Episode 252

Clients do transform with energy work | DFS 252

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. Let me share some wins with you!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Abundance - Emotion Code only
  • True forgiveness of past events
  • Physical healings - over time and instant!

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to the destined for success podcast.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm your host, Jennifer Takagi and this podcast used to be

Jennifer Takagi:

called new manager media manage right from the start. Many of

Jennifer Takagi:

the concepts are the same, that there's a little shift. There's

Jennifer Takagi:

a shift because I know we are all destined for success. And I

Jennifer Takagi:

want to help you find the fastest smoothest way to reach

Jennifer Takagi:

your highest best as quickly as possible. Join me in today's

Jennifer Takagi:

episode, where you're going to come up with new ways to build

Jennifer Takagi:

your skills, and influence others to make the impact you

Jennifer Takagi:

desire to make. I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your host Jennifer Takagi

Jennifer Takagi:

and today we're going to talk about how clients transform with

Jennifer Takagi:

energy work. Let me share you let me share you let me share

Jennifer Takagi:

with you some client experiences. And if you see

Jennifer Takagi:

yourself in any of these stories, and they're true, by

Jennifer Takagi:

the way, join, unleash your potential weekly clearing

Jennifer Takagi:

sessions and start clearing away the things that are standing in

Jennifer Takagi:

your way. So you can feel more peaceful, more optimistic, and

Jennifer Takagi:

very hopeful about the future that's coming. Abundance, we

Jennifer Takagi:

talk about abundance a lot if you're in the whoo world you

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hear about abundance, if you're in the corporate or government,

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maybe nonprofit is often referred to as wealth, or money,

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financial money. For me, abundance is big. Abundance for

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me is having health, having amazing people in my life, as

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well as having the financial ability to do the things I want

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to do. So abundance is big, it's a big umbrella. And other things

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fall underneath it is abundance important to you? It may or may

Jennifer Takagi:

not be but my life. I'm all about it. I want to bonus for

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me. And guess what? I want it for you too. I had a client who

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came to me and said, Yeah, I'll work with you, Jennifer. And I

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want to look at abundance. Like I think some things happen in my

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childhood. And although I have a good business, I have a good

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life. I just think there could be more. Okay, great. We use the

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Emotion Code chart. Now there is a book by Dr. Bradley Nelson

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called the Emotion Code. It's wonderful. I've really enjoyed

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it, I listened to the audio book, I think three times. And

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in there he talks about his experience as a chiropractor

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identifying that clients were struggling to heal, and it was

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tied to trapped emotions. If we don't fully feel, and let go of

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an emotion around an event or a situation. Science has shown it

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can be trapped in your body physically trapped. It's like

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the size of a fist. Everything is made of energy. Everything is

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made of energy. Everything about our bodies are it's all energy.

Jennifer Takagi:

With the Emotion Code chart, in a little bit of practice, we can

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identify exactly what emotion is impacting you today to keep you

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from going where you want to go from doing what you want to do.

Jennifer Takagi:

So with my client who was interested in abundance, we

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asked the question of the chart, you can Google it, you can find

Jennifer Takagi:

it the Emotion Code. And the question was, are there any

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trapped emotions from her past that are impacting her

Jennifer Takagi:

attracting more abundance into your life? And the answer was

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yes. The answer comes from either muscle testing, or I

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typically use a pendulum. Now muscle testing is where you let

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your body answered the question. So if you're not driving a car,

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but you're someplace safe and stable, if you sit up a little

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bit straight, but not On stiff like, right, you're sitting up

Jennifer Takagi:

straight. And you say is my name Jennifer, for me? My name is

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Jennifer. And if you're listening and your name is

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Jennifer, your body will sway forward just a little bit. If I

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say is my name Bill, which is my husband, my wills are swaying

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back a little bit, because it's not my name. That is known as

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muscle testing. And that's using your whole body, you can do it

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standing up, you can do it sitting down, you can go to the

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grocery store and say, Should I have cow's milk? And you might

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lean back just a little bit? Should I have almond milk, you

Jennifer Takagi:

might lean forward, or vice versa, if you're allergic to

Jennifer Takagi:

almonds don't drink almond milk, I'm just saying. So I use a

Jennifer Takagi:

pendulum. And for me my pendulum, my first pendulum I

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used was a necklace with a little charm on it that had a

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little weight to it. You need a little weight so that it will

Jennifer Takagi:

move. Am I actually swinging it? No, I've done this on video and

Jennifer Takagi:

people like is that you're swinging that around? It's like

Jennifer Takagi:

no, it just kind of gets going and takes me with it. I asked a

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yes question. It swings forward and back. I asked you know, it

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goes counterclockwise. I've been doing this a while my answers

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are very distinct. It's it's not wishy washy for me. I've seen

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people practicing with a pendulum and it just barely

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moves. And that's okay, as long as it moves. The more you do it,

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the more practice you have, the more solid, the answers.

