Episode 330
Aging: What you don’t fix on yourself, you pass onto others | DFS 330
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. I’ve had many visions of aging over the years. The question is, is aging a choice?
In this episode you will learn:
- Awareness of where you are now
- Ask: who do I need to be?
- Write your vision down!!!
Who is Karen Sarmento?
Karen Sarmento is a passionate and dedicated Nurse Practitioner for more than 18 years, CEO at Sarmento Mentoring Services LLC, and a Proctor Gallagher Certified Mindset Mentor. She specializes in empowering women to tap into their true potential. She understands the unique challenges faced by women because she too has battled some major challenges in her life. She does not let that define her; She believes its the challenges that have made her the limitless woman she is today. She whole-heartedly believes we hold all the power within and that we should stand tall together in the pursuit of greatness.
She has served 1000s over the course of her career and has spent many years studying directly with world class mentors to gain a deep understanding of the science behind human behavior and learning about the success principals that create lasting change and transformation. She will share her insights with you so you can feel unstoppable and limitless too.
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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
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I look forward to connecting with you soon, Jennifer
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com
Okay, welcome to Destin for success. I'm your
Jennifer Takagi:host. Jennifer Takagi, and today I have a special guest. Sarah,
Jennifer Takagi:okay, I'm going to put your first and last name all together
Jennifer Takagi:as one thing, and then I'll just do it again. So now I'm going to
Jennifer Takagi:do it the right way. Karen sarmento, Karen, welcome to the
Jennifer Takagi:show. I'm so happy to have you today. Hello.
Karen Sarmento:Thanks for having me. I was looking forward
Karen Sarmento:to this. Oh, I
Jennifer Takagi:know. And my calendar got all wonky and we
Jennifer Takagi:had a rebook and reschedule. Karen is a nurse practitioner,
Jennifer Takagi:if I have that right in cardiology, but she is a mindset
Jennifer Takagi:mentor. I want to hear. How did you get into this? And how can
Jennifer Takagi:you help me?
Karen Sarmento:So I I've been a nurse practitioner for 19 plus
Karen Sarmento:years, and love that job. No complaints about that, other
Karen Sarmento:than I didn't necessarily feel like I was making as much of a
Karen Sarmento:difference, like there was a little more juice inside me that
Karen Sarmento:still needed to I don't know, help people, but what happened
Karen Sarmento:unfortunately in my life is my son's father passed away
Karen Sarmento:unexpectedly, my fiance in an accident, and my life turned
Karen Sarmento:upside down, and I hit a real dark place. And as I started to
Karen Sarmento:pick up the pieces and finally pull myself together, I realized
Karen Sarmento:that I had more in me, and I had a greater purpose, and it was
Karen Sarmento:that it was to help other people get out of that dark place. So I
Karen Sarmento:feel like we're most qualified to help the person we used to
Karen Sarmento:be, and we're an expert on that person, because you were there.
Karen Sarmento:And I just little by little, as I worked on myself, I wanted to
Karen Sarmento:share all that I was learning with other people. Gosh,
Jennifer Takagi:I love that so much. And I was at a conference
Jennifer Takagi:about a year ago, and one of the speakers said, I want to impact
Jennifer Takagi:I think it was 10 million lives. It was a huge number. And I was
Jennifer Takagi:like, I'm sitting there taking notes, thinking, like, Wow. I
Jennifer Takagi:mean, like, two would be big for me. Like, really, 10, 10
Jennifer Takagi:million. And then he broke it down, and he was like, if I help
Jennifer Takagi:one life, and they end up impacting 10 people, and then
Jennifer Takagi:those 10 people, 10 people, and then you get to 10 million very
Jennifer Takagi:quickly. And I was like, Oh, wow. So I can make a very quick
Jennifer Takagi:connection. As a nurse practitioner, you can help
Jennifer Takagi:people one at a time, and of course, that ends up helping
Jennifer Takagi:their family, right? But if you help a really hurting person and
Jennifer Takagi:their pain, their journey is impacting a great number of
Jennifer Takagi:people, then it that impact is exponentially bigger. I can so
Jennifer Takagi:see that connection,
Karen Sarmento:such a beautiful way to put it. And when I think
Karen Sarmento:of even myself, one of the big moments when it really hit home,
Karen Sarmento:what a dark place I was in, is somebody said to me, what you
Karen Sarmento:don't fix in yourself, you know, you pass along to your child.
