Episode 258
How to get your kids out of school with Kristina and Herb Heagh | DFS 258
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. Kristina and Herbert have been together for an incredible 32 years. From the moment they met in college, their love was undeniable. Kristina followed her passion into teaching while Herbert followed his into business and entrepreneurship. Drawing from their knowledge and expertise in diverse fields, they have combined their life experience to create Vibrant Family Education and the Bringing Education Home podcast.
In this episode you will learn:
- Story of how a dream comes to fruition
- Bootcamp to guide you from thinking about it to doing it
- Dig deep to get to your WHY!
Learn more and keep in touch with Kristina and Herb:
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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/
Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting
Wishing you the best,
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com
Welcome to the destined for success podcast.
Jennifer Takagi:I'm your host Jennifer Takagi and this podcast used to be
Jennifer Takagi:called new manager media manage right from the start. Many of
Jennifer Takagi:the concepts are the same, that there's a little shift. There's
Jennifer Takagi:a shift because I know we are all destined for success. And I
Jennifer Takagi:want to help you find the fastest, smoothest way to reach
Jennifer Takagi:your highest best as quickly as possible. Join me in today's
Jennifer Takagi:episode, where you're going to come up with new ways to build
Jennifer Takagi:your skills and influence others to make the impact you desire to
Jennifer Takagi:make. I look forward to connecting with you soon.
Jennifer Takagi:Welcome to destined for success. I'm your host Jennifer Takagi
Jennifer Takagi:and is PATA Palooza, de, I was so excited to get to interact
Jennifer Takagi:with and meet new people from different areas that I may not
Jennifer Takagi:have connected with otherwise. And in this episode, we get to
Jennifer Takagi:meet Christina, and herb, and we're going to talk about how to
Jennifer Takagi:get your children out of school. My mother just wanted to get me
Jennifer Takagi:to school, so I can't wait to hear more. Welcome Christina and
Jennifer Takagi:herb.
Kristina:Thank you so very much. That was a lovely
Kristina:introduction. And we are so glad you asked us to be on your show.
Kristina:Thank you so much. This is awesome. We are glad to be here.
Herb:Yeah, thank you for inviting us. It's a pleasure to
Herb:be here.
Jennifer Takagi:Awesome. So why don't you tell me a little bit
Jennifer Takagi:about yourself and how you got to this point of how to get your
Jennifer Takagi:kids out of school that come about,
Kristina:I would love to Well, I am a teacher and I was a
Kristina:teacher for 27 years 25 of those years I was in the classroom,
Kristina:where we are now telling you to get your kids out of that
Kristina:classroom right? After the 25 years, I was two years
Kristina:developing the K through two online program for our school
Kristina:district. So I was actually an online teacher for two years, it
Kristina:happened to coincide with COVID. But it wasn't because of COVID
Kristina:that I did that program. This was the school for our medically
Kristina:challenged our behavior kids or those kids who are in like
Kristina:sports, you need a super flexible schedule to bounce all
Kristina:over the country. After I did that, and after everything that
Kristina:happened in 2020, I found a silver lining. I was like you
Kristina:know what I can take this model, reach out to parents who want a
Kristina:different kind of education for their child, support them along
Kristina:the way and help make education better for a lot of our
Kristina:families. That's where I stepped away from them school district.
Herb:that's her in the box. story. Yeah, and my out of the
Herb:box story is I'm a different kind of guy. I'm kind of weird.
