Episode 265
Tessa Alburn talks Feminine Energy Mastery | DFS 265
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. Tessa Lynne Alburn is a Feminine Energy Coach and podcast host for women seeking freedom, connection and having their voice in life and business. With decades of experience leading live and virtual events, and helping women create results, Tessa now helps women express their true voice, be heard, and show up in the life the way they really want to.
In this episode you will learn:
- Be seen and heard to play well with others and not been seen as a biotch
- Choose how you want to show up
- Create connections, not disconnections
Learn more and keep in touch with Tessa Alburn:
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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com
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Wishing you the best,
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com
Welcome to destined for success. I'm your
Jennifer Takagi:host Jennifer Takagi and it's one of my favorite days of the
Jennifer Takagi:year it is PATA Palooza, de. And I have the opportunity to bring
Jennifer Takagi:all kinds of amazing guests to the show that we wouldn't have
Jennifer Takagi:normally had. My guest today tested you go by Tessa Lin or
Jennifer Takagi:just Tessa, test it out.
Tessa Alburn:I will, I will respond to both I've been sort
Tessa Alburn:of playing with the fun of test balloon is just fine general.
Jennifer Takagi:I love it though. It sounds really pretty.
Jennifer Takagi:It sounds really pretty. So Tessa is a feminine energy
Jennifer Takagi:coach. I clicked the link and said I want to I want to connect
Jennifer Takagi:and play with her just because I love that title. I don't know
Jennifer Takagi:what that is, what is a feminine energy coach? How do we play
Jennifer Takagi:with you? Tell us your story?
Tessa Alburn:Yes, well, let me just say quickly, so people
Tessa Alburn:aren't just like, what does that mean? Energy coaching is helping
Tessa Alburn:women to be heard and be seen in a way that works well with
Tessa Alburn:others. All right, so you can play with others and not feel
Tessa Alburn:like you're being a bitch, or not have other people say you're
Tessa Alburn:being a bit of that stuff. So my story began. I was basically
Tessa Alburn:super shy. And because I was in a household that didn't feel
Tessa Alburn:safe, you know, my, one of my parents was kind of a rageaholic
Tessa Alburn:was definitely rageaholic It was scary, growing up. And then and
Tessa Alburn:also my dad like disappear. You know, for six months, he go work
Tessa Alburn:somewhere, he just announced it like the night before. And and
Tessa Alburn:then he's gone for six months. So there were things that just
Tessa Alburn:didn't feel quite right. And as a young girl, and I got my
Tessa Alburn:solace by going out. I don't recommend this to young girls
Tessa Alburn:listening. But back then we could do this in my neighborhood
Tessa Alburn:because it was safe to do. I would go into the woods, and
Tessa Alburn:climb a tree and soothe myself there because it wasn't soothing
Tessa Alburn:at home. And then I would come home at the end of the day, you
Tessa Alburn:know, this was when I was not in school, of course, because when
Tessa Alburn:I was in school, I was being a perfect student because I needed
Tessa Alburn:to be. And over the over time, what was happening is I was just
Tessa Alburn:felt like I was losing parts of myself. So I was shy, because
Tessa Alburn:because if I spoke up, I would either get in trouble or get
Tessa Alburn:blamed or get punished, physically hurt. And this went
Tessa Alburn:on for years until you know, I became an adult young adult and
Tessa Alburn:then I rebelled against all that and became kind of a wild girl
Tessa Alburn:and you know partier and things of that nature. And then I sort
Tessa Alburn:of somehow integrated those things and into a pretty fun
Tessa Alburn:vivacious young adult. But I was getting feedback or pushback
Tessa Alburn:really, from definitely from men who did not like when I spoke
Tessa Alburn:up. And, and I was being like I thought it was being really,
Tessa Alburn:really cautious and really careful about how I spoke up.
