Episode 281

Pleasure over Pressure: The Divine Feminine Way with Glenda Lane | DFS 281

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Glenda Lane has found the secrets to stepping out of the push energy and into the ease and flow.

In this episode you will learn:

  • The price to doing it all and getting it right
  • Stepping into energy work
  • Paradigm Shifts

Glenda Lane has combined 32 years of experience as a physical therapist and 12 years as an intuitive soul guide/energetics coach to show women who feel confined and exhausted from doing it all, that there is another way with more ease and spaciousness, that doesn't cost their health and well being. She merges practicality with spirituality to help women tap into their innate body wisdom, remember who they really are and make choices that are aligned with their true nature.

Freebie: 7 Steps to Freedom From Pressure: https://freedomfromwithin.funnelcures.com/7steps

IG: https://www.instagram.com/glendalanefreedomguide/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/freedomguideglendalane

FB group: Freedom to Love You https://www.facebook.com/groups/398622317235638

E-MAIL: glenda@glendalane.ca 

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Let's hit record. Okay, you say something?

Jennifer Takagi:

No, no. Okay, it works. Okay, we can record on audio. We're

Jennifer Takagi:

ready. Okay. Okay, awesome. Let's do it. Welcome to destined

Jennifer Takagi:

for success. I'm your host Jennifer Takagi and it is one of

Jennifer Takagi:

my favorite days of the year. It is PATA Palooza Day, a day where

Jennifer Takagi:

I get to meet a lot of amazing podcasters with messages we all

Jennifer Takagi:

want and need to hear. My next guest I can't wait to hear this

Jennifer Takagi:

story is Glenda lane, freedom from within. And she made a big

Jennifer Takagi:

pivot and her business just like I did. Welcome to the show.

Jennifer Takagi:

Glenda Oh,

Glenda Lane:

thanks so much, Jennifer, thanks for having me.

Jennifer Takagi:

Tell me your journey I can't wait to hear.

Jennifer Takagi:


Glenda Lane:

Well, I I'll start by saying that I was a very I'd

Glenda Lane:

say a bit of an achievement junkie. Always, all the way,

Glenda Lane:

like way back to what I can remember in school straight A

Glenda Lane:

student, you know, top of the class and, and university

Glenda Lane:

continuing that when I took my physical therapy degree, and it

Glenda Lane:

was something that I was doing, I now know, to try and prove my

Glenda Lane:

worth. So it was this, you know, it wasn't as a result of me just

Glenda Lane:

it was my heart's desire, it was more about me not feeling enough

Glenda Lane:

and that I was, you know, trying to push myself and put pressure

Glenda Lane:

on myself to not only do everything but get it all right.

Glenda Lane:

So anyone can relate to that was my story. And what started

Glenda Lane:

happening was, in particularly in university, I started to

Glenda Lane:

experience things cropping up in my body. So I was diagnosed with

Glenda Lane:

a hormone imbalance. I had knee surgery. One year, when I was in

Glenda Lane:

school, I had mono. Another year, I injured a disc in my low

Glenda Lane:

back, and I had chronic and then that was the start of chronic

Glenda Lane:

neck and back pain for me. And then digestive issues started to

Glenda Lane:

come up. And then in my early 30s, I was diagnosed with my

Glenda Lane:

first melanoma of which I've now had six. And and I've also

Glenda Lane:

experienced three miscarriages and, and burnout. So I now know

Glenda Lane:

that those were all ways that my soul was trying to get my

Glenda Lane:

attention through my body to say, Glenda, what you are doing

Glenda Lane:

is not aligned for you. In other words, the way that you are the

Glenda Lane:

pressure you and stress that you are putting on yourself is is

Glenda Lane:

not your way, it's actually goes very against my true nature and

Glenda Lane:

my true feminine nature. And because, you know, I mean,

Glenda Lane:

everything looked great on paper in my life, I had traveled

Glenda Lane:

overseas with sports teams, I'm Canadian, so the sports teams.

Glenda Lane:

For our summer University, I had games and Turkey and Beijing and

Glenda Lane:

I got all my credentials and physio and, you know, had a

Glenda Lane:

house and everything looked really good on paper. And then

Glenda Lane:

when I was about 30, well 33 My mum was diagnosed with terminal

Glenda Lane:

pancreatic cancer. And that was like a bomb went off in my life.