Karen Sarmento:And it was like, like, it just a punch in the gut. And what you
Karen Sarmento:just said there about the ripple effect. So as I got myself
Karen Sarmento:together and got stronger and started really showing up, that
Karen Sarmento:impacted him, and what's, what a, what a, an amazing thing to
Karen Sarmento:be able to do. So that ripple effect that you're speaking of,
Karen Sarmento:so then it's your family, then it's friends, and then it's
Karen Sarmento:their friends, and it, it's, it's really powerful
Jennifer Takagi:well. And look at your son, because, like, had
Jennifer Takagi:you not healed and helped, obviously, that impacted his
Jennifer Takagi:view of the world, then he could have ended up having struggles
Jennifer Takagi:at school and not getting along with other kids. And I mean,
Jennifer Takagi:like, the negative impact could have been extreme, and now he's
Jennifer Takagi:going to have an extreme positive impact.
Karen Sarmento:Yes, and to set that example for him and for
Karen Sarmento:other women, that you can go for it like we we're so I don't know
Karen Sarmento:that self doubt creeps in even when you get that little whisper
Karen Sarmento:that maybe, maybe I have, maybe I have a greater purpose, or
Karen Sarmento:maybe I meant for more. But then, yeah, not me. That's,
Karen Sarmento:that's for her, or she could do that, I couldn't do that.
Jennifer Takagi:That's for somebody else,
Karen Sarmento:right? Isn't she amazing? She's but you don't see
Karen Sarmento:it as that could be me too. If she can, I can. I've had a
Karen Sarmento:mentor that has said that right along.
Jennifer Takagi:She can, I can. Okay, so how do you. People,
Jennifer Takagi:what do you do? You said you were a mindset mentor. How does
Jennifer Takagi:that work? How do you help people with that? Yeah,
Karen Sarmento:so it definitely starts with an awareness, an
Karen Sarmento:awareness of where you are now, and catching your thought
Karen Sarmento:process so when you actually walk through your day to day
Karen Sarmento:life, noticing the way you talk to yourself, notice where the
Karen Sarmento:limiting beliefs creep in. Notice where you have that self
Karen Sarmento:imposed boundary of where you cap off your results and
Karen Sarmento:allowing yourself to start to actually think big, and allowing
Karen Sarmento:yourself to dream and create a bigger vision for yourself, but
Karen Sarmento:simultaneously recognize where the doubts are coming in and
Karen Sarmento:catching that because all of that, the doubts and the
Karen Sarmento:limiting beliefs have kind of been formulated over the course
Karen Sarmento:of our lifetime, so they're pretty, pretty, uh, heavily
Karen Sarmento:embedded in who we are, but you can change that with starting
Karen Sarmento:with an awareness of what they are.
Jennifer Takagi:And we end up going through life just so
Jennifer Takagi:mindlessly. I was driving home the other day, and I drive this
Jennifer Takagi:highway every week, and it was coming close to sunset, and I'm
Jennifer Takagi:just driving along, just driving along, and all of a sudden it
Jennifer Takagi:was like there was a deer on the side of the road, and he was
Jennifer Takagi:just on the other side of the shoulder, like he was feet, or
Jennifer Takagi:she, whatever it was. And I was like, Holy crap. Like, I thank
Jennifer Takagi:goodness it didn't run in front of me. Like, I don't know if I
Jennifer Takagi:don't know if I could have responded fast enough, because I
Jennifer Takagi:was just going through the motions. I had the cruise
Jennifer Takagi:control set. I'm just staying in my lane right? So that awareness
Jennifer Takagi:is big
Karen Sarmento:it is. I've actually driven to work because
Karen Sarmento:I was so conditioned to go to work that a day I wasn't going
Karen Sarmento:to work. Actually, got on the highway as if I was going to
Karen Sarmento:work. Like, oh my god, I'm going to get my hair done. I'm not
Karen Sarmento:going to work.