Jennifer Takagi:

Sometimes you can make a list of 50 questions with 25 being Yes,

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25 being no and practice, whether it is muscle testing, or

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pendulum, whatever. And we do this by just you setting the

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intent. Intention is everything that you want to identify

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trapped emotions impeding you, or blocking you from doing X, Y,

Jennifer Takagi:

Z. So sorry, little backstory there. So I'm working with this

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client, and I said, Do I have permission to connect with your

Jennifer Takagi:

subconscious? And she said, Yes, you never do this work without

Jennifer Takagi:

somebody's permission. By the way, it's a little bit unethical

Jennifer Takagi:

if not a lot bit. And she said yes. And we identified three or

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four trapped emotions. And we can also identify what age you

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trapped the emotion. So once we identified the emotion and got

Jennifer Takagi:

the age, she instantly knew what happened. Now, if I had asked

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her before, we pinpointed the emotion and the age, she

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probably would have said, Yeah, I don't have a clue. But once we

Jennifer Takagi:

pinpointed it, she was like, oh, yeah, I know what happened. And

Jennifer Takagi:

she told me what happened. Then we set our intention to clear

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that trapped emotion. We both took a deep breath in and we

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exhaled. And we just blew that cloud without emotion on it

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away. We talked several minutes later, and she said, Hey, by the

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way, did you know after a session, I sat down and

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journaled what I would want to do. Like if I had more

Jennifer Takagi:

abundance, if I had the clients that I'm looking for, what what

Jennifer Takagi:

would I do? What would it look like? What service would I

Jennifer Takagi:

offer? And so she journaled about it. About a week later, a

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man called she didn't even know him. And he said, Hey, I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

looking for somebody to do XYZ for me, can you do that? And she

Jennifer Takagi:

said, Yes, I can. It'll be $25,000. And he said, Okay.

Jennifer Takagi:

Within the next month, three more people showed up, asked for

Jennifer Takagi:

services. And she said, Yes, that'll be $25,000. by clearing

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the trapped emotions that were impacting her attracting and

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receiving more abundance, the abundance showed up, she was

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ready, she was open she was willing to receive. I've also

Jennifer Takagi:

had clients have experiences of truly forgiving someone.

Jennifer Takagi:

Forgiveness is a big thing and forgiveness is for you. It's not

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for the other person. What you're trying to do with

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forgiveness, is create a level of okayness in you by letting it

Jennifer Takagi:

go so that you can move on with your life. I was working with a

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client and several trapped emotions came up at a certain

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age and she said, Oh, I know exactly what happened. There was

Jennifer Takagi:

an event in the family it wasn't really handled very well. But

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you know, parents do the best that they can but for her little

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kid brain and emotions. It was not handled as well as it could

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have been. And she had some trapped emotion. Since around

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that, she said, I'm so frustrated or disappointed

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because I went to counseling for a long time to resolve this. And

Jennifer Takagi:

I thought I forgiven my parents. I thought it was all in the

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past. But why is it still coming up? Well, I can't really answer

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that. I don't really know why other than the subconscious was

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ready to let it go completely and fully. So we identified the

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trapped emotions, we cleared them all out. The next time we

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got on a call, she was in tears, which was not like her. Some

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clients are Terry's others are not. She's not a teary client.

Jennifer Takagi:

So when she's in tears, it's a big deal. And she said, I have

Jennifer Takagi:

forgiven my parents. And I said, Oh, my gosh, that's wonderful.

Jennifer Takagi:

And she was no, you don't understand. I thought I had

Jennifer Takagi:

forgiven them years ago. So I didn't understand why this came

Jennifer Takagi:

up now. But I truly feel it deep inside that I have finally

Jennifer Takagi:

forgiven them. Well, I believe personally, is my belief system

Jennifer Takagi:

doesn't have to be yours. But my belief system is if remembering

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the exact event, and all the emotions that go with it will

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cause you harm. You don't remember until later, until the

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emotions are separated from the events. For her, she thought she

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had dealt with all the emotion, she could easily recall what

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happened. But it still was there underneath the surface surface

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kind of like an iceberg. On top of the iceberg. She had done all

Jennifer Takagi:

the things to forgive and thought she truly had. But there

Jennifer Takagi:

are some trapped emotions under the water that were keeping her

Jennifer Takagi:

from letting go fully. What about physical healings, I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

asked about physical healings a lot. Sometimes their instant,

Jennifer Takagi:

instant. I believe it was last week's episode of MMA, you know,

Jennifer Takagi:

time runs together some days. And a gentleman was allergic to

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cats. And I cleared everything that was associated to being

Jennifer Takagi:

allergic to cat. And his healing was truly instant it was 30

Jennifer Takagi:

minutes. Another person there had a frozen shoulder and said,

Jennifer Takagi:

um, every time I saw her, she was grabbing her shoulder going,

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh, my shoulder hurts, my shoulder hurts. And I said, Hey,

