Episode 268

Susan Butler talks money and our stories about it | DFS 268

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  We all have money stories and it impacts our lives, how we live it and the decisions we make.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Let’s talk about confidence, clarity around money and life visions
  • Most truths are beliefs that are reinforced
  • Repetition is key - your conscious will convince your subconscious

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

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Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to the destined for success podcast.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm your host, Jennifer Takagi and this podcast used to be

Jennifer Takagi:

called new manager media manage right from the start. Many of

Jennifer Takagi:

the concepts are the same, that there's a little shift. There's

Jennifer Takagi:

a shift because I know we are all destined for success. And I

Jennifer Takagi:

want to help you find the fastest, smoothest way to reach

Jennifer Takagi:

your highest best as quickly as possible. Join me in today's

Jennifer Takagi:

episode, where you're going to come up with new ways to build

Jennifer Takagi:

your skills, and influence others to make the impact you

Jennifer Takagi:

desire to make. I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your host, Jennifer Takagi.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I'm so excited because today is Potter Palooza Day. And for

Jennifer Takagi:

those of you who've been following me for a while, you

Jennifer Takagi:

know, we get to meet a lot of amazing people in one day. And

Jennifer Takagi:

my guest now is Susan Butler. Susan is a certified financial

Jennifer Takagi:

planner and a Certified Life Mastery consultant. Susan,

Jennifer Takagi:

welcome to the show.

Susan Butler:

Thank you so happy to be here.

Jennifer Takagi:

Well, I love talking about finances,

Jennifer Takagi:

financial planning. In my previous lifetime, I worked for

Jennifer Takagi:

the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and I helped

Jennifer Takagi:

people who got into a lot of financial trouble with being

Jennifer Takagi:

about to lose their house. And so it became at a very young age

Jennifer Takagi:

very important to me to have finances in order and like know

Jennifer Takagi:

how to manage them somewhat. So tell me a little bit about your

Jennifer Takagi:

journey, and how you got into this and how you help people

Jennifer Takagi:

make a bigger difference in the world.

Susan Butler:

Well, I it's it's just been an evolving journey,

Susan Butler:

really nothing traumatic, that changed anything. But I've

Susan Butler:

always been good with numbers and liked working with them and

Susan Butler:

figuring out how to get the best possible outcomes for things.

Susan Butler:

And so I was in financial industry for over 30 years. And

Susan Butler:

it wasn't exciting, whatever, like, like, what I feel now, but

Susan Butler:

I had a client that, you know, I basically took her through the,

Susan Butler:

the stages of grieving and everything else, and and all the

Susan Butler:

stuff she was doing. And I spent a lot of time just helping her

Susan Butler:

not, you know, selling her anything. And realized, wow, you

Susan Butler:

know, I really liked this and I and the results with her were

Susan Butler:

phenomenal. I mean, she she started a whole second new life

Susan Butler:

in her 60s and just went back for her master's, and was just

Susan Butler:

doing all sorts of exciting things. And so I thought, wow,

Susan Butler:

this is this is really nice. And I like I like the impact that it

Susan Butler:

has to help other people. And I thought okay, so then I trained

Susan Butler:

for coaching for the life coaching, to be able to combine

Susan Butler:

it and then I thought, wow, okay, this is kind of a unique

Susan Butler:

thing that I haven't seen is combining the financial, with

Susan Butler:

the life coaching, and bringing it together, like, you know, in

Susan Butler:

harmony synergistically and making it you know, money is

Susan Butler:

always a separate topic that people have that they're, you

Susan Butler:

know, worried about or losing sleep over? Or how do I get

Susan Butler:

more, you know, how do I do a budget or what I do with this,

Susan Butler:

and how do I invest and it shouldn't be a separate subject,

Susan Butler:

it's, it's actually a tool and energy that helps you with your

Susan Butler:

goals in life and what you want to achieve. And so you want to

Susan Butler:

be working with it together.

Jennifer Takagi:

I like that. And I love I'm sorry, I'm taking

Jennifer Takagi:

notes. To get this all down. So one thing when you when you were

Jennifer Takagi:

talking one thing that came to mind that I've heard many times

Jennifer Takagi:

in my life is women often get stuck in situations because they

Jennifer Takagi:

don't have any financial security, or they're not sure

Jennifer Takagi:

how to handle their finances, like if they made a big shift in

Jennifer Takagi:

their 30s 40s 50s 60s even 70s. So I'm guessing that part of

Jennifer Takagi:

your life coaching is to help find those answers like how am I

Jennifer Takagi:

going to do this or if you unexpectedly lose your life

Jennifer Takagi:

partner that was part of your financial security.

