Episode 329
Be a Team Player | DFS 329
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. In this episode, I dive into the power of showing up, volunteering, and cultivating a positive attitude in every area of your life. Whether you're working in a corporate setting, running your own business, or part of a mastermind group, being a team player can open doors and completely transform your perspective.
In this episode you will learn:
- Volunteering and Career Growth
- Helping a Fellow Entrepreneur
- The Power of Attitude
- Balancing Volunteering and Self-Care
- Adapting to Life Changes
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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/
Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting
I look forward to connecting with you soon, Jennifer
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com
Welcome to Destin for success. I'm your
Jennifer Takagi:host, Jennifer Takagi, and today I want to play off a little bit
Jennifer Takagi:of Emily Hawkins episode from last week. This episode is
Jennifer Takagi:called Be a team player. When I was in corporate and government
Jennifer Takagi:work, I volunteered. I was smart. I learned what I needed
Jennifer Takagi:to do. I got my work done, and when I had extra time, I
Jennifer Takagi:volunteered. I volunteered to help other employees with their
Jennifer Takagi:stuff. I volunteered for extra projects. I felt like if I kept
Jennifer Takagi:learning and growing and learning more about the field I
Jennifer Takagi:was in, it would be better for me in the long run. And it was
Jennifer Takagi:right, like I was right, it was right. It worked really well for
Jennifer Takagi:my career and everything I had going on.
Jennifer Takagi:I
Jennifer Takagi:i I love learning new things. And the interesting thing is,
Jennifer Takagi:it's it's still true today. I love to learn. I love to be a
Jennifer Takagi:part of new things. And I was just having a conversation with
Jennifer Takagi:my nephew, and we were talking about showing up and doing the
Jennifer Takagi:right thing, even when it's quote, these are air quotes.
Jennifer Takagi:You're not seeing them, but they're air quotes when it's not
Jennifer Takagi:your job. And here's the thing, we had a deal in the federal
Jennifer Takagi:government, which I spent the majority of my career with the
Jennifer Takagi:federal government, and it was called other duties as assigned.
Jennifer Takagi:So you had the things you were required to do to meet the
Jennifer Takagi:minimum requirements of your job, but then it was other
Jennifer Takagi:duties as a sign. Now a lot of people would complain about
Jennifer Takagi:other duties as a sign. I don't know how many times I heard, oh,
Jennifer Takagi:that's not my job. And
Jennifer Takagi:I always felt like if I had the
Jennifer Takagi:time and the ability I should do it. I should volunteer. I should
Jennifer Takagi:help. So now fast forward just quite a few years. I'm an
Jennifer Takagi:entrepreneur, and I heard a story recently of a woman that
Jennifer Takagi:was in the same mastermind that I'm in. She hired me to do some
Jennifer Takagi:energy work with her, and it was really awesome. And I was super
Jennifer Takagi:grateful to have the opportunity to work with her, and then I'm
Jennifer Takagi:working with her again. And she made the comment that she like
Jennifer Takagi:weeks ago, that she was waiting for a bid to get some things in
Jennifer Takagi:order for her business.
Jennifer Takagi:And
Jennifer Takagi:then she said, I got the bid, and it was way more money than I
Jennifer Takagi:could spend right now, and I knew instantly who she was
Jennifer Takagi:talking about. I didn't know how much the bid was, but I was
Jennifer Takagi:pretty sure I knew who had given her the bid. So I said, Hey,
Jennifer Takagi:let's just talk, because I want to help talk you through what
Jennifer Takagi:you actually mean, not just you have to have all these things.
Jennifer Takagi:So we finally were able to connect on Saturday morning,
Jennifer Takagi:which, no, I typically don't work on Saturday morning, but
Jennifer Takagi:this was kind of helping a friend out, right? This wasn't
Jennifer Takagi:necessarily working, working. And we get on the phone, and she
Jennifer Takagi:starts telling me what has happened in the past, right? You
Jennifer Takagi:have to, like, lay the groundwork. Some people don't
Jennifer Takagi:have to lay the groundwork, but if you're like me, I'm a
Jennifer Takagi:storyteller. I want to tell you what happened and why we're
Jennifer Takagi:where we are right now, and she's a little bit that way too.
