Episode 282
Stepping Into The New You | DFS 282
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. Change can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be. Let’s identify how to make it less horrible.
In this episode you will learn:
- What’s not working
- What’s working relatively well
- How can you do more of that!!!
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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/
Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting
Wishing you the best,
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com
Welcome to destined for success. I'm your
Jennifer Takagi:host Jennifer Takagi. And today I want to continue the
Jennifer Takagi:conversation from last week with Glenda Elaine, about going from
Jennifer Takagi:pressure to pleasure and stepping into the divine
Jennifer Takagi:feminine. And for some people, you're gonna go, I totally get
Jennifer Takagi:that. I know what that means other people are going wait, how
Jennifer Takagi:do I apply that to me. And I want to dive into that a little
Jennifer Takagi:bit today. I've titled today's episode, stepping in to the new
Jennifer Takagi:you. And this is all with dealing with change. Most of the
Jennifer Takagi:time, we don't have to throw out the baby with the bathwater to
Jennifer Takagi:change who we are and how we show up. I had someone asked me
Jennifer Takagi:one time, what does that mean, throw out the baby with the
Jennifer Takagi:bathwater? Well, back in the day, when everybody shared one
Jennifer Takagi:big tub of water once a week, once a month, whatever it was,
Jennifer Takagi:they would start with the oldest going down to the youngest being
Jennifer Takagi:bathed, at least that's my understanding of it. By the time
Jennifer Takagi:you got to the baby, the water was dark and dirty. You had
Jennifer Takagi:washed the baby. And if the baby slipped out of your hands and
Jennifer Takagi:you dumped the bathwater, you could dump the baby with the
Jennifer Takagi:bathwater. So that same is don't dump the baby with the bathwater
Jennifer Takagi:is let's get rid of what's not working. And let's look at what
Jennifer Takagi:is working. Hang on to the baby. That's the good part. Right?
Jennifer Takagi:Okay, I hope you're with me, I hope you're following this.
Jennifer Takagi:Okay. So you have a good life, things are going well. But you
Jennifer Takagi:have this little feeling inside this this little nudge this
Jennifer Takagi:little unease and it's like, I want more, I want to do more, I
Jennifer Takagi:want to be more, I want to have a bigger impact. Impact is a
Jennifer Takagi:huge thing. I was at a conference recently, and a
Jennifer Takagi:gentleman said I want to reach I think it was 100 million people.
Jennifer Takagi:And I sat there and I thought holy crap, like I can't reach
Jennifer Takagi:100 million people, limiting beliefs, right self talk, I
Jennifer Takagi:don't know how to do it. Therefore I can't do it. Not
Jennifer Takagi:true people I'm just saying. So he went on to explain. If I
Jennifer Takagi:provide great value, and I impact one life, then that
Jennifer Takagi:person's changed behavior perception attitude is going to
Jennifer Takagi:affect say 10 more. And those 10 are all going to affect 10 more
Jennifer Takagi:and 10 more intent more until you get to that 100 million
Jennifer Takagi:people mark. And I'm not the math person in this equation, if
Jennifer Takagi:you've been following me for a while, that's a constant theme.
Jennifer Takagi:I'm not the math person in this equation. But what isn't
Jennifer Takagi:working, what's keeping you from stepping into the new you. You
Jennifer Takagi:don't have to wipe away everything. You don't have to
Jennifer Takagi:start with a clean slate. I've often heard people refer to it
Jennifer Takagi:as you just have to burn the whole house down and start over.
Jennifer Takagi:Well, I'm not really a firm believer of that. But I am a
Jennifer Takagi:firm believer in identifying what's not working, and then
Jennifer Takagi:finding a way to implement something that is working. So
Jennifer Takagi:what is not working for you? This is all about you. It's not
Jennifer Takagi:about me, it's all about you. What's not working well for you.
