Episode 279

Avva Thach uses AI to improve processes | DFS 279

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. Avva Thach is a management consultant who help improve processes using Artificial Intelligence.

In this episode you will learn:

  • AI is helping hospitals
  • Allows staff to spend more time with patients
  • Compliance increases

Find Avva on LinkedIn at:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/avvathach/

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

All right. There we go. Welcome to destined

Jennifer Takagi:

for success. I'm your host Jennifer Takagi and today is one

Jennifer Takagi:

of my favorite days it is PATA Palooza de. And on this day, I

Jennifer Takagi:

get to meet so many amazing speakers that I would not have

Jennifer Takagi:

otherwise been able to connect with. And the next guest is the

Jennifer Takagi:

amazing Eva. Am I gonna say it? Right? Is it

Avva Thach:

Fache? Yes, they will attack. You got it.

Jennifer Takagi:

I got it. Right. And Ava is in Houston,

Jennifer Takagi:

Texas. Eva, tell us a little bit about you, and how you show up

Jennifer Takagi:

in the world in the magic Ubering?

Avva Thach:

Well, thank you, Jennifer. I am a web as a

Avva Thach:

business owner, I run my own management consulting firm, I

Avva Thach:

help midsize companies and enterprises to improve their

Avva Thach:

process using technology like aI integrating into their system,

Avva Thach:

and also create innovations create new products and

Avva Thach:


Jennifer Takagi:

Awesome. So AI, um, I'm a big fan. I'm a big fan

Jennifer Takagi:

of AI. And when people get very stressed about it, AI is only as

Jennifer Takagi:

good as the prompts you create. And so I I see it as a very

Jennifer Takagi:

helpful tool to help me do something better. versus, you

Jennifer Takagi:

know, taking over my world, my life and my job. What about you?

Jennifer Takagi:

How do you feel about AI?

Avva Thach:

Yes, absolutely. I use AI on a daily basis, like

Avva Thach:

I'm working with a company right now helping the CEO and the

Avva Thach:

company to integrating AI into their existing IT system. And

Avva Thach:

the goal is to help improve patient experience to help to

Avva Thach:

keep chronic patients out of the hospital longer and also to

Avva Thach:

improve profits and help the care managers can really focus

Avva Thach:

on what they do best, which is creating that customized

Avva Thach:

experience and create the connections with the patients

Avva Thach:

and the family of the patients.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh, that's so important. Because if

Jennifer Takagi:

somebody is in the hospital, you have to have an advocate. And

Jennifer Takagi:

the hospital staff is typically overtaxed, right, and so trying

Jennifer Takagi:

to get all the information can be quite a thing. Yeah,

Avva Thach:

absolutely. It's, if I remember the statistics, it's

Avva Thach:

about between seven minutes to maybe 13 to be generous, the

Avva Thach:

doctors in the US are very busy. So with patients I experienced

Avva Thach:

even before working with different health care

Avva Thach:

organizations and companies is that patience, especially when

Avva Thach:

they come in, like when when we're a patient we come in, we

Avva Thach:

need help, but with that small, very short amount of time, how

Avva Thach:

do we create connections? How do we even open up and talk about

Avva Thach:

our challenge and this is where innovation product innovation

Avva Thach:

can come outside of the doctor office not to say that they are

Avva Thach:

not important, but also to collaborate, implement, and

Avva Thach:

partner with doctor office to really enhance that customer

Avva Thach:

patient experience. And as a management consultant like and,

Avva Thach:

and business owner, I think of myself as a system integrator.

Avva Thach:

And when we want to create innovation in, in a company in

Avva Thach:

enterprises, it's really about the people the process, and not

Avva Thach:

just the technology. You know, I love AI, but it's not really

Avva Thach:

about injecting AI, when, whenever, but it's really about

Avva Thach:

using it where it makes sense. So

Jennifer Takagi:

have you been able to expand the number of

Jennifer Takagi:

minutes that a physician is able to spend with a patient? Or is

Jennifer Takagi:

it just making them more effective minutes? Like how does

Jennifer Takagi:

that work? Because I one time I wrote a letter to my doctor, it

Jennifer Takagi:

was like seven pages long? Because he would ask me

Jennifer Takagi:

questions, and I would answer and we would go down the path.

