Episode 295

Michelle Ricketts 3 Keys to Going from a Hobby to a Business | DFS 295

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Hobbies are great and it can be a great idea to turn your hobby into a business.  How, you ask!  How do I do that!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Start with the foundation
  • Create a business that makes revenue without YOU
  • Build your brand and protect your intellectual property

Reach out to Michelle at:

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LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/michellemricketts/

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, 12 Minute Success Coach

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your

Jennifer Takagi:

host Jennifer Takagi and today is one of my favorite days. It's

Jennifer Takagi:

Potter Palooza Day where I get to meet amazing people and

Jennifer Takagi:

interview them and bring their stories of success to you. My

Jennifer Takagi:

guest now is Michelle Ricketts. She is a business consultant. 35

Jennifer Takagi:

years of corporate experience, and now she is helping

Jennifer Takagi:

entrepreneurs and business owners alike create the life of

Jennifer Takagi:

their dreams. Michelle, welcome to the show.

Michelle Ricketts:

Thank you, Jennifer. I'm so thrilled to be

Michelle Ricketts:

here with you on pod Palooza Day.

Jennifer Takagi:

I know it's so exciting. I have to do everyone.

Jennifer Takagi:

So tell us a little bit about you and how you became so

Jennifer Takagi:

passionate about what's going on in your world?

Michelle Ricketts:

Absolutely. Well I did is that you said I

Michelle Ricketts:

started in corporate I was in three major industry. So I

Michelle Ricketts:

started in media, then transportation and logistics and

Michelle Ricketts:

financial services on the credit card side of things. And then I

Michelle Ricketts:

also had an event business that I didn't event series for

Michelle Ricketts:

entrepreneurs because I wasn't event coordinator at the time as

Michelle Ricketts:

a hobby. And that series really showed me I know crazy, right?

Michelle Ricketts:

There's a reason I never did it is a reason I never did it full

Michelle Ricketts:

time, it's too much work. I appreciate all the event

Michelle Ricketts:

coordinators out there. But it really showed me that

Michelle Ricketts:

entrepreneurs had gaps between some of the things that I

Michelle Ricketts:

learned in corporate and the the even knowing that they had

Michelle Ricketts:

access to some of this information. So that's really

Michelle Ricketts:

what drove me to want to do something with entrepreneurs. So

Michelle Ricketts:

after being restructured in my career, for the third time, I

Michelle Ricketts:

decided that none of that I want to move into being an

Michelle Ricketts:

entrepreneur myself. And so that really is the thing that

Michelle Ricketts:

spearheaded me and has really enabled me to start to work with

Michelle Ricketts:

entrepreneurs and I'm loving it.

Jennifer Takagi:

That's so fun. I was in the federal government.

Jennifer Takagi:

And they came in one day and said you have a choice, she can

Jennifer Takagi:

retire, relocate. And I was like, I'm too young to retire.

Jennifer Takagi:

But I'll take the packaging go. And that's

Michelle Ricketts:

exactly excellent. I know when

Michelle Ricketts:

somebody's gonna pay you to do something else. I always say to

Michelle Ricketts:

people, yes, let them

Jennifer Takagi:

Malaka CPA, who is also a financial planner, and

Jennifer Takagi:

I was like, hey, this just came up and he goes, every client

Jennifer Takagi:

who's ever come to me who said they worked for the federal

Jennifer Takagi:

government or any corporation and they had any type of

Jennifer Takagi:

retirement. I said go like if they will let you you need to go

Jennifer Takagi:

just do anything else, because you like done your time. So now

Jennifer Takagi:

now that I left, and now that I'm starting my entrepreneurial

Jennifer Takagi:

journey, what do I need to know that? Like, would have been nice

Jennifer Takagi:

to have known back then?