Herb:And I after college, I went to work in a cubicle farm. But I
Herb:also got into entrepreneurship. I started building businesses, I
Herb:saw kind of what was coming through our world what's
Herb:happening right now a long time ago. And so I wanted to set up
Herb:my business to be able to capitalize on what's about to
Herb:happen, what's happening now, but also to build a school
Herb:system because the kids were being left out. Our our elderly
Herb:people are being left out and our military veterans are being
Herb:left out. So I had this vision that came to me one morning, I
Herb:woke up in my driveway sounds really weird. And I had this
Herb:vision of the school system, where it's like, old people do
Herb:better when they're with young people, veterans do better when
Herb:they're under care. So you can bring them all together and do a
Herb:school system. And in the process of that while I was
Herb:building that, I had an accident and I hurt my head, have
Herb:traumatic traumatic brain injury, I actually have quite a
Herb:lot of brain damage. And it took a lot of my entrepreneur
Herb:abilities away. And in the process of recovering, we
Herb:actually came across and through what was happening now we God
Herb:gave me back the school in a moment. He's like he because I
Herb:felt he'd taken away and I got really angry with God. But then
Herb:I was in somehow in a business meeting I wasn't supposed to be
Herb:at. And I was told tell them about your school. I was like
Herb:you took it away from me. And it's like I did, it's not yours
Herb:anymore. It's going to belong to your parents now. So through in
Herb:that meeting in that moment it came it went from being my
Herb:school and this brick and mortar thing that I was doing to this
Herb:education model where the parents get to raise their
Herb:children the parents are in charge of the the things that
Herb:they teach passing on their family heritage and their
Herb:traditions. And so we came up with it. So with her
Kristina:vibrant Family Education where we help parents
Kristina:take control of their child's education and really make what's
Kristina:better for them and their families.
Herb:She built, she built a PAP this school in the art, I should
Herb:say that. But that's the experience to run the school.
Herb:And I got connected to other forces that gave me the vision
Herb:and help lay the foundation so that she could just really take
Herb:it and run with it.
Jennifer Takagi:I love that. And Herb, I want to say this
Jennifer Takagi:whole idea of your vision, I recently have been told in
Jennifer Takagi:various conversations, how we have that inter intuition, that
Jennifer Takagi:vision that idea comes. And if we don't run with it, it'll move
Jennifer Takagi:to somebody else. And I love the fact it didn't really move to
Jennifer Takagi:somebody else. But it morphed into something even bigger and
Jennifer Takagi:better than what the original vision was. But you may not have
Jennifer Takagi:been able to hear the message. Had you not had the first
Jennifer Takagi:vision, right? Like, you wouldn't have been open to it.
Jennifer Takagi:It would been like, oh, that's stupid. But since you already
Jennifer Takagi:had the first was like, Oh, wait, even better. But wait,
Jennifer Takagi:there's
Kristina:more. There's more. Yeah, exactly.
Herb:Kind of law of attraction is you start moving towards
Herb:something, that thing starts moving towards you, as well. So
Jennifer Takagi:and it all comes together the whole world
Jennifer Takagi:of Whoo, how amazing,
Herb:right? Like you the universe is happening to you, or
Herb:it's happening for you. And once you get to that realization that
Herb:it's happening for you, then then it really does start
Herb:happening for you.
Jennifer Takagi:Oh, my gosh, I so believe that. So with your
Jennifer Takagi:vibrant family education, is that like a program is that a
Jennifer Takagi:core a book or what? Tell me a little bit more about how that
Jennifer Takagi:plays in and impacts families and lives. Vibrant
Kristina:family education is a coaching program at the
Kristina:beginning, but then the families can continue with us through the
Kristina:school year, if they choose to. So currently, we have a four
Kristina:week boot camp get started program, where parents who are
Kristina:really looking at their education role models and their
Kristina:ideas and deciding what they want to do for and with their
Kristina:children. Maybe their child is being bullied, maybe they're
Kristina:being left behind in the classroom, maybe the school that
Kristina:they're at really isn't a good fit, and they want something
Kristina:different. I walk the parents and the families through four
Kristina:weeks of planning routines, learning styles, all the
Kristina:different things that help them know for sure that it is going
Kristina:to be a good fit to bring their child's education home. And then
Kristina:after they decide, we get them all set up. And then as they
Kristina:want to, if they want to branch off on their own at that point
Kristina:and just run with it, that's cool. If they want to stay with
Kristina:me, we have a hybrid online homeschool kind of model. So the
Kristina:parents are doing what's considered homeschool in the
Kristina:state, but they have me and the online curriculum as a teacher,
Kristina:supporting them, teaching them helping them with the academics.
Kristina:And then along with that is coaching for the rest of the
Kristina:year. So the parents and the families are never alone.