Jennifer Takagi:This is not,
Karen Sarmento:yeah, that was a point in life for I was just
Karen Sarmento:literally Groundhog Day, going through the motions every day,
Karen Sarmento:same thing, and if we do the same thing every single day, we
Karen Sarmento:get the same result every single day.
Jennifer Takagi:What is the isn't that the definition of
Jennifer Takagi:insanity?
Karen Sarmento:It is doing the same thing over and over again
Karen Sarmento:and expecting a different result.
Jennifer Takagi:I have high expectations, but I'm going to
Jennifer Takagi:do the same thing. So, yeah, exactly. Oh my gosh. So
Jennifer Takagi:awareness is number one. That's so key. I love that.
Karen Sarmento:And then asking yourself, when you actually
Karen Sarmento:create a bigger vision for your life, or if you recognize that
Karen Sarmento:you have a greater purpose? Who do I need to be to actually pull
Karen Sarmento:that off? Who do I need to show up as to do those amazing
Karen Sarmento:things. Or who am I with the goal achieved? Like, how would I
Karen Sarmento:walk, talk, dress, communicate, have, experience, conflict, all
Karen Sarmento:those things and doing it. So I call it myself image script, and
Karen Sarmento:I've actually written it out. Like, how would I talk? How do I
Karen Sarmento:walk you head up, shoulders back, because you can't
Karen Sarmento:outperform your self image, so we have to step that up. It's
Karen Sarmento:like a a thermostat and limited self image limited results, but
Karen Sarmento:you can change that with just even subtle changes and the way
Karen Sarmento:you show up in the world. And it could be fun too, because you
Karen Sarmento:kind of can almost recreate yourself.
Jennifer Takagi:I was at an event in in doing this kind of
Jennifer Takagi:thing, which, as you say it, I'm like gang. I didn't do that. I
Jennifer Takagi:knew that I didn't do it, Karen, but she actually had us rename
Jennifer Takagi:our Alter Ego, that we could be best friends with her and step
Jennifer Takagi:into that.
Karen Sarmento:How fun. I have heard of that you have actually
Karen Sarmento:giving her a name. Yeah, yeah, that's very fun.
Jennifer Takagi:It is fun, and it's fun to have that playful
Jennifer Takagi:thought, like I've, I've done some amazing things in my life,
Jennifer Takagi:and I'm so grateful that I've had the opportunities that I've
Jennifer Takagi:had, but I've said I was going to do something, and I've heard
Jennifer Takagi:instantaneous result responses, not Even a hair of a second,
Jennifer Takagi:nano second thought I could never do that. And inside I'm
Jennifer Takagi:thinking, sure you could, because we're not that
Jennifer Takagi:different, like, of course you could, but it's that idea of not
Jennifer Takagi:being able to dream bigger. And oh, well, maybe I could do that.
Jennifer Takagi:I.
Karen Sarmento:Hands. It's that split second that we talk
Karen Sarmento:ourselves out of it, and then you just stay in the comfortable
Karen Sarmento:place for that reason too, because it's comfortable.
Jennifer Takagi:It's what we know, whether we like it or not.
Jennifer Takagi:I get a lot of energy healing work, and the one thing I've
Jennifer Takagi:learned is even if we keep reliving the same emotion over
Jennifer Takagi:and over again, and we're like, I hate that emotion. I hate that
Jennifer Takagi:emotion. The subconscious mind is like, but I know how to feel
Jennifer Takagi:it. I know what it is. And you you know you struggle to get
Jennifer Takagi:past that awesome. So you have to ask, What do you want? What
Jennifer Takagi:do you need? Who do you want to be? How am I going to show up? I
Jennifer Takagi:love that. So impactful.