Jennifer Takagi:So we have this conversation, and we're working through what
Jennifer Takagi:she wants to happen. And because I've been an entrepreneur for a
Jennifer Takagi:while, because I've spent a whole lot of money trying to
Jennifer Takagi:follow the guidance of the group gurus, and it didn't quite work
Jennifer Takagi:out, like they promised or implied, however you want to
Jennifer Takagi:look at it, I have some experience like I'm I'm well
Jennifer Takagi:versed. We kind of lay out what she needs. We find out that she
Jennifer Takagi:has way more already in place than she realized, and with a
Jennifer Takagi:few really strategic and great moves, she could just take off
Jennifer Takagi:like she's just right there on the verge of greatness. And as
Jennifer Takagi:we're having this conversation, she was like, Wait, I didn't
Jennifer Takagi:know that. Wait, I didn't know that. And it was like, Yeah, you
Jennifer Takagi:don't know what you don't know till you find out you didn't
Jennifer Takagi:know it, and then you're like, crap. I wish I had known that.
Jennifer Takagi:That is where that volunteer comes in. I probably was on the
Jennifer Takagi:phone with her all total maybe an hour and 20 minutes. Part of
Jennifer Takagi:it was chit chatting, and part of it was like. Holy crap. Only
Jennifer Takagi:look what I got myself into. But the bottom line is, I hung up
Jennifer Takagi:that phone and was ready to go to lunch for yet another
Jennifer Takagi:birthday celebration with my husband and some friends. And my
Jennifer Takagi:husband was like, Well, are you done? And I was like, yeah,
Jennifer Takagi:actually, I wasn't. I had one more call, but that's okay. But
Jennifer Takagi:with her, like I was finished, and I felt really good about it.
Jennifer Takagi:She doesn't need to spend any more money. She had spent 1000s
Jennifer Takagi:of dollars for, I think, almost a year on a platform she never
Jennifer Takagi:could get up and running number one and number two, she never
Jennifer Takagi:freaking needed in the first place. But how do I know this
Jennifer Takagi:from my experience? I went through this, I did the things,
Jennifer Takagi:I bought the stuff, I kept beating my head against the
Jennifer Takagi:wall. Yep, I get it. I get it. I felt so good about myself, about
Jennifer Takagi:what I've learned, about how I've learned to share what I've
Jennifer Takagi:learned with other people, and I was able to volunteer my time.
Jennifer Takagi:And I'm super hopeful. I told her the next time I talked to
Jennifer Takagi:her, I can't wait to find out what she's built like we have
Jennifer Takagi:step by step. What are her next steps to move forward? And it's
Jennifer Takagi:kind of funny, because I was working with a coach at one
Jennifer Takagi:point, and she named me, like, just kind of, I'm going to say
Jennifer Takagi:willy nilly, but it was actually based on a lot of content she
Jennifer Takagi:had seen of mine. And she was like, you're an intuitive
Jennifer Takagi:business coach. And Saturday, I honestly felt like one like
Jennifer Takagi:intuitively, I knew what this gal needed for her business, and
Jennifer Takagi:I coached her through it, so I was super happy about that. So
Jennifer Takagi:volunteer, whether it's volunteering at the food bank
Jennifer Takagi:over the holidays, whether it's in a kitchen, whether it's at a
Jennifer Takagi:food pantry or a food toy drive, or whatever. Volunteer. It just
Jennifer Takagi:makes you feel good. You need to do it. Volunteer. The other
Jennifer Takagi:thing about being a team player, and again, with this gal I was
Jennifer Takagi:working with, I'm going to say we're on the same team because
Jennifer Takagi:we're in the same mastermind together, right? Like she was
Jennifer Takagi:one of my team players. We're on the same team. We're both
Jennifer Takagi:players. Your attitude is everything. I'm going to say it
Jennifer Takagi:again. Your attitude is everyone, everything. And you
Jennifer Takagi:have how much control over your attitude, how much I'm going to