Jennifer Takagi:

And then he'd say, is there anything else? He always asked

Jennifer Takagi:

that right? Is there anything else? And I'd say no. And I

Jennifer Takagi:

would get up and leave and I'd go home. And I think I should

Jennifer Takagi:

have said all this. And so I woke up in the middle of night

Jennifer Takagi:

sick. And I just sat down and wrote this long letter and

Jennifer Takagi:

mailed it in. I just like put it in the mail that night. And two

Jennifer Takagi:

days later, the nurse called and said, How soon can you get in?

Jennifer Takagi:

And then went through the whole letter with me. So part of that

Jennifer Takagi:

was my fault because I wasn't expressing enough of what was

Jennifer Takagi:

going on. And I don't know that that was his fault at all. But

Jennifer Takagi:

he was always willing to stay but I didn't always have my

Jennifer Takagi:

questions together or my explanations ready to go. So is

Jennifer Takagi:

there something I could do to be more prepared so that I can be

Jennifer Takagi:

in control of my health and be my own patient at nicot

Avva Thach:

Jennifer is sounds like a perfect patient you

Avva Thach:

always wanted to to, to do what you can do on your end and make

Avva Thach:

sense. You know, when we go to the doctor office, there's just

Avva Thach:

so many things. So it's totally normal to feel like I might have

Avva Thach:

more questions I might forget. But you do ask me two questions

Avva Thach:

like, I think the first question I addressed first, which is like

Avva Thach:

were, we are able to expand the minutes. So this is something

Avva Thach:

that I think a lot about time is so important, important and

Avva Thach:

precious, especially when we're running our own business. And

Avva Thach:

it's for everyone, right. So improving process for me, first

Avva Thach:

of all, is really to be able to give back the precious time that

Avva Thach:

people have in their life, they can do more innovation, they can

Avva Thach:

spend time with the loved one, whatever that is. So we cannot

Avva Thach:

magically expand the time, physically time. But what we

Avva Thach:

were able to do is like a look into the numbers are calculated.

Avva Thach:

And it if if we, you know, if we calculate it right, like right

Avva Thach:

now, which is based on the current number of the people in

Avva Thach:

the organization, we could be saving $1.5 million a year and

Avva Thach:

cut by just cutting back by five or 10 minutes from the care

Avva Thach:

manager, so that he can really focus on having the connection

Avva Thach:

with the patients the way tailor, it's the way that the

Avva Thach:

patient needs and resonate with. And, second, in the second

Avva Thach:

question, you're asked, like, is there anything in your end, I

Avva Thach:

mean, we all one patient like, you know, that is so wonderful

Avva Thach:

that you have that mindful, but a lot of time, you know, just be

Avva Thach:

yourself and a lot of time, if patients going through something

Avva Thach:

is, is because there are so many things that happening at the

Avva Thach:

same time. Often in product innovation, I often think about

Avva Thach:

how do we get into the eye into the perspective of the patient

Avva Thach:

and empathy, giving empathy to them and see from their eyes, it

Avva Thach:

could be that dealing with chronic disease is very

Avva Thach:

difficult. You know, it's you know, if someone's telling you,

Avva Thach:

oh, your blood pressure is high, and you can't really hear that

Avva Thach:

message, it could really get to you. So if anything I would ask

Avva Thach:

is to is to be compassionate to ourselves. You know, as patient

Avva Thach:

when we go to the doctor office, we're trying our best, we didn't

Avva Thach:

really ask for certain things, challenge in health wise that

Avva Thach:

come to us. So the first thing is to be compassionate, and also

Avva Thach:

communicate what we want, but also be an advocate for our own

Avva Thach:

health. You know, think about the purpose, why we want to get

Avva Thach:

better what can help us in our lives.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm an avid note taker. And so now I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

really good. If I have several things, I either take a pad and

Jennifer Takagi:

pin and jot down what I want to be sure I cover or I put it on

Jennifer Takagi:

my phone and one of the notes apps on on what I want to go

Jennifer Takagi:

over. Because oftentimes we get that whole white coat syndrome.