Herb:So the core we have in the online curriculum, we have the
Herb:reading the writing the arithmetic, which are typically
Herb:the things that scare the parents most to teach. So we can
Herb:cover that. But there's also other modules that you can put
Herb:into it. But with our coaching, it's like we coach about how to
Herb:get your kids socially acclimated. So by taking them to
Herb:music by taking them to sports by taking them to civic
Herb:activities by taking them to museums, if you're an
Herb:entrepreneur by taking them to your work with you or, or by
Herb:taking them to your week long seminars and your other learning
Herb:programs, so that your kids can see what you're doing. And so we
Herb:we coached the family how to come back together and to use
Herb:education as as a tool to build a family. So it's not just the
Herb:school and we do your kids, it's like we can help with the
Herb:schooling. But our main function is the coaching that brings all
Herb:of it together.
Jennifer Takagi:I love that. And the first time I ever heard
Jennifer Takagi:of homeschooling, I will be dating myself. I think it was
Jennifer Takagi:probably in 1996 97. And I met this woman and she was like,
Jennifer Takagi:Yeah, my daughter wasn't doing well. And I met somebody who
Jennifer Takagi:said I homeschool my children and she was like, Oh, I can't do
Jennifer Takagi:that. And lo and behold I did. And at that point, her daughter
Jennifer Takagi:was in college and doing great, like once she got out of high
Jennifer Takagi:school. And it's become much more commonplace now. And I know
Jennifer Takagi:of somebody else who pardon me. Brought her daughter home to
Jennifer Takagi:homeschool. And she was an entrepreneur and had a business
Jennifer Takagi:and I was trying to get ahold of her and I was like, Hey, can we
Jennifer Takagi:talk about this because I'm thinking she's at home doing her
Jennifer Takagi:entrepreneurial stuff, right? Like she should be, she should
Jennifer Takagi:be completely accessible to me whenever I have a thought, no,
Jennifer Takagi:no. She was like, Oh, I'm so sorry. We're at a volleyball
Jennifer Takagi:tournament. And I was like, what? So like, there are whole
Jennifer Takagi:sporting events, there are whole out all the other things around
Jennifer Takagi:homeschooling where my vision and okay, there's probably one
Jennifer Takagi:person listening to this, who believes it to my vision was mom
Jennifer Takagi:sitting at home with you at the kitchen table, beating your head
Jennifer Takagi:against the wall for you know, eight hours a day, because we
Jennifer Takagi:were gonna make school like a workday, right? So I love that.
Jennifer Takagi:It's like, I've evolved. And I know more than I did, then. But
Jennifer Takagi:it's interesting that you're bringing the education and the
Jennifer Takagi:family all together.
Herb:The biggest regret we hear from people who are
Herb:homeschooling is that they didn't do it sooner. You know,
Herb:there might be problems, there might, you know, there might be
Herb:stresses, especially if you don't have any help if you're
Herb:trying to figure it out all on your own. But even if you do
Herb:figure it out all in a row. And once you get it figured out,
Herb:it's like it's life changing. And and thing that people say is
Herb:like, I wish I'd done it sooner. I
Jennifer Takagi:wish I'd done it sooner. So how like, what is
Jennifer Takagi:the first step? In this process? It sounds kind of magical to me,
Jennifer Takagi:but what's your first step? What do people need to have an idea
Jennifer Takagi:about? Or do? Well, one of the
Kristina:very first things you have to think about is your why?
Kristina:And you hear that from so many different coaches? What is your
Kristina:why why do you want to bring your children home? Like I said,
Kristina:Is it because of that behavior issue? Is it because they're
Kristina:having learning difficulties? Is it because you know, they're
Kristina:being bullied at school,
Herb:because all the BS, political propaganda that's
Herb:being pushed down people's throats?
Kristina:No pants on what your, your your issue is? Right there.
Kristina:Anyway, but you know, once you really latch on to that and
Kristina:know, then the next part is to really think about what will it
Kristina:take? And what does it look like? And that involves
Kristina:scheduling routines, knowing how flexible or inflexible knowing
Kristina:what kind of curriculum and programs are out there. And that
Kristina:has a lot to take in, which is one of the reasons why vibrant
Kristina:and family exists is to help walk parents through that
Kristina:because, you know, we've talked to parents is like, well, I
Kristina:can't do that, because I can't figure it all out. Well, what if
Kristina:someone was there to support you and hold your hand and help you
Kristina:through it? Right? Would you then maybe make that step for
Kristina:your children to make it the best that it can be for you and
Kristina:your family? You
Herb:know, one of the one of the biggest concerns or things
Herb:that keeps parents from actually talking to us? Is them thinking,
Herb:Well, I wasn't good in school, I'm not smart. I can't do it. So
Herb:here, here's the thought, if you weren't good in school, and you
Herb:don't think you're smart, then you know for sure that the
Herb:school system let you down. Okay, and your children are a
Herb:product of you. They don't fall far from the tree they talk kind
Herb:of like you do they are kind of like you do not not completely
Herb:you but you know, that's that's how they learn by focusing and
Herb:watching. And so if you didn't do well in school, why do you
Herb:think your children will now if you're, if you're just they
Herb:might they have the possibility, but if you're assisting, you
Herb:know, if you have a teacher that's helping you in school or
Herb:helping you school, then you're more in control, you get to
Herb:start directing the learning, and being there for your child.