Michelle Ricketts:

Absolutely. Well, there's some real key

Michelle Ricketts:

things. And when I'm working with business owners, that one

Michelle Ricketts:

of the things that I focus on is their foundational piece. So

Michelle Ricketts:

it's that that incubator piece of being able to set up their

Michelle Ricketts:

systems and their processes, so that they have something that

Michelle Ricketts:

they can then delegate to others. So they are not doing

Michelle Ricketts:

everything in their business. We hear about working on your

Michelle Ricketts:

business versus working in your business, yes, you want to work

Michelle Ricketts:

on it. So being able to focus on their business, one of the key

Michelle Ricketts:

things I look at is being able to schedule, I was amazed,

Michelle Ricketts:

Jennifer, I'm sure you use the calendar, right, and you are in

Michelle Ricketts:

the government and different parts of life. But entrepreneurs

Michelle Ricketts:

don't tend to do that. And they're scheduling and they've

Michelle Ricketts:

got it to do list and they've got the personal thing. And it's

Michelle Ricketts:

getting all of those together. My brother calls me the queen of

Michelle Ricketts:

calendar. And it really is about being able to focus on I say, my

Michelle Ricketts:

calendar is my life. I don't have to think about I don't keep

Michelle Ricketts:

it up here. I look at it, what do I need to do I look at it the

Michelle Ricketts:

night before I see how I have to set up my day, where do I have

Michelle Ricketts:

to be? What do I have to wear, etc. So being able to integrate

Michelle Ricketts:

your personal calendar, your to do list your tasks, all of those

Michelle Ricketts:

things into one place, and hopefully electronically, and

Michelle Ricketts:

not on paper because electronic is much easier. But even if it's

Michelle Ricketts:

on paper, you still want it in one place. Right? Jennifer? Can

Michelle Ricketts:

you relate?

Jennifer Takagi:

I can and I was looking at my calendar. I think

Jennifer Takagi:

Monday today's Wednesday, I was looking at Monday and I thought

Jennifer Takagi:

there there's an overlap that is never gonna work. And I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

getting your I have my knee replaced. I really hate to have

Jennifer Takagi:

to do that. But that's better than what I've been living with.

Jennifer Takagi:

And somebody scheduled a podcast interview. And I don't know that

Jennifer Takagi:

it's gonna be dead in time for me to get to my pre op

Jennifer Takagi:

appointment. So I had to break down and just do a reschedule

Jennifer Takagi:

and then send an email and say, hey, if what I rescheduled it to

Jennifer Takagi:

you doesn't work, but I have a gap in my calendar. And what's

Jennifer Takagi:

happening is I put something on my personal calendar, and it's

Jennifer Takagi:

not allowing any time before or after. So like everything lined

Jennifer Takagi:

up beautifully. If I got to the doctor on time, if I got out on

Jennifer Takagi:

time we're going to do all the things but guess

Michelle Ricketts:

what? Life happens.

Jennifer Takagi:

Does it totally does. So yeah, that's something

Jennifer Takagi:

I put a little star there. I still need to figure that out,

Jennifer Takagi:

like, what do I do and Patti? So that's great. And I'm gonna say

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm, I'm kind of a just do it, girl. And so I literally decided

Jennifer Takagi:

that I was going to start this business. But I was going to

Jennifer Takagi:

take a month off. And I did take a month off. And the very first

Jennifer Takagi:

day of the month of the following month, my phone rang

Jennifer Takagi:

and this woman said, Hey, Jennifer, I'm in Oklahoma City.

Jennifer Takagi:

We're in Fort Worth, and we're going to do a conference in a

Jennifer Takagi:

couple months. Can you come do all day training? Yes, I can.

Jennifer Takagi:

Okay, I thought that was the rest of my life like I would

Jennifer Takagi:

just keep bringing. It didn't know.

Michelle Ricketts:

Unfortunately, it doesn't. Yeah, it doesn't,

Michelle Ricketts:

then it's a matter of planning that. And that's I mean, you

Michelle Ricketts:

bring up a great point, planning, putting things in your

Michelle Ricketts:

calendar. So it's not just about your meetings and tasks. It's

Michelle Ricketts:

about the things you've got to do in your business looking at

Michelle Ricketts:

how am I generating leads? Am I networking? How am I getting

Michelle Ricketts:

myself out there so that others know about my business, because

Michelle Ricketts:

as you said, the business doesn't just come to you, right,

Michelle Ricketts:

you've got to make sure you do the work around it. And you've

Michelle Ricketts:

got to have the time to do the work around. And I call it time

Michelle Ricketts:

blocking Jennifer, where people actually put what they need in

Michelle Ricketts:

their calendar. And that way, they have the time to do

Michelle Ricketts:

whatever it is in the calendar and block and you only have so

Michelle Ricketts:

many hours in the day. So when you look at that time, and you

Michelle Ricketts:

guys, you said things can't overlap, you got to have

Michelle Ricketts:

different things done at different times. So having that

Michelle Ricketts:

blocking of time and tasks and lead generation and sales. And

Michelle Ricketts:

all of that is definitely something that you need to be

Michelle Ricketts:

able to do in your business.

