Episode 284

DISC Jennifer STYLE | DFS 284

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Jennifer shares with you her take on the DISC Behavioral Styles and how you can benefit from each one!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Dominate the Problem
  • Influence People
  • Steady Pace
  • Compliance with Procedures

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your

Jennifer Takagi:

host Jennifer Takagi. And today I want to follow up on the

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conversation from last week with Sherry Darden. If you missed

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that episode, you need to go back and catch that one first,

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it was really a great one. So in my conversation was sharing, I

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found out we're both certified facilitators in disc, D, I S, C,

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and a lot of people get hung up on this kind of thing. And they

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like, I don't know, make problems, I'm gonna say, in

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actuality, it is the best way to communicate more effectively.

Jennifer Takagi:

And it works best if everybody knows everyone else's style.

Jennifer Takagi:

Now, this is not a personality profile. Let me repeat that this

Jennifer Takagi:

is not a personality profile. It is a behavioral profile. This is

Jennifer Takagi:

how other people interpret your behavior. So let's make it all

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about me because I can't talk about you, I can talk about me.

Jennifer Takagi:

So disc di, SC disc, the D is dominating a problem. How does

Jennifer Takagi:

someone respond to a problem? And we all know those people who

Jennifer Takagi:

jump up instantaneously, and they have all the answers. The

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good news is they're often right. However, the people who

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are really high in this category and they exhibit this behavior a

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lot, is only I'm going to say I think it's 18% of the

Jennifer Takagi:

population. So if you have 18% of the population being super

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high DS, what do you think they do to everybody else? They make

Jennifer Takagi:

them feel like you've just squashed them like a bug. So if

Jennifer Takagi:

you look back on your behavior in the last few days, and when a

Jennifer Takagi:

problem came up, how did you respond? If you jumped on it

Jennifer Takagi:

with both feet and ready to go? You might be a little high in

Jennifer Takagi:

the D category, and that is good. We need people who are

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action takers, so good for you. But keep in mind, you might be

Jennifer Takagi:

scaring the crap out other people? Do you need to stop

Jennifer Takagi:

doing that? Maybe maybe not. It depends on you depends on the

Jennifer Takagi:

situation. The AI is for influencing people. So D is

Jennifer Takagi:

dominating problems. AI is influencing people. Now I'm very

Jennifer Takagi:

high in the eye. I'm so high. And I like every time I've taken

Jennifer Takagi:

the test on the score of one to 100. I can't get plugged in 96%

Jennifer Takagi:

i. So what that means is you want me on your team, to tell

Jennifer Takagi:

everybody about the new change coming because it can come

Jennifer Takagi:

across like a cheerleader. When I do it correctly. I come across

Jennifer Takagi:

as a cheerleader, and people are like, Oh, yes, go Jennifer,

Jennifer Takagi:

we're going to be all behind you. However, if I keep hounding

Jennifer Takagi:

you to death, to try to convince you to believe me to agree with

Jennifer Takagi:

me to get on my side, I can come across as a slimy salesperson,

Jennifer Takagi:

you know, like snake oil, like you really need to take these

Jennifer Takagi:

Vegeta vitamins that's from I Love Lucy, for those of you who

Jennifer Takagi:

don't know. It's really great. When I show up in my high I

Jennifer Takagi:

influencing people to bring everyone together. But when I

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overkill it, I turn everybody off. This is roughly 28% of the

Jennifer Takagi:

population. You can't have everybody jumping up and down.

Jennifer Takagi:

You can't it makes people tired. They don't like it. S This is

Jennifer Takagi:

for steadiness, steadiness. Now, people who are high in the s as

Jennifer Takagi:

their highest thing. That's like 40% of the population. So this

Jennifer Takagi:

is like the highest group of people. These people if you're

Jennifer Takagi:

one of these people and you're really into the steadiness

Jennifer Takagi:

chances are you're really great at customer service. You're

Jennifer Takagi:

really great when somebody calls in or emails in or writes in,

Jennifer Takagi:

however you get the complaint, you're probably really good at

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finding the solution and helping them out and staying at that

Jennifer Takagi:

cool, calm and collected instead of losing your ever loving mind.