Jennifer Takagi:

We know what we want to ask what we want to say, but then that

Jennifer Takagi:

white coat comes walking through the door and and for whatever

Jennifer Takagi:

reason, starstruck awestruck scared our minds, just go a

Jennifer Takagi:

jumble. And so I will take a an if I have several things,

Jennifer Takagi:

sometimes I just have one thing, and it's no big deal, I can talk

Jennifer Takagi:

about the one thing and get it addressed. But otherwise, I need

Jennifer Takagi:

to write it down and take notes. And so I don't know if there's a

Jennifer Takagi:

way to do that more effectively, more efficiently, or if just

Jennifer Takagi:

coming in with my list of questions is is going to help

Jennifer Takagi:

get us to the answer faster.

Avva Thach:

Yes. You know, in fact, like, I use AI to take

Avva Thach:

notes all the time and help ask, you know, just general AI to

Avva Thach:

even some summarized things for me, you know, when I go into a

Avva Thach:

meeting or something, and it's just like, I use AI on a daily

Avva Thach:

basis, so that's something that you can definitely do. And you

Avva Thach:

know, you can also record yourself and some time, it's

Avva Thach:

just a matter of having a good sleep.

Jennifer Takagi:

Yeah, so I want to get into a little bit about

Jennifer Takagi:

using AI to take notes for a summary. So like, I'm gonna go

Jennifer Takagi:

to a doctor's appointment or a meeting, then how would that I

Jennifer Takagi:

mean, that sounds very intriguing to me, how would I

Jennifer Takagi:

make best use of that?

Avva Thach:

So how you make best use of AI? I mean, I have aI now

Avva Thach:

you can open it on the on the phone as well easily. So from my

Avva Thach:

experience, I use that a lot using just single AI is my

Avva Thach:

partner it's not going to make a decision for me, but sometime it

Avva Thach:

helped me to capture My thoughts or you can sometimes you, you,

Avva Thach:

like you say, you know, the what we put into it. So using certain

Avva Thach:

prom engineers, you can be like, play a role of my, my doctors

Avva Thach:

and tell me what things I shouldn't need to be thinking

Avva Thach:

about or play a role of a patient? And in my situation,

Avva Thach:

what do I need to? To be asking? And how do I capture that

Avva Thach:

information, you can just ask AI, the AI is very good at

Avva Thach:

generating ideas, but in the end, it's come, you know, come

Avva Thach:

from your experience, you can, that's another thing when we

Avva Thach:

work in, when I do projects in healthcare, like I'm doing

Avva Thach:

projects in different fields, like energy, you know, oil and

Avva Thach:

gas and, and healthcare and, but the thing is, a lot of time, you

Avva Thach:

can bring in your own experience, like, Hey, I have

Avva Thach:

experienced about certain challenges in the past, how do I

Avva Thach:

make sure I go in and ask my questions? Or how do I, anything

Avva Thach:

else you can think about? So these are the kinds of things

Avva Thach:

that AI can be there and help you and you can say, put it in

Avva Thach:

point forms, like a lot of AI, even chatting, et is very good

Avva Thach:

at putting things in point forms for you to remember. And

Avva Thach:

sometimes you can upload it using attachments, and just

Avva Thach:

anything that you can imagine that AI is your partner, and you

Avva Thach:

are driving it bringing at the same time. One last thing I

Avva Thach:

would say is why working on this, this product, we

Avva Thach:

absolutely think about, like I would coach the entire team to

Avva Thach:

think about how do we create a customized AI that secure and,

Avva Thach:

and meet all the compliance so that if, if we have that

Avva Thach:

communication and long term with clients bringing in client data,

Avva Thach:

it's it's a peace of mind for clients as well.