Karen Sarmento:Yes, I love that. What you just said, even
Karen Sarmento:though it's a negative place, it's home. It's like, oh, I'm
Karen Sarmento:home, even though it's not serving us to stay there,
Jennifer Takagi:yeah, not in any way at all. Oh my gosh. So
Jennifer Takagi:what else? So now, now I'm creating a vision for myself of
Jennifer Takagi:how I'm going to show up in the world. I need to do this like,
Jennifer Takagi:really focused. I love it. Okay. What else? Yeah,
Karen Sarmento:writing it down. Writing it down is powerful.
Karen Sarmento:Your vision for your the future, anything that you'd like to
Karen Sarmento:create do what you want to be do and have basically, but show
Karen Sarmento:writing down your self image script. Who do you need to show
Karen Sarmento:up as? And, gosh, catching those limiting beliefs when they creep
Karen Sarmento:in. And whatever it is that you're afraid of or afraid to
Karen Sarmento:do, to do it anyway, because that's where the power is.
Karen Sarmento:That's where we grow. That's where we develop our strength.
Karen Sarmento:When you actually do the thing, the thing will give you power.
Karen Sarmento:And I think when you get on the other side of that, that's when
Karen Sarmento:you come out differently, come out a different person, just
Karen Sarmento:even if it's a smidge stronger, or your head's just up, just a
Karen Sarmento:little bit taller, because, damn, I did it.
Jennifer Takagi:Oh my gosh, I love that. I'm taking notes.
Jennifer Takagi:That's
Karen Sarmento:I love it. That's awesome. I keep having
Jennifer Takagi:a pause to finish my thought that I want to
Jennifer Takagi:write down. I'm an avid note taker. That's kind of like my
Jennifer Takagi:claim to fame is an avid note taker. So when, when people work
Jennifer Takagi:with you? What does that look like? How do we work together?
Karen Sarmento:I do it in a I have two different ways. I have
Karen Sarmento:a four week which is just a self image class. Course, it's a once
Karen Sarmento:a week class group setting, but we work on self image alone,
Karen Sarmento:because that's just really can be a self imposed boundary of
Karen Sarmento:what what your life could look like, and that's all group and
Karen Sarmento:then I also have a 12 week program where we go through
Karen Sarmento:awareness, knowing, doing gap like I know What I should be
Karen Sarmento:doing. Well, why aren't I doing it? Visioneering, creating the
Karen Sarmento:vision we cover self image. So each week, it's a different step
Karen Sarmento:of how you can really conquer your basically, it's your your
Karen Sarmento:subconscious mind, all those deep seated thoughts and
Karen Sarmento:paradigms, those so that the belief system that we've
Karen Sarmento:developed over the course of a lifetime, and it's from
Karen Sarmento:everywhere, it's family, culture, friends, society, we've
Karen Sarmento:over time, kind of become something else and sort of an
Karen Sarmento:unbecoming
Jennifer Takagi:Well, it is, and I I'm work with Brenda
Jennifer Takagi:Burchard in his mastermind group, and it's like to having
Jennifer Takagi:that awareness, and you have to make a choice. Do, Do I want to
Jennifer Takagi:stay where I am right now, or do I want to step into something
Jennifer Takagi:better, bigger and greater?
Karen Sarmento:Mm, hmm, cuz that you said that a choice.
Jennifer Takagi:Go ahead. Yeah, it's a comfort zone. And you
Jennifer Takagi:said, and you have a choice, right?
Karen Sarmento:It's, it's so true. And one of the topics I
Karen Sarmento:always cover is decision making, because similar to a choice,
Karen Sarmento:it's it's like a decision. I'm going to do things differently.
