Episode 273

Elisa Boogaerts The Confidence Coach | DFS 273

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Elisa shares with us some simple things to build our confidence so we can step into our greatness!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Mindfulness - affirmations - believable - small shifts
  • Set clear boundaries
  • Celebrate every success
  • Strategies and Systems

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

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Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your

Jennifer Takagi:

host Jennifer Takagi and today, it's so fun. I have my friend

Jennifer Takagi:

Elise Bogart with me. And Elisa and I met online. And then we

Jennifer Takagi:

got to meet in person, which always is the best to actually

Jennifer Takagi:

get to know people walked in a room didn't know a soul. Like

Jennifer Takagi:

literally, it was like, I know her. I know her for the bucks.

Jennifer Takagi:

So another one of my Canadian friends, I keep connecting with

Jennifer Takagi:

Canadians and collecting them. There's so much fun. Elisa is a

Jennifer Takagi:

confidence coach. Tell us a little bit about yourself and

Jennifer Takagi:

your definition of success. Like what can we do to have more

Jennifer Takagi:

success in our lives?

Elise Boogaerts:

Oh, good one. So yeah, I'm Elisa Bogart and

Elise Boogaerts:

founder of inspiration via Lisa and I work with professionals to

Elise Boogaerts:

help them confidently put themselves first so that they

Elise Boogaerts:

can achieve their goals and make their next like, big bold moves

Elise Boogaerts:

in their lives. And, yeah, I've made some really big bold moves

Elise Boogaerts:

in my life. And I really want to, like, help people with that.

Elise Boogaerts:

And I think it all starts with having a bit of confidence to

Elise Boogaerts:

make that move. Because we think about doing making any type of

Elise Boogaerts:

changes in life, there's so many ups and downs, right? There's so

Elise Boogaerts:

many like setbacks, and so many things that can happen. And so

Elise Boogaerts:

being confident can really help navigate all of that. And also

Elise Boogaerts:

just being confident in yourself and knowing what you want, and

Elise Boogaerts:

really being clear on that. And you know, who you are, what your

Elise Boogaerts:

values are, and just being super solid in yourself to be like,

Elise Boogaerts:

yes, like, this is what I'm wanting, this is what I'm going

Elise Boogaerts:

to do. And I'm not going to let anyone or anyone stop me,

Elise Boogaerts:

including myself, because we tend to get a lot.

Jennifer Takagi:

So I have a couple of little things that I

Jennifer Takagi:

talk about from time to time on building confidence. What are

Jennifer Takagi:

some of your things like, I have a couple of big things coming

Jennifer Takagi:

up, and I feel kind of okay about that, what can I do to

Jennifer Takagi:

feel more confident about it? And ready to go?

Elise Boogaerts:

Yeah. I really like to bring in mindfulness

Elise Boogaerts:

into like, a lot of what I do. So something you can do, and

Elise Boogaerts:

something I just love doing is affirmation. So if there's

Elise Boogaerts:

something that kind of, like you're concerned about, or maybe

Elise Boogaerts:

like something that you say to yourself, you know, how can you

Elise Boogaerts:

flip it to something that's more kind and more positive and more

Elise Boogaerts:

loving towards yourself, and it needs to be something that's

Elise Boogaerts:

believable, you know, so you don't want to like, make up

Elise Boogaerts:

some, like, huge grand thing that maybe you don't actually

Elise Boogaerts:

buy into, but it can just be like a small shift. So like, you

Elise Boogaerts:

know, sometimes especially like, if it's something new that

Elise Boogaerts:

you're doing, and you're just like, oh, like I don't really

Elise Boogaerts:

know what I'm doing. And like for me something What am I like

Elise Boogaerts:

narratives that I've had a lot of my life was that I'm too

Elise Boogaerts:

stupid. Like, I can't get this right, I can't do this, you

Elise Boogaerts:

know, maybe I'll just give up. And we I could flip that as

Elise Boogaerts:

knowing that I know that I'm not stupid. I know that I am

Elise Boogaerts:

intelligent, right? So I can say it to myself. Like I'm a strong,

Elise Boogaerts:

intelligent, capable woman and actually believe that and that's

Elise Boogaerts:

what really bumped up my confidence to continue to

Elise Boogaerts:

continue doing what you want to do and like help to motivate

Elise Boogaerts:

you. So that that's one of my my favorite things to do to help

Elise Boogaerts:

boost confidence. When you're especially Yeah, if it's

Elise Boogaerts:

something new or anything where you just like

Jennifer Takagi:

well, I Okay, so two things that came up for

Jennifer Takagi:

me when you said that so number one, I often talk about those

Jennifer Takagi:

pesky thoughts. What are those pesky thoughts? We repeat

Jennifer Takagi:

ourselves below kind of on a loop that they keep us down like

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh, I'm stupid, I can't learn this. Well, you're not stupid,

Jennifer Takagi:

you can learn anything. But the question is, do you really want

Jennifer Takagi:

to or need to or can you just hire it out? Like right like

Jennifer Takagi:

those are right yeah. Other thing is on affirmations which I

Jennifer Takagi:

love affirmations turn the pesky thoughts into positive thoughts

Jennifer Takagi:

and you know, repeat them and you can start in graining that

Jennifer Takagi:

into your whole self. I was talking to a coach one time she

Jennifer Takagi:

started out a friend and she became a coach. So we're coach

Jennifer Takagi:

friends. And I said I wanted to accomplish XYZ. And her first

Jennifer Takagi:

response was no, that's not big enough, you should go bigger.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I don't know how many times she said that to me. I'm gonna

Jennifer Takagi:

say a lot. And finally, one day I said what is wrong? And I

Jennifer Takagi:

would like you to answer this if if it's in your you know, your

Jennifer Takagi:

your your tool bag, but I said What's wrong with me achieving

Jennifer Takagi:

this lesser goal and building my confidence and then I can 10x

Jennifer Takagi:

it. But when it's never happened, I'm having a hard time

Jennifer Takagi:

going from zero to 10x So do you have any thoughts on that, that

Jennifer Takagi:

you can make me feel better about it?

Elise Boogaerts:

Well, first of all, I want to applaud you for

Elise Boogaerts:

that, because I feel like you set a clear boundary, which I

Elise Boogaerts:

think is also something as part of like it because I created

Elise Boogaerts:

this thing called the confidence method. It's like my whole

Elise Boogaerts:

signature system. And mindfulness is part of one part

Elise Boogaerts:

of that, but also boundaries as part of it as well. And I think

Elise Boogaerts:

that you did that well, because it's true, because sometimes

Elise Boogaerts:

people can do that either negatively either they try to

Elise Boogaerts:

stop you in some way where she she had positive intentions and

Elise Boogaerts:

was trying to boost you up at the same time telling you that

Elise Boogaerts:

you were doing it wrong raises, like, you're not doing it in her

Elise Boogaerts:

right way or, and so it's really good to set a set a boundary

Elise Boogaerts:

without I think he's totally right. And I think that we all

Elise Boogaerts:

have our own way of doing things and have our own goals. And all

Elise Boogaerts:

of that is perfectly fine. And of course, it's good to push the

Elise Boogaerts:

boundaries a little bit, but because with you, you did have

Elise Boogaerts:

something that you were trying to achieve. And then you could

Elise Boogaerts:

build from that. And I think that there's absolutely nothing

Elise Boogaerts:

wrong with that. I think that's perfect. Because some people

Elise Boogaerts:

they do want to do this huge thing. And that's great. But

Elise Boogaerts:

some of us are fine with this first. So what would maybe be

Elise Boogaerts:

their first chapter was actually maybe like our further along

Elise Boogaerts:

chapter. And I think that's totally fine. Because you

Elise Boogaerts:

sometimes like success can be defined in so many different

Elise Boogaerts:

ways. And for me, success is like every single step of the

Elise Boogaerts:

way. Everything that you do every little small step again,

Elise Boogaerts:

which really celebrate all of our achievements and all the

Elise Boogaerts:

little steps and all little positive things that we do. And

Elise Boogaerts:

so you know, for you even getting to that thing, that

Elise Boogaerts:

first goal, huge success and that should definitely be

Elise Boogaerts:

celebrated. And then you can say okay, now what?