Susan Butler:

Exactly. And you know, that's the big part of it.

Susan Butler:

It's the transformation that the growth that you go through and

Susan Butler:

it's not Just a financial growth, it is an entire life

Susan Butler:

transformation that you go through in this process. And I

Susan Butler:

work a lot with people going through divorce or that have

Susan Butler:

become widowed. You know, because especially if you're in

Susan Butler:

that transition that changes everything. And if you weren't

Susan Butler:

the one handling the finances, oh my gosh, you're in for a rude

Susan Butler:

awakening. And so I found that a lot when I was a financial

Susan Butler:

adviser to the women didn't seem to be as involved as much with

Susan Butler:

the finances when it was a couple that I was working with.

Susan Butler:

And so I really wanted to make sure that both were involved and

Susan Butler:

that the women could understand more. And so that's that's kind

Susan Butler:

of what led me to the women's coaching and I help the women

Susan Butler:

entrepreneurs or women going through transition, is because I

Susan Butler:

want them to be empowered with this knowledge with the

Susan Butler:

confidence, the clarity around it, and just their entire

Susan Butler:

relationship around money and, and finance itself. Because

Susan Butler:

that's that whole relationship that they have, and how they

Susan Butler:

feel about money, how they treat money, what beliefs did they

Susan Butler:

grow up with, from their parents, teachers, society and

Susan Butler:

everything? You know, that really affects how much you will

Susan Butler:

bring in, you know, how confident you will be in making

Susan Butler:

decisions in your life, financial or life decisions?

Susan Butler:

And, you know, will you be able to do those things on your

Susan Butler:

bucket list? Are those things that you really want to do

Susan Butler:

before the end of your life? You know, what will you be ready

Susan Butler:

with the money and when you change your relationship with

Susan Butler:

money, and through the work that I do, it changes your whole

Susan Butler:

outcome of where you think what you think you can do, where you

Susan Butler:

think you can go, the possibilities open up for you.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I find it really interesting, just in my

Jennifer Takagi:

own family, I'm the youngest of four. And all of us handle money

Jennifer Takagi:

differently and look at it differently. And what we took

Jennifer Takagi:

away from our parents, and what they did, and how they handled

Jennifer Takagi:

money has been very, very different. Like you couldn't put

Jennifer Takagi:

four people out of the same house and dump them in the

Jennifer Takagi:

universe and have different feelings and beliefs around

Jennifer Takagi:

money and the choices that we make around money. So for our

Jennifer Takagi:

audience, do you have a couple of suggestions on like, first

Jennifer Takagi:

steps to get a handle on this? Or some kind of guidance you can

Jennifer Takagi:

provide us with?

Susan Butler:

I'm sure. A lot of it, you know, you want to start

Susan Butler:

with your life goals or whatever your life vision and go beyond

Susan Butler:

what you know how to do what is your true love? What would you

Susan Butler:

know if nothing was getting in your way? What would you love to

Susan Butler:

be doing? What would your life look like? And you don't have to

Susan Butler:

know how to get there. That's not the point. If you know how

Susan Butler:

to get there already, then it's just a goal. But if it's a true

Susan Butler:

vision or dream, that's the basis to start from, because you

Susan Butler:

need something to aim for in order to make a lot of this

Susan Butler:

work. Because the more you dwell on where you're at now, the more

Susan Butler:

you're going to continue to repeat it. You know you so

Jennifer Takagi:

like you keep getting what you already got.

Susan Butler:

Exactly. It's so I

Jennifer Takagi:

like to equate it to like that childlike

Jennifer Takagi:

vision. And I use the example of when you were a kid and you laid

Jennifer Takagi:

on the lawn and you watch the clouds and you tried to explain

Jennifer Takagi:

to somebody else, what cloud you were looking at and what shape

Jennifer Takagi:

it was, and they're like, I don't see that I don't get it.