Herb:And so if they start getting left behind, you're actually
Herb:more involved with the coaching with the life. And so you want
Herb:your children won't be left behind, like you might have
Jennifer Takagi:like it might have happened, like you hear all
Jennifer Takagi:the time of people graduating, and they can't read it, you
Jennifer Takagi:know, first or second grade level. I don't really know how
Jennifer Takagi:that happens, because that was not the school and I had.
Kristina:Fortunately, being a teacher, I know how that happens
Kristina:now, and the newest statistic that just came out is that 65%
Kristina:of our fourth graders, so they're 910 Oh, ish year old,
Kristina:right? Cannot read at a proficient reading level. So we
Kristina:have 65% of those kids who can't read, if you they can't read,
Kristina:they can't access they're learning. They can't learn learn
Kristina:more because they can't get the information from the books and
Kristina:things right. So yeah, it's an epidemic and some ways and the
Kristina:reason why is unfortunately our system is broken. There are
Kristina:teachers who are absolutely awesome teacher I am not bashing
Kristina:bashing teachers at all. I was a teacher, right and I love my
Kristina:teaching friends. But we're in a system now and not all schools
Kristina:are the same, right? Not every school is horrible. You know,
Kristina:that kind of stuff. But think about and look at your school
Kristina:where you are. And we are required to be on page two of
Kristina:chapter three. In Week 10, of the school system, and that just
Kristina:keeps moving on, our children aren't required to learn to
Kristina:mastery before they move on. So then they have a hole. And
Kristina:that's how come a lot of our kids are where they are, right?
Kristina:They're not quite getting where they need to be. So if
Herb:they missed that week of reading, if they miss that
Herb:foundational part of math, then it just keeps getting farther
Herb:and farther behind, it keeps getting harder and harder. And
Herb:these kids aren't taught how to catch up, they're giving the
Herb:resources to get caught up. So once they fall too far behind,
Herb:then they're just left behind, and they're pushed through the
Herb:system through the school. And that's how we get eighth
Herb:graders, fourth graders who can't read at a kindergarten
Herb:level, because they fell behind so early that they were just
Herb:pushed through and never given the opportunity. And that's what
Herb:we're trying to correct. Our school is so individualized. And
Herb:because the parents are involved in so much, and it's like,
Herb:they're there, they understand, they get to watch. And they also
Herb:get to learn. So if they miss the reading, as they're teaching
Herb:their children, they get to pick up these little things that they
Herb:might have missed and help start improving their life as well.
Herb:Not necessarily intentionally, but again, as a little
Jennifer Takagi:Well, I was very fortunate because I was in
Jennifer Takagi:good schools. And I caught on and I did the things. But I can
Jennifer Takagi:completely relate to my senior year of high school. And I don't
Jennifer Takagi:really know how this happened. I just signed up for the next
Jennifer Takagi:class, the next class. And next class, I didn't even know there
Jennifer Takagi:were like, Oh, you only have to have one math credit or two,
Jennifer Takagi:whatever. So I'm a senior, and I'm in trig algebra three. Math
Jennifer Takagi:was never my forte ever. As a matter of fact, I got a college
Jennifer Takagi:degree with honors without a math class, because I made that
Jennifer Takagi:happen. Right? That I, it was so hard that that was so hard for
Jennifer Takagi:me. I would go in every morning, and I stayed every afternoon to
Jennifer Takagi:get help from the teacher because it was just so over my
Jennifer Takagi:head. And we'd have a test. And I always passed the test, but I
Jennifer Takagi:never made an A. And I'm confident the reason was, I
Jennifer Takagi:barely got hold of it and took the test. And we moved to the
Jennifer Takagi:next thing. So like from that aspect, I can totally see how
Jennifer Takagi:that would happen. And the good thing was like, I literally
Jennifer Takagi:never took another math class, like once I got out of that.
