Episode 276

How are you going to treat your body like a temple? | DFS 276

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Last week, Dr. Michelle shared valuable information about how the body remembers all the stressor and traumas and responds accordingly.  Let’s look at additional options you have to make little changes in your life to treat your body like a temple.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Stressors and Traumas, capital T and lower case T
  • Your body is a temple
  • Make shifts in 12 minute increments

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your

Jennifer Takagi:

host Jennifer Takagi. And I want to talk a little bit about what

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Dr. Michelle shared with us last week. And she was talking about

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how the body remembers. And I was really disappointed to find

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out sciatica is tied to fear and anxiety. I don't have fear and

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anxiety. But guess what, we all have some fear and anxiety. As

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it turns out, just to close that loop, actually, I don't have

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sciatica, I just have really bad alignment from my hips to my

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ankles, and I'm awaiting a knee replacement, and then all will

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be well with my world. So let's get back to the physical body.

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And what happens with the physical body. We remember

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everything when I say we, I mean every aspect of you your aura,

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your spiritual part of your being your physical body, your

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emotional body all remembers, it remembers the stressors, it

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remembers the traumas. I loved it at an event one time somebody

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said, I don't have any trauma with a capital T. But all the

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traumas with a lowercase t, the little, the little things that

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happen every day. If we don't process it, it gets trapped in

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your body. And you know this because I'm talking about my

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emotion code and Body Code work. But Dr. Michelle really honed in

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on it. And she honed in on how teas can help. I actually talked

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to a friend of mine who's a doctor of naturopathic medicine.

Jennifer Takagi:

And she said here buy these teas to help with inflammation in the

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body. It's amazing what we do to our bodies, and what happens. So

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when we consider all the little physical and emotional stressors

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of the day, what are we doing to protect ourselves? Are we adding

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more stress to the body physically and emotionally and

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spiritually? Or are we helping clear it out? I have often heard

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that the body is a temple. And we should treat it with that

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much respect. So let's be clear. I don't necessarily do this. But

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I'm making progress people. It's a little step every day that

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makes it better. So what are you doing to treat your body? Well?

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That's the nutrition side of things. Are you eating foods

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that actually promote better health and reduce inflammation?

Jennifer Takagi:

Apparently, a lot of things are caused by inflammation. I'm not

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a medical person or a nutritionist, and I don't

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pretend to be one on this podcast. But what are we doing?

Jennifer Takagi:

I was just at physical therapy. And she said your two biggest

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stressors for this knee situation are sugar and gluten.

Jennifer Takagi:

I didn't want to tell her I'm a baker and I use and eat sugar

Jennifer Takagi:

and gluten every day. I just said okay, thanks for that. I

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have a choice. I have a choice how I'm going to treat my body?

Jennifer Takagi:

Am I going to reduce the gluten and the sugar to help with the

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inflammation that causes more pain? I don't know. I don't

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know. We'll see that maybe I could reduce it a little bit.

Jennifer Takagi:

What happens at this time of year? FYI, it's the first part

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of January of 2024. When I'm recording this, what happens is

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we set all or nothing goals. I have to give up all gluten I

Jennifer Takagi:

have to give all sugar. I have to do it forever. But do you

Jennifer Takagi:

have to? Is that sustainable? For me? It is not can I reduce

Jennifer Takagi:

it? Yes. Can I say no? Sometimes? Yes. My brother in

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law and I made a deal years ago on a cruise because again, I'm a

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baker, I love dessert. And we made a deal. We were going to

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take two bites, and no more than two bites. And if it didn't trip

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our trigger and thrill us to death and say oh my I want more.

Jennifer Takagi:

We stopped eating it. It was a huge, huge thing for us because

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usually we would just eat it because it was on the table and

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it was on the cruise and we got it but here's the deal was

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already made. They already served it. They can't serve it

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to somebody else. So they just walked away. So what's something

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you can easily say no to regularly but not 100% of the

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time. It may not be sustainable for you some people it is and

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you're going this is crap. I just quit whatever. And that's

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great for you. But some people like me, not so much. So how are

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we going to start treating our body better? Quickly and easily?