Jennifer Takagi:call out my friend Donna Renda, because she taught me this. I
Jennifer Takagi:was like, holy, crap. Holy, look at that. Yes, if you assign a
Jennifer Takagi:number to each letter of the word attitude, it adds up to
Jennifer Takagi:100% Guess how much control you have over your attitude. 100%
Jennifer Takagi:100% you can be in the worst mood ever, and you can stop you
Jennifer Takagi:can take three deep, deep breaths. You can look around you
Jennifer Takagi:and find three things that you're grateful for, or show
Jennifer Takagi:appreciation for, or or appreciate the beauty in it. As
Jennifer Takagi:soon as you go from a pity party to gratitude and appreciation,
Jennifer Takagi:bam, everything changes. Everything changes. Just
Jennifer Takagi:instantaneously. I was very upset. I was probably, I don't
Jennifer Takagi:know, 1920 years old. I was home for the weekend from college,
Jennifer Takagi:and I was very upset about a little family situation that
Jennifer Takagi:happened, and I was not going to let it go, ladies and gentlemen,
Jennifer Takagi:I was hanging on for dear life, and I was hanging on to that bad
Jennifer Takagi:attitude. And there was a church event that night, and I had
Jennifer Takagi:quite a few friends that were going to be there. And I said,
Jennifer Takagi:I'm just in too bad of me to go. I'm just going to stay home. My
Jennifer Takagi:dad, in his infinite wisdom, Bob daggers, I miss you terribly. He
Jennifer Takagi:said, that's when you need to go the most. And I went, What if
Jennifer Takagi:Luke's could kill he probably would have dropped dead, because
Jennifer Takagi:I cut my eyes around, I'm sure, and I said, What? And he goes.
Jennifer Takagi:When you don't want to go the most, that's when you need it
Jennifer Takagi:the most. And I think you should just get your car keys, get in
Jennifer Takagi:your car and drive to church and go meet your friends and go to
Jennifer Takagi:church. And at the time, I would have said, I regretted to tell
Jennifer Takagi:you he was right. Now, all these years later, I could say, Oh,
Jennifer Takagi:thank god my father was right. I went to church, I hung out with
Jennifer Takagi:my friends, I got a little bit of that gospel in me. And. And I
Jennifer Takagi:did feel better, and I quit being pissy and pissed off and
Jennifer Takagi:all the P words with me being upset, you have control over
Jennifer Takagi:your attitude. You can choose how you want to look at it. I
Jennifer Takagi:will say recently, a friend of mine said, you know, you really
Jennifer Takagi:do a really great job when something doesn't work out of
Jennifer Takagi:just going well, you know, I'll get it right next time. And I
Jennifer Takagi:was like, Well, I've had a lot of years to practice that. I'm
Jennifer Takagi:glad somebody noticed, because I don't even notice when I do it
Jennifer Takagi:myself. But your attitude is everything. Everything is
Jennifer Takagi:energy. You sit down at the keyboard of your computer with a
Jennifer Takagi:pissy attitude, just start to notice how many times it locks
Jennifer Takagi:up or something doesn't go right. We're impacting
Jennifer Takagi:everything with our energy and our attitude. There are some
Jennifer Takagi:people that anymore I limit my interactions with the level of
Jennifer Takagi:happiness and gratitude in them is pretty minimal, and I want it
Jennifer Takagi:to be maximal. I want to be happy. I want to enjoy. I want
Jennifer Takagi:to see the good things are bad. Things can happen. Yes, Jack
Jennifer Takagi:Canfield calls it the E plus r equals O. You have an event, you
Jennifer Takagi:have a nano second to decide how you're going to respond, and
Jennifer Takagi:until you get good, that nano second needs to be expanded to
Jennifer Takagi:like 10 seconds, because in that nanosecond when you've got a
Jennifer Takagi:history and a commitment to being pissy and ugly and
Jennifer Takagi:negative, that's what you're going to go to because that's
Jennifer Takagi:your habit. But if you will pause, it's all in the pause.
