Episode 274
Celebrate all victories great and small | DFS 274
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. We don’t take time to enjoy and celebrate the small things. To maintain your momentum, celebrate all wins!
In this episode you will learn:
- Acknowledge your wins
- Raise your vibration and energy
- Plan your rewards for a job well done
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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com
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Wishing you the best,
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com
Welcome to destined for success. I'm your
Jennifer Takagi:host Jennifer Takagi. And today I want to hone in on one thing
Jennifer Takagi:that was shared in last week's episode with Alisa Bogart. And
Jennifer Takagi:she was talking about celebrating our wins. My first
Jennifer Takagi:question for you is, do you even acknowledge that you had a win?
Jennifer Takagi:Do you even acknowledge it, or Jiejie, what I typically do or
Jennifer Takagi:used to do, and just skip on past it like it was no big deal.
Jennifer Takagi:Let me tell you, celebrating the wins can make all the difference
Jennifer Takagi:in the world, I was assigned to go to Washington, DC, to work on
Jennifer Takagi:a special project. And this project was huge. And it was
Jennifer Takagi:pretty much over my head. But there was a team of upper
Jennifer Takagi:management, who believed that I could handle it. Now. I think
Jennifer Takagi:they were a little skit. So coming up with me out of the
Jennifer Takagi:whole country, but they were confident that I can handle it.
Jennifer Takagi:And in the end, I did handle it. And I did accomplish all the
Jennifer Takagi:goals outlined for me. And one of the people in my chain of
Jennifer Takagi:command said, You were the best person for this, because you had
Jennifer Takagi:the best attitude. Well, that like sent me to the moon with
Jennifer Takagi:happiness and joy, because I always want to be that person.
Jennifer Takagi:I'm not always that person. But I want to be that person, I want
Jennifer Takagi:to be recognized as the person who not only will get the job
Jennifer Takagi:done, but also has a good attitude overall. So that's a
Jennifer Takagi:big deal for me. So I'm given this huge project, it entails a
Jennifer Takagi:lot of tech. And there are a lot of steps that I don't know
Jennifer Takagi:about. Why, because I'm in the great state of Oklahoma. And I
Jennifer Takagi:take over after the first 45 steps are handled in Washington,
Jennifer Takagi:DC. And then they send the money to me, and I would handle it. So
Jennifer Takagi:now I've got to figure out how to take the money that Congress
Jennifer Takagi:gave HUD into a certain pot of pot, you know, like a savings
Jennifer Takagi:account, move it over to a checking account, and then
Jennifer Takagi:assign it to the individual apartment complexes that needed
Jennifer Takagi:it and allocate the right dollar amount. It was a lot. Every
Jennifer Takagi:different type of contract we held, had different rules and
Jennifer Takagi:different codes that had to be used. So to tell you every
Jennifer Takagi:little teeny tiny step of this process that I had somebody
Jennifer Takagi:helped me with, and we got to a successful conclusion of that
Jennifer Takagi:step was huge. It was so huge. And I literally would skip up
Jennifer Takagi:and down the halls going victory
Jennifer Takagi:victory on declare victory. And
Jennifer Takagi:people would pop their heads out. They're like, what is that
Jennifer Takagi:woman going on about? Right? They didn't understand that I
Jennifer Takagi:had enough energy for most of them, right? Because I am ready
Jennifer Takagi:to go. I'm excited. I'm excited because I accomplished something
Jennifer Takagi:and it was big. And each and every step along the way, was a
Jennifer Takagi:big step. None of them are small steps. They were all big steps.
Jennifer Takagi:So I celebrated. Hmm. Well, fast forward a number of years, I
Jennifer Takagi:started studying Dr. John Kotter, who is like a guru in
Jennifer Takagi:the space of change and change management. And in his eight
Jennifer Takagi:steps to accelerate change, which I've done super fun
Jennifer Takagi:trainings on. In his eight steps. One of his steps is
Jennifer Takagi:celebrate every victory. Celebrate every victory, why?