Jennifer Takagi:

like part of the reason I'm here is to help support people. May I

Jennifer Takagi:

do a session with you and see if we can address that? And she was

Jennifer Takagi:

like, Yeah, let's do that. Now. Literally, as soon as the

Jennifer Takagi:

session was over, and we identified the imbalances in her

Jennifer Takagi:

body, that were keeping her from her shoulder healing and being

Jennifer Takagi:

able to move it. Her shoulder was healed right then it was

Jennifer Takagi:

instant. Instant. Another client of mine severe allergies, she

Jennifer Takagi:

bless her heart, she's allergic to everything. So I called her

Jennifer Takagi:

and I said, Hey, let's do three sessions and see if we can get

Jennifer Takagi:

you any relief. She said okay, and I didn't know if she really

Jennifer Takagi:

believed or not or was just being nice. And let me do what I

Jennifer Takagi:

wanted. And the first week we go through, we create all the

Jennifer Takagi:

balance and alignment that the subconscious would allow. And do

Jennifer Takagi:

you feel any differently? Nope. So we get on the call the next

Jennifer Takagi:

week. I said, Hey, how are you doing? She is all on the same.

Jennifer Takagi:

Nothing's different. And I was like, okay, so we went through

Jennifer Takagi:

the process again. So the third week comes and I'm I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

disappointed. Like I'm disappointed. I'm afraid that

Jennifer Takagi:

this is never going to work for her and holy crap, holy. I just

Jennifer Takagi:

I don't know, I'm a little I'm just discouraged. So she gets on

Jennifer Takagi:

the phone and I was like, Hey, are you ready to get started?

Jennifer Takagi:

And she is no, I need to tell you something. And I was like,

Jennifer Takagi:

oh, what? And she said, I have not had an allergy pill in five

Jennifer Takagi:

days. And I went from using multiple squirts of nasal spray

Jennifer Takagi:

several times a day to just one and tomorrow is going to be the

Jennifer Takagi:

big test. I'm going to try to cut tomorrow with none. So for

Jennifer Takagi:

her it took several sessions before she started getting

Jennifer Takagi:

relief. Why is it that some people it's instant and it's

Jennifer Takagi:

some people aren't? I don't know. I don't know there any

Jennifer Takagi:

number of reasons. I had a client with eczema pretty

Jennifer Takagi:

severely and she had had it for like 35 years. She was a little

Jennifer Takagi:

kid when she first broke out with it and We included eczema

Jennifer Takagi:

in session after session after session. And lo and behold, last

Jennifer Takagi:

time I talked to her, her eczema was pretty well gone. But it

Jennifer Takagi:

took several sessions, every session, she got a little bit

Jennifer Takagi:

better, a little bit better, a little bit better. And then

Jennifer Takagi:

finally, finally, really good relief. If you are interested in

Jennifer Takagi:

checking out what this could look like for you what benefit

Jennifer Takagi:

you can have, go to the show notes, I realize you're on your

Jennifer Takagi:

phone, but the show notes are there to go to the show notes

Jennifer Takagi:

and sign up for unleash your potential weekly clearing

Jennifer Takagi:

sessions. If you sign up, it's so affordable. It's $49 a month.

Jennifer Takagi:

And we meet once a month. I mean, once a week, four times a

Jennifer Takagi:

month, five, if there are five Tuesdays in a month, sign up.

Jennifer Takagi:

And if you do, reach out to me and let me know you did and I'll

Jennifer Takagi:

give you one month free. I can't begin to express the changes

Jennifer Takagi:

hurt have in your life. If you start identifying and clearing

Jennifer Takagi:

the trapped emotions that are holding you back. It's quick,

Jennifer Takagi:

it's easy, and you don't have to relive the trauma. I'm Jennifer

Jennifer Takagi:

Takagi, and I look forward to connecting with you soon. I love

Jennifer Takagi:

technology when it does just what I want it to do. But when

Jennifer Takagi:

it doesn't, you have to have a work around. So I gave you the

Jennifer Takagi:

option to join, unleash your potential membership group. And

Jennifer Takagi:

then I would give you for a month free. However, that's not

Jennifer Takagi:

how the system works. It won't let me do it. It will not let me

Jennifer Takagi:

do it. So tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to give

Jennifer Takagi:

you a 15 minute session for free. And that session is

Jennifer Takagi:

usually $67. So you're actually coming out ahead. It's one on

Jennifer Takagi:

one, live via zoom. And we're going to identify and attack

Jennifer Takagi:

that one major thing that's holding you back. I'm Jennifer

Jennifer Takagi:

Takagi and I want to stay true to my word. So you sign up for

Jennifer Takagi:

unleash your potential. And when you do then I'll send you a link

Jennifer Takagi:

to get one free session of the Body Code. I look forward to

Jennifer Takagi:

connecting with you soon. Thank you for taking your time to

Jennifer Takagi:

spend with me on this latest podcast and destined for

Jennifer Takagi:

success. Please take a moment to leave a review. Share it with a

Jennifer Takagi:

friend and subscribe and get the newest episodes every Monday

Jennifer Takagi:

morning. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look forward to connecting

Jennifer Takagi:

with you soon.



About the Podcast

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Destined For Success
Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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About your host

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.