Episode 287

Discover the genetic root causes of health challenges | DFS 287

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Alicia shares her path to creating a healthier life!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Where does your food come from?
  • Eat more plain vegetables
  • Work on 1 thing at a time

Alicia Mazari-Andersen is a seasoned biologist and holistic nutritionist, having spent a quarter-century teaching higher education and over a decade teaching folks how to create healthy habits. At 62, she is living proof of the power of holistic health. She treats her body as her temple, free from symptoms of any illness, and honestly, she feels like she is 30. She has walked the path, detoxifying her body in a personalized way based on genetics to discover her best self. So, if you're searching for someone who's been there, done that, look no further. She has got the experience, the knowledge, and the passion to guide you on your journey to health by resetting your genes.

Find Alicia on LinkedIN:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/alicia-mazari-andersen-54317059/

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your

Jennifer Takagi:

host Jennifer Takagi and today is one of my favorite days it is

Jennifer Takagi:

PATA Palooza, de. And I have the opportunity to interview and

Jennifer Takagi:

meet some amazing people from all over the world. And I now

Jennifer Takagi:

have another Canadian to join me today. I have Alicia my sigh

Jennifer Takagi:

Anderson I hope I said that close to right. And you're from

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm gonna say Calgary did she say Calgary or just can't

Jennifer Takagi:

Alicia Mazari-Andersen: know I live in Vancouver, Vancouver?

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh, I only know like

Jennifer Takagi:

three places in Canada and I got it wrong

Jennifer Takagi:

anyway. Ah, so welcome to the show. I love it reset your

Jennifer Takagi:

genes. How genetic find the genetic root cause of your

Jennifer Takagi:

health issues? I love this topic. Tell me more.

Jennifer Takagi:

Alicia Mazari-Andersen: Yeah, I mean, I, we so we're chatting,

Jennifer Takagi:

you know, how, how is success if you are to have your health. I

Jennifer Takagi:

believe health is everything I truly believe health is

Jennifer Takagi:

everything. You know, I actually I have a little bit of a cold,

Jennifer Takagi:

so you can see me a little bit stuffy, but still, I'm here, you

Jennifer Takagi:

know, I'm, you know, I'm still in my zone. And the thing is,

Jennifer Takagi:

is, uh, Jennifer is that basically, I have no

Jennifer Takagi:

inflammation in my body, meaning I don't, I really don't feel bad

Jennifer Takagi:

at all. You know, like, every single day, every single day, I

Jennifer Takagi:

I truly believe that I'm 6062 years old. But I truly believe I

Jennifer Takagi:

have a body of a 30 year old body. Because my mind is clear.

Jennifer Takagi:

My you know, it's great. So let me just tell you a little bit

Jennifer Takagi:

about me. I've been university structure in biology for the

Jennifer Takagi:

past 25 plus years here in Vancouver. And in 2010,

Jennifer Takagi:

something happened that changed my life. And he was like the

Jennifer Takagi:

famous, you know, the famous position at the University. And

Jennifer Takagi:

I didn't get in and I'm like, Oh, what am I gonna do? And my

Jennifer Takagi:

friend goes like you love study? Why don't you just go into

Jennifer Takagi:

something else? Sure enough, I enrolled in a diploma into your

Jennifer Takagi:

diploma in holistic nutrition, which I finished in 10 months. I

Jennifer Takagi:

told my husband, I'll be done by Christmas, because like, no way

Jennifer Takagi:

to two years, I'll be done by Christmas with 12 case studies,

Jennifer Takagi:

the whole thing, the whole spiel. So I did, and I started

Jennifer Takagi:

changing my lifestyle. You know, I didn't not I you know, I did

Jennifer Takagi:

not tell my kids to do it. I did not tell my husband to do it.

Jennifer Takagi:

Like I'm this is the way I'm gonna do it right now. This is

Jennifer Takagi:

this is what I'm gonna do. It's up to you, if you want to do it.