Jennifer Takagi:Do you have the respect of your colleagues, whether it's within
Jennifer Takagi:an office setting or within the entrepreneurial space, whatever
Jennifer Takagi:your space is? Do you have the respect of others? If the answer
Jennifer Takagi:is yes, but I want more. Okay, great. There's a place to start
Jennifer Takagi:for change. If it's No, I don't think so. I don't even think
Jennifer Takagi:people know me, then that might be what you need to change your
Jennifer Takagi:visibility. People being able to see you know what your message
Jennifer Takagi:is being heard. I believe it's Kimberly crow that says if
Jennifer Takagi:you're not being seen, you're being overlooked. Or if you're
Jennifer Takagi:not being heard, you're being overlooked. It all goes
Jennifer Takagi:together. So what's not working? Are you not having the reach
Jennifer Takagi:that you want? Are you not having the impact? At one of
Jennifer Takagi:renumber shards, ultra events recently, he said I'm in the
Jennifer Takagi:business of personal development. And the person he
Jennifer Takagi:was talking to said why? And Brendan said, well, the more
Jennifer Takagi:important question is Why aren't you Like I believe we are put on
Jennifer Takagi:this earth to do better and be better every day. When I teach
Jennifer Takagi:leadership development classes, I had a woman one time in tears,
Jennifer Takagi:and at the break came up to me and said, I'm the worst manager
Jennifer Takagi:ever. Like, I can't do this, I should have been fired. And I
Jennifer Takagi:was like, Oh my gosh, no, that's not it at all. You have the
Jennifer Takagi:opportunity to do better tomorrow. We can't always erase
Jennifer Takagi:the past, or even make up for it. But what we can do is start
Jennifer Takagi:doing the right thing today. So what's not working? If it's in
Jennifer Takagi:your personal life? Is it your finances? Are you overspending?
Jennifer Takagi:Are you clicking yes to every single advertisement that pops
Jennifer Takagi:up on your feed? Sometimes we're we're just blowing our wealth,
Jennifer Takagi:our money, our abundance, willy nilly, by not really paying
Jennifer Takagi:attention to what it is? Take a pause, take a breath. Is that
Jennifer Takagi:really what you want? Is that really what you need? Maybe
Jennifer Takagi:that's a change you need to make. I remember years ago, I
Jennifer Takagi:had just gotten my first corporate job. And I didn't
Jennifer Takagi:really have corporate clothes, because I had been a college
Jennifer Takagi:student. And I went with my sister every other week when I
Jennifer Takagi:got paid to target. And I bought a new outfit, because Target is
Jennifer Takagi:what I could afford. And I got a new outfit every other week. But
Jennifer Takagi:what started happening is, I would buy the new outfit, and
Jennifer Takagi:then I would buy other things for my apartment. I didn't have
Jennifer Takagi:to have them. I didn't need him. And the next thing I knew, I had
Jennifer Takagi:been working for months, and I had nothing saved up. If
Jennifer Takagi:somebody had said you want to go on a weekend trip, I would have
Jennifer Takagi:had to say no, why? Because I was spending all my money. I
Jennifer Takagi:wasn't saving it. I'm not really into you have to save every
Jennifer Takagi:single dime and hold on to it and hoard it. But I do think you
Jennifer Takagi:have to be responsible. You have to be responsible and very
Jennifer Takagi:judicious with your funds. So my very first thing as a big girl
Jennifer Takagi:with my big girl panties on, was to quit going to target with my
Jennifer Takagi:sister. She called she was like, Hey, you want to go to Target? I
Jennifer Takagi:was like, Nope, it's gonna kill me. But I'm staying home, I'm
Jennifer Takagi:not gonna go to Target. That was not working for me. I wanted to
Jennifer Takagi:save a little money. I wanted to have financial freedom. You hear
Jennifer Takagi:people say that the love of money is the root of all evil.
Jennifer Takagi:And it is because when the love of money is at the end of all
Jennifer Takagi:else, and you mark out every other thing in your life except
Jennifer Takagi:making money and hoarding money, then that's a problem. But if
Jennifer Takagi:you're being financially responsible, and you're picking
Jennifer Takagi:and choosing carefully with where you spend your money, and
Jennifer Takagi:how you save your money, I think that's a good thing. And we
Jennifer Takagi:should do that. I always have had a savings account. I opened
Jennifer Takagi:my first thing is account in first grade, I went to my dad, I
Jennifer Takagi:was born this way people I was just born this way. I went to my
Jennifer Takagi:dad and I said hey, I want to go to the Village Bank and open a
Jennifer Takagi:bank account. And he was like, All right, we'll go Saturday
Jennifer Takagi:morning and Saturday morning, we went and opened my first little
Jennifer Takagi:bank account. I always had a savings account. It may not have
Jennifer Takagi:much in it, but I have one. So identify what's not working well
Jennifer Takagi:for you. What is keeping you from reaching your goals? Do you
Jennifer Takagi:have habits? Do you need to go to bed a little bit earlier? Do
Jennifer Takagi:you need to turn off your phone before you go to bed and just
Jennifer Takagi:have it set on? Do Not Disturb and only for your alarm to go
Jennifer Takagi:off? Do you need to quit watching TV at night. Some
Jennifer Takagi:people say I can't sleep and I have to sleep with the TV on bla
Jennifer Takagi:bla bla bla. I like to sleep in the peace the quiet in the dark.
Jennifer Takagi:Sometimes we just don't give our brains a chance to shut down. So
Jennifer Takagi:what's not working?