Karen Sarmento:I want different, and I'm going to do different, because that's
Karen Sarmento:how things will change. And it does start with a decision. I
Karen Sarmento:didn't I used to not be a good decision maker, very wishy
Karen Sarmento:washy, maybe, well, I don't know. Let me ask. And then it
Karen Sarmento:creates a lot of ambivalence inside your mind and disorder in
Karen Sarmento:your mind, and it's hard to create from that state.
Jennifer Takagi:Indecisiveness creates disorder. Is that what
Jennifer Takagi:you just said?
Karen Sarmento:I did, yeah,
Jennifer Takagi:oh my gosh, that is so powerful. I as an
Jennifer Takagi:entrepreneur, I read books from, you know, some of the greats,
Jennifer Takagi:and they, they say the most successful people, make
Jennifer Takagi:decisions very quickly. And I was like, Well, how do you do
Jennifer Takagi:that? And it was like, they make a decision, and if it doesn't
Jennifer Takagi:work out, they suck, and they do something else. And it was like,
Jennifer Takagi:you can do that.
Karen Sarmento:Yes, that's exactly it. And it's like a
Karen Sarmento:muscle. So the more you get used to making decisions swiftly and
Karen Sarmento:standing by your decision. And like you said, if it doesn't
Karen Sarmento:work out, you're just accountable for whatever
Karen Sarmento:decision you made, because it's I always feel like it's an
Karen Sarmento:inside job. I'm the I'm the creator, so if I make a
Karen Sarmento:decision, it's the wrong one, and oh well, we'll just have to
Karen Sarmento:do it differently next time.
Jennifer Takagi:Well, and I in in my past career, I used to
Jennifer Takagi:tell my staff when they would get hung up on like they didn't
Jennifer Takagi:even make the decision. Most of the times they made
Jennifer Takagi:recommendations, right? Like they put all the packages
Jennifer Takagi:together, made a recommendation, and then I weighed in. My boss
Jennifer Takagi:weighed in. You know, who knew how many levels it would
Jennifer Takagi:possibly go through. But my thing was, there's nothing we
Jennifer Takagi:did in our job, unlike you being a nurse practitioner in
Jennifer Takagi:cardiology, there was nothing we did that was life or death. If
Jennifer Takagi:somebody called and it was life or death, they needed to call
Jennifer Takagi:911, because we could not solve that, right? So in making a
Jennifer Takagi:quick decision, it's quickly deciding if this is the wrong
Jennifer Takagi:decision, what's, what's the ramification, but not dwelling
Jennifer Takagi:on it? Yeah,
Karen Sarmento:you're right.
Jennifer Takagi:We end up hanging on to that so long. Oh
Jennifer Takagi:my gosh. So I love this. So if, if I want to, like, take the
Jennifer Takagi:first step, and I want to shift my mindsets? Is there one
Jennifer Takagi:practice that I could engage in every day that would have the
Jennifer Takagi:biggest impact for me?
Karen Sarmento:First thing that comes to mind is mirror work,
Karen Sarmento:just catching your your thoughts, so being aware of your
Karen Sarmento:thoughts as they creep in, but when you're looking in the
Karen Sarmento:mirror in the morning, first thing in the morning, when you
Karen Sarmento:get up, brush your teeth, wash your face, whatever, brushing
Karen Sarmento:your hair. What's going through your head and what are you
Karen Sarmento:saying to yourself, catching any negatives there, but speaking to
Karen Sarmento:yourself with all positives when you look in the mirror, and it's
Karen Sarmento:a great place to start looking in your own eyes and pointing
Karen Sarmento:out all your positives, that you look good today, or my hair
Karen Sarmento:looks good today, or my skin, rather than the norm, we tend to
Karen Sarmento:go right to the negatives, zeroing right in on Gosh, as
Karen Sarmento:well at the wrinkles, and so focusing on the positives and
Karen Sarmento:just being aware.