Jennifer Takagi:The power is in that pause. If you will pause and choose to
Jennifer Takagi:respond like an adult, not a whiny baby, and with integrity,
Jennifer Takagi:the outcome will be different.
Jennifer Takagi:E plus r equals O the event, plus your response to it equals
Jennifer Takagi:the outcome. I've shared this in various ways in various talks.
Jennifer Takagi:One of my funnest ways is we had ice and snow in Oklahoma, which
Jennifer Takagi:doesn't happen like some years we really don't get any. Other
Jennifer Takagi:years, we get a little bit more. The problem is we can't have and
Jennifer Takagi:maintain the amount of salt, sand and equipment that we need,
Jennifer Takagi:because it would be in the millions of dollars for like,
Jennifer Takagi:four days. Just shut the city down, let it melt. We're not
Jennifer Takagi:going to stay cold for long, right? It's going to burn off.
Jennifer Takagi:So a friend of mine got to work, and before she left the house,
Jennifer Takagi:she would put on her GPS, her address to work, and it took her
Jennifer Takagi:on an alternate route, so she went very slowly because the
Jennifer Takagi:roads were bad. She got to work about 30 minutes later than she
Jennifer Takagi:normally would. A colleague of hers came in, like, two hours
Jennifer Takagi:late, and walked in and said, Oh my gosh. Did you know the
Jennifer Takagi:highways completely backed up? I sat there for over an hour. I
Jennifer Takagi:couldn't get here. How'd you get here so early? And she said,
Jennifer Takagi:Well, I put in my GPS and and it told me to take this alternate
Jennifer Takagi:route. And he goes, Well, I'm not from here. I don't know all
Jennifer Takagi:those alternate routes. And she goes, my GPS told me where to
Jennifer Takagi:go. Is that a habit of yours? Do you put in your GPS? I was going
Jennifer Takagi:to a friends to pick her up for a thunder game. Oklahoma City,
Jennifer Takagi:Thunder. Get thunder. And my GPS kept saying, Turn left. Turn
Jennifer Takagi:left. I get to the next little street. They were like a block
Jennifer Takagi:apart, but there were no lights for like half a mile, but then,
Jennifer Takagi:but there were all these little side streets, and it kept
Jennifer Takagi:saying, Turn left, turn left. And I was like, la La,
Jennifer Takagi:girlfriend, you don't know where we're going. I don't need to
Jennifer Takagi:turn left. And lo and behold, I did not turn left. My GPS told
Jennifer Takagi:me to turn left. I thought I was smarter. I got to the highway, I
Jennifer Takagi:turned left to get on the highway, and I saw a sea of red
Jennifer Takagi:tail lights. Lola new there was a whatever hold up ahead, and I
Jennifer Takagi:should have turned left otherwise, and I could have gone
Jennifer Takagi:around and missed it. But did I know there was an event, there
Jennifer Takagi:was a backup, there was a response. Lola told me to go a
Jennifer Takagi:different way. There was an outcome. I didn't listen. That's
Jennifer Takagi:kind of your intuition too. You can overcome your intuition.
Jennifer Takagi:Your intuition is like Man, my GPS probably knows best, but
Jennifer Takagi:nope, I'm not gonna listen that attitude. I. A it's a thing. Pay
Jennifer Takagi:attention. Pay attention to your attitude and make a choice.
Jennifer Takagi:Because 100% you 100% 100% control over your attitude. The
Jennifer Takagi:third piece of this I'm going to throw out there on being a team
Jennifer Takagi:player is take care of yourself. You can if you choose to accept
Jennifer Takagi:this assignment, you can say yes to the point that you run
Jennifer Takagi:yourself in the ground. You feel completely downtrodden. You feel
Jennifer Takagi:completely abused. You feel like no one notices or respects you
Jennifer Takagi:for all the hard work you put in. And then you become very
Jennifer Takagi:resentful, and then become very hateful, and then you've got a
Jennifer Takagi:pity party, and the pity party goes on way too long, and then
Jennifer Takagi:you have a bad attitude, and then you don't want to
Jennifer Takagi:volunteer, because you volunteered too much and you did
Jennifer Takagi:too much. Set boundaries. Set boundaries. If you're in a
Jennifer Takagi:corporate or government or nonprofit type position, you
Jennifer Takagi:work for somebody else. I heard somebody call Are you a w2
Jennifer Takagi:employee? Do you get a w2 sometimes it can be a little
Jennifer Takagi:harder to say no, but sometimes you can ask questions, and I
Jennifer Takagi:urge you to Can somebody else help with this? Is there anybody
Jennifer Takagi:else that can be on a team to get this done with me? Can we
Jennifer Takagi:extend the deadline? Because I have these other deadlines
Jennifer Takagi:coming. Ask questions, be inquisitive, and take care of
Jennifer Takagi:yourself. You don't need to be the martyr.
Jennifer Takagi:I
Jennifer Takagi:It cracks me up when I hear all that people do for the holidays,
Jennifer Takagi:and they resent most of it, and they feel that they have to do
Jennifer Takagi:it, and it's required. My mother used to say things like, my name
Jennifer Takagi:would be mud if I didn't and would your name be mud? And if
Jennifer Takagi:so, do you really care? Is it okay if it's mud? I have only
Jennifer Takagi:ever made dressing with Pepperidge Farm, Herb dressing
Jennifer Takagi:mix, and it's herb season bread. You can also get the cornbread
Jennifer Takagi:one, and you can mix them if you want, do whatever you like, if
Jennifer Takagi:you don't have the time to make cornbread, and then let it out
Jennifer Takagi:for three days to dry, and lay all your bread out for three
Jennifer Takagi:days to get all dry, because that's what they had to do in
Jennifer Takagi:the olden days. Do you know why they did that in the olden days?
Jennifer Takagi:Because Pepperidge Farm had not created herb dressing mix. And I
Jennifer Takagi:used to have a number two pencil and a big chief tablet. And you
Jennifer Takagi:know what I have now? I have a Bic pen and a spiral notebook,
Jennifer Takagi:and I have a laptop and I can type, and I have air
Jennifer Takagi:conditioning. I remember as a kid when we got our first
Jennifer Takagi:refrigerator that had an ice maker in it, that was the
Jennifer Takagi:biggest deal ever. I still love an ice maker. It's still a big
Jennifer Takagi:deal because I want a lot of ice all the time. I'm in the South
Jennifer Takagi:Oklahoma. Are we south? Are we southwest? Are we a prairie?
Jennifer Takagi:Nobody knows. We don't know what we are. But I'm in Oklahoma, and
Jennifer Takagi:we all put a lot of ice in everything we drink. I even put
Jennifer Takagi:ice in beer sometimes, because it's fun. Life changes. We
Jennifer Takagi:evolve. Is it hard? Sometimes, do you have to choose to make
Jennifer Takagi:everything hard? No, put on your big girl panties, your big boy
Jennifer Takagi:shorts, and make a decision. It doesn't have to be hard all the
Jennifer Takagi:time if you want to see how you can make your things less hard
Jennifer Takagi:or easier, whichever way you want to do that, grammatically
Jennifer Takagi:correct, click the button, book a discovery call. Let's talk
Jennifer Takagi:about what's going on with you and how you can make it easier,
Jennifer Takagi:how you can be a team player, whether you're volunteering
Jennifer Takagi:within your mastermind to help somebody that would have cost
Jennifer Takagi:them 1000s of dollars and you took an hour of your day. What
Jennifer Takagi:if you need that attitude adjustment? And, no, you don't
Jennifer Takagi:need a butt whooping for it, but they could help. I mean, you
Jennifer Takagi:know, if you're a kid, when I was a kid, that was a thing, and
Jennifer Takagi:you got to take care of yourself. Book a call. Let's
Jennifer Takagi:talk about it. I'm Jennifer Takagi, and I look forward to
Jennifer Takagi:talking to you soon. I.