Jennifer Takagi:Then identify what's working relatively well. Years ago, I
Jennifer Takagi:had a marketing person who charged no less than $20,000 a
Jennifer Takagi:month to run your marketing. Should I have heard her? I don't
Jennifer Takagi:know. Maybe maybe not. But I got a little offended because she
Jennifer Takagi:said to a group of us. I'm sure your marketing is horrible
Jennifer Takagi:because every single thing is not on brand. It's not on brand
Jennifer Takagi:colors. Everything's not perfect. And in my own sassiness
Jennifer Takagi:my response was pick everybody in this group go to their
Jennifer Takagi:Facebook business page. And I promise I have a post at Every
Jennifer Takagi:single day, for the last year, and I have my brand on every
Jennifer Takagi:graph, every graphic on there, and every graphic I have posted
Jennifer Takagi:is something I would say. I don't post anything I don't say
Jennifer Takagi:and I wouldn't say, and that's better than nothing, which is
Jennifer Takagi:what everybody else had. So what's working for me what's
Jennifer Takagi:working for me as you did an amazing platform called Tassie
Jennifer Takagi:ta SSI. Yes, I have an affiliate link, if you want to holler at
Jennifer Takagi:me, but I can go in there and I can grab the graphics, the
Jennifer Takagi:memes, that means something to me. I can slap my logo on it.
Jennifer Takagi:And then I can write the the piece you know, that has the
Jennifer Takagi:text above your graphic so that it automatically posts my
Jennifer Takagi:graphics and information go kitty. Cat drove me crazy in
Jennifer Takagi:here. Sorry about that. So that for me is working relatively
Jennifer Takagi:well. Now, if somebody came in and audit it, they might make
Jennifer Takagi:some suggestions that I could do and would do. Maybe I need to be
Jennifer Takagi:a little bit more careful. And I need to take those graphics and
Jennifer Takagi:edit the colors a little bit so that there's more of a
Jennifer Takagi:consistency of colors, that might be a good thing to do. I
Jennifer Takagi:don't know, what else is working for me? I drop a podcast every
Jennifer Takagi:single Monday, every single Monday since September of 2018.
Jennifer Takagi:I've dropped a podcast episode. Have you got them all? Have you
Jennifer Takagi:left a review? Have you subscribed to my channel? So you
Jennifer Takagi:know, when I drop a new one? Those things are working well.
Jennifer Takagi:How can I do more of that and capitalize on the podcasts that
Jennifer Takagi:I've already done? I could repurpose the material. I can
Jennifer Takagi:repurpose it into blogs. I can pull several themes over
Jennifer Takagi:multiple years and bring them together and make a collection
Jennifer Takagi:so that you can listen to a series. That all make sense. So
Jennifer Takagi:that's working and working well. identify what's working, and do
Jennifer Takagi:more of it. improve on it. I believe it's in Strength
Jennifer Takagi:Finders, and they talk about capitalizing on your strengths,
Jennifer Takagi:versus trying to build up what you're terrible at. And I think
Jennifer Takagi:in organizations that can help to let people do what they do
Jennifer Takagi:really well. let that happen. So I urge you to take a little bit
Jennifer Takagi:of time and consider what is not working well in your life. What
Jennifer Takagi:is something you can do to improve that? And I mean, a
Jennifer Takagi:little step Have you heard lately, I have a book out 12
Jennifer Takagi:minutes to success reach your goals and 12 minute increments.
Jennifer Takagi:If something's not working well, is there something you can start
Jennifer Takagi:doing in little bitty 12 minute increments? Then bring that up
Jennifer Takagi:and make it better? What's working relatively well? How can
Jennifer Takagi:you do more of that. If you can batch your work together to keep
Jennifer Takagi:your brain on task for one thing, and do multiple things
Jennifer Takagi:like that in a day, you can get a whole lot more done. And even
Jennifer Takagi:with working with my 12 minute increment process. If you need
Jennifer Takagi:to do more blogs, spend 12 minutes working on a blog and
Jennifer Takagi:then 12 minutes on another and another and another and just
Jennifer Takagi:keep doing them. You'll end up getting them done in way faster
Jennifer Takagi:than 12 minutes. Figure out what it is to do that you're doing
Jennifer Takagi:relatively well and do more of that. Find people to help you. I
Jennifer Takagi:had a call with a friend just last night. And she said you
Jennifer Takagi:know I'm not very good at asking people for help. I said oh my
Jennifer Takagi:gosh, me neither. Ask for help reach out to the people who can
Jennifer Takagi:help you. You would be amazed at how many people are willing to
Jennifer Takagi:take the time to talk to you and help you. I'm Jennifer Takagi
Jennifer Takagi:with Akagi consulting and I look forward to connecting with you
Jennifer Takagi:soon