Jennifer Takagi:

What's next? I haven't special project years

Jennifer Takagi:

ago when I was still with the federal government and they

Jennifer Takagi:

called me in to do this thing and I didn't know that like,

Jennifer Takagi:

like, I was kind of going to be alone in a silo doing this. I

Jennifer Takagi:

was given a team but they didn't know how to do it either. So

Jennifer Takagi:

here we were, you know blind leading the blind kind of

Jennifer Takagi:

scenario. But every single time that I was able to accomplish

Jennifer Takagi:

something and get it through I literally would run up and down

Jennifer Takagi:

the hall screaming victory victory. I declare victory. Pop

Jennifer Takagi:

their heads out of offices, and they're like God, who is that

Jennifer Takagi:

woman from Oklahoma? What is she yelling about now? Because

Jennifer Takagi:

they're all quiet and stuff. I'm not quiet. But I later found out

Jennifer Takagi:

Dr. John Kotter and his whole change management, you know,

Jennifer Takagi:

work, one of his key things is you have to celebrate every

Jennifer Takagi:

victory to keep keep the momentum going. And you're

Jennifer Takagi:

right. We often we often don't take time to celebrate those

Jennifer Takagi:

little things because little things become big things.

Elise Boogaerts:

And I love her some haven't Brek Shea who

Elise Boogaerts:

started it, but they talked about ringing this bell, every

Elise Boogaerts:

time you do something, ring the bell, celebrate. And we can even

Elise Boogaerts:

do it as well with little things like, like we were just saying

Elise Boogaerts:

about with the affirmations, right? So if you notice, if you

Elise Boogaerts:

catch yourself like, Oh, I'm telling myself, I'm stupid

Elise Boogaerts:

again. I'm gonna speak to myself better, you can celebrate that

Elise Boogaerts:

too. You'd be like, Yeah, I noticed. I noticed that I did

Elise Boogaerts:

that. And now I'm going to be kind of myself. Because the more

Elise Boogaerts:

you actually do that you reinforce doing the positive

Elise Boogaerts:

thing. And the less time you spend telling yourself the

Elise Boogaerts:

negative things, the more time you spend on the positive

Elise Boogaerts:

things, right? The more time you spend on the positive, the less

Elise Boogaerts:

you'll be spending on the negative. So you're going to be

Elise Boogaerts:

naturally thinking more positively about yourself and

Elise Boogaerts:

celebrating all the little bits. Yeah,

Jennifer Takagi:

yeah. So, so important. I love that because

Jennifer Takagi:

we have three main points already going in this talk of

Jennifer Takagi:

mindfulness with the affirmations, set clear

Jennifer Takagi:

boundaries, and then celebrate because I like to celebrate

Jennifer Takagi:

every single win. Like even if I make a green light, like I'm a

Jennifer Takagi:

little bit in a hurry, and the light stays green for me. almost

Jennifer Takagi:

time for a party. Yeah. All right. So there's another big

Jennifer Takagi:

key to your business in addition to the confidence and I love

Jennifer Takagi:

your your ideas on confidence, but it's also strategy. And much

Jennifer Takagi:

of our audience consists of entrepreneurs and also leaders.

Jennifer Takagi:

So how does strategy come into play with success and reaching

Jennifer Takagi:

our goals?