Tessa Alburn:But if I went to defend anything, like I remember being
Tessa Alburn:in a class, and one of the other people in the class was getting
Tessa Alburn:picked on by the instructor, I was like, This just doesn't feel
Tessa Alburn:right. And so I brought it up in the debrief, and then I became
Tessa Alburn:the target. For the next six months. A whole group was
Tessa Alburn:horrible, until finally that person recognized that they had
Tessa Alburn:been out of line with me, and I apologize, but it was already
Tessa Alburn:too late. The whole program was done. The certification
Tessa Alburn:happened, I was picked on the entire time. So I noticed also
Tessa Alburn:I'm a Scorpio and sometimes we do say things that are dropped.
Tessa Alburn:But i i People were perceiving that I was kind of bitchy and
Tessa Alburn:abrupt. And so it was either don't say anything, these are my
Tessa Alburn:options, don't say anything or be ready to be attacked, you
Tessa Alburn:know, by somebody verbally. And so I was like what the heck and
Tessa Alburn:so I started listening, reading you know, like nonviolent
Tessa Alburn:communication, communication. all that wonderful stuff, the
Tessa Alburn:Marshall. Rosenberg did that but it took forever it was really
Tessa Alburn:that's a really long process. I liked a lot of it. And then I at
Tessa Alburn:one point I wound up working taking a process called the
Tessa Alburn:Hoffman process and then I wanted to work in there which
Tessa Alburn:was amazing because I got so much on the job experience
Tessa Alburn:working with people and and helping them feel safe. And so
Tessa Alburn:there was a lot of there were a lot of things that I learned
Tessa Alburn:about energy but I was isn't like fully present wasn't until
Tessa Alburn:I learned how to tap in, really to my own vulnerability without
Tessa Alburn:falling apart. And communicating what I needed or what I was
Tessa Alburn:feeling, or what would make me happy in a way that can be heard
Tessa Alburn:that that's when I started to feel like, oh, wow, I can speak
Tessa Alburn:up. Now, I can say something and I don't have to be masculine
Tessa Alburn:when I do it. And I don't have to just play with the boys. Or
Tessa Alburn:not playing with the boys, depending on the situation.
Tessa Alburn:Right. So plus, I found that really helped me develop my
Tessa Alburn:friendships with other women. So other women weren't like, I
Tessa Alburn:don't know, if I can trust, you know, you know, a lot of women
Tessa Alburn:are like, they don't want to have a lot of girlfriends. It's
Tessa Alburn:like, oh, they're just gonna bite me in the ass. And cuz it's
Tessa Alburn:true, a lot of women will do that. But when you develop
Tessa Alburn:feminine energy mastery, you start to be able to discern
Tessa Alburn:better, who are the people you're going to let in to your
Tessa Alburn:inner circle, you deserve better, what you're going to
Tessa Alburn:share, you know, what's too much information. And, and you also
Tessa Alburn:get to choose how you show up within the relationship. And it
Tessa Alburn:becomes so much easier and so much more connected. So whether
Tessa Alburn:that relationship is with a boss, or a manager, husband,
Tessa Alburn:your children, all these things, change all these relationships
Tessa Alburn:start into something more beautiful, where you're more
Tessa Alburn:respected. And that is the work that I love. That's part of part
Tessa Alburn:of the big piece of it.
Jennifer Takagi:I love that. And I probably definitely need
Jennifer Takagi:your ninja program. Because I don't know at this point in my
Jennifer Takagi:life, if it's just habit of people saying it. But if I make
Jennifer Takagi:a statement, that is something I truly believe like it, it
Jennifer Takagi:resonates with me, this is my thing. This is how I feel about
Jennifer Takagi:this. And even if I'm not harsh about it, but I'm, you know,
Jennifer Takagi:matter of fact about it, I'll get Wow, Jennifer, why don't you
Jennifer Takagi:tell us how you really feel? And I'm like, Oh, you have no idea
Jennifer Takagi:like you like I just like, gave me a tiny nugget. There's a
Jennifer Takagi:whole lot more that I didn't share. So is that kind of part
Jennifer Takagi:of the thing that you would get a lot? Like, tell us how you
Jennifer Takagi:really feel about that? Well, okay, let me and now you just,
Jennifer Takagi:you know, unleashed the dragons speak.