Jennifer Takagi:

Your visions are your own like your visions and your dream for

Jennifer Takagi:

your life. Part of that is such a individual journey on

Jennifer Takagi:

outlining that. And people will

Susan Butler:

try to talk you out of these dreams or visions

Susan Butler:

and say that's unrealistic that you can't do that that'll never

Susan Butler:

happen and, and they talk you out of it and it's not theirs to

Susan Butler:

talk you out of it's your vision and your dream. And you know,

Susan Butler:

it's it's your possibility, and they don't want you to change

Susan Butler:

they want you to stay the way you are and so does your your

Susan Butler:

inner subconscious and your upbringing and everything else

Susan Butler:

wants you to stay the way you are. Yes. And so everything that

Susan Butler:

you've learned from your upbringing, it's ingrained in

Susan Butler:

you 95% of the decisions you make the actions you take, and

Susan Butler:

everything else come from that subconscious and what you have

Susan Butler:

created as your own truth, which is most of your most of our

Susan Butler:

truth that we that we look at are just beliefs, beliefs, we've

Susan Butler:

been brought up with the beliefs we've reinforced for years and

Susan Butler:

years and years and they become what we look at the filters that

Susan Butler:

we look at life through and so I work with people to change that

Susan Butler:

to undo that. So

Jennifer Takagi:

we have our truth that or beliefs that had

Jennifer Takagi:

been reinforced over and over again. And then that like leads

Jennifer Takagi:

us down the path of where we are today. So you helped guide us

Jennifer Takagi:

out of that.

Susan Butler:

It starts, a lot of it starts with changing how

Susan Butler:

you're thinking. And there is scientific backing to all of

Susan Butler:

this as to how it works. But basically, your thoughts will

Susan Butler:

lead to emotions or feelings, which lead to the actions that

Susan Butler:

you take, and that leads to your results. If you don't change how

Susan Butler:

you think your results will never change. Whoa,

Jennifer Takagi:

that's a deep one.

Susan Butler:

So, yeah, I mean, you know, it's like, you know,

Susan Butler:

like, what, what Einstein said about, you know, doing the same

Susan Butler:

thing over and over again, and expecting different results

Susan Butler:

isn't going to happen. And so we start breaking the cycle by

Susan Butler:


Jennifer Takagi:

with so as we start retraining our thoughts,

Jennifer Takagi:

can you give us one suggestion on how to do that? Or where we

Jennifer Takagi:

work with that? Sure,

Susan Butler:

I mean, from the the most basic thing I can think

Susan Butler:

of is, you know, when when you do realize some of these beliefs

Susan Butler:

that you have around money, like, I, I have to work harder

Susan Butler:

to make more money, or I'm not worthy of being rich, you know,

Susan Butler:

I've never been brought up around people who have done that

Susan Butler:

well, or anything else. So I, you know, I'm, that's just not

Susan Butler:

in my genetics, some people think, and I'm like, no, no, but

Susan Butler:

you can start by just turning it around to a positive belief. And

Susan Butler:

you may not believe it, at first, you know, I am worthy of

Susan Butler:

making this money. You know, I'm, I'm a valuable person, and

Susan Butler:

I am worth charging this much or anything like that. But any of

Susan Butler:

those that you turn to the positive, and then you keep

Susan Butler:

saying them. And your Repetition is key to changing because your

Susan Butler:

habit was formed for years. And undo this is not going to happen

Susan Butler:

just because you say it or think it once you're going to have to

Susan Butler:

do this over time. And eventually, you your your

Susan Butler:

conscious mind will convince your subconscious, that it is

Susan Butler:


Jennifer Takagi:

And not will convince your subconscious

Jennifer Takagi:

conscious. I love that.

Susan Butler:

Yeah, because your conscious mind has that ability

Susan Butler:

to believe or not believe or decide what's right or wrong or

Susan Butler:

anything else, your subconscious, which is the basis

Susan Butler:

of all those decisions and beliefs and everything else that

Susan Butler:

you have. Does not have that ability. And so your conscious

Susan Butler:

mind has to just convince the subconscious. This is the new

Susan Butler:

proof. Oh, this

Jennifer Takagi:

is the new proof. I love that. So

Susan Butler:

yeah, that's very basic, as far as making a

Susan Butler:

change. But, you know, that is the key is to start with how

Susan Butler:

you're thinking about something. You know, if if you were in the

Susan Butler:

season of forest fires, and everything else, if someone's

Susan Butler:

house burns down, you can interview different people, and

Susan Butler:

they'll have different feelings about their house losing their

Susan Butler:

house, you know, oh, my gosh, I've lost everything. It's

Susan Butler:

terrible. And you know, we'll you know, we'll never get this

Susan Butler:

back and, and then you go to somebody else, and oh, we are so

Susan Butler:

grateful because everybody made it out safely. You know, we've

Susan Butler:

got the pets out. And you know, we can we can make a fresh start

Susan Butler:

and and everything will be great. And so you get that just

Susan Butler:

a different perspective, the different way of thinking about

Susan Butler:

the same thing.

Jennifer Takagi:

It's just a tiny shift to write it doesn't

Jennifer Takagi:

have to be throw out the baby with the bathwater kind of

Jennifer Takagi:

thing. It can be little. I was reading a Marianne Williamson

Jennifer Takagi:

book years ago, and she said, a miracle is simply a shift in

Jennifer Takagi:

your perspective. So looking at it differently, looking at that

Jennifer Takagi:

fire, as you know, all the things to be grateful for about

Jennifer Takagi:

it. Was the fire good? No. But everybody survived. And that

Susan Butler:

is really good. And what was the truth? The

Susan Butler:

truth was that there was a fire, and it burned the house down.

Susan Butler:

That's it. The rest is your story. And you're thinking, oh,

Susan Butler:

like everything else around it is how you think and how your

Susan Butler:

perception is the filters that you have from your upbringing

Susan Butler:

and everything else and how you view that thing.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh, like we could go on all day, I'd

Jennifer Takagi:

be happy. So how can we connect with you? How can we work with

Jennifer Takagi:

you? Give us a little bit more so that we can continue the

Jennifer Takagi:

conversation offline?

Susan Butler:

Sure. I have a free gift that anybody can pick

Susan Butler:

up and that will be in your notes, but to www feminine

Susan Butler:

financial formula.com.

Jennifer Takagi:

Them and formula.

Susan Butler:

Yeah, and then my website to reach me or you know,

Susan Butler:

you can you can private message me and Facebook or anything else

Susan Butler:

but my website is my financial harmony.com. And I do offer this

Susan Butler:

fantastic group program to get people started. If they don't,

Susan Butler:

they don't want to dive in all the way with the one on one. If

Susan Butler:

they are going through a specific divorce and something

Susan Butler:

like that they might need the one on one work. But if it's

Susan Butler:

something where you're just wanting to make more money and

Susan Butler:

simplify the finances, keep things you know, just down to a

Susan Butler:

simple level, clarity, confidence. All that group

Susan Butler:

program is fabulous at eight weeks. It's that's the feminine

Susan Butler:

Financial Freedom program.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh, I love that feminine Financial

Jennifer Takagi:

Freedom program. That is wonderful. And for all of you

Jennifer Takagi:

listening, I want to say Susan has been a great guest because

Jennifer Takagi:

we had a few technical difficulties. But for you it is

Jennifer Takagi:

seamless, because that is the power of technology. Susan,

Jennifer Takagi:

thank you so much for your time and your guidance and that that

Jennifer Takagi:

whole your thoughts, man, you've got to change the thoughts to

Jennifer Takagi:

change everything else in our world. Do you have any last

Jennifer Takagi:

thoughts for our guests? I mean, for our audience, you're the

Jennifer Takagi:


Susan Butler:

Just realize anything is possible. If you can

Susan Butler:

think it, you can do it. And you don't have to know all the steps

Susan Butler:

on the way that's what the that's what I'm here to help

Susan Butler:

guide you through. But if you can think it, you can do it and

Susan Butler:

anything is possible.

Jennifer Takagi:

Anything is possible. I love that. Susan,

Jennifer Takagi:

thank you for your time. Thank you. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I

Jennifer Takagi:

look forward to connecting with you soon. Thank you for taking

Jennifer Takagi:

your time to spend with me on this latest podcast and destined

Jennifer Takagi:

for success. Please take a moment to leave a review. Share

Jennifer Takagi:

it with a friend and subscribe and get the newest episodes

Jennifer Takagi:

every Monday morning. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look

Jennifer Takagi:

forward to connecting with you soon

About the Podcast

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Destined For Success
Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.