Glenda Lane:

Because it was I've never really experienced any I'll call it

Glenda Lane:

trauma of that nature in my life before. And, and so she passed

Glenda Lane:

about just under three months after her diagnosis, and I had

Glenda Lane:

gone home to take care of her. And right after she passed,

Glenda Lane:

there was a moment where I just kind of was taking a breath and

Glenda Lane:

going I really felt like something was missing. Like I

Glenda Lane:

felt like even though everything looked good on paper that

Glenda Lane:

something was missing in my life. And I now know that I was

Glenda Lane:

feeling disconnected from my soul from my intuition. And from

Glenda Lane:

my body. I was like a head walking around on a stick. I was

Glenda Lane:

very much a mental you know, mentalized everything. You know,

Glenda Lane:

I'm bright. So that was I that was one of my superpowers I

Glenda Lane:

tried to be, again, get everything right. And so in

Glenda Lane:

doing so, and putting that pressure on myself, I was very

Glenda Lane:

disconnected from my body. And so her passing was really the

Glenda Lane:

beginning of my, my spiritual journey. I'll tell you this

Glenda Lane:

little tidbit. i When I moved back to Edmonton after my mom

Glenda Lane:

had passed away There was a workshop that I saw just an

Glenda Lane:

advertisement in a magazine, a local one. And it was for a half

Glenda Lane:

day workshop on how to bend spoons with energy. And I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm in where do we do that?

Glenda Lane:

Right very random very leg out of my realm as a

Glenda Lane:

very science minded gal, very show me the proof, you know,

Glenda Lane:

very black and white. And, but for some reason that called to

Glenda Lane:

me and long story short, I went to a woman who was teaching it

Glenda Lane:

was a psychic intuitive that I ended up training with for two

Glenda Lane:

years, and never thinking I would do this work. But more it

Glenda Lane:

was more a personal journey. For me, it was more a, I just wanted

Glenda Lane:

to feel close to my mom still, you know, like I didn't, I

Glenda Lane:

didn't have that. I never had a religious upbringing, spiritual

Glenda Lane:

upbringing, and there's just this part of me that's like, you

Glenda Lane:

know, I, I just want to be able to still be in connection with

Glenda Lane:

her. And it was just an amazing, amazing process. And anyway,

Glenda Lane:

that kind of the open opened the door for me. And then it led me

Glenda Lane:

down a path of taking a year long energetics coaching

Glenda Lane:

program. So learning how to read energy, and move energy blocks

Glenda Lane:

and become a coach in that, which led to another year long

Glenda Lane:

program called Magic School. So a Mystery School of really going

Glenda Lane:

even deeper. And then another one that was about learning how

Glenda Lane:

to go direct with consciousness. So it just, it was like, it

Glenda Lane:

opened the doorway for me, and it was like, This is my passion.

Glenda Lane:

This is my jam. And in that journey, I reconnected with my

Glenda Lane:

body, I came to understand just how much I feel, and just how

Glenda Lane:

intuitive I am, as we all are, but it's just whether we're open

Glenda Lane:

right to, to receiving that and, and it did is started my my

Glenda Lane:

practice of being an intuitive energy guide, energetics coach

Glenda Lane:

for the last 12 years. So in addition to being a physio I

Glenda Lane:

wear two hats and I, you know, you can't, not I, I can't

Glenda Lane:

separate out the two, they definitely overlap, I bring both

Glenda Lane:

areas into into the other so. And then about five years ago, I

Glenda Lane:

began to speak light language. And so that's just it's been,

Glenda Lane:

like came out of the blue for me. And so this, I call myself a

Glenda Lane:

grounded Whoo. So I'm very Whoo, and also feet on the ground,

Glenda Lane:

like, you know, here having this human experience. And let's

Glenda Lane:

bring the 5g consciousness down and through into this lifetime

Glenda Lane:

and make the world a better place. So. So that's, that's

Glenda Lane:

been my journey. So far. Oh, my

Jennifer Takagi:

gosh. So it's so interesting. You say that,

Jennifer Takagi:

because I'm a very grounded person, very religious. I was

Jennifer Takagi:

born on a Monday, my first time in church was the next Sunday.