Jennifer Takagi:

I have three kids, they're in their 20s, late 20s, mid to late

Jennifer Takagi:

20s. And when they left home, what did they leave with? They

Jennifer Takagi:

left with the healthy habits. I think that was the best gift

Jennifer Takagi:

they can I mean, they think to grow their stuff. But that's

Jennifer Takagi:

just stuff. But when you go to the place, they open the fridge,

Jennifer Takagi:

and it's like nothing to mirror my kitchen. So so excited about

Jennifer Takagi:

it. And anyway, in 2017, one of the companies, that cells that

Jennifer Takagi:

teachers, they teach us stuff to sell their supplements, opened a

Jennifer Takagi:

platform called Pure genomics. And I thought that was

Jennifer Takagi:

phenomenal. Excuse me, I thought that was phenomenal. I said,

Jennifer Takagi:

I'll take my DNA data and find out more about me. Well, it just

Jennifer Takagi:

so happened that this platform had titles. And I wasn't sure to

Jennifer Takagi:

share it because when in DNA, you have four letters, etc. Or

Jennifer Takagi:

when you change a Jif or an A it's, it's a disaster. So I

Jennifer Takagi:

didn't feel I didn't feel like sharing at all. Anyway, but time

Jennifer Takagi:

passed. And then we realize that there was another person that

Jennifer Takagi:

sort of same. So she created her own platform. And I want to

Jennifer Takagi:

introduce you to our mentor who wrote this book. It's your teens

Jennifer Takagi:

to fit your kids. It's a very scientific book. But she talks

Jennifer Takagi:

basically about the genes. And about she talks about weight

Jennifer Takagi:

loss. So, but she gives us a 66 page report, Jennifer and I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

like, I read it three times me being a biologist, a scientist

Jennifer Takagi:

and I'm like, she wrote this for for scientist or naturopathic

Jennifer Takagi:

doctor, not for the common people. And so anyways, so we

Jennifer Takagi:

decided to create a program and we were going to accept eight

Jennifer Takagi:

people in our beta program. We ended up with 16 The first time

Jennifer Takagi:

we run it and what we found was incredible. Incredible. I know

Jennifer Takagi:

someone that has MS. And you know when they tell you Oh, you

Jennifer Takagi:

have Ms. What do you think autoimmune it's your immune

Jennifer Takagi:

system. This way, it's not her immune system at all. She has

Jennifer Takagi:

detoxification problems college and problems, inflammation

Jennifer Takagi:

problems. She has neurotransmitter problems and

Jennifer Takagi:

hormonal problems and the whole thing which is spilled over and

Jennifer Takagi:

manifested as Ms. So when I found this out I'm like, Okay,

Jennifer Takagi:

well, this is the way we're gonna do it. So anyway, she's

Jennifer Takagi:

been just on top of it just amazing. She's gone from a pain

Jennifer Takagi:

of nine to pain of one, she is sleeping seven hours, which he

Jennifer Takagi:

couldn't before because her legs would contract all the time. And

Jennifer Takagi:

not only that, we found out that her daughter could also have it,

Jennifer Takagi:

and we are preventing her daughter from getting. So

Jennifer Takagi:

once you find out what's going on, then is it

Jennifer Takagi:

through nutrition and supplements that you reverse

Jennifer Takagi:

this? And as your background says rewrite your future? Yes.

Jennifer Takagi:

Alicia Mazari-Andersen: It's just food and supplements. Well,

Jennifer Takagi:

patients, what we're getting people to get off their

Jennifer Takagi:

medications. But it's it's I mean, I don't know in the US,

Jennifer Takagi:

but in Canada, because we have a social medical system. You know,

Jennifer Takagi:

by the time you go see your GP, by the time they send you to a

Jennifer Takagi:

specialist can be yours. It's just not working. It's not

Jennifer Takagi:

working. Are you going to wait a year? You know, to find out what

Jennifer Takagi:

it is? Or can you find out right away? And so anyway, I've been

Jennifer Takagi:

I've been dealing I've been dealing with people, a lot of

Jennifer Takagi:

people from Mexico actually found me where I'm actually

Jennifer Takagi:

going to actually go to open the program in English and in

Jennifer Takagi:

Spanish in January. So this girl, they're 32 year old, she

Jennifer Takagi:

could barely walk. She was using a cane to walk 32 year old and

Jennifer Takagi:

you're like, quite strong with you. He goes, Oh, I have

Jennifer Takagi:

fibromyalgia. And she goes like, oh, no, no, no, I've gone to my

Jennifer Takagi:

32nd specialist and they told me I have idiopathic chronic

Jennifer Takagi:

myositis and I start laughing. And I'm like you want me to

Jennifer Takagi:

translate that for you? myositis your muscles are inflamed.

Jennifer Takagi:

That's why you are in pain. Chronic. You've heard for a long

Jennifer Takagi:

time. Idiopathic. It's a new word used in medical terms,

Jennifer Takagi:

which means I have no idea what it is. She started the program.

Jennifer Takagi:

I saw her yesterday. She has lost I don't know something like

Jennifer Takagi:

1520 pounds. She hasn't no paid. All she wanted was go play

Jennifer Takagi:

paddle again and go play soccer. Again. She's doing that. You can

Jennifer Takagi:

see it's not just the weight loss. It is the the reduction in

Jennifer Takagi:

inflammation in the body. What has taken her where she is right

Jennifer Takagi:

now. So like that I can tell you endless stories. What about me?

Jennifer Takagi:

Well, me, I found out that I produce too much dopamine. I am

Jennifer Takagi:

what the doctor calls the dopamine junkie. I am the type

Jennifer Takagi:

of person that's on the go go go go go all day long, all day

Jennifer Takagi:

long. And if I don't if I if I find a new toy, or get a new toy

Jennifer Takagi:

yet, I buy new toys. I mean no new certifications and new

Jennifer Takagi:

things to do. And, you know, I'm a continual learner in my life.

Jennifer Takagi:

And now guess what? I am so chilled that I've never been

Jennifer Takagi:

like this in my life. And I don't want to lose more weight.

Jennifer Takagi:

Of course not. You know, I like weight. However, I am truly at

Jennifer Takagi:

my peak on wellness. I truly feel like you know, of course,

Jennifer Takagi:

you know, I exercise. I love walking, I exercise. I hydrate.

Jennifer Takagi:

i Eat For Health. I eat truly, truly clean. And my sleep is

Jennifer Takagi:

impeccable right now. I mean, I got a call. I started on Monday

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm here. Yeah, yeah, sure. I still I still have a bit of a

Jennifer Takagi:

cold, but it does not interrupt my life. And so, as you said to

Jennifer Takagi:

be successful, what is the best gift you can have? Jennifer?

Jennifer Takagi:

Your Health?

Jennifer Takagi:

Yeah, because if you don't have your health,

Jennifer Takagi:

you can't do anything else.

Jennifer Takagi:

Alicia Mazari-Andersen: That's right. You can have all the

Jennifer Takagi:

money in the world. You can have all the traveling, I mean,

Jennifer Takagi:

traveling everywhere. You can do you know, a lot of things. And

Jennifer Takagi:

something incredible is for people that want to lose weight

Jennifer Takagi:

is a validation that they find out exactly how much protein how

Jennifer Takagi:

much carbohydrates counterparts they should take. And when you

Jennifer Takagi:

when you change the food, inflammation just goes starts

Jennifer Takagi:

getting out and you start feeling better. I

Jennifer Takagi:

had years ago I had knee surgery and the

Jennifer Takagi:

realignment surgery and the pain pills I hated. And I called the

Jennifer Takagi:

doctor and I was like I can't take these pain pills and he

Jennifer Takagi:

said Aleve wasn't even out at that point. He was like well

Jennifer Takagi:

take for ibuprofen four times a day and keep the swelling down.