Elise Boogaerts:

Um, yeah, I think it's good to have

Elise Boogaerts:

strategies and systems in place to help you achieve everything

Elise Boogaerts:

you really want to like have a focus on something and a plan in

Elise Boogaerts:

which to get there and like how you plan on accomplishing your

Elise Boogaerts:

things. I also worked in corporate before becoming a full

Elise Boogaerts:

time coach, and I was a project manager for 13 of that 23 year

Elise Boogaerts:

career. And so I'm like a super organized planter person. So you

Elise Boogaerts:

can take that. So I've been able to do that like to undertake

Elise Boogaerts:

these like strategies, because strategy can kind of be a find a

Elise Boogaerts:

bit bigger, higher level picture. And then like, how do

Elise Boogaerts:

you kind of like break that down and actually, like execute on

Elise Boogaerts:

it. And so that's kind of like my specialty is that sort of

Elise Boogaerts:

like the planning and executing of it. And one of my favorite

Elise Boogaerts:

ways to kind of stay organized, because yeah, just being super

Elise Boogaerts:

organized planner person is to create systems for all of those

Elise Boogaerts:

things every time you want to, like do something, create a

Elise Boogaerts:

little mini system for us, that just becomes habitual, really.

Elise Boogaerts:

And so like, I'm trying to think of an example, like a super

Elise Boogaerts:

simple one, so it just was even with like, you can do this in

Elise Boogaerts:

anything, but with your life, like, you know, you come home

Elise Boogaerts:

and you can like, have your coat rack, and you always put your

Elise Boogaerts:

keys in the same spot in your person the same in your jacket.

Elise Boogaerts:

So everything's there, when you leave, like that's a little mini

Elise Boogaerts:

system. Another one could be, especially if you have like a

Elise Boogaerts:

goal. So it's kind of a good idea to set a system around that

Elise Boogaerts:

goal, like for some people say, maybe it's like to lose weight.

Elise Boogaerts:

So if you're gonna go to the gym in the mornings, you know, your

Elise Boogaerts:

system could be he get everything out the night before,

Elise Boogaerts:

and you have your clothes there, and you have your snack that

Elise Boogaerts:

you're gonna eat before and your water bottles filled up, you

Elise Boogaerts:

know, that's your systems. As soon as you get up, it's all

Elise Boogaerts:

ready to go. Or with networking, like for entrepreneurs, I mean,

Elise Boogaerts:

I don't know how many networking events we go to, or these three

Elise Boogaerts:

day events where you meet so many people. And everybody

Elise Boogaerts:

always says, the important thing is with the follow up, you got

Elise Boogaerts:

to follow up afterwards. And so what is your system? With the

Elise Boogaerts:

follow up? You know, could you dedicate a time of your week

Elise Boogaerts:

where you do all of your follow up for any networking activities

Elise Boogaerts:

that you had the previous week or that day or what have you,

Elise Boogaerts:

and then actually schedule it in and put it in your calendar and

Elise Boogaerts:

be like, This is my hour of follow up. And I'm going to be

Elise Boogaerts:

emailing up people and be like, hey, it was awesome meeting you,

Elise Boogaerts:

like, Let's book a call or book calls yourself. That can be like

Elise Boogaerts:

a little mini system, because I don't know how, like, I've

Elise Boogaerts:

fallen into that trap for sure. I've even JV X actually, where

Elise Boogaerts:

we met in person A month ago, there's still some people that I

Elise Boogaerts:

haven't followed up with. Because I haven't didn't fully

Elise Boogaerts:

get that system in place yet. Or hadn't until then. And I know a

Elise Boogaerts:

coach of mine. She wanted to write a book. And so her system

Elise Boogaerts:

was, uh, she really, really wanted it. And so it was like,

Elise Boogaerts:

Okay, well, every morning, I'm getting up an hour earlier. And

Elise Boogaerts:

I'm writing x number of words each day. And that's what she

Elise Boogaerts:

did. And even when the alarm went off at 5am, she wasn't used

Elise Boogaerts:

to getting up that early. She actually had an affirmation on

Elise Boogaerts:

her phone, it said there was a question that said, How bad do

Elise Boogaerts:

you want it? And so she'd be lying in bed. Looking at her

Elise Boogaerts:

phone, it was like, How bad do you want it? Like, I want this

Elise Boogaerts:

book bad. So okay, that's my motivation. I'm getting up. And

Elise Boogaerts:

I'm writing my xmm words. And this is my dedicated time for

Elise Boogaerts:

writing the book because and then eventually the book was

Elise Boogaerts:

written right over a series of months or whatever it happened,

Elise Boogaerts:

as opposed to being like, oh, yeah, I'll get to at some point.

Elise Boogaerts:

So that was for system. So create many systems and do it

Elise Boogaerts:

for everything. Well,

Jennifer Takagi:

I love that you're saying many systems, I

Jennifer Takagi:

was just I'm in Brendon Burchard Ultra mastermind group and we

Jennifer Takagi:

meet in LA once a month. And at one of the speakers was talking

Jennifer Takagi:

about get one habit completely under control. So you no longer

Jennifer Takagi:

have to waste any time energy or thought about doing it just like

Jennifer Takagi:

you said, your your coat, your keys, your purse or briefcase,

Jennifer Takagi:

whatever, all in one spot, you're ready to go. And I think

Jennifer Takagi:

that can be so true. Because we do so many things habitually. I

Jennifer Takagi:

remember, I'm a little bit older than you. And back in the day,

Jennifer Takagi:

seatbelts were not required. They were in the car, but you

Jennifer Takagi:

didn't have to wear them. And I got a new car and the law had

Jennifer Takagi:

been passed, but it was not being enforced yet. And so like

Jennifer Takagi:

they did it in stages, they pass the law, then they would only

Jennifer Takagi:

ticket you if they pulled you over for another violation. And

Jennifer Takagi:

then several years later, it was like if they see you without a

Jennifer Takagi:

seatbelt, bam, they're pulling you over and ticketing you. So I

Jennifer Takagi:

got a new car. And as soon as I got that car, my new rule was I

Jennifer Takagi:

had to put my seatbelt on before I put it in reverse. Like I

Jennifer Takagi:

could not put it in gear without seatbelt on. And my dad and I

Jennifer Takagi:

rode together to work. Anybody out there who has an opportunity

Jennifer Takagi:

who loves your dad, like let's put that first but you have an

Jennifer Takagi:

opportunity as an adult, a young adult in your 20s to ride to

Jennifer Takagi:

work with your dad every day. It's amazing the things you

Jennifer Takagi:

learn at a different level being an adult interacting that

Jennifer Takagi:

frequently so much fun. But he was One day he told my mom

Jennifer Takagi:

because I think there's something wrong with Jennifer's

Jennifer Takagi:

new car. It can't go in reverse unless I have my seatbelt on.

Jennifer Takagi:

Yeah, yeah, it can't go into reverse. Let's all the seatbelts

Jennifer Takagi:

are on. But now, like, I would never get in a car and not put

Jennifer Takagi:

my seatbelt on. Like, that's not even a an energy drain. thought

Jennifer Takagi:

process. So, I love that it's really great many processes, I

Jennifer Takagi:

really hadn't considered many systems for so many things that

Jennifer Takagi:

we do, man now I'd have to put that on my list. I'm gonna have

Jennifer Takagi:

to consider that my friend

Elise Boogaerts:

and then make you so much more efficient to I

Elise Boogaerts:

find, like, for example, like the the keys situation by the

Elise Boogaerts:

door, like, How many times have you not known where your keys

Elise Boogaerts:

are? And you're running around like a chicken with a cut off? I

Elise Boogaerts:

was trying to find your keys which pocket what was like

Elise Boogaerts:

wearing last time? Like is that in the laundry basket? Like

Elise Boogaerts:

they're in the fridge or something? You know, like, and

Elise Boogaerts:

then you wait, and now you're late. And now you're rushed? And

Elise Boogaerts:

then you're stressed? And then you know, so like, if they're

Elise Boogaerts:

always there? You know, my

Jennifer Takagi:

husband happened? Like, have you met

Jennifer Takagi:

him? Have you got the card? I had my arms folded i I said what

Jennifer Takagi:

do you do and he was like, I'm so pick up your keys, which is

Jennifer Takagi:

very odd. But we had had my car detailed and so he had brought

Jennifer Takagi:

the keys in because they live in my purse, right? I push button

Jennifer Takagi:

start car so I don't pull my keys out very often. And we're

Jennifer Takagi:

standing there and I was like, why don't think you have like

Jennifer Takagi:

keys because I think I've gotten back in my purse. Because no,

Jennifer Takagi:

this is not right. He goes to get some light turned on because

Jennifer Takagi:

it was dark. And sure enough, he had his keys he just was holding

Jennifer Takagi:

the fob wrong. So it was not he had my keys. Why? Because none

Jennifer Takagi:

of them are in the right place. So Oh my God. Many systems, many

Jennifer Takagi:

processes. So what you have one thing to share? Like what would

Jennifer Takagi:

be the one thing that you would say that led the most to your

Jennifer Takagi:

success? Was it something like the education piece, the

Jennifer Takagi:

confidence piece, that networking piece? Like? Where

Jennifer Takagi:

Where do you think your personal path to success started from or

Jennifer Takagi:

was most impacted by

Elise Boogaerts:

think it was my confidence in my own ability.

Elise Boogaerts:

Because if you look at the word confidence, if you break it down

Elise Boogaerts:

the word like confide means to trust or actually means to trust

Elise Boogaerts:

in yourself. So sometimes we think that confidence kind of

Elise Boogaerts:

kind of be this outward thing or people like Oh, their confidence

Elise Boogaerts:

all about like, maybe the ego or is it about like bravado or

Elise Boogaerts:

something like that. But the really is to trust within

Elise Boogaerts:

yourself is really an internal thing. And especially during my

Elise Boogaerts:

corporate career, like I had a strong work ethic. And I decided

Elise Boogaerts:

to leave it all. When I was 2324 and go backpacking, I wanted to

Elise Boogaerts:

go traveling, and then I moved to Europe. And I just moved

Elise Boogaerts:

there. I had a European passport. So I knew I didn't

Elise Boogaerts:

need a visa and I was like unbiblical, what are you going

Elise Boogaerts:

to do? And I was like, I don't know, I was gonna find a job and

Elise Boogaerts:

a place to live. And I just kind of showed up and I figured it

Elise Boogaerts:

out. Because I was confident I was like, I can get a job. You

Elise Boogaerts:

know, I knew I could get and then I was just working. I was

Elise Boogaerts:

just sort of I called an office job. It was just sort of like

Elise Boogaerts:

whatever kind of entry level position and I was like, well,

Elise Boogaerts:

I'll just get a job. And then, and then even with that was

Elise Boogaerts:

working, it was like I would just kind of get promotions and

Elise Boogaerts:

I would get other jobs. And I think it was it because I wasn't

Elise Boogaerts:

chasing after it. It was just sort of like happening because I

Elise Boogaerts:

was confident in my ability. And then same thing happened when I

Elise Boogaerts:

relocated within Europe, I moved to London. And again, it was

Elise Boogaerts:

like well, I just showed up with my backpack, even backpacking

Elise Boogaerts:

for seven months. And actually, that was a bit of like a tough

Elise Boogaerts:

situation because I, I kind of spent too much money with

Elise Boogaerts:

backpack and didn't save enough or keep enough to the end, those

Elise Boogaerts:

bit broke. My boyfriend and I had broken apps, I was

Elise Boogaerts:

heartbroken. I didn't have anywhere to live where I didn't

Elise Boogaerts:

have a job yet. I didn't really know anybody, right. So I'm like

Elise Boogaerts:

homeless, I'm broke, I'm heartbroken. Like, and but

Elise Boogaerts:

still, then I knew that I would get a job, I knew that I would

Elise Boogaerts:

be able to figure it out. I had the confidence in myself to do

Elise Boogaerts:

it. And then again, when I moved back to Canada, that same kind

Elise Boogaerts:

of thing, and through that, that's always just kind of

Elise Boogaerts:

raised me and then I remember when I came to Canada and I was

Elise Boogaerts:

doing project management and my my manager was like, why are you

Elise Boogaerts:

at this level? You're definitely more of like a senior level

Elise Boogaerts:

project manager and I was like, I am like, okay, so like the

Elise Boogaerts:

next job. That's what that's the role I got. And then I was able

Elise Boogaerts:

to get more money like well, we pay this I'm like, can I get

Elise Boogaerts:

that? And they're like, Yeah, and so somehow I ended up

Elise Boogaerts:

getting up to this, you know, level and making the salary that

Elise Boogaerts:

I thought was never possible. and it just kind of when I think

Elise Boogaerts:

about it, I feel like it just kind of happened. And obviously

Elise Boogaerts:

I earned it. Obviously, I did the hard work, but I also always

Elise Boogaerts:

just had the confidence in myself in my abilities that I

Elise Boogaerts:

could do it. And that's kind of what led me like when I decided

Elise Boogaerts:

to do the coaching and focus on people who would say that to me,

Elise Boogaerts:

like, oh, well, you're confident or you're so brave, or you did

Elise Boogaerts:

these things, you made these big bold move, like, how did you do

Elise Boogaerts:

that? And I was like, I don't know how I did that. So I

Elise Boogaerts:

actually had to, like, think through it. Like, what, what

Elise Boogaerts:

actually were those steps. And that's why I ended up quitting

Elise Boogaerts:

my signature system to actually like, take people through how I

Elise Boogaerts:

kind of got to where I got to so I think that was yeah, that was

Elise Boogaerts:

how it was, it was really my confidence in myself.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh, I love that. So if people want to get

Jennifer Takagi:

ahold of you, how do we find you?

Elise Boogaerts:

I can go to inspiration by elisa.com. And if

Elise Boogaerts:

you find me on social media or anything like that, it's under

Elise Boogaerts:

integration by Lisa. Yeah, and actually, if anybody does want

Elise Boogaerts:

some, some tips on getting their energy back, especially like

Elise Boogaerts:

professionals, when we get to so exhausted, and I hadn't heard of

Elise Boogaerts:

putting ourselves first, you can go to inspiration by

Elise Boogaerts:


Jennifer Takagi:

Ah, awesome. I love that. I have really enjoyed

Jennifer Takagi:

our conversation and I love talking to somebody who like is

Jennifer Takagi:

really aligned with me on their belief systems around this

Jennifer Takagi:

because yeah, it's all a thing and it doesn't have to be that

Jennifer Takagi:

hard. Yeah. All right. So before we sign off and everybody

Jennifer Takagi:

inspiration by Elisa and Elise's E L. I S, A, just FYI, Eli ESA,

Jennifer Takagi:

that that will also be in the show notes. I'm often told, oh,

Jennifer Takagi:

people are listening. They're on their phone listening. Yes, but

Jennifer Takagi:

you're on your phone. You can go the shownotes it's easy enough.

Jennifer Takagi:

Just click it, just go to the show notes. We'll have it in

Jennifer Takagi:

there for you. So parting words or thoughts for our audience?

Elise Boogaerts:

Um, I just say that you're perfectly imperfect.

Elise Boogaerts:

We're all perfectly imperfect. And so just keep going and know

Elise Boogaerts:

that. Yeah, imperfect action is better than no action. Thank

Elise Boogaerts:

you, Elisa. Thank you so much for having me. It's been a lot

Elise Boogaerts:

of fun.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look forward to

Jennifer Takagi:

connecting with you soon.

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Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.