Jennifer Takagi:

That and for your life because we aren't

Jennifer Takagi:

entrepreneurs, and just so that we can work 80 hours a week,

Jennifer Takagi:

right? We got freedom. So I don't have children. But I've

Jennifer Takagi:

got a lot of nieces and nephews and I'm called upon. Can you go

Jennifer Takagi:

pick this one up? This one car's broken? Can you help out? Yes.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I tried to say yes, as much as I can. But it's that family

Jennifer Takagi:

time. My husband's like, well, what time are you going to be

Jennifer Takagi:

off the video? Well, yeah, later, babe, like later. And so

Jennifer Takagi:

again, you have to book that into like, Absolutely. All the

Jennifer Takagi:

other aspects of your life as well.

Michelle Ricketts:

I say I love that. Jennifer, you're so right.

Michelle Ricketts:

I say work life integration. People talk about balance,

Michelle Ricketts:

you're not gonna ever have balance? No, it's integrating

Michelle Ricketts:

the two. So they work together and you hit the nail on the

Michelle Ricketts:

head. It's putting the personal things in the calendar, as a

Michelle Ricketts:

person and relationship whatever relationship it is, date night,

Michelle Ricketts:

put it on the calendar time with kids picking up kids running

Michelle Ricketts:

errands. I even put my grocery when I'm going grocery shopping

Michelle Ricketts:

on the calendar, because you don't do it if you don't have

Michelle Ricketts:

time for it. Work Life integration. Absolutely.

Jennifer Takagi:

I had somebody staying with me and I had to

Jennifer Takagi:

bake my best friend's granddaughter's birthday cake

Jennifer Takagi:

and bake also, now mostly just from coming to your house. Yeah,

Jennifer Takagi:

people I love. And I woke up early. And the night before I

Jennifer Takagi:

had gotten on the app, and I had ordered all the things I needed

Jennifer Takagi:

to bake this cake. And, like guess that was staying with me

Jennifer Takagi:

was like, Wait, where did those groceries come from? And I was

Jennifer Takagi:

like, I ordered them last night because Oh, wow, I thought you

Jennifer Takagi:

got up really early. It was like, No, I ordered them last

Jennifer Takagi:

night, because that's how I'm gonna save time. I don't have to

Jennifer Takagi:

go. I know the ingredients I need. And so I ordered them.

Jennifer Takagi:

That's awesome. So that foundational piece critical.

Jennifer Takagi:

Even all these years later, I can have a little more work on

Jennifer Takagi:

that. So what else? What's the next PM? Foundation? Let's

Jennifer Takagi:


Michelle Ricketts:

Yeah, so the foundation is there. So one of

Michelle Ricketts:

the other things then you want to be able to do is have your

Michelle Ricketts:

what how are you going to make revenue you have you whether

Michelle Ricketts:

it's your product or your service, whatever that is. But

Michelle Ricketts:

you also want to be able to make revenue that doesn't involve

Michelle Ricketts:

you. And that's having a recurring revenue. So sometimes

Michelle Ricketts:

it's going to be a subscription, or it's going to be a package of

Michelle Ricketts:

something, but you want to look at what can I put together. And

Michelle Ricketts:

an example I was just talking to someone about as a personal

Michelle Ricketts:

trainer, they have, whether in person, they're doing a lot, but

Michelle Ricketts:

they have downtime in the middle of the day. And if you can set

Michelle Ricketts:

up with another time zone, that you can do something online as a

Michelle Ricketts:

personal trainer, you're now making revenue in a timeframe

Michelle Ricketts:

you weren't before and with clients in a place that you're

Michelle Ricketts:

not there. Now that still requires them. But if they then

Michelle Ricketts:

take that and make it into a program that they can offer, or

Michelle Ricketts:

they do something offline, that's showing exercises and

Michelle Ricketts:

develop a program that something that they can now offer to

Michelle Ricketts:

clients that doesn't require them in person. Business owner

Michelle Ricketts:

can do the same thing and it's just a matter of looking at I

Michelle Ricketts:

love your baking analogy. So Baker, you could actually share

Michelle Ricketts:

your recipes and have that as a subscription. So it's something

Michelle Ricketts:

that doesn't require them. And then now you've got a recurring

Michelle Ricketts:

revenue stream. So you may want to pull that baking out and use

Michelle Ricketts:

it for something else. Yeah.

Jennifer Takagi:

I tell you, I'm 80% done with a boozy cookbook,

Jennifer Takagi:

and every recipe is gonna have some kind of, you know, Bailey's

Jennifer Takagi:

or kulula something fun. I

Michelle Ricketts:

love it. I love it. I love it. That's

Michelle Ricketts:

amazing. Yes, and it's just it's something else. And yet, it's

Michelle Ricketts:

something fun, which is the other thing too, if you can get

Michelle Ricketts:

fun into that equation, that's even better. So you've got that

Michelle Ricketts:

foundation, now you've got something that's going to

Michelle Ricketts:

generate you recurring revenue, that to be able to market all of

Michelle Ricketts:

that you need to have a brand. So part of that is developing

Michelle Ricketts:

your intellectual property. So it's having something that's

Michelle Ricketts:

just you. And in some cases, it may be about trademarking and

Michelle Ricketts:

all that. But you don't have to start with that. You start with

Michelle Ricketts:

what is you know, and yes, a logo and a website and all that,

Michelle Ricketts:

that's great, but that's not a brand. Those are just the stuff

Michelle Ricketts:

that come along with it. You often are your own brand, and

Michelle Ricketts:

how do you market yourself? How do you market your business, as

Michelle Ricketts:

well as having talking points that you can come on a podcast

Michelle Ricketts:

with someone like you, Jennifer, and know how to articulate what

Michelle Ricketts:

your business is in a way that others can understand it? So

Michelle Ricketts:

having those talking points, having your call to action? All

Michelle Ricketts:

of those things you're familiar with Jennifer right?

Jennifer Takagi:

Yes, and I just want to throw out there you

Jennifer Takagi:

mentioned you know, you need a website, but like the other

Jennifer Takagi:

stuff is more important. We are on potty Palooza and those of

Jennifer Takagi:

you who are listening and you don't know potty Palooza, you

Jennifer Takagi:

need to know potty palooza. And it is the brainchild of Michelle

Jennifer Takagi:

Abraham and Kimberly Crowe. Michelle, has she started a

Jennifer Takagi:

podcast business a long before she had her own podcast, and now

Jennifer Takagi:

she has it all.

Michelle Ricketts:

She's the queen of podcasting.

Jennifer Takagi:

I don't believe she has a website.

Michelle Ricketts:

Yeah, that's a good point.

Jennifer Takagi:

She didn't have a six figure business.

Michelle Ricketts:

There's a podcaster. Pastor and

Jennifer Takagi:

and doing all the backend a podcast and she

Jennifer Takagi:

does not have a website. So when the people tell you, you have to

Jennifer Takagi:

have a website to have a business. I'm just gonna say

Jennifer Takagi:

maybe not like I've invested 1000s and 1000s. I've been

Jennifer Takagi:

screwed every which way to Sunday on? Oh, yeah, we'll fix

Jennifer Takagi:

that. They didn't fix it. Oh, yeah, paste this will integrate

Jennifer Takagi:

that they didn't integrate it. Oh, I'll make you a sales cart.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh, but wait, I'm not going to connect it to anything. Yes,

Jennifer Takagi:

I've seen it all. I've done it all. And yes, I'm a martyr about

Jennifer Takagi:

it at this point. Now my stuff works. And I'm very, very happy.