Tessa Alburn:You Yeah, so I had a different style, like mine was
Tessa Alburn:like, try not to say anything, because whatever I say isn't
Tessa Alburn:going to be received. But if I was invited, often was a setup
Tessa Alburn:to be blamed or criticize. And I felt I had taken a lot of things
Tessa Alburn:personally, and I sometimes didn't understand what I didn't
Tessa Alburn:know, for a long time was, I wasn't actually understanding
Tessa Alburn:what the other person was saying. Because I had so many
Tessa Alburn:filters, right already judging myself. No, don't do that, you
Tessa Alburn:know, whatever it is, and that those filters I was projecting
Tessa Alburn:that onto or transferring that on to the other person. So it
Tessa Alburn:was hard to actually understand what was happening. And words
Tessa Alburn:just messed it up. And so that the only people I could really
Tessa Alburn:connect with for a long time were those who are suffering,
Tessa Alburn:like I was the, you know, criers. So I was more in that
Tessa Alburn:zone. But then I went, I also had a phase where I was in the
Tessa Alburn:screw you and you know, whatever, stop. So I've had a
Tessa Alburn:little bit of both. And when you learn these skills, because they
Tessa Alburn:are skills, they're not natural for most of us, unless we had a
Tessa Alburn:role model, a mother who naturally did this maybe with
Tessa Alburn:her husband, then we probably didn't get any of it. My mother
Tessa Alburn:didn't have any of those skills. She was, you know, mistreated
Tessa Alburn:her whole life. And so she was of the version like, don't say
Tessa Alburn:anything. And then when you asked her something, she was
Tessa Alburn:kinda like, what you're talking about. She was like that tough
Tessa Alburn:girl, you know? Well, it better be like this and your father,
Tessa Alburn:you know? And I mean, I'm not saying that's you, but there's
Tessa Alburn:that protection. That shows up for a lot of my clients. And
Tessa Alburn:that's what it looks like. Yeah. So it can sound critical when
Tessa Alburn:it's not meant as criticism. Ah, right. Yeah. And that's a bit
Tessa Alburn:Big problem because it's really hard for other people to then
Tessa Alburn:manage that. So we want to be aware of how we're coming across
Tessa Alburn:as much as possible. I mean, we all make mistakes, but to take
Tessa Alburn:care of our own emotional management, and find words and
Tessa Alburn:ways to say things that are still authentic, that create
Tessa Alburn:connection rather than disconnection.
Jennifer Takagi:Oh, I love that create connections rather than
Jennifer Takagi:disconnections. I'm taking lots of notes here,
Tessa Alburn:I see that.
Jennifer Takagi:I was that good student because I tried to write
Jennifer Takagi:down if I was bored, I would try to write down everything they
Jennifer Takagi:said and what I didn't learn or realize way back when was then
Jennifer Takagi:that just embedded in my brain, and then I remembered it. So now
Jennifer Takagi:I'm just an avid note taker. And it's like, oh, let me put a star
Jennifer Takagi:here and remember that, yeah, that's a good method. I love it.
Jennifer Takagi:I create connection rather than disconnection. So if I were
Jennifer Takagi:wanting to, I'm going to use the word modify, modify, tweak,
Jennifer Takagi:smoothed out my communication styles and my interaction
Jennifer Takagi:styles. Do you have a few techniques or suggestions that
Jennifer Takagi:you could share with me and the audience?
Tessa Alburn:Yeah, like, if I just gave you a formula right
Tessa Alburn:now, like it would work once, maybe. But because we we need to
Tessa Alburn:get underneath it. And so the real tip is to start to pay
Tessa Alburn:attention to what you're actually feeling. And start to
Tessa Alburn:accept your own feelings. So you know, there's something like,
Tessa Alburn:what's an example, Jennifer of a time where you might have that
Tessa Alburn:rough conversation with somebody? Like, what's the
Tessa Alburn:situation? You don't mind me asking?
