this down just a

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little bit. So it's my contention The World According

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to Jennifer, it's my contention that prior to like the 1950s,

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women often did not work outside the home, except during war

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times. And the women who quote stayed at home that were not of

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the upper class, and I wish you could see me do the air quotes.

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I could do video, but I'm not. They actually were doing work a

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bazillion hours a day, because they were working out in the

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fields part of the day, they were making all the meals from

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scratch making their own lye soap so they could do the

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laundry like they they had, they had it rough and thank you God

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that I wasn't born then. So we move into the 50s. And women

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start staying at home, because now the incomes are better the

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men are home from the war, and they're able to stay home. And

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then we move into the 60s and more and more women start

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working. And in the 70s, even more women are working. And

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there's this idea that if a woman works full time outside

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the house, or even inside the house, it doesn't really matter.

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But that she has to do everything, plus earn that

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money. So I can go out and work all day and literally bring home

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the bacon, the next part of the commercial is fry it up in a

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pan. So the woman has to go to work and earn the money and then

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buy the groceries, they didn't really bring that they have to

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buy the groceries, then come home and cook dinner. Nothing is

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ever said about shared responsibilities or helping each

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other or supporting one another. But then I'm going to make sure

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that I never let you forget your man. I'm going to do it all.

Jennifer Takagi:

They don't even throw the children in there. But you know,

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she's typically mostly responsible for the children. So

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now there's even more pressure and weight on women and how

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they're supposed to show up and what they're supposed to do.

Jennifer Takagi:

Now, I've always worked, I always told my husband that you

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know, my goal in life was to get married, have kids and quit my

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job. And I did get married, we never were able to have kids and

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I quit my job and I'm still working. So it didn't really

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work out that way for me, probably because I didn't really

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want it to work out that way. So I just want to I want to, like

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hammer this home a little bit. And you know, you need to Google

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the commercial Anjali perfume, E and J O Li. Because it really

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sets up a stereotype that we buy into we buy into his women. I

Jennifer Takagi:

have friends who got up an hour before their husband and kids so

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that the house was spotless before they left for work. Or if

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they worked from home, the house was spotless before everybody

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got up, they cooked dinner every night they did the laundry. The

Jennifer Takagi:

man was responsible for the yard Well, I live in Oklahoma and

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you're responsible for the yard like maybe five or six months

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out of the year. The rest of the time, you know, the lawn just

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sits there, right? You're not mowing the lawn or playing

Jennifer Takagi:

flowers. It's not an equal division of chores or time. Now

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm pretty fortunate because I told my husband pretty early on

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like that's not the game we're gonna play. It doesn't work for

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me, because my dad always helped my mom out probably not nearly

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as much as he could have or should have. But he was helpful.

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He didn't just you know, sit and read the paper he was very much

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involved. We have to take care of ourselves before we can take

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care of other people. The whole thing about the mask dropping

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down on an aeroplane put your mask on first before you put it

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on the children or men next to you. I love it when they say

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that that's typically a Southwest Airlines thing is

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pretty funny though. But the question becomes how are you

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taking care of yourself? How are you setting boundaries? My

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husband and I had a rough patch a number of years ago. And I

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said, You know what? I'll tell you what, I'll cook two meals a

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week, because he just kind of randomly got it in his head that

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I should come home and cook dinner every night. But we both

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worked full time. How's that fair? And it had never been that

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way before. He just kind of got a burn in his bonnet and decided

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that's how it was going to be. And I let him know it was not

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going to be that way. And it wasn't and it's not. But I

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agreed I'll cook two meals a week. It could be Saturday and

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Sunday. It can be both on Saturday, both on Sunday. I

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don't really know. But you're not going to hold me to coming

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home every night and cooking dinner for us. I'll do it. Some

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I love to cook. I cook a lot. But I didn't like that pressure.

Jennifer Takagi:

I didn't like that feeling of I was solely responsible. When I

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talk to friends and relatives. Most of my girlfriend's and my

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mom. Oh my gosh, this was such a big deal for my mom. They really

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got sick and tired of having to decide what was for dinner. If

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you just say I want a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup

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for dinner, Fine, let's do that. But having to come up with the

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idea is just like haha, it's like a killer. Thank God for all

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the food shows and all the reels on the Facebook. Because now

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I've got 40 bazillion ideas on what to cook for dinner. I may

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not want to do it though. Lucky for me, I love leftovers. So

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it's really great when I make something and we can eat it for

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several days. My husband is good with leftovers too. I hear

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people are like, Oh, I hate leftovers. My dad was that way

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till my mom had a stroke. And he had to take care of her for 11

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years. He decided he loved leftovers and whether he cooked

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it or we brought something over leftovers were good for him. So

Jennifer Takagi:

what are you doing to take care of yourself? You might be

Jennifer Takagi:

bringing home the bacon, you might be frying it up in a pan,

Jennifer Takagi:

you might be taking care of your significant other, whether it's

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a man or a woman, whatever. But how are you taking care of

Jennifer Takagi:

yourself recharging yourself and being able to show up? Being

Jennifer Takagi:

able to show up I love Jensen sheroes term a badass, how are

Jennifer Takagi:

you showing up as a badass, but you have to take care of

Jennifer Takagi:

yourself to be a badass. It is currently April 2024. And I had

Jennifer Takagi:

my knee replaced on March 18 2024. And that's a pretty big

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surgery. And I'm kind of tired, I'm going to physical therapy

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I'm doing really great. And it dawned on me the other day. I

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was 30 years old the last time I had a knee surgery this

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significant I had a knee realignment look it up it was

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terrible. And at that time, I took off four weeks of work. And

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when I went back to work, I only worked half days for several

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more weeks. I don't know if it was two weeks or four weeks,

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because it was a big surgery to get over. Now granted, I don't

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have to get in a car and drive downtown to go to work. But it

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hadn't even been two full weeks when I had my first client call.