Jennifer Takagi:

But it can take a long time. So just so you know, website

Jennifer Takagi:

doesn't necessarily have to be the first thing on your list. I

Jennifer Takagi:

love that. Story, and I love it. Yeah,

Michelle Ricketts:

I'll add to that, too, as you say that. Did

Michelle Ricketts:

you know just a fun fact? Michelle Abraham was previously

Michelle Ricketts:

Michelle Ricketts. Yes, I did. Live in the same city. So it was

Michelle Ricketts:

confusing. Yeah,

Michelle Ricketts:

yes. Yeah. But anyway, what I was

Michelle Ricketts:

gonna say what I was gonna say about this, they were saying

Michelle Ricketts:

about not having a website. So yes, you and I are back when

Michelle Ricketts:

websites were the thing to have. And I paid lots of money for the

Michelle Ricketts:

first one I had. And it wasn't what I have one. Now, because I

Michelle Ricketts:

still have the domain. However, people can have a landing page.

Michelle Ricketts:

And one of the things that my brother's team does digital

Michelle Ricketts:

Samurai, they actually help businesses with all the IP stuff

Michelle Ricketts:

I was just talking about. So but we use landing pages and Google

Michelle Ricketts:

Sites. And so you don't have to spend 1000s and 1000s of

Michelle Ricketts:

dollars. And when you have a landing page, you can actually

Michelle Ricketts:

actually gear that towards whatever it is you're promoting.

Michelle Ricketts:

So is it part of palooza? Or is it your boozy baking book or

Michelle Ricketts:

something else? So you can you can change them very easily. And

Michelle Ricketts:

so that's one of the things we work with clients on, but also

Michelle Ricketts:

having those other call to action, talking points, their

Michelle Ricketts:

branding, all of that we work with them on that as well. Gosh,

Jennifer Takagi:

that's often awesome. So we've got our

Jennifer Takagi:

foundation, we've got our how to make revenue. Is that branding

Jennifer Takagi:

piece that third or is that part of the revenue? Do you have a

Jennifer Takagi:

third point? Yeah,

Michelle Ricketts:

that the branding is kind of the third

Michelle Ricketts:

point. But yeah, that intellectual property and being

Michelle Ricketts:

able to develop that as part of that and sometimes you get to a

Michelle Ricketts:

point where that is then now you want to do trademarks and all of

Michelle Ricketts:

that. But first you got to develop and see what that is.

Michelle Ricketts:

And what's going to be able to tie into that making money while

Michelle Ricketts:

you speak or while I'm sorry while you sleep.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love that and I'm just going to throw out

Jennifer Takagi:

there from my own personal experience because you know,

Jennifer Takagi:

it's my podcast is all about me. Not really, sorta my business

Jennifer Takagi:

has changed so many times. I'm coming up on 10 years as an

Jennifer Takagi:

entrepreneur, sometimes full time sometimes like vacations a

Jennifer Takagi:

little bit. much, not always fully focused, which happens,

Jennifer Takagi:

right? That's easy to do. Yeah. But I started out doing

Jennifer Takagi:

leadership development training. And I still do. That is still

Jennifer Takagi:

something I do. I love to do it. I love it when the great state

Jennifer Takagi:

of Oklahoma calls and says, Will you do a two day training on

Jennifer Takagi:

transitioning into a management role? Yes. Sign me up. I'm happy

Jennifer Takagi:

to do it. Right. But then I got into energy work and energy

Jennifer Takagi:

healing. And it was like, Wow, I love healing people. I love

Jennifer Takagi:

changing their life. I, I was at an event and at lunch, somebody

Jennifer Takagi:

goes, Can you fix her back? And I was like, Yeah, probably. And

Jennifer Takagi:

I did. It's not me. It's the work, right? It's not me. It's

Jennifer Takagi:

the work. Yeah. So I love that. But then it kind of came full

Jennifer Takagi:

circle. And now I'm the 12 Minute Success Coach based on a

Jennifer Takagi:

book I wrote, and you know, coming up with this on my own, I

Jennifer Takagi:

need to trademarked out. I'm just saying, yes, yes, I totally

Jennifer Takagi:

need you. But I can help you break your goals into small

Jennifer Takagi:

increments. And that's a 12 minute success. But the energy

Jennifer Takagi:

healing I do is quick and easy. It's not years and years. It's

Jennifer Takagi:

quick, it's easy. So I say all that to encourage people to go

Jennifer Takagi:

ahead and do it because it's going to evolve. Michelle told

Jennifer Takagi:

us this morning on her keynote talk, how she waited too long

Jennifer Takagi:

have a podcast because she didn't know what she wanted to

Jennifer Takagi:

talk about forever. It doesn't have to be forever, it can

Jennifer Takagi:

evolve, it can grow. I'm not the same person. I was in

Jennifer Takagi:

kindergarten, because I can time now.