Jennifer Takagi:

Also, you're absolutely fabulous at writing policies and

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procedures. Because you like that steadiness you like that

Jennifer Takagi:

consistency. Where can this be a downside? The downside is you

Jennifer Takagi:

get so caught up in the policies and procedures that you're not

Jennifer Takagi:

open minded to other changes. Is that all the time? Absolutely

Jennifer Takagi:

not. But I'm just telling you, we really need people with this

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stuff. Getting this, I really need them in my life because

Jennifer Takagi:

email. I'm the cheerleader, I'm jumping up and down all the time

Jennifer Takagi:

I need somebody to bring me in. Also people with that high s,

Jennifer Takagi:

they're very much into family, family vacations family outing,

Jennifer Takagi:

if you walk in their office, chances are you're going to see

Jennifer Takagi:

pictures of their last family vacation. S steadiness D is

Jennifer Takagi:

dominate the problem, you're not going to find family pictures in

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their office, their desk is probably always clear, at the

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end of the day, I, we're going to have like everything. And if

Jennifer Takagi:

we got our picture made with anybody, it's gonna be there,

Jennifer Takagi:

we're trying to influence people, we're really not

Jennifer Takagi:

bragging that we met that person, we just think it's

Jennifer Takagi:

really cool. And we're trying to connect with you. We're trying

Jennifer Takagi:

to connect with you, then the S is all about the family, and is

Jennifer Takagi:

about the RV and where you went and took all the family with

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you. This C is for compliance. And that's how you address

Jennifer Takagi:

procedures. Now I work really hard in this category, I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

telling you really hard, because the highest I've ever gotten in

Jennifer Takagi:

this category is eight 8%. And someone said, how on earth did

Jennifer Takagi:

you work for the federal government that is all about

Jennifer Takagi:

compliance with that aid? Like how did you do that? I did that

Jennifer Takagi:

because my I was so high, I wanted to get an accolade I

Jennifer Takagi:

wanted to get an award, I wanted to get a bonus. So I was able to

Jennifer Takagi:

sit down put pencil to paper and get the work done and do it

Jennifer Takagi:

correctly. So every one of these is needed. I need the people

Jennifer Takagi:

with the C in my life because I need them to keep me out of

Jennifer Takagi:

jail. I need the lawyers, I need the CPAs I need the accountants,

Jennifer Takagi:

I need the people who are really into that compliance piece. So

Jennifer Takagi:

we've got dominating the problems influencing the people,

Jennifer Takagi:

a steady pace, and compliance when it comes to procedures.

Jennifer Takagi:

That's how this all comes together. Do you see how we need

Jennifer Takagi:

them all? Compliance comes down to I think it's like 14%, I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

not the math person in this equation. Just so you know, if

Jennifer Takagi:

you're new to my podcast, I use calculators. That's how I do

Jennifer Takagi:

math. So I think we're there, I think we've got it. Nobody is

Jennifer Takagi:

having a problem. Right? Like, I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

saying if you're not having interactions with the people you

Jennifer Takagi:

love, or the people at the office, whether the office is

Jennifer Takagi:

virtual or in person, you might consider how you're acting and

Jennifer Takagi:

how they're acting and reacting. And if maybe there's a

Jennifer Takagi:

disconnect if I walked into one of my boss's office, and I

Jennifer Takagi:

didn't just have a piece of paper with three bullet points

Jennifer Takagi:

on it, he was bored. Like he did not want the novel. He wanted

Jennifer Takagi:

the bullet points. There's somebody with a high eye, very

Jennifer Takagi:

social, very fast paced. They want you to ask them about their

Jennifer Takagi:

weekend, or they think that you don't like figure out who wants

Jennifer Takagi:

to tell you about the weekend. Those are your eyes. Those are

Jennifer Takagi:

your influential people who are going to influence everybody

Jennifer Takagi:

else to get on board. This steadiness people don't walk in

Jennifer Takagi:

and start asking them 40 questions about their life

Jennifer Takagi:

because they want to warm up to you. They're a little bit slower

Jennifer Takagi:

to warm up. But once they do, yeah, have them for life. Spend

Jennifer Takagi:

a few minutes with them before you get to the point that people

Jennifer Takagi:

who are really in to compliance. If I walk in, and I'm excited in

Jennifer Takagi:

a meeting and I say we're 80% there, and we're really at 78%

Jennifer Takagi:

Chances are they're never going to trust me again. Because I

Jennifer Takagi:

lied to them. Because we are not at 80% If you are interacting

Jennifer Takagi:

with somebody who is like that, that is their style. Just be

Jennifer Takagi:

sure you give them the exact number. Or tell them it's about

Jennifer Takagi:

their good with the about just don't walk in and say we're at

Jennifer Takagi:

80% when it 78 People who you're really high in this, just

Jennifer Takagi:

understand, we need you we love you. You totally need to be in

Jennifer Takagi:

our world. But just know that the rest of us may not be giving

Jennifer Takagi:

you the numbers 100% Exact give us a chance to make it right and

Jennifer Takagi:

don't just cut us out of your life.

Jennifer Takagi:

So I hope that was a helpful little tidbit on different

Jennifer Takagi:

things. Behavioral styles and how to act and interact with

Jennifer Takagi:

each other. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look forward to connecting

Jennifer Takagi:

with you soon. Oh, wait, I forgot one thing. I have an

Jennifer Takagi:

amazing gift. 12 minute gift.com 12 minute gift.com And

Jennifer Takagi:

I go into training on how to reach your goals and 12 minute

Jennifer Takagi:

increments. Grab it, grab it today.

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Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.