Jennifer Takagi:I'm okay, kind of simple, but the reality. I am
Jennifer Takagi:a very picky eater eater, but the things I like I like a lot
Jennifer Takagi:of, and like if we're at a restaurant, and we're looking at
Jennifer Takagi:the menu, and people are talking about what they may or may not
Jennifer Takagi:order, and then say, oh, Jennifer, what about this? And I
Jennifer Takagi:might say, well, I don't eat onions. I don't eat mushrooms.
Jennifer Takagi:So I'm not ever going to order that. And it's like, Oh, why
Jennifer Takagi:don't you tell us how you really feel? I mean, like, they just go
Jennifer Takagi:off for like, Who gives a shit? I don't like mushrooms and
Jennifer Takagi:onions. Like, why are you making that a thing? So then it becomes
Jennifer Takagi:a thing about the things I don't like and I'm like, I don't
Jennifer Takagi:understand why anybody cares. Tessa, why do people care what I
Jennifer Takagi:eat
Tessa Alburn:or don't eat to make things their business? That
Tessa Alburn:and that's, that's another whole problem. But so in that
Tessa Alburn:situation, okay. I love this. One of the things that you've
Tessa Alburn:been accustomed to needing to do, because you're trying to
Tessa Alburn:take care of yourself, right? And when the person's point
Tessa Alburn:something out, like, what about this? What about that? What are
Tessa Alburn:you actually feeling in that moment?
Jennifer Takagi:I'm usually feeling that's an invitation to
Jennifer Takagi:have a conversation. Like you're open. I feel like it's Well, now
Jennifer Takagi:that you say that I probably feel like it's a little bit of a
Jennifer Takagi:setup. Like they're just asking me that to get me to say I hate
Jennifer Takagi:onions and mushrooms, and then they make maybe,
Tessa Alburn:yeah, they want to stir the pot. Yeah. So here's
Tessa Alburn:what I would I would ask you to do, I'm going to ask you to get
Tessa Alburn:in touch with your values around what you eat. Like, alright, so
Tessa Alburn:what is something like that's important to you about how you
Tessa Alburn:eat
Jennifer Takagi:it's important that I eat what I like.
Tessa Alburn:And what is what what determines what you like.
Jennifer Takagi:Well, like I've got a list of foods that I do,
Jennifer Takagi:like and I you know, order them regularly or cook them at home
Jennifer Takagi:regularly. Yeah, um,
Tessa Alburn:and you like them because, well, I
Jennifer Takagi:like them because I like the taste. I like
Jennifer Takagi:the texture. I like the flavor. Okay, great.
Tessa Alburn:So as you're sharing this with me, you sound
Tessa Alburn:really soft and lovely. You can go back and listen. Right? So
Tessa Alburn:that's the Jennifer, I want to have respond. to this person
Tessa Alburn:who's asking you about whatever it was the onion rings. And so
Tessa Alburn:when they point out things on the menu, you're like, No, no,
Tessa Alburn:first of all, I want you to inhibit, I don't get it out of
Tessa Alburn:your vocabulary. And then you're gonna veto, I don't. And then
Tessa Alburn:you're gonna, you're gonna tune in to what your preferences? And
Tessa Alburn:you're just gonna speak to that. Oh, oh, I hear what you're
Tessa Alburn:saying, you know, I think I prefer
Tessa Alburn:whatever it is, potato skins. You know, I think I'm gonna I
Tessa Alburn:prefer the potato skins today. What about you? Right, so
Tessa Alburn:there's no argument. It's just you acknowledging the person.
Tessa Alburn:And then you say what you prefer? And they're like, Oh, I
Tessa Alburn:really want Oh, you really want that? Yeah, well, go for it.
Tessa Alburn:Well said, Here's Okay, that was really simple. But here's the
Tessa Alburn:thing. There's a lot more going on under the surface. Yeah. So
Tessa Alburn:what we would do is look at that, because by now it's a
Tessa Alburn:habit. And there's a reason it's a habit is a very good reason.