Jennifer Takagi:Most change initiatives happen over a period of time, they're
Jennifer Takagi:not typically overnight. This piece has to be put into place
Jennifer Takagi:and incorporated and then the next one and then the next one.
Jennifer Takagi:If you can celebrate each victory. Your people will stay
Jennifer Takagi:more engaged. They'll stay way more engaged, because they know
Jennifer Takagi:that each step is important. So you have to acknowledge their
Jennifer Takagi:wins. Now, if you don't believe me and my little happiness
Jennifer Takagi:junkie than I am, that's fine. Go read Dr. John Carter's books.
Jennifer Takagi:He's amazing. And you'll see what I mean like he probably has
Jennifer Takagi:all kinds of studies to back up what I just said. But if I get a
Jennifer Takagi:win, I'm gonna be willing do the next thing. I'm going to be
Jennifer Takagi:willing to do the next thing. So are you acknowledging your wins?
Jennifer Takagi:And are you acknowledging your little wins? In Jack Canfield
Jennifer Takagi:training success on the success principles, the train the
Jennifer Takagi:trainer program, he talks about making a list of no more than
Jennifer Takagi:three to five things to accomplish that day to take you
Jennifer Takagi:further towards meeting your goals. Three to five is not a
Jennifer Takagi:list of 25, it's three to five. Once you get those three to five
Jennifer Takagi:things done, you can add more, of course. But what we end up
Jennifer Takagi:doing is people, we make a list of 25, we do one or two, we get
Jennifer Takagi:overwhelmed, we set it aside and we go do something else that has
Jennifer Takagi:nothing to do with those 25 goals or items that we need to
Jennifer Takagi:get done. So what we do, if we have three to five
Jennifer Takagi:accomplishable doable things in a day, a big project broken down
Jennifer Takagi:into smaller steps, we're gonna sit with it, and we're gonna get
Jennifer Takagi:that step done. And then the next step, and then the next
Jennifer Takagi:step. The more you do this, the more you raise your vibration,
Jennifer Takagi:you raise your excitement, you raise your energy and your
Jennifer Takagi:wedding, your take on the next thing, instead of getting mired
Jennifer Takagi:down in the muck. And we get there, and we stay there. So I
Jennifer Takagi:wrote a book a couple years ago called Reach Your Goals and 12
Jennifer Takagi:minute increments. And the premise of this was Jack
Jennifer Takagi:Canfield says take 100% responsibility for every aspect
Jennifer Takagi:of your life. But if you can't take 100% Take 5%. Well, I
Jennifer Takagi:didn't know what 5% was. And I was searching high and low to
Jennifer Takagi:figure out what this 5% was. And in the end, in the evening, when
Jennifer Takagi:I got home from work, if I wanted to do something for
Jennifer Takagi:personal development, I had from six to 10. In the evening, I had
Jennifer Takagi:gotten home from work, my husband and I had had dinner,
Jennifer Takagi:and then I had roughly from six to 10 to do whatever I wanted.
Jennifer Takagi:If I wanted to ride my exercise bike, I could if I wanted to go
Jennifer Takagi:through that stack of mail and get rid of it, I could anything,
Jennifer Takagi:whatever I wanted to do watch TV, that was fine, too. But four
Jennifer Takagi:hours is 240 minutes 5% of 240 minutes, bumped that it is 12
Jennifer Takagi:minutes. So hence the book was born reach your goals in 12
Jennifer Takagi:minute increments. And I'm now being called a 12 minute success
Jennifer Takagi:coach. Why? Because I help you either physically, emotionally
Jennifer Takagi:and spiritually, heal and balance what's going on. That's
Jennifer Takagi:not serving you. And I also help you plan out your goals and 12
Jennifer Takagi:minute increments. And why are the increments so important?
Jennifer Takagi:Because the project is too big. It's too big. And we get
Jennifer Takagi:overwhelmed. I did a session the other day and a woman said, I
Jennifer Takagi:have a room full of boxes. And I need to move all the boxes out
Jennifer Takagi:in order to buy new furniture and put the furniture in and
Jennifer Takagi:then unpack the boxes. And I said Well, are you going to keep
Jennifer Takagi:everything in every box? And she said, Well, probably not. But I
Jennifer Takagi:can't go through them because I can't get him out of the room.
