Episode 267
How to Jumpstart Resetting Your Subconscious | DFS 267
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. Your subconscious runs the show. It’s true! If you decide to make a minor or major shift in your life, you must reset your subconscious mind because it is running your conscious mind.
In this episode you will learn:
- Susan Butler talks about shifting your subconscious mind that drives the bus
- What is standing in your way - EMOTIONS
- Work with me to Jumpstart the Reset!
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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
Official Website: http://www.jennifertakagi.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/
Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting
Wishing you the best,
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com
Welcome to destined for success. I'm your
Jennifer Takagi:host Jennifer Takagi and today we're going to talk about how to
Jennifer Takagi:jumpstart the resetting of your subconscious how to jumpstart
Jennifer Takagi:it. Let's keep moving forward. Right. So in the last episode,
Jennifer Takagi:we had the pleasure of hearing from Susan Butler. And she is a
Jennifer Takagi:financial expert and talked about our money blocks are many
Jennifer Takagi:beliefs. So how can you jumpstart it? The last episode,
Jennifer Takagi:we talked about how we need to shift our subconscious. Because
Jennifer Takagi:it's driving the boat, or the bus or the ship or whatever it
Jennifer Takagi:is in charge, your subconscious mind is in charge, you wake up
Jennifer Takagi:and you say, today, I'm going to eat healthy food, and you get
Jennifer Takagi:all the healthy food and you get it all out there and you're
Jennifer Takagi:gonna eat healthy food today. And then you have a thought
Jennifer Takagi:about a candy bar. And then you dig through the cabinet and you
Jennifer Takagi:find the candy bar. And then you feel really bad because you were
Jennifer Takagi:adamant that you weren't going to eat a candy bar today. It's
Jennifer Takagi:because your subconscious is driving the bus, it is in
Jennifer Takagi:charge, you've got this five year old driving the bus of your
Jennifer Takagi:life. Somebody said that who said that? I don't know. But it
Jennifer Takagi:was really good. It was a good visual. You're a little kid and
Jennifer Takagi:you grow up. But we still have that five year old driving the
Jennifer Takagi:bus, which is our subconscious and our life. One way to reset
Jennifer Takagi:your subconscious is through affirmations and affirmations
Jennifer Takagi:really work. So if you have an affirmation that really is in
Jennifer Takagi:line with what you want on a conscious level, you can record
Jennifer Takagi:it on your phone, and listen to it multiple times through today
Jennifer Takagi:to start reprogramming your subconscious. There is an app
Jennifer Takagi:called Think app, I am not affiliated with them in any way.
Jennifer Takagi:However, you can record up to three affirmations for free. And
Jennifer Takagi:then it'll put you can put it on a loop and listen to it again.
Jennifer Takagi:And again. It's very helpful. It is very helpful. But if you've
Jennifer Takagi:got $12 in your bank account, and your affirmation is I'm a
Jennifer Takagi:multimillionaire. Do you think there can be a disconnect
Jennifer Takagi:between the affirmation you're trying to program in and what
Jennifer Takagi:your whole reality has always been? I'm going to say yes, I'm
Jennifer Takagi:going to say yes, you can disagree. And that's okay. But
Jennifer Takagi:I'm going to say sometimes the LEAP needs to be a little
Jennifer Takagi:smaller initially. So if you only have $12 in the bank, and
Jennifer Takagi:you want a million dollars in the bank, maybe your affirmation
Jennifer Takagi:could be something along the lines of Money comes to me
Jennifer Takagi:easily and frequently. Because part of our money stories, often
Jennifer Takagi:I got to work hard for my money, you got to do the work to get
Jennifer Takagi:the result. So we have all these ideas about how hard it is. So
Jennifer Takagi:maybe instead of focusing on $1 amount, we focus on the fact
Jennifer Takagi:that it can be easier to make money. And sometimes money just
Jennifer Takagi:comes to you. Maybe you have a product or a service that can be
Jennifer Takagi:offered. Just on repeat. You don't have to do anything, you
Jennifer Takagi:put it out there and people want it and they buy it. So be clear
Jennifer Takagi:when you make your affirmations that number one is something you
Jennifer Takagi:really want because I'm just going to tell you, I put an
Jennifer Takagi:affirmation before that somebody else said I wanted and I thought
Jennifer Takagi:they were right. And they were not. So make sure that
Jennifer Takagi:affirmation is something you truly want. Then make it
Jennifer Takagi:something that you can believe if it is completely
Jennifer Takagi:unbelievable. Your subconscious is going to know. It knows the
Jennifer Takagi:truth. It knows Yeah, you kind of want that million dollars.