Jennifer Takagi:

Well, if you haven't heard, I have a book and it's called 12

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minutes to win reach your goals and 12 minute increments. It's

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available on Amazon. I haven't put Ready to a lot yet, but I

Jennifer Takagi:

will be very soon. Following Dr. Jack Canfield methodology of the

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success principles and take 100% responsibility for your life. If

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you can't take 100% Take 5%. Well, I created a formula for

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that in a four hour period 5% of four hours is 12 minutes. So now

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what can you do for 12 minutes, at least once a day to take you

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closer to your goal? So let's get back to that nutrition

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piece. If you wanted to make a change in your eating lifestyle,

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because it shouldn't be a diet, it should be a lifestyle. If you

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wanted to make the shift in that. It can seem overwhelming,

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right? Like, oh my gosh, what am I going to do? So to do that,

Jennifer Takagi:

you could Google various eating plans, find the one that would

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fit your lifestyle and with your family, it's very difficult to

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cook multiple meals. Anytime I've tried to do something a

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little bit odd on my eating plan. My husband has always been

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supportive, and God right along with it. But sometimes that's

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not the case. Or you have little kids and they're like not gonna

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do it. Or it may not be healthy for them. Right? I don't really

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know about nutrition. Again, let's be clear about that. But

Jennifer Takagi:

can you spend 12 minutes set a timer? My friend recently called

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the egg timer, I thought that was really cute. Set your egg

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timer on your phone for 12 minutes and Google different

Jennifer Takagi:

types of eating plans? Do you want to follow the FDA

Jennifer Takagi:

recommended daily requirements? Do you want to follow a Keto or

Jennifer Takagi:

a What's that other one? I like a South Beach kind of diet.

Jennifer Takagi:

There's keto. And then there's I don't even know all the names of

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a mall? Or do you just want to reduce your fat intake? Or do

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you want to go on a high protein low carb? I don't know. I don't

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know what would work best for you. But you could spend 12

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minutes searching the internet. And you could find an eating

Jennifer Takagi:

plan that would fit your lifestyle. Okay, so that's 12

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minutes, you're done. Poof, you decided you picked one. You

Jennifer Takagi:

looked at what was available and you picked one. These are not

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labor decisions, people. They're not permanent for live. It's to

Jennifer Takagi:

get you started. Okay, so you picked this particular eating

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plan? Great. Now you can spend 12 minutes putting together a

Jennifer Takagi:

grocery list, what do you need to purchase from the grocery

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store in order to eat this particular way? If you have your

Jennifer Takagi:

list, I'm going to make a huge assumption here. And you know,

Jennifer Takagi:

What assumptions do they make an ass out of you and me. But I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

going to make a huge assumption that most grocery stores are set

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up very similarly. And I learned this many years ago. And it's

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very interesting that I typically find it as true on the

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outer walls of the grocery store. On the three outer walls,

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you have your fruits and vegetables, your dairy and your

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meats. And your frozen foods are thrown in there too. If you only

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shop on the outer perimeter of the grocery store, and you don't

Jennifer Takagi:

buy all the goodies on the end caps, you're getting the most

Jennifer Takagi:

healthy foods, you're getting the fruits and vegetables,

Jennifer Takagi:

you're getting the dairy and the those kinds of things that you

Jennifer Takagi:

need. And then also the meat and poultry products. So you could

Jennifer Takagi:

with a targeted list, go through the grocery store, and get all

Jennifer Takagi:

the items you need in 12 minutes. Now, it might take you

Jennifer Takagi:

more than 12 minutes to check out. But you got your basket

Jennifer Takagi:

filled in 12 minutes, hopefully you can check out and 12 more

Jennifer Takagi:

minutes. So that's 24 minutes, right and then add 12 more for

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your grocery shop shopping list together. That's 36 minutes.

Jennifer Takagi:

Let's say it takes you 12 minutes to drive there. What is

Jennifer Takagi:

that? 3646 48. Okay, so we're at 48 minutes

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that you've taken to pick a plan, make a list, do the

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shopping, checkout, get your car drive home, you can do that.

Jennifer Takagi:

What if you want to work out more? I have a friend and I

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shared this methodology with her and she goes wow, you know what

Jennifer Takagi:

I have to say I've gotten to the gym every day because I promised

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myself I will just do 12 minutes. In actuality she did

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way more than 12 minutes every day. But when she knew that at

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the end of 12 minutes, no guilt, no shame she could get off that

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treadmill or elliptical or whatever machine she was on and

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go home because she did a 12 minutes. If you did 12 minutes a

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day for 365 days, I'm not a math wizard but somebody did the math

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on that and told me that 73 hours what if you dedicated 73

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hours to reaching a goal? Whether is a physical goal,

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nutritional goal, business goal personal development goal. You

Jennifer Takagi:

can make a lot of headway in 2024 by focusing 12 minutes a

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day on something that you want to do to make a change in your

Jennifer Takagi:

life. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look forward to connecting with

Jennifer Takagi:

you soon

About the Podcast

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Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.