Tessa Alburn:And, and so we want we would do in the work together, we would
Tessa Alburn:look at well, what is the reason that I've been having to say
Tessa Alburn:these things? And ah, what can I do now? You know, so there's a
Tessa Alburn:process for unpacking that stuff. But hopefully that was
Tessa Alburn:fun and helpful.
Jennifer Takagi:Well, it is. And you know, sometimes it's the
Jennifer Takagi:simplest things that then you can like, apply it in many, even
Jennifer Takagi:deeper situations. But it's kind of funny that my food choices
Jennifer Takagi:come up a lot and always have, I remember specifically, one time
Jennifer Takagi:we were at a restaurant and it was Red Lobster, and I don't eat
Jennifer Takagi:fish, and I am allergic to shellfish. And I'm never going
Jennifer Takagi:to order it like I, I don't. The waitress came by and I ordered
Jennifer Takagi:the amazing black and chicken breasts on a bed of Fettuccine
Jennifer Takagi:Alfredo, I was really happy with my choice. And my mother in law
Jennifer Takagi:looked at me and said, Are you ever going to learn to eat fish?
Jennifer Takagi:And I said, No. Are you ever going to learn to quit giving me
Jennifer Takagi:a hard time about what I eat? And the answer is no. So can we
Jennifer Takagi:just like constant, you know, a constant thing, which so it's so
Jennifer Takagi:simple. And somebody's thinking, Oh, my God, Jennifer, nobody
Jennifer Takagi:really cares what you eat. But holy crap, really, they kind of
Jennifer Takagi:do
Tessa Alburn:it. They just seem to pester you about it, don't
Tessa Alburn:they? Yeah. So there's an energetic field that's been set
Tessa Alburn:up, and you keep getting into that little trap. And so I would
Tessa Alburn:show you ways to get out of that. And
Jennifer Takagi:give me one really great way to get out of
Jennifer Takagi:that. And I love that
Tessa Alburn:thank you. Oh my gosh, we had no idea things were
Tessa Alburn:gonna go this direction today. And I love it. I love that
Tessa Alburn:you're so open. Things just
Jennifer Takagi:go or they go on this podcast. So as we wrap
Jennifer Takagi:up, like do you have one thing that you can share with the
Jennifer Takagi:audience that might help them like you just helped me with my
Jennifer Takagi:whole What am I going to order to eat saga?
Tessa Alburn:You know, I think along these lines, one of the
Tessa Alburn:most important things is for women to stop defending
Tessa Alburn:themselves. And anybody really if men if you're feeling like
Tessa Alburn:that to just take a breath and ask How else would I like to
Tessa Alburn:respond?
Tessa Alburn:Right now try it out. See what happens might be scary shit.
Jennifer Takagi:Oh my gosh, I love this. Okay, stop defending
Jennifer Takagi:yourself. Take a breath and ask yourself, how would I like to
Jennifer Takagi:respond? Tessa it has been awesome to visit with you. And
Jennifer Takagi:if someone wants to get ahold of you, we'll drop all the deets in
Jennifer Takagi:the show notes but like what's one quick, easy way to get ahold
Jennifer Takagi:of you?
Tessa Alburn:Quick, easy way is to go to Tessa. Free gift.com
Jennifer Takagi:Tessa free gift.com
Tessa Alburn:Yes, and you can sign up there, get my free gift
Tessa Alburn:to help activate your Soulfire and we'll take things from
Tessa Alburn:there.
Jennifer Takagi:Oh my gosh. I love that because I think Thank
Jennifer Takagi:you so much for being a guest today and for all your wisdom
Jennifer Takagi:and insights
Tessa Alburn:Thank you for having me Jennifer it's been a
Tessa Alburn:delight
Jennifer Takagi:I'm Jennifer Takagi with destined for success
Jennifer Takagi:and I look forward to connecting with you soon