Jennifer Takagi:Because through the boxes. It's kind of a chicken or the egg
Jennifer Takagi:thing, right? So my suggestion was get an empty box. Take it in
Jennifer Takagi:the room, pick one box in the room that's already there, open
Jennifer Takagi:it up. Look at each item in there and either decide right
Jennifer Takagi:there on the spot. I'm going to keep that in this room, or I'm
Jennifer Takagi:going to get rid of it. I'm either going to throw it away,
Jennifer Takagi:send it to you know, donation someplace or give it to a friend
Jennifer Takagi:because somebody needs it. But by the time I get through that
Jennifer Takagi:box, the only thing left in that box are things that are going to
Jennifer Takagi:remain in the room. That's it, only the things that are going
Jennifer Takagi:to remain in the room. Then you immediately take the box of
Jennifer Takagi:items that aren't gonna stay in the room and get rid of them.
Jennifer Takagi:You dump it in the trash can you put it in your car to take to
Jennifer Takagi:the donation place or you call your friend and say you have 48
Jennifer Takagi:hours to come get this or it's gonna be donated. You handle it.
Jennifer Takagi:Once you handle box one in 12 minutes, you can move to box
Jennifer Takagi:two, or you can go do something else Right, the choice is yours.
Jennifer Takagi:It's up to you what you do and your 12 minute increments. But
Jennifer Takagi:when you get that first box done, celebrate it. That's one
Jennifer Takagi:less box. You might just do a box a day and you've got 20
Jennifer Takagi:boxes in there. Big whoop dee doo, it takes you 20 days to go
Jennifer Takagi:through all the boxes in that room. They've been in there for
Jennifer Takagi:two years.
Jennifer Takagi:So what's 12 minutes? Nothing. What is doing it? Over 20 days?
Jennifer Takagi:Nothing.
Jennifer Takagi:It's not that big a deal. You can manage it, you can handle
Jennifer Takagi:it. And guess what, then you can celebrate it. You can celebrate
Jennifer Takagi:it. There are programs out there around the 12 week year, my
Jennifer Takagi:friend Consuela Munoz has a program about that it's really
Jennifer Takagi:good. And one of the things they highly recommend is when you
Jennifer Takagi:meet one of your goals, have a reward in the wings waiting for
Jennifer Takagi:you. Do you want a pedicure? Do you want a manicure? Do you want
Jennifer Takagi:to get your hair done? Do you want to hire somebody to come in
Jennifer Takagi:and vacuum and dust your house? That's always a big reward for
Jennifer Takagi:me. What do you want to do to reward yourself for
Jennifer Takagi:accomplishing your goals? There's gotta be something.
Jennifer Takagi:There's got to be something that you don't do for yourself on a
Jennifer Takagi:regular basis when you meet your goals. So as you're planning
Jennifer Takagi:your celebratory things, list, what would matter to you? What
Jennifer Takagi:would make you feel good? I love getting massages. So adding a
Jennifer Takagi:massage to my list would be a really cool thing for me to do.
Jennifer Takagi:When I meet my goals. Sometimes I get the massage first inspires
Jennifer Takagi:me to move forward to do the work I need to do because I'm so
Jennifer Takagi:relaxed and happy. So celebrate all your wins. Big or small. It
Jennifer Takagi:doesn't matter. I heard her mantra once. Let me see if I can
Jennifer Takagi:get this right off the top of my head. What was that all things
Jennifer Takagi:great and small. I'm grateful for them all. I think that was
Jennifer Takagi:it. Something along those lines. Come up with your own little
Jennifer Takagi:rhyme for that because it's powerful. It's very powerful. So
Jennifer Takagi:decide how you're going
Jennifer Takagi:to celebrate and give yourself
Jennifer Takagi:permission. That's the word I'm looking for. Give yourself
Jennifer Takagi:permission to celebrate everything that happens
Jennifer Takagi:everything good. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look forward to
Jennifer Takagi:connecting with you soon