Jennifer Takagi:

And so as a just to get extremely specific,

Jennifer Takagi:

so I'm gonna go to the doctor. And I can type in like all my

Jennifer Takagi:

symptoms in AI. And I can say something like, Please summarize

Jennifer Takagi:

so I can share this with my doctor. Is that like, a good use

Jennifer Takagi:

of it so that I could have it more my conversation more

Jennifer Takagi:

beneficial and get more out of it with my doctor once I get

Jennifer Takagi:


Avva Thach:

Absolutely, I think is a, you're very creative,

Avva Thach:

Jennifer. So you're just, you know, a part of being a coach in

Avva Thach:

my line of work is is to to know that each of what the person we

Avva Thach:

work with has the answer within themselves. So you just created

Avva Thach:

something that work for yourself. So I you know, if I

Avva Thach:

were you I would think that is a very sound advice. You know,

Avva Thach:

bringing your symptoms and and you know, even question given

Avva Thach:

thinking like what could be and, and think of different

Avva Thach:

possibilities and have that discussions with your doctors

Avva Thach:

when you come in.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love it. I love it. So when you think of

Jennifer Takagi:

the podcast, my podcast is called destined for success,

Jennifer Takagi:

because I believe we're all destined for even more success

Jennifer Takagi:

that we have. What is your definition of success? What does

Jennifer Takagi:

that look like for you? And do you have any services to part?

Jennifer Takagi:

Do you have any suggestions for the audience so that they can

Jennifer Takagi:

experience more success?

Avva Thach:

Thank you for the question, Jennifer, what would

Avva Thach:

be a success for me, a success for me would be able to be

Avva Thach:

myself continue to use my strengths, my inner strengths I

Avva Thach:

love I studied with people, I work with people from all over

Avva Thach:

the world and, and for me, to be able to have that self awareness

Avva Thach:

is important. And it's really helped me to get out of so many

Avva Thach:

situations. So success could be making the right decisions,

Avva Thach:

having the ability or training ourselves to have the ability to

Avva Thach:

really sell reflect and making the right decisions with

Avva Thach:

integrity to, uh, to the challenges or to opportunities

Avva Thach:

that come to us.

Jennifer Takagi:

And we do get a lot of opportunities that we

Jennifer Takagi:

don't always recognize, right and we kind of dismiss it before

Jennifer Takagi:

we give it any thought.

Avva Thach:

Yeah and sometime when opportunities come to us

Avva Thach:

it's does not mean that we always need to pursue it or

Avva Thach:

sometime it also means that they maybe there are certain

Avva Thach:

opportunities that we want to go after but it's not there. So

Avva Thach:

being proactive, is it's also important to so having that self

Avva Thach:

awareness having that self leadership to make the right

Avva Thach:

decision for ourselves. and the people around us to make sure we

Avva Thach:

cost no harm and we bring in the values what we're good at. It's

Avva Thach:

a success for me.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh, I love that. Thank you. So if

Jennifer Takagi:

someone wants to get ahold of you and I read, let's say you

Jennifer Takagi:

work with small to midsize businesses, is that right? I'm

Avva Thach:

working with midsize businesses want to proof in

Avva Thach:

improved processes, creating innovation, using AI and other

Avva Thach:

technology. I also will get enterprises as well.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love that. Okay, so how can the audience

Jennifer Takagi:

get ahold of you if they're if they fit that category, and

Jennifer Takagi:

you're a good fit.

Avva Thach:

Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn right now.

Avva Thach:

A BAP dot Eva tech, a VBA th Ach, I am still upgrading my, my

Avva Thach:

website right now. So I will send my calendar and my email

Avva Thach:

afterwards. Please reach out.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh, my gosh, I love that. Thank you so much for

Jennifer Takagi:

your time today and sharing such great information. And I love

Jennifer Takagi:

that. Like, I never entered my mind that AI would be useful in

Jennifer Takagi:

a medical setting. But, man, I'm seeing all kinds of

Jennifer Takagi:

possibilities. Now. Thank you for highlighting that for me

Jennifer Takagi:

personally, because you know, it's all about me at this point.

Avva Thach:

Absolutely. Thank you for having this time with

Avva Thach:

me, Jennifer. Thank

Jennifer Takagi:

you, Eva. I'm Jennifer Takagi with destined

Jennifer Takagi:

for success and I look forward to connecting with you soon.

About the Podcast

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Destined For Success
Destined For Success With Jennifer Takagi

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Jennifer Takagi

I am Jennifer Takagi, an Executive Leadership + Communication Coach who teaches leaders how to play well at work so they can drive better performance from people they lead, increase profitability and create a purposeful workplace where people want to come and play—productively.