Jennifer Takagi:Iran,
Kristina:you were fortunate because you took enough higher
Kristina:math in high school that the college didn't require you
Kristina:basically test it out, or your transcript tested you out of
Kristina:your math courses.
Jennifer Takagi:Oh, no, I have a degree in French and Spanish
Jennifer Takagi:with a minor in English. Math was not a requirement. I have
Jennifer Takagi:those languages down. It was the math part. That was hard. But I
Jennifer Takagi:figured if you go all the way through trig algebra, three,
Jennifer Takagi:unless you're going into a profession that uses math all
Jennifer Takagi:the time, you don't really need any more than like that. That's
Jennifer Takagi:like an overachiever. Totally. Exactly. Well, I love this. So
Jennifer Takagi:how can people get ahold of you? Like, how can they learn more?
Jennifer Takagi:And find out? Oh, my God, my sister does walked in and scared
Jennifer Takagi:me to death. Oh, my gosh, come say hello, these are these are
Jennifer Takagi:educators dropped down, they can't see you. There you go.
Jennifer Takagi:Here's my principal. We're finishing up. That's gonna be so
Jennifer Takagi:fun on the podcast, right? How is it that people will get ahold
Jennifer Takagi:of you? And be able to learn more and find out about and now
Jennifer Takagi:I just lost my train of thought at the vibrant family education.
Kristina:Awesome. Thank you for asking. Yes, you can find us at
Kristina:www dot vibrant family education.com. And that is our
Kristina:website. And there at the bottom of that you can click on a
Kristina:parent teacher conference. And I promise when you come to this
Kristina:parent teacher conference that it will not be the mean teacher
Kristina:sitting there telling you that your child is being bratty or
Kristina:missing out on all the school it will be this kind teacher who
Kristina:says I want to help you give me some idea of your education was
Kristina:What's it What are you kind of struggling with? And how can I
Kristina:help you? Yeah, we
Herb:can help figure out where your children are at and where
Herb:they need to go and how they get caught up. And, and we can help
Herb:you with all aspects of that. And the
Kristina:other thing is follow me on Facebook. Christina. Hey,
Kristina:right. I am a real person. I will answer the DMS and all of
Kristina:my links are in my bio there as well.
Jennifer Takagi:And you have a podcast bringing education home.
Jennifer Takagi:Yes, we do. on all the platforms,
Kristina:yes. On all of the platforms.
Herb:It's all about education. And we talk to lots of experts
Herb:to help build in a wide variety so so communication experts with
Herb:teenagers with tweens Um, clutter experts, scheduling
Herb:experts, psychology experts. So whatever, whatever we think
Herb:might help our nutrition, whatever helps our families
Herb:bring the family together, strengthen the family, what's
Herb:best for the children, we bring all of those in. Because as they
Herb:get a love of learning, I'm just getting that right. Right better
Herb:I usually say learning of love, a love of learning, then then
Herb:these aspects of health and self development are always like
Herb:choice high value, things that even kids like to learn how can
Herb:I be a better person? So, so then enter into it. And
Herb:sometimes they don't even necessarily need to go to
Herb:college because they've grown so much, that they're doing what
Herb:they love, before they need to even make those kinds of
Herb:decisions. So they're living their life. They're becoming
Herb:their person, just through the process of edge of education of
Herb:learning to love education.
Jennifer Takagi:Oh, my gosh, I love it. It has been a pleasure
Jennifer Takagi:getting to know you. And I look forward to connecting with you
Jennifer Takagi:soon.
Kristina:Thank you so much for having us.
Herb:It's been a pleasure. It's been a lot of fun. So thank you
Herb:so very much.
Jennifer Takagi:Thank you. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look
Jennifer Takagi:forward to connect you with you soon. Thank you for taking your
Jennifer Takagi:time to spend with me on this latest podcast and destined for
Jennifer Takagi:success. Please take a moment to leave a review. Share it with a
Jennifer Takagi:friend and subscribe and get the newest episodes every Monday
Jennifer Takagi:morning. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look forward to connecting
Jennifer Takagi:with you soon