Jennifer Takagi:

So I've always believed, but I fortunately was raised in a very

Jennifer Takagi:

liberal Christian church. So open to other ideas, other

Jennifer Takagi:

possibilities. One day, my dad and I were having a pretty deep

Jennifer Takagi:

conversation, and he goes, Well, what if they're right, like, how

Jennifer Takagi:

can we say no, because what if they're right? And it was like,

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh, yeah. Oh, what if they are. And I ended up at a conference

Jennifer Takagi:

or at a mastermind meeting, a woman who was a spiritual

Jennifer Takagi:

healer, didn't know what it was. She is a psychic medium. And my

Jennifer Takagi:

parents had died at that point. 11 years before, and my mom had

Jennifer Takagi:

had a stroke 11 years before she passed away. So we had 11 years

Jennifer Takagi:

where you never knew how grounded the conversation was

Jennifer Takagi:

with her because she could come up with stuff from left field

Jennifer Takagi:

because the stroke was the size of a grapefruit wiped out the

Jennifer Takagi:

right side of her brain. So she had been a little bit off for 11

Jennifer Takagi:

years, and then she had been gone 11 years. So you have Angel

Jennifer Takagi:

numbers of 11 and 11. And you add them up, it's 22. And

Jennifer Takagi:

apparently, that's a whole nother realm of Angel numbers.

Jennifer Takagi:

And so the messages that came down from her through the

Jennifer Takagi:

medium, were so comforting and so wonderful to me. And later,

Jennifer Takagi:

we talked to my dad, my parents died 12 days apart. And yeah, it

Jennifer Takagi:

was it was a lot. But if anybody had ever told me like one of my

Jennifer Takagi:

girlfriends from high school said of all the people we would

Jennifer Takagi:

have picked from Edmond high school to go into this type

Jennifer Takagi:

energy work. Like you're the last one. It was like, oh, so I

Jennifer Takagi:

do not speak with people who have passed on. Although I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

told I could very easily I just chosen to step into that yet. I

Jennifer Takagi:

don't know if I will or not, but it's interesting that we've had

Jennifer Takagi:

very similar experiences with not expecting it now. wrote down

Jennifer Takagi:

grounded, whoo, because that will totally work with me. And

Jennifer Takagi:

one time at work I had, what was diagnosed as an inflamed nerve

Jennifer Takagi:

in my neck. I had missed over two weeks of work. I couldn't

Jennifer Takagi:

sleep because I was in so much pain. I had been to the

Jennifer Takagi:

chiropractor, I have taken steroids. I was put in the

Jennifer Takagi:

hospital and they shot numbing stuff into my neck, I got zero

Jennifer Takagi:

relief. And one of my sisters said, Will you go to this person

Jennifer Takagi:

and get a massage? And I said, Yes, I'll do anything. And this

Jennifer Takagi:

woman, like, never actually touched me. Like, she was just

Jennifer Takagi:

above me. And then she would move her hand away, like, I can

Jennifer Takagi:

feel like almost the air move. And she'd shake her hand and

Jennifer Takagi:

snap her finger. And after a few rounds of this, I was like, why

Jennifer Takagi:

are you snapping your finger and she said, You have a big knot

Jennifer Takagi:

under your left shoulder blade. And I'm pulling it out, but I

Jennifer Takagi:

don't want the energy in me. So I'm snapping my finger to get

Jennifer Takagi:

rid of it. And I thought, you're just weird. And this is this is,

Jennifer Takagi:

this is stupid. I don't even know why I'm here. And then she

Jennifer Takagi:

very gently rubbed all these oils on me. And then she held

Jennifer Takagi:

her hands under my face. It was like, breathed this in

Jennifer Takagi:

aromatherapy. And she got all rubbed into my hair. It was a

Jennifer Takagi:

greasy mess. And when she finished, she said, go home and

Jennifer Takagi:

take a nap and don't shower before tomorrow, let these oils

Jennifer Takagi:

soak in. And I was like, Yeah, okay, whatever. And I went to

Jennifer Takagi:

get off the table, and I could. And then I got dressed, I went

Jennifer Takagi:

home I laid down, I slept for four solid hours, which I hadn't

Jennifer Takagi:

slept that long in three weeks at this point. And I now know, I

Jennifer Takagi:

wish I could find her. I've tried to find her. i She was

Jennifer Takagi:

quite a bit older than me. And I wonder if she's passed away. But

Jennifer Takagi:

like, I'm pretty sure she was probably doing Reiki and

Jennifer Takagi:

probably doing some other energy healing, but she just called

Jennifer Takagi:

herself a massage therapist. Right. But I think there was

Jennifer Takagi:

more happening there.

Glenda Lane:

There's more going on? Yes. Absolutely. She was

Glenda Lane:

doing energy work on you. She

Jennifer Takagi:

was so the energy work that you do. Um, do

Jennifer Takagi:

you do this virtually in person? A combo plan? Like what how do

Jennifer Takagi:

you how do you work with people? How do you help? How do you help

Jennifer Takagi:

people like me? Yeah,

Glenda Lane:

well, so I mean, I do have two sets of clients, I

Glenda Lane:

have my physical therapy clients that I'm seeing in person at the

Glenda Lane:

clinic, and then I have my my intuitive energy coaching

Glenda Lane:

clients. So those clients I'm working with virtually, usually

Glenda Lane:

over zoom, and you know, I just have this ability to tune into

Glenda Lane:

their their energy, it doesn't matter where you are, you don't

Glenda Lane:

actually have to be in person, right. And to really get to the

Glenda Lane:

energetic root of something. So something is showing up for you

Glenda Lane:

whether it's something in your life externally or showing up in

Glenda Lane:

your body, there's always an energetic route to it, because

Glenda Lane:

everything's energy. And so for me, that's my, it's like, that's

Glenda Lane:

what we get curious about, let's get to the root of what is

Glenda Lane:

creating the symptoms in your body, or what is creating what's

Glenda Lane:

showing up in your life. And so it's internal work, you know,

Glenda Lane:

and that's why you know, my business is freedom from within

Glenda Lane:

is because we go, we go in and we use a use, what is going on

Glenda Lane:

in their life, what is coming up for them, what they are bumping

Glenda Lane:

up against, what they are being triggered by whatever it is to

Glenda Lane:

then take them into their own bodies. So I assist them, I

Glenda Lane:

don't do the work on them. I fully believe we all have the

Glenda Lane:

power to heal ourselves, we just need to be shown the way. And so

Glenda Lane:

for me, it's helped guiding them through the body, and what is

Glenda Lane:

showing up in the body in terms of emotions, and physical

Glenda Lane:

sensations, and really actually feeling because so many of us

Glenda Lane:

have learned to numb or have been completely overwhelmed by

Glenda Lane:

emotions that we don't want to go there. We don't want to feel

Glenda Lane:

our emotions, we're afraid of them. We're afraid there. We're

Glenda Lane:

going to become them. We have judgment about them. We have

Glenda Lane:

judgment about ourselves for feeling them. But emotions are

Glenda Lane:

just energies, they're just at vibrating at different

Glenda Lane:

frequencies. And the ones that feel uncomfortable, such as

Glenda Lane:

shame and guilt and anger, they're just lower frequency,

Glenda Lane:

emotions, whereas love and joy and gratitude, they feel good

Glenda Lane:

because they're higher frequency. So there's actually

Glenda Lane:

no good or bad, there's just high and low frequency. And when

Glenda Lane:

we can learn to befriend our emotions and learn how to feel

Glenda Lane:

fully, how to be with them, so that they can literally move

Glenda Lane:

through our bodies and not stay stuck in our tissues where they

Glenda Lane:

wreak havoc and they cause dysfunction and disease. And so

Glenda Lane:

that's a big part of what I do. And it's a process called

Glenda Lane:

Emotional alchemy where not only do we We go into the body and

Glenda Lane:

feel this and let it move through. But then let's get to

Glenda Lane:

the root. Why is that emotion there? You know, why are you

Glenda Lane:

feeling this way? What are you believing? Is it linked to

Glenda Lane:

something in your past. And so really, that's a very

Glenda Lane:

intuitively led process at that point as to where I helped guide

Glenda Lane:

them. So that they can come to understand, because the reason

Glenda Lane:

that we feel these emotions is because we're believing

Glenda Lane:

something that is not true, usually about ourselves, but

Glenda Lane:

also about life itself, as we can get to the deeper truth that

Glenda Lane:

is, actually underneath all of that, that is, what shifts, not

Glenda Lane:

only how you feel, but how you then see yourself and how you

Glenda Lane:

see life. And that's which that's paradigm shifting. And so

Glenda Lane:

for me, it's about that, that causes true lasting change,

Glenda Lane:

versus just trying to shift something at a mind level, or

Glenda Lane:

just to feel your emotions, it's only part of the process, you

Glenda Lane:

know, it's we're whole beings. And so this is a whole being

Glenda Lane:

process that I, that I take my clients through, and I teach

Glenda Lane:

them how to do it on their own. And of course, it takes

Glenda Lane:

practice, right to become good at it. But really, that has been

Glenda Lane:

the difference for me, because I used to be so up in my head

Glenda Lane:

thinking it's now let's go down in your body and feel because

Glenda Lane:

that is where your emotions are just trying to get your

Glenda Lane:

attention. They're basically they're saying to you, Hey, look

Glenda Lane:

over here. Something wants to be known. There's some clarity here

Glenda Lane:

that wants to be known. There's a change that wants to be made.

Glenda Lane:

There's more love available for you. On the other side of this

Glenda Lane:

emotion, there's more freedom available, there's more truth.

Glenda Lane:

And so for me, emotions are a doorway or like a portal an

Glenda Lane:

entryway for us to move through to be able to get to the gold on

Glenda Lane:

the other side. And that's the alchemy, of course. So that's,

Glenda Lane:

and that has just been life changing, not only for me, for

Glenda Lane:

my clients, and you know, we're not taught how to deal with our

Glenda Lane:

emotions. We're not taught how to feel, boy, if this was

Glenda Lane:

something we could teach all our kids in school, right from the

Glenda Lane:

get go like this would be, it would be life changing, right?

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh. And we can you know, do it one

Jennifer Takagi:

person or one group of people if we're doing something from the

Jennifer Takagi:

stage at a time. So as we're wrapping up our time together,

Jennifer Takagi:

how do people get ahold of you? What's the best way to reach

Jennifer Takagi:


Glenda Lane:

Yeah, well, I am. I'm on Instagram. So I my handle

Glenda Lane:

is Glenda Lane freedom guide. So you can always come play with me

Glenda Lane:

there. I have a Facebook group on on in on Facebook called

Glenda Lane:

freedom to love you. And you just have to search that up. It

Glenda Lane:

is a private group for women and but you just have to request to

Glenda Lane:

join. And I do have a freebie for everyone. This is something

Glenda Lane:

that I oh gosh, it's called freedom. No, it's called Seven

Glenda Lane:

Steps to freedom from pressure. Okay, so these are some of the

Glenda Lane:

steps that I took that freed myself from this pressure that I

Glenda Lane:

was putting on myself for so long, to have more ease to have

Glenda Lane:

more grace to have more enjoyment to have more

Glenda Lane:

fulfillment in my life. And so you can go to freedom from

Glenda Lane:

within dot funnel cares.com forward slash and then it's

Glenda Lane:

number, the number seven steps. And then that you can grab a

Glenda Lane:

hold of that and start putting some of those steps into

Glenda Lane:

practice for yourself. But yeah, I would absolutely love to

Glenda Lane:

connect. I'm also at Glenda Glenda lane.ca for email, just

Glenda Lane:

want to reach out and connect that way.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh, thank you. This has been such a

Jennifer Takagi:

great conversation. We will drop all the links in the show notes

Jennifer Takagi:

so that if you didn't get them written down, you can click on

Jennifer Takagi:

the show notes of this episode. And you can get that

Jennifer Takagi:

information. Glinda thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and

Jennifer Takagi:

your journey with us. And thank you for being so kind when I had

Jennifer Takagi:

no storage on my computer to try to record our session because

Jennifer Takagi:

these weird things happen sometimes. Absolutely.

Glenda Lane:

Thank you so much for having me.

Jennifer Takagi:

All right. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look

Jennifer Takagi:

forward to connecting with you soon.

About the Podcast

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Destined For Success
Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.