Jennifer Takagi:I I have a best friend since I was 11, and I
Jennifer Takagi:talked to her most days, and I'll say, oh my gosh, I'm having
Jennifer Takagi:the best hair day ever. And she's like, really, really,
Jennifer Takagi:that's what you have to say right now. And I'm like, yes,
Jennifer Takagi:because some days it's not but today is a great hair day, so I
Jennifer Takagi:can do anything
Karen Sarmento:I love that I
Jennifer Takagi:do that's so fun. People, people would laugh.
Jennifer Takagi:They'd be like, She's crazy. Well, you know, it's the little
Jennifer Takagi:things in life. It's the little things that end up breaking us.
Jennifer Takagi:It's not the big tragic things, right? We've survived everyone
Jennifer Takagi:listening to this podcast. And Karen, obviously, you have had
Jennifer Takagi:an immense amount of tragedy in your life, too. Life too. But
Jennifer Takagi:here we are, and we're moving on. And they were huge. But you
Jennifer Takagi:know, you do that one stupid little thing and you beat
Jennifer Takagi:yourself up like it was life or death, and it was not right, but
Jennifer Takagi:you beat yourself up over the little thing. So those are the
Jennifer Takagi:things that I think we have to embrace a whole lot more.
Karen Sarmento:I could not agree more. We spend so much
Karen Sarmento:time with the memories that don't serve us, revisiting it
Karen Sarmento:and revisiting it, but we don't revisit the amazing things we've
Karen Sarmento:done, or remind ourselves of the amazing things, but we will
Karen Sarmento:revisit the mistake, and those are the things that really
Karen Sarmento:propel us forward. I think it's the mistakes and the adversity
Karen Sarmento:or the challenges that's the time that you grow, when things
Karen Sarmento:are difficult or challenging, and you make it through, come
Karen Sarmento:out on the other side. And you do come out on the other side.
Karen Sarmento:You come out different. You come out stronger. You come out with
Karen Sarmento:more wisdom and something to share with other people.
Jennifer Takagi:And you just can't stay there. You have to
Jennifer Takagi:come out on the other side. Mm.
Karen Sarmento:Yes,
Jennifer Takagi:it's a choice, it's a decision, but you have
Jennifer Takagi:to, well, you don't have to. It's your choice, but the right
Jennifer Takagi:choice is to come out on the other side. It
Karen Sarmento:is to make that decision a committed decision to
Karen Sarmento:yourself, and it's got to be for yourself. It's like that
Karen Sarmento:personal integrity, where if I say I'm going to do something, I
Karen Sarmento:do it because I said I was going to, whether nobody, whether
Karen Sarmento:anybody knows about it or not, because we'll keep our word to
Karen Sarmento:other people, but don't always keep our word to ourself.
Jennifer Takagi:You might know the answer to this, because I
Jennifer Takagi:don't, but I vaguely recall that I read somewhere that when you
Jennifer Takagi:don't keep your promise to yourself, then it becomes easier
Jennifer Takagi:and easier not to keep your word to yourself, to the point that
Jennifer Takagi:when you decide you want to do something big, it's really hard
Jennifer Takagi:to do because your mind is like, she doesn't do what she says
Jennifer Takagi:she's going to do. I'm not really going to support her in
Jennifer Takagi:this. Have you? Are you familiar with that? Can you
Karen Sarmento:I have absolutely and I don't have
Karen Sarmento:anything to cite it per se, but I definitely agree with that,
Karen Sarmento:and believe that wholeheartedly. It's like your subconscious mind
Karen Sarmento:you've created this, I don't know, message that you're you
Karen Sarmento:don't take action, you procrastinate, or she says she's
Karen Sarmento:going to do a thing, she's not going to do it. But you can turn
Karen Sarmento:that around too. Also, like starting things and not
Karen Sarmento:finishing them, you start to tell the subconscious mind that
Karen Sarmento:you're not a finisher. You don't do what you say you're going to
Karen Sarmento:do.
Jennifer Takagi:So do you have any suggestions on how to take
Jennifer Takagi:that next step?