Jennifer Takagi:

So as long as I kept this swelling and inflammation down

Jennifer Takagi:

with taking medicine because of the surgery, I didn't have any

Jennifer Takagi:

pain. I mean there was a little discomfort but no big deal. So

Jennifer Takagi:

when people talk about inflammation causes all these

Jennifer Takagi:

other things. I completely believe it. Because if there's

Jennifer Takagi:

no inflammation, then there's no pain. But at that point, that's

Jennifer Takagi:

the next question. Yeah,

Jennifer Takagi:

Alicia Mazari-Andersen: you know, and if you hit yourself,

Jennifer Takagi:

right, you hit yourself, you know, there's inflammation,

Jennifer Takagi:

because you know, you even get a bruise or something, you know,

Jennifer Takagi:

you. But what happens? inflammation inside the body?

Jennifer Takagi:

How do you check it out? Through paper, you know, so many people

Jennifer Takagi:

would take so many people with, I cannot be sitting down on a

Jennifer Takagi:

chair for a long period of time. So many people like I cannot

Jennifer Takagi:

even work. I actually, and we've got people with cancer as well,

Jennifer Takagi:

trying to figure it out. I had a lady from Ontario, and she had

Jennifer Takagi:

breast she had breast cancer, I'm saying had because because

Jennifer Takagi:

we finally found out the root cause. And anyway, she was

Jennifer Takagi:

treated with chemotherapy that deals with estrogen, estrogen

Jennifer Takagi:

dominance, so of estrogen dominance in the environment,

Jennifer Takagi:

because of the food that we eat the plastics that we have all

Jennifer Takagi:

that stuff. So anyway, they told her Oh, sorry, the chemos not

Jennifer Takagi:

working, you're gonna have to do another year of it. And I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

like, Okay, well, we were waiting for her Dinah back then.

Jennifer Takagi:

I looked at it. And I'm like, I know what it is. It is your

Jennifer Takagi:

liver. Let's take the supplements. In two weeks, she

Jennifer Takagi:

got her period, she had her period for a whole year. Imagine

Jennifer Takagi:

the mess up of her hormones. Now, we're now we're getting her

Jennifer Takagi:

to get ready to be a mom. Like, it's just, it's just amazing. I

Jennifer Takagi:

remember that night when I just like, give my daughter like, go

Jennifer Takagi:

to bed early. I found out the root cause. And she and he goes,

Jennifer Takagi:

what is it? I'm like, liver detox space to use. Okay, I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

ready to go to sleep Shut up. And I'm like, excited.

Jennifer Takagi:

So how do you how does this process work?

Jennifer Takagi:

Like, how do you find out what's going on?

Jennifer Takagi:

Alicia Mazari-Andersen: So okay, so first of all, I don't have

Jennifer Takagi:

enough, if I had a lab, I know how to do it. But I don't have a

Jennifer Takagi:

lot. So what we do is we use 23andme. Have you heard about

Jennifer Takagi:

23andme? That 23andme, where you find your 23andme or you find

Jennifer Takagi:

your ancestry? Well, they also have the health ancestry plus

Jennifer Takagi:

health. So what we do is we use them as a lab, because it's the

Jennifer Takagi:

cheapest way of getting your data. So you do 23andme You find

Jennifer Takagi:

out your ancestry, your health, some people get really upset

Jennifer Takagi:

about the health, but I'm like, Look, don't even look at health,

Jennifer Takagi:

and you don't want to Okay, and then we get the data, we

Jennifer Takagi:

download the data and we work with the data. But then we show

Jennifer Takagi:

people what it is the need to work on one step at a time over

Jennifer Takagi:

a 12 week period. Because trying to put it together. It's not

Jennifer Takagi:

simple task. It's not simple. I mean, for me nowadays, but I

Jennifer Takagi:

mean, I've probably studied 60 people overall. And I see a lot

Jennifer Takagi:

of trends, a lot of detoxification problems, a lot

Jennifer Takagi:

of hormonal problems, a lot of neurotransmitter problems, you

Jennifer Takagi:

know, all kinds of things. You know, I had this family from

Jennifer Takagi:

Mexico who their daughter has illegal and when you think about

Jennifer Takagi:

it illegal you think about autoimmune again immune system,

Jennifer Takagi:

right? Guess what, she doesn't have problems with immunity. And

Jennifer Takagi:

I just told them guess what, you just say six months I'm going

Jennifer Takagi:

seeing immunologist do not find exactly what she has. They were

Jennifer Takagi:

like, Whoa, yeah. So we're now we are working with a girl. And

Jennifer Takagi:

of course, you know, we're waiting working with her and

Jennifer Takagi:

yeah, they're so excited about it. I

Jennifer Takagi:

love that you work with one thing at a time, I

Jennifer Takagi:

have a friend that was in a group with me and I she sent out

Jennifer Takagi:

some kind of email and it had some a really intriguing

Jennifer Takagi:

question. I don't remember now what it was. And it said if you

Jennifer Takagi:

want to know more book a call, so I booked a call and she was

Jennifer Takagi:

like, Hey, what are you doing? Look at a call. And I said,

Jennifer Takagi:

Well, I found that really interesting. What do you do?

Jennifer Takagi:

Well, come to find out she made you up and your whole entire

Jennifer Takagi:

life absolutely everything to get to the root cause to figure

Jennifer Takagi:

out what the problem was. And I was like, What can we do like

Jennifer Takagi:

one thing at a time like I I like him, I may not have the

Jennifer Takagi:

healthiest diet in the world, but I like what I like. And she

Jennifer Takagi:

was like no. So I appreciate. Address one thing at a time, it

Jennifer Takagi:


Jennifer Takagi:

Alicia Mazari-Andersen: need to start with food you need to

Jennifer Takagi:

start with changing habits you need to start by optimizing for

Jennifer Takagi:

example, our genes tells us how many times a day you should eat

Jennifer Takagi:

it. Should you eat three times a day should you have do

Jennifer Takagi:

intermittent fasting. How long are that how much protein how

Jennifer Takagi:

much fat, how much carbohydrates, lots of

Jennifer Takagi:

vegetables, of course, we promote lots of vegetables.

Jennifer Takagi:

Post, and even like that, just but we need to start one step at

Jennifer Takagi:

a time. Because if not people go crazy. People go crazy. You

Jennifer Takagi:

know, it's like I said, it has many greens as you like, you

Jennifer Takagi:

know, it just, it's as simple as eating like the rainbow. Like my

Jennifer Takagi:

plates are always like have so many which Greenberg is also

Jennifer Takagi:

eating like rainbow is extremely important for me. And then you

Jennifer Takagi:

start one step at a time. And then you add supplements,

Jennifer Takagi:

probably you add the supplements that are most, like most needed

Jennifer Takagi:

for you. You know, for example, somebody has inflammation and

Jennifer Takagi:

pain, then we deal with that those supplements to reduce

Jennifer Takagi:

inflammation and the pain. But a lot of times we just don't

Jennifer Takagi:

detox. We are so exposed right now to so many toxins in our

Jennifer Takagi:

body and our livers hold it. And it just like it doesn't go

Jennifer Takagi:

anywhere stays there. And then sometimes when people and by the

Jennifer Takagi:

way, many of these toxins are not soluble in water, they're

Jennifer Takagi:

soluble, in fact. So where are they stored? They are stored in

Jennifer Takagi:

there in the abdomen, where we have fat cells. What happens

Jennifer Takagi:

when you are on a diet and you lose weight? A lot of people

Jennifer Takagi:

will experience Oh, I have a headache? Well, because your

Jennifer Takagi:

toxins are not metabolized, they're still they're still

Jennifer Takagi:

soluble in, in fact, and where else in the body do have a lot

Jennifer Takagi:

of fat right here on the brain right there. And then you know,

Jennifer Takagi:

they'll go right here. And so you ended up having you end up

Jennifer Takagi:

seeing people would wear things like Parkinson's or Alzheimer's

Jennifer Takagi:

and stuff. It's just a huge amount of toxicity in the brain.