Jennifer Takagi:

And let me just tell you, it kind of wore me out, I had to

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get up, take a shower and be camera ready for my client call

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because we do it on Zoom. I'm a little bit older than 30. Now it

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was kind of a big surgery, it's taken a bit to recover from. It

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hasn't even been four weeks yet. And I'm already doing a lot. So

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part of it is I'm thrilled to death that I'm able to do so

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much. But I have to remind myself I had a pretty major

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surgery is still healing, I still have swelling, I don't

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have you know, 100% of the strength back or even more the

Jennifer Takagi:

strength I want to have. So how am I taking care of me? So when

Jennifer Takagi:

you consider your day, your perfect day, I love this

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visualization exercise. You wake up in the morning, what is your

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ideal day? And what does it look like? How do you feel? How do

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you show up? Who do you serve? And how do you make it all the

Jennifer Takagi:

way through the day, all the way till bedtime? And not feel like

Jennifer Takagi:

the life has literally been sucked out of you? I saw a super

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cute clip on Facebook because you know that's what you do when

Jennifer Takagi:

you've had surgery and you're hanging out and you're in

Jennifer Takagi:

between shows on the Netflix and Amazon and Hulu, all the things.

Jennifer Takagi:

And Dax Shepard was on and he said his daughter his 11 year

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old and I don't know which one's older. I know that he and

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Kristen Bell have two daughters. And he his daughter came into

Jennifer Takagi:

the bedroom one morning and said, Gee Dad, I'm just not

Jennifer Takagi:

feeling it. You can Google this and get the exact story but I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

gonna paraphrase because that's what I like to do. And she said

Jennifer Takagi:

Dad, I just I'm just not feeling it today. I don't feel good and

Jennifer Takagi:

he was like, Well, did your stomach hurt? Does your head

Jennifer Takagi:

hurt? No, no, nothing really hurt. And he goes, will come

Jennifer Takagi:

with me and he got out of bed and he let her into the bathroom

Jennifer Takagi:

and there stood in front of the mirror and he goes, repeat after

Jennifer Takagi:

me. Let me see if I'm gonna get this right. I'm an effing

Jennifer Takagi:

badass. And the 11 year old says it and he goes, and I'm an F

Jennifer Takagi:

this day up. And she said it, you know, actual words. And then

Jennifer Takagi:

he goes on to say, I don't condone teaching your 11 year

Jennifer Takagi:

old kids to curse, but it got the point across. And I looked

Jennifer Takagi:

at her and said, How are you feeling as she was, I'm good.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm going to eff this day up. And off she went. So everybody

Jennifer Takagi:

in their circle started learning about this, this mantra. So

Jennifer Takagi:

Kristen is on set, and she's having a really rough day,

Jennifer Takagi:

nothing is going quite according to her plan. And she goes into

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her dressing room and are where hair and makeup is. And she's

Jennifer Takagi:

like, Ah, this day, it's just everything's going wrong. I just

Jennifer Takagi:

feel terrible. And her makeup artists was from like Columbia

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or something. And she, they actually have the little mantra

Jennifer Takagi:

on taped on the mirror. And then hair and makeup gal grabs her

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hands, you know, they become friends. Have you ever had your

Jennifer Takagi:

hair and makeup done there right up in your business, you kind of

Jennifer Takagi:

become friends, or you get a new one, right? And it's holding her

Jennifer Takagi:

hands and said, Kristen, remember? You're a bit and you f

Jennifer Takagi:

everything up. So she didn't get it quite right. Was the

Jennifer Takagi:

sentiment of it, right? So you have the choice every day to

Jennifer Takagi:

wake up and decide how you're going to show up. Setting a

Jennifer Takagi:

boundary does not make you a bad person. Saying no is a complete

Jennifer Takagi:

sentence. You don't have to explain if your answer is no.

Jennifer Takagi:

And it's okay. So you can bring home the bacon and you can fry

Jennifer Takagi:

it up in a pan and you can share it or you can eat the whole

Jennifer Takagi:

entire pan of bacon. I'm Jennifer Takagi and if you would

Jennifer Takagi:

like to know how to work with me, go to Jennifer takagi.com I

Jennifer Takagi:

think you have to put a www in there first. Or if you want to

Jennifer Takagi:

expand your horizons, get my gift 12 minute gift.com And I

Jennifer Takagi:

got three audio files in there to walk you through how to be

Jennifer Takagi:

more successful and get those wins. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I

Jennifer Takagi:

look forward to connecting with you soon

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Destined For Success
Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.