Episode 312
Setting boundaries is important to creating the life of your dreams | DFS 312
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. Curfews and boundaries used to be dirty words. Today, they are words to live by!
In this episode you will learn:
- Where are others running the show?
- What’s 1 area you could explore what a solid boundary could be?
- Begin to imagine your life with that boundary in place.
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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/
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Wishing you the best,
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com
Welcome to Destin for success. I'm your
Jennifer Takagi:host, Jennifer Takagi, and today I want to talk about setting
Jennifer Takagi:boundaries and the importance of setting boundaries. In the last
Jennifer Takagi:episode, my good friend Mary Gooden talked about her three
Jennifer Takagi:non negotiables, and she wakes up every day, and she literally
Jennifer Takagi:lives and embodies her three non negotiables so that she can have
Jennifer Takagi:the life that she wants, not when somebody else set up for
Jennifer Takagi:her, but for her. What are boundaries and why aren't you
Jennifer Takagi:setting them so a boundary is often considered something bad.
Jennifer Takagi:We talk about putting fences up between our houses so there's a
Jennifer Takagi:boundary. But have you ever heard that phrase? Fences make
Jennifer Takagi:good neighbors. If I know how far I can go one way or the
Jennifer Takagi:other, and they know how far they can come, then we're kind
Jennifer Takagi:of okay. We can live within those boundaries for younger
Jennifer Takagi:girls, especially, I say especially, because that's what
Jennifer Takagi:I know about since I was one, there are boundaries when you go
Jennifer Takagi:on a date, like, What time are you going to bring me home? No,
Jennifer Takagi:I will not do that. No, don't kiss me goodnight on the first
Jennifer Takagi:date. What are those boundaries? And what are those boundaries?
Jennifer Takagi:Do they keep you safe? They keep you protected. Parents often
Jennifer Takagi:have deadlines on what time you have to be home, and it's like,
Jennifer Takagi:oh, gee, let me stay out later. It's a boundary to keep you
Jennifer Takagi:safe. My mom used to always say, after midnight, the drunks get
Jennifer Takagi:drunk, or the dopes get dopier, and somebody will hurt you. It
Jennifer Takagi:was really great reverse psychology, because she never
Jennifer Takagi:said I was going to get in trouble. It was somebody else
Jennifer Takagi:would hurt me, which made it a very different vibe, a very
Jennifer Takagi:different feeling. So are you having places in your life? Can
Jennifer Takagi:you recognize places where you are letting other people run the
Jennifer Takagi:show? What are you in charge of that you don't need to be in
Jennifer Takagi:charge of? Where are people overstepping the bounds? Years
Jennifer Takagi:ago, a friend of mine was saying that she had to cook a big
Jennifer Takagi:dinner every night with meat, potatoes, a vegetable and some
Jennifer Takagi:sort of bread, and her husband would not allow it any other
Jennifer Takagi:way. And I was like, Well, does he cook? Like, what? What does
Jennifer Takagi:he bring to this party of you cooking dinner every night?
Jennifer Takagi:Because, mind you, they both worked full time, and I'm not
Jennifer Takagi:saying that she wasn't the better cook, but what's the
Jennifer Takagi:trade off? You can't be expected to work all day, come home, cook
Jennifer Takagi:the meals, do the laundry, clean the house like do absolutely
Jennifer Takagi:everything while your partner sits on the couch. If you have a
Jennifer Takagi:partner there, there should be some kind of divvying up of life
Jennifer Takagi:events that have to happen to keep a household running. So are
Jennifer Takagi:you letting other people run the show. Are you letting other
Jennifer Takagi:people step on you or force you into things, or guilt trip you
Jennifer Takagi:into things, when what you really wanted to say was No, I
Jennifer Takagi:have started saying no to some of my baking. I'm a baker. I
Jennifer Takagi:started a baking business. I'm in the process of closing it
Jennifer Takagi:down now, but part of me in the course of this business, I found
Jennifer Takagi:that I was saying yes to things that were outside my wheelhouse,
Jennifer Takagi:because I wanted to be a people pleaser. I wanted to do what you
Jennifer Takagi:wanted, and I wanted to do it at a reasonable price. And what I
Jennifer Takagi:found was that I was often up half the night making
Jennifer Takagi:decorations for cakes and cookies. And then I learned from
Jennifer Takagi:a cookie decorator that when she has one or two cookies that take
Jennifer Takagi:a lot of time in order that she calls those her show pieces. And
Jennifer Takagi:so she'd have one or two of those show pieces, and then the
Jennifer Takagi:rest of the cookie platter, oops, bang, sorry. The rest of
Jennifer Takagi:the cookie platter would be more basic cookies. They might just
Jennifer Takagi:be circles or stars, maybe hearts, something she could do
Jennifer Takagi:very quickly and easily, versus something that took a lot of
Jennifer Takagi:time. And I found that I was not doing very good of a job at
Jennifer Takagi:setting those boundaries and saying no. I started getting a
Jennifer Takagi:little bit better, until I decided this is not for me. Me,
Jennifer Takagi:I can cook one pan of cookies at a time. I can bake two pies at a
Jennifer Takagi:time for a big order. It just takes too long. It takes too
Jennifer Takagi:long to get paid, you know, pennies for hours, not but not
Jennifer Takagi:to mention that, you know, you don't even hardly get reimbursed
Jennifer Takagi:for your supplies. So now I do it only for people I love and
Jennifer Takagi:want to do it for and I'm rarely paid, so hence shutting down the
Jennifer Takagi:business. If you're looking at boundaries, if you're looking at
Jennifer Takagi:your life, and I've talked in previous podcasts about setting
Jennifer Takagi:up the life of your dreams, like, what do you want that to
Jennifer Takagi:look like? Is there one area? One area. I'm not saying throw
Jennifer Takagi:your whole life out the window and recreate it from scratch.