Jennifer Takagi:


Jennifer Takagi:

do supplements help get rid of that? Those

Jennifer Takagi:

toxins that are stored in the fat?

Jennifer Takagi:

Alicia Mazari-Andersen: Yes, because we support delivered,

Jennifer Takagi:

delivered delivered takes them as bean being fat to take them

Jennifer Takagi:

to be soluble in water and you pick them out to put them out

Jennifer Takagi:

use with them out to break them out.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh, I love that. So if you had one

Jennifer Takagi:

suggestion for the audience who's listening, what would be

Jennifer Takagi:

one thing that you think is most important that we could do today

Jennifer Takagi:

to make a shift in our overall health.

Jennifer Takagi:

Alicia Mazari-Andersen: Number one, find out where your food is

Jennifer Takagi:

coming from?

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh, okay.

Jennifer Takagi:

Alicia Mazari-Andersen: Make sure you know where the cow is

Jennifer Takagi:

coming from, or the chicken or whatever your vegetarian where

Jennifer Takagi:

your vegetables are coming from whether they contain, decrease

Jennifer Takagi:

the decrease the amount of toxins in your body. And number

Jennifer Takagi:

two, start eating more, more green vegetables. In summary,

Jennifer Takagi:

that's where all we all start.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love that. Awesome. So if someone wants to

Jennifer Takagi:

get ahold of you and find more about how they can reset their

Jennifer Takagi:

genes, how are we going to get ahold of you? Yeah,

Jennifer Takagi:

Alicia Mazari-Andersen: I will give you an Apple actually give

Jennifer Takagi:

you a a link right here on the imbalance LM website. All right

Jennifer Takagi:

down here. It's imbalance lm.com. And then it's it last

Jennifer Takagi:

gene reset underscore AM. And there you can actually find out

Jennifer Takagi:

how to do we usually let people start with a nurse your DNA

Jennifer Takagi:

report, once they have their data from 23andme. And then from

Jennifer Takagi:

there, you know, you've already from the even from their

Jennifer Takagi:

dinners, your DNA already gives you quite a bit of understanding

Jennifer Takagi:

on what to eat and how to eat and your detoxification. If you

Jennifer Takagi:

want to take it any further, then we have a 12 week program,

Jennifer Takagi:

a 12 week program. Awesome. Yeah, well,

Jennifer Takagi:

this has been so enlightening to me. I had no idea that 23 and me

Jennifer Takagi:

would go so far as to help me with my overall health. That's

Jennifer Takagi:


Jennifer Takagi:

Alicia Mazari-Andersen: I know. And there's usually a sailor on

Jennifer Takagi:

Christmas, so keep an eye on it. Oh, I have your email. I will I

Jennifer Takagi:

will email you and tell you that it's on sale. Well,

Jennifer Takagi:

awesome, because I have not done it. I

Jennifer Takagi:

know. One of my sisters did one of them 10 or 15 years ago, but

Jennifer Takagi:

I don't think it was 23. And me I think it was another one. So

Jennifer Takagi:

Alicia Mazari-Andersen: yeah, yeah, that could be ancestry.

Jennifer Takagi:

Ancestry also gives us that. Yeah, but we need to know how to

Jennifer Takagi:

do it too, as well, because the DNA doesn't come from the

Jennifer Takagi:

saliva. The DNA comes from the cheek cells. Oh, it's important

Jennifer Takagi:

that you massage your cheek cells before you spit. Oh,

Jennifer Takagi:

interesting. Okay, so how much we needed to

Jennifer Takagi:

know to do a test. Oh my gosh. Well, thank you Elisa. It has

Jennifer Takagi:

been a pleasure getting to know you and thank you for all the

Jennifer Takagi:

fabulous information.

Jennifer Takagi:

Alicia Mazari-Andersen: Thank you, Jennifer.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look forward to

Jennifer Takagi:

connecting with you soon.

About the Podcast

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Destined For Success
Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.