Michelle Ricketts:

Absolutely. And I love that. I love that

Michelle Ricketts:

because that's one of the things that sets me apart from or

Michelle Ricketts:

differentiates me from other business consultants or coaches

Michelle Ricketts:

is because the wellness piece wellness practitioners, yes,

Michelle Ricketts:

yes, yes, absolutely. All day long. It's the one thing that

Michelle Ricketts:

has helped me through my entire life. I do a keynote as the

Michelle Ricketts:

tenacious speaker, and it's about being able to get through

Michelle Ricketts:

stuff. And part of that is my health and wellness background

Michelle Ricketts:

that has always supported me. And yeah, so I absolutely love

Michelle Ricketts:

that because people a lot of times and business owners ignore

Michelle Ricketts:

what their body is trying to tell them, their body talks to

Michelle Ricketts:

them, it tells us what we need to do, it tells us what we don't

Michelle Ricketts:

need to do. And we need to listen. And sometimes you need a

Michelle Ricketts:

practitioner, like yourself, to be able to help to get through

Michelle Ricketts:

that. So I applaud and support all practitioners, alternative

Michelle Ricketts:

practitioners as well. Because, yes, medicine is one thing, and

Michelle Ricketts:

there's some things it'll identify, but a lot of times,

Michelle Ricketts:

it's not the pills and the remedies, and all of that they

Michelle Ricketts:

give you in regular medicine is some holistic approach.

Jennifer Takagi:

Yeah, I'm a big both and kind of girl, like,

Jennifer Takagi:

everything has its place. And I'm getting ready to have my

Jennifer Takagi:

knee replaced. And I really hate that I have to do that. But I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

not willing to wait another three or four years because the

Jennifer Takagi:

last six months have been horrible. So I'm all about

Jennifer Takagi:

those. Well, I feel faster because the work I do.

Jennifer Takagi:

Absolutely. Yeah,

Michelle Ricketts:

you know, absolutely, absolutely. So

Michelle Ricketts:

Michelle luck with that. Good luck with that.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm gonna bounce back so fast, they're not

Jennifer Takagi:

gonna do well. So tell me, how are we gonna get ahold of you

Jennifer Takagi:

have anybody in the audience? If you want to work with Michelle

Jennifer Takagi:

or find out more about her and how she shows up in the world?

Jennifer Takagi:

How are we gonna find you?

Michelle Ricketts:

Absolutely. Well, for your listeners, I'm on

Michelle Ricketts:

all the social media platforms. So Michelle Ricketts, or

Michelle Ricketts:

cohesion services and you recognize my picture. From here,

Michelle Ricketts:

I do look like this. And everything. And that's the

Michelle Ricketts:

that's the best place. LinkedIn is always probably the best one

Michelle Ricketts:

to get to me that you can go there but I am all on social

Michelle Ricketts:

media platforms or cohesion. services.com is my website as

Michelle Ricketts:

well. Yes, I do actually have the domain first. It's 2014.

Jennifer Takagi:

We have to have these days. I've got a lot of

Jennifer Takagi:

domains. Now I need to go through and see which ones I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

actually going to use and which ones I can drop. Michelle has

Jennifer Takagi:

been awesome. I love that. Get your foundation. Figure out how

Jennifer Takagi:

you're gonna make revenue and build that brand and make sure

Jennifer Takagi:

that it's fun. I have loved our time together today.

Michelle Ricketts:

Thank you as well and that thanks for having

Michelle Ricketts:

me as a guest. It's been wonderful.

Jennifer Takagi:

I look forward to seeing you again. I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

Jennifer Takagi with destined for success and I look forward

Jennifer Takagi:

to connecting with you soon.

About the Podcast

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Destined For Success
Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.