Jennifer Takagi:You can do that. I'm not very good at that. I like to do one
Jennifer Takagi:little thing at a time. You know, I am the 12 minute success
Jennifer Takagi:coach. But what's one area where you can begin to explore what a
Jennifer Takagi:good, solid boundary could be. How could you put a boundary
Jennifer Takagi:into place? What would that boundary look like if you put
Jennifer Takagi:that boundary in life or in place in your life, the next
Jennifer Takagi:step is, what would your life look like if you no longer had
Jennifer Takagi:to do that. I baked cookies and cupcakes for my niece the other
Jennifer Takagi:day, and it was really fun, because she asked for him, and I
Jennifer Takagi:wanted to do it for but I found out later, it was for Make A
Jennifer Takagi:Wish Foundation, and she had volunteered to bring cupcakes
Jennifer Takagi:and cookies to the event where they were going to announce what
Jennifer Takagi:the young man's wish was going to be granted, what it was and
Jennifer Takagi:what it all entailed. And then I felt even better that I said yes
Jennifer Takagi:about it. It wasn't just for me. It was like for something even
Jennifer Takagi:bigger, which makes it more fun and more enjoyable. And boy,
Jennifer Takagi:when I handed her those cupcakes and cookies, I was like, Oh, I'm
Jennifer Takagi:super glad that I did that. I would have also felt great
Jennifer Takagi:saying no, if my week had been such that I didn't have time for
Jennifer Takagi:it and I couldn't really make it happen. So how are you going to
Jennifer Takagi:feel? What is your life going to look like right now? My life
Jennifer Takagi:looks great that I'm not baking all the time. I still love to
Jennifer Takagi:bake. I bake at least once a week. It still happens, but I
Jennifer Takagi:don't have that pressure. It's back to a joy thing. This is one
Jennifer Takagi:of those areas of hiring a coach, and they tell you what
Jennifer Takagi:can be and could be, and their vision for you, and it's not
Jennifer Takagi:really your vision for yourself. I was not very good at setting
Jennifer Takagi:those boundaries and saying no to those coaches to those areas.
Jennifer Takagi:So my hope for you in the next few days is that you explore one
Jennifer Takagi:possible area that might need a boundary, and then visualize
Jennifer Takagi:what that boundary could be. And then the final step would be,
Jennifer Takagi:what would your life look like if you set that boundary, it
Jennifer Takagi:becomes all about intention. What is your intention? What do
Jennifer Takagi:you want it to look like? How do you want your life to be? Are
Jennifer Takagi:you living on intention? Do you have a purpose and intention? I
Jennifer Takagi:talked to indigo sky recently. Her episode will be coming out
Jennifer Takagi:shortly, and we talked about living on living in on
Jennifer Takagi:intention, intentionally with intention, with purpose. And if
Jennifer Takagi:you set your intention for what you want, how you want it to be,
Jennifer Takagi:then you have a lot better chance of it coming to fruition.
Jennifer Takagi:And I told her that I always felt like I didn't really live
Jennifer Takagi:on intention. I went to college, and my main reason was I didn't
Jennifer Takagi:want a full time job. Little did I know, going to school, working
Jennifer Takagi:20 to 30 hours a week, making good grades, dating, partying
Jennifer Takagi:like a rock star from time to time, in some ways, was harder
Jennifer Takagi:than a full time permanent job, but I was committed and I was
Jennifer Takagi:going to do it, and I didn't really have a plan for after
Jennifer Takagi:college, but I did have an intention that I was going to
Jennifer Takagi:get a job, I was going to be hired, I was going to do well,
Jennifer Takagi:and I was going To be well paid, and it all came to fruition
Jennifer Takagi:because I set my intention. I got the skills in place. How can
Jennifer Takagi:you live more intentionally? What boundaries do you need to
Jennifer Takagi:set in place? What fence do you need to build
Jennifer Takagi:so that everybody. Happier. Most importantly, you you're happier.
Jennifer Takagi:I'm going to cut this one short, because I think I've covered all
Jennifer Takagi:the bases. I'm Jennifer Takagi with destin for success. I look
Jennifer Takagi:forward to connecting with you soon, and be sure to grab your
Jennifer Takagi:12 minute gift at 12 minute gift.com. You.