Karen Sarmento:Yes, starting small. So starting with small
Karen Sarmento:things, setting promises to yourself, but they they should
Karen Sarmento:be small to begin with, so that you can absolutely follow
Karen Sarmento:through. So if it's you know, you want to start getting up
Karen Sarmento:earlier in the morning, rather than saying, I'm going to get up
Karen Sarmento:at 4am meditate and exercise every morning. When you don't do
Karen Sarmento:that,
Jennifer Takagi:I dare do that. If
Karen Sarmento:I said I was going to start do I'm going to
Karen Sarmento:start doing that tomorrow, getting up at 4am exercising and
Karen Sarmento:meditating, and I'm going to read too. It's like a a recipe
Karen Sarmento:for disaster, setting yourself up to just confirm to the
Karen Sarmento:subconscious mind that I don't do what I say I'm going to do,
Karen Sarmento:but if I say I'm going to start getting up 10 minutes earlier,
Karen Sarmento:or tomorrow, I'm going to get up 10 minutes earlier, or today,
Karen Sarmento:I'm going to go for a quick walk, I don't know, outside for
Karen Sarmento:for 15 minutes. Small goals that are very achievable. So you can
Karen Sarmento:start to reprogram the subconscious mind that you do
Karen Sarmento:what you say you're going to do.
Jennifer Takagi:I love that I I was on a a group call, and the
Jennifer Takagi:leader was going through their day and all the things they do.
Jennifer Takagi:And you know, it looks like you have to get up at three or four
Jennifer Takagi:in the morning to get all that done before you have a fully
Jennifer Takagi:productive day. It was like, Holy crap, bully. I you know, I
Jennifer Takagi:can't do that. And a woman typed in the chat, and she was like, I
Jennifer Takagi:don't even know how to do all of this. And and then she proceeded
Jennifer Takagi:to say, kind of like, what her day looked like. And a really
Jennifer Takagi:kind person put in the chat, pick one thing and start doing
Jennifer Takagi:that. So if you want to get up earlier in the morning and
Jennifer Takagi:meditate, exercise and do 40,000 things before your work day per
Jennifer Takagi:se starts, maybe it's just getting up 10 minutes earlier
Jennifer Takagi:and starting your day for a while, until that becomes a bit
Jennifer Takagi:of a routine. And then add something else. But for me, four
Jennifer Takagi:comes once a day, and that's in the PM, not in the AM.
Karen Sarmento:Oh, thank you, and that's important to
Karen Sarmento:recognize too, that, you know, some people feel like that, that
Karen Sarmento:miracle morning, you have to be up at four and 5am doing all
Karen Sarmento:these things. But if that doesn't suit you or serve you,
Karen Sarmento:you have to do what lights you up or what fuels you, and if
Karen Sarmento:getting up at 4am just leaves you feeling exhausted all day,
Karen Sarmento:and it's not your thing. You have to figure out what your own
Karen Sarmento:thing is so that it does suit you. And I think so
Jennifer Takagi:many of those things are brilliant, but
Jennifer Takagi:they're also just a really good framework. And I had a friend
Jennifer Takagi:who was extremely committed to the. At is it called Miracle
Jennifer Takagi:Morning, where you get up at four every day? Is that what
Jennifer Takagi:that is? Obviously, I did not research it because I wasn't
Jennifer Takagi:going to do it at all. And something had shifted in her
Jennifer Takagi:life. I can't remember what, but she said I decided to give
Jennifer Takagi:myself a break, and for the next month, I wasn't getting up at
Jennifer Takagi:four. I was going to get up at six because maybe she had out of
Jennifer Takagi:town company or something. She goes because I know I'm going to
Jennifer Takagi:be up later, and I can't get up at four if I'm up a little bit
Jennifer Takagi:later. So I think sometimes we beat ourselves up because we try
Jennifer Takagi:to incorporate some very rigid standards that may not suit us.
Jennifer Takagi:Absolutely,
Karen Sarmento:yeah, the rigidity of it is, yeah,
Karen Sarmento:absolutely.
Jennifer Takagi:It makes it hard. Well, if, if the audience,
Jennifer Takagi:when the audience wants to get hold of you, how are they going
Jennifer Takagi:to find you? Miss Karen.
Karen Sarmento:Okay, so I have a website, Karen sarmento.com,
Karen Sarmento:and I would invite people to join me in my Facebook group,
Karen Sarmento:which is just, it's all women, just a free environment where I
Karen Sarmento:provide a lot of information. We're in the middle of a self
Karen Sarmento:image challenge, depending on when this comes out, but we're
Karen Sarmento:I've always got something going on in there. So that is under my
Karen Sarmento:company name, which is sarmento mentoring services. That's the
Karen Sarmento:Facebook group, and you can find me on Facebook under my name or
Karen Sarmento:under sarmento mentoring services.
Jennifer Takagi:Oh my gosh. I love that, Karen, you've given
Jennifer Takagi:us such great things. And I love like the the three main things
Jennifer Takagi:that I took away were awareness of where you are, because,
Jennifer Takagi:again, we just blindly go through life, and could've hit a
Jennifer Takagi:deer and think, you know, by the grace of God, did not ask about
Jennifer Takagi:creating your bigger vision for yourself. I have read a lot and
Jennifer Takagi:heard a lot about the brain loves questions, and it wants to
Jennifer Takagi:work really hard to solve them. So like, what could my bigger
Jennifer Takagi:life look like? What's that vision? And then writing it
Jennifer Takagi:down, I would be embarrassed to flip this camera around for you
Jennifer Takagi:to see all the spiral notebooks I have all over my office, and
Jennifer Takagi:it's very embarrassing. And I've tried tablets, and I've not
Jennifer Takagi:found one that feels as good as a spiral. But I mean, I've I've
Jennifer Takagi:committed, I'm going to write it down. I'm totally going to write
Jennifer Takagi:it down. Um, and I love that you've got several ways you can
Jennifer Takagi:work with people. Is your 12 week program, group or one on
Jennifer Takagi:one, that's group, that's group. Okay, so it's all group,
Karen Sarmento:awesome. Yeah, I do some one on one, but it's
Karen Sarmento:kind of morphed into a lot of group. Yeah, the community is
Karen Sarmento:kind of nice. Everybody's got support, and it's, it's been a
Karen Sarmento:great community of women.
Jennifer Takagi:I I've had some awesome experiences in group
Jennifer Takagi:programs, and recently, an experience was one of the
Jennifer Takagi:participants shared several like mic drop comments, and it was
Jennifer Takagi:like, we would have all never gotten the benefit of that if it
Jennifer Takagi:had just been one on one. I think there's a benefit of one
Jennifer Takagi:on one, but there's really some juicy stuff that comes out in
Jennifer Takagi:group coaching,
Karen Sarmento:absolutely
Jennifer Takagi:yes. So as
Jennifer Takagi:we wrap up, do you have any final thoughts for the audience?
Karen Sarmento:I just would encourage the audience that
Karen Sarmento:listen to that inner voice if you're getting that subtle
Karen Sarmento:whisper that you might have a greater purpose, or toying
Karen Sarmento:around with doing something more with your life, or just just in
Karen Sarmento:general, to listen to that voice, that message is meant for
Karen Sarmento:you, and just take any step toward something different, and
Karen Sarmento:the next step will be laid out for you little by little, and
Karen Sarmento:that's how the change happens. Oh
Jennifer Takagi:my gosh, I love that. Thank you so much for your
Jennifer Takagi:time and your valuable insights today. Karen, oh,
Karen Sarmento:thank you so much for having me. What a fun
Karen Sarmento:conversation. I really enjoyed it.
Jennifer Takagi:I'm so glad I'm Jennifer Takagi with destin for
Jennifer Takagi:success, and I look forward to connecting with you soon see.