Jennifer Takagi:But yes, why you know, then you can get it ha ha ha and then it
Jennifer Takagi:knows there's a disconnect the universe knows, you know, it's
Jennifer Takagi:never going to fall into alignment. Make it reasonable,
Jennifer Takagi:make it a stretch, of course. But don't go from $12 in the
Jennifer Takagi:bank to a million dollars. You might go $12 in the bank to
Jennifer Takagi:consistently earning $3,000 a month that might feel good, real
Jennifer Takagi:and true to you. And you might be able to make that happen very
Jennifer Takagi:quickly. Very quickly. So what all is standing in the way of
Jennifer Takagi:you rewriting your money story and getting what you want, what
Jennifer Takagi:you deserve and what you're destined to have What is
Jennifer Takagi:standing in the way? Well, my listener, I submit to you, it's
Jennifer Takagi:your emotions around the thing. Whatever the thing is for you,
Jennifer Takagi:and we all have our own things of what is the thing for you?
Jennifer Takagi:What is it? Is it that you don't think you deserve a million
Jennifer Takagi:dollars? Is it that you don't think you can ever work long
Jennifer Takagi:enough or hard enough to make a million dollars? I heard someone
Jennifer Takagi:say the other day, and it kind of cracked me up. But I didn't
Jennifer Takagi:say anything because I didn't want to be ugly. And I didn't
Jennifer Takagi:want to get in the middle of something I didn't need to be in
Jennifer Takagi:the middle of because I'm trying to stay in my lane. I'm trying.
Jennifer Takagi:But they said I would never want to be a millionaire because they
Jennifer Takagi:have all kinds of problems. Do you think that's their money
Jennifer Takagi:story? Why would a million a millionaire have more problems
Jennifer Takagi:than I have? Maybe they have different problems? Maybe they
Jennifer Takagi:have problems? I don't know really how to solve right this
Jennifer Takagi:minute. But do they really have more problems? Is that true?
Jennifer Takagi:That questioning right there is key to you. unfolding, revealing
Jennifer Takagi:examining what is true for you. Is that story true. My
Jennifer Takagi:grandfather always told my mom, you will always have a house
Jennifer Takagi:payment in a car payment. That's the way of the world you need to
Jennifer Takagi:be used to it. Well, my mother decided she didn't want to
Jennifer Takagi:always have a house payment or a car payment. And no matter how
Jennifer Takagi:little money my mom and dad had when they started out, they got
Jennifer Takagi:married at 17 and 19. Maybe it was 16 and 18. Anyway, they were
Jennifer Takagi:very young. And every payday, my mom would send extra on the car
Jennifer Takagi:payment. No matter what it was, she would pay all the bills and
Jennifer Takagi:whatever was left that last little bit after she went to the
Jennifer Takagi:grocery store went to the car. Now my parents got loans for
Jennifer Takagi:most of the cars, they bought most of my life until I became
Jennifer Takagi:an adult and then they had enough money to just pay cash.
Jennifer Takagi:But their cars were paid off very quickly. If it was a three
Jennifer Takagi:year note, it was paid off probably in two or less. Back in
Jennifer Takagi:the day, you didn't get you know, 568 10 year car loans,
Jennifer Takagi:they were much less because the cars cost less. My mother
Jennifer Takagi:absolutely rejected her father's story that you always had to
Jennifer Takagi:have a car payment. And once she got that under control, and paid
Jennifer Takagi:off cars very quickly so that car payments, were really never
Jennifer Takagi:a thing for them anymore. She started working on paying off
Jennifer Takagi:the house. And I think I was either 15 or 16. So they would
Jennifer Takagi:have been married 2829 years. And they had their first house
Jennifer Takagi:paid off. And considering my mom was mostly a stay at home mom
Jennifer Takagi:and my dad worked full time. And they raised four children. That
Jennifer Takagi:is saying something. There are people who die with mortgages
Jennifer Takagi:still in place. But my mom made a very conscious effort that she
Jennifer Takagi:wasn't going to live in the story her father tried to put
Jennifer Takagi:upon her. Now was he trying to be mean, I don't know. Maybe
Jennifer Takagi:maybe not. I mean, I knew him. But you know, I was a kid. I
Jennifer Takagi:don't know what the intent was there. I don't know. Maybe he
Jennifer Takagi:was just trying to explain to her the way the world worked. I
Jennifer Takagi:don't think he was trying to kill her dreams. But he could
Jennifer Takagi:have been who knows? I don't know. Nobody's gonna tell me
Jennifer Takagi:that she decided she didn't want that story. What story did you
Jennifer Takagi:grow up with? Have you been living that you want no longer
Jennifer Takagi:to be true for you? I was talking to a group of gals at
Jennifer Takagi:our little lake place. And everybody had a lot of credit
Jennifer Takagi:card debt. And this one was like, Oh yeah, I've credit card
Jennifer Takagi:debt. I don't matter. It don't matter to me. It's fine. And
Jennifer Takagi:I've not had heart palpitations because like credit card debt is
Jennifer Takagi:not a thing for me. I don't want it. I don't want credit card
Jennifer Takagi:debt. But that's the thing for me. That's my story. You use a
Jennifer Takagi:credit card for temporary money and you pay it off. That's my
Jennifer Takagi:story around credit cards. You need to decide what your stories
Jennifer Takagi:are. around money
Jennifer Takagi:around debt. And I just heard recently I was at an event. And
Jennifer Takagi:the word mortgage is more is death in Latin. And the gauge
Jennifer Takagi:part mortgage is like can't remember. But anyway, it's like
Jennifer Takagi:a mortgage is tying you to death. And that sparked a whole
Jennifer Takagi:conversation. I think mortgages are wonderful, why I worked for
Jennifer Takagi:the Department of Housing and Urban Development. And so I
Jennifer Takagi:understand the background, the history in America anyway, at
Jennifer Takagi:the benefits of mortgage, people wouldn't own homes without them.
Jennifer Takagi:Most of us don't have three or $400,000 laying around that we
Jennifer Takagi:can just pay cash for a house, some people do, not all of us
Jennifer Takagi:do. So a mortgage allows us to get in a house now, can you do
Jennifer Takagi:something to pay off the mortgage quicker? Yes. Do you
Jennifer Takagi:know what you can do? Get a 30 year mortgage, make one extra
Jennifer Takagi:mortgage payment per year and you'll pay the house off seven
Jennifer Takagi:years earlier, seven, one house payment a year. There, poof, my
Jennifer Takagi:work is done here. People. You don't have to have a mortgage
Jennifer Takagi:for ever. It's a choice. Nobody's forcing you into this
Jennifer Takagi:choice. The other thing that happens is we have emotions
Jennifer Takagi:around this stuff. And if we are heavily emotionally charged
Jennifer Takagi:around the topic of money, their topic of debt in the case of
Jennifer Takagi:several people I was talking to recently around mortgages, those
Jennifer Takagi:emotions can be holding you back, they can be getting in the
Jennifer Takagi:way they can be impacting the choices you make. Well, guess
Jennifer Takagi:what, folks, that's where I come in. That's where I come in. I'm
Jennifer Takagi:a certified Emotion Code practitioner. And I can help
Jennifer Takagi:quickly and easily identify the trapped emotion around abundance
Jennifer Takagi:around money blocks, quickly and easily. And together, we can
Jennifer Takagi:clear it out quickly, easily and immediately. And you can see
Jennifer Takagi:shifts in your life in a matter of days. It's miraculous. It's
Jennifer Takagi:wonderful. I love it. I often refer to it as my magic quirk
Jennifer Takagi:because it's so phenomenal. Go to the shownotes click the link
Jennifer Takagi:book a call. Let's talk about it. Or just go ahead and join my
Jennifer Takagi:membership group. unleash your potential we meet on Tuesdays.
Jennifer Takagi:Click the link it's $49 a month we meet four times a month. Join
Jennifer Takagi:me. I would love to help you get over your abundance blocks your
Jennifer Takagi:money blocks. Let me help you take it one more step. I'm
Jennifer Takagi:Jennifer Takagi and I look forward to connecting